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This is a friendly community site designed to provide a supportive venue for Gothic culture and horror literature and the creative and artistic people interested in them. Not everyone here has to be particularly Gothic. They only need to have an open mind and an interest in the widely varied subject matter. We provide a number of great tools to support not only the members and community here, but also like minded sites across the web. We feature robust interactive boards, active topsites and link lists, widely circulated banner exchanges, and even some great Gothic fiction by popular published authors from the genre.

.: Here are some of the things we have to offer :.

Banner ExchangeOur Gothic Banner Exchange is a program which multiple sites can join so that each site’s banner is displayed across all of the participating exchange member sites. All you do is paste a little piece of code our software will generate for you onto as many pages of your site as you like. Then, when people view your pages, you earn credits in the exchange so that lots of other sites display your banner to their visitors. This networked link system is used to help promote Gothic, horror, and literary sites all over the web connect and co-promote each other.

Gothic TopsitesOur Gothic Topsites list is a network linking tool that is great for getting visitors to your site. You simply sign up and place the proper link on your site and we track clicks in, the more you ear the higher your rank on the link list here. We also track the visitors we send back to you. The topsites even features specific site feedback testimonials and an interactive rating system.

Gothic LinksOur Gothic Link directory is a resource for finding and linking your favorite gothic websites, including authors, publishers, bands, artists, clothing stores and designers, all organized in easy categories. Links can be rated by users as to their usefulness too.

Community BoardsOur community boards host a vibrant crowd of diverse people into all sorts of interesting things, with individual forums covering general interests, spooky news, literature, fashion, music, politics, TV, movies, games, trade, and even some spots to blow off some steam about stuff that’s just bugging you. Be sure to introduce yourself in the introduction forum as well so people can get to know you.