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Brutality is Hot

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Posted 02-02-2010 at 07:05 AM by Good Super Villain

Brutality is Hot (Introducing the Good Super Villain)
(Written raw and unedited and in a single flurry of expression comes a wicked little tale)
……….At the end of a dark street in the dirtiest part of the city was a place called “Joe’s Diner”. At first glance it looks like any typical greasy spoon found in a slum, but downstairs through the secret door was a very wicked place. It was here, downstairs behind the secret door that the cities most wicked Villains and Demons would meet. Joe’s Diner was run by a woman named Farah. She got the name because her mother suspected that her father had been sleeping around with a woman named Farah and figured this would be a perfect reminder for him. Farah thought the name was cursed and called herself Princess. Princess was a sick fuck. She had an assistant with her all the time and her name was Polly. Polly was more than just an assistant she practically was Princess purse too. Polly had to keep very clean because Princess kept many things inside of her. Like the keys to the secret door, Polly kept them in her pussy. She even had a piercing on her clit that was attached to a chain so they would not accidentally get lost. I don’t even want to begin to tell you what princess keeps up her ass. Let’s just say nobody has ever seen Polly sit down. She only ever wore school girl skirts and she was so skinny. Princess hardly ever let her eat solids for obvious reasons. (Fucking sick lifestyle.)
…………..So from here most normal story tellers would lead you into the downstairs or introduce a hero or a conflict. Fuck them and their limp dicks. My story continues like this………………………..
……………………On the other side of the city, locked up in jail was someone new. I know I said I would not follow conventions but I fucking lied. The Police received a message from one if it’s great Heroes. His name was Malako Krounos, but everyone knew him as the Clammy Greek. He wore an ancient Greek soldier outfit and because he was so dark and hairy, tufts of hair stuck out from everywhere. To take this further he was always sweaty so he had a musty smell that mixed with the garlic, which he ate like Popeye ate spinach.
……………….Since this is my fucking psychobabble I had better clarify on how the Clammy Greek was able to catch the Villain of which I have not yet names. Plus I will get back to the secret room in Princess’ Joe’s Diner’s downstairs soon. That was a mouthful if you were saying it but most of you are reading it so the only mouthful would be me. Or maybe only my words. Lucky for you and sad for me. Any-fucking-ways the Clammy Greek was working his Kabob Stand in his secret identity when he saw a woman and man fighting from the other side of the park. Being a Hero he had to go and investigate. Typical hero always sticking their limp dicks into places that need something stiffer. As he got closer he ducked behind a bush and changed into his costume, leaving a couple of squirrels scared from the visual trauma. He stood up and watched.
……………………Crack. Crack. Crack, a woman landed three very solid punches to the man who lay on the ground. Thud. Thud. Thud, she then kicked his head three times. The man just laid there and took the hits. His face was puffy and a couple small cuts bled a bit. He tried to get to his feet when the woman straddled him and began punching his face with both hands. Left. Right. Left. Right. He punched with all her might and as fast as she could. She continued to do so until her knuckles were raw and bleeding a lot. She had tears running down her face and she kept screaming, “Why did you destroy the only thing I love? Why.” She got back to her feet and kicked at the man. Clammy Greek did not know what to do, so he just stood there and glistened in the afternoon sun. Eventually you could see the woman getting tired. The crowd of people watching tried to cheer her on for more, but she collapsed in a ball and started to wail.
…………..The man stood up. He took off his shirt and wiped the blood off of his face. His body was fit and he was a very large and tall guy. Very handsome and tough looking too. He stood next to the woman and looked around at the crowd. He made eye contact with the Clammy Greek, who quickly turned away. Then he looked at the woman and whispered something to her, “You stupid little fucking bitch. You really think you can take down a fucking Demon? You are too stupid for me to even kill. Life will surely be endless years of torment for you. Your love. Sally. The one my girlfriend accidently broke between her thighs, as she was licking deeply, was delightful. Why do you have to be such a cunt?” (Did he just call her a cunt. That’s a bad word. Much worse than fuck or cock. But why is it so bad? Makes no sense. It’s like the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing before I sleep. Not the word either. I can tell you one thing. Once you have seen one you really want to see more.)
……………….The woman rolled onto her back and spread her legs, “Fuck me then. If that’s all I am is a whore, just fuck me. Fuck me.” The man looked at the crowd. Some had looks of horror while others were giving him the thumbs up. He was just about to open his pants when, zap, zap, zap. Clammy Greek zapped the fuck out of him from behind. The man fell to the ground, almost. His body landed on the ground but his face crashed into the woman’s pussy. He fell so hard that his teeth cut her up badly. Clammy Greek pulled the man off and held a cloth on the woman’s injury until he was pulled off by paramedics.
…………..So in the slammer sat the man, who I will finally name. It was the one, the only, the wickedest mother fucker alive, it was Rob Zombie. No, it was the Good Super Villain. I could only wish Rob would be in my fucking stories. He fucking rocks. You know it. Yeah. Sick bubble gum. Well the Good Super Villain whose real name is no other than Rob Zombie. Ha, I fucking had to. Rock on Rob. There is no fucking way I will ever tell you GSV’s real name so fuck off in advance for asking me.
…………..So in the slammer as the guards walk past all the fucking psychobabble of the writer they notice something on the floor directly in front of GSV’s cell. They look closer. It’s a MP3 player with two sets of head phones. They put it on and listened,” The siren sings a lonely song of all the wants and hungers the lust of love a brute desire - the ledge of life goes under - Divide the dream into the flesh kaleidoscope and - candle eyes - Empty winds scrape on the Soul - but never stop to realize -Animal whisperings intoxicate the night hypnotize the desperate slow motion light - Wash away into the rain
Blood, milk and sky
Hollow moons illuminate and beauty never dies
Running wild running blind I breathe the body deep
1,000 years beside myself
I do not sleep - Seduce
The world it never screams Dead water lies
Ride the only one who
Knows - Beauty never dies”
………………….They stood there in a complete trance as GSV reached into their pocket to get the keys. He was very careful not to accidentally touch their cocks. That is fucking blah. GSV will never touch another man’s rhubarb. Exiting the cell the two guards stood there look blankly into the sky. GSV smiled at them and since this is somewhat of a homage to Zombie he carved X’s into their heads. The music was making their eyes, nose and eyes bleed and just as the song ended they dropped dead to the floor. GSV too their guns and Tazers. He took the Tazer and cranked it to its highest level and proceeded to zap himself in the neck. It hurt like fuck but he did not fall. He wondered what kind of fucking one the Clammy Greek used. Quickly he changed into one of the guard’s uniforms, but because of his size the arm pits and the crotch rip as soon as he moves. He walks up the stair to the main floor of the Police station. There is lots of crime in this city so the place is packed with Cops, Heroes, and captured Villains. As he walks past a bench of whores he gets the front door in his sights. Just as he reached for the door he hears one of the whores say she can see his balls. A Cop hears this and sees them also and she creams at the top of her voice, “Open that door and you are a fucking dead man! Turn around and lay on the floor! Do it now scumbag!” GSV pulls both guns and instead of dropping to fire he jumps up towards the ceiling and his legs scissor kick, making him spin, as he unloads the guns. It sounds so graceful but you have to remember that he is crotch less and his junk is flopping around as he fires at the Cop and the whores. He lands on his feet and tucks it back in, drops the guns, and exits the police station.
…………….Smash goes a window on a piece of shit El Camino car/truck as GSV hot wires it. Vroom and he’s off. He cranks the stereo and you would not believe what is on the radio,
“Jesus lived his life in a cheap hotel on the edge of Route 66 yeah He lived a dark and twisted life and he came right back just to do it again - Eye for and eye and a tooth for the truth - I ain't never seen a demon warp deal'n a ring-a-ding rhythm or jukebox racket my mind can't clutch the feeling - yeah!
running in MY HEAD YEAH
running in MY HEAD YEAH “
………………..He drove like a fucking mad man across town and pulled up in front of “Tickles”, which was his favorite Goth store. Inside he found a killer pair of black leather pants and a white tank top with bloody heads on it. Then he threw on a leather jacket and walked up to the very sexy clerk. She rang it in the register, “That’s like six hundred and sixty six dollars. Hehehe. Actually its four hundred and twenty five, but you are hot so if you give me two hundred cash I won’t say anything.” GSV had no cash so he made her a deal. He would go down on her now and tomorrow he would bring the cash. She found him irresistible and agreed.
………………..As he parked at Joe’s Diner he licked his lips again. The taste of the pretty clerk was still fresh and it turned him on. He opened the door to the diner and Princess came running up to him. She planted the biggest kiss on his lips and then made a funny face, “Who the hell have you been eating? She tastes all innocent. You lucky fucker.” Then she kissed him again, making sure this time to lick his face a bit. He just pointed towards the downstairs. Polly led hem down the stairs and reached under her skirt and pulled out the key. GSV looked into her eyes. She looked so lost and so damaged. He asked, “I just have to ask. Do you still get wet? Do you enjoy sex or have all that been taken away from you?” She leaned on the side of the door as she unlocked it and replied, “Well, Princess fucks me twice a day and I still enjoy that, but to be honest, I don’t find guys sexy anymore. Is that what you meant?” GSV looked at her and felt sorry for what he was about to do. He reached under her skirt and tore the chain from her and stuffed it in his back pocket. A small piece of Polly was still attached to the chain and she fell to the ground screaming in pain.
……………..As GSV walked into the secret hideout everyone stopped and looked at him, except for one table of Super Villains. They continued with their conversation. Apollo was there and so was Dr. Devon. Sitting beside Apollo was two other Villains that GSV did not recognize. Apollo and Dr. Devon were arguing. “Fuck you.” Said Apollo, “Sean Yseult is way fucking hotter than Sherri Moon.” Dr.Devon pulled out a fucking huge hand gun, “Fuck that. That’s almost enough for me to fucking kill you. You piece of panty waste.” GSV sat at the table and took a drink from a bottle of Jack. Then Apollo looked at him and asked who he thought was hotter. GSV laughed, “You fuckers I am Rob Zombie. I have fucked both.” Everyone laughed and clanged glasses of whiskey together.
…………Just then Princess came into the room and she was dragging Polly. There was a trail of blood behind her, “GSV did you do this? Fucking hell. Ripping her cunt is one thing but when she fell she ruptured a bag of Coke on a knife I had up her ass and now she fucking dead. You owe me a new servant.” Then she dropped Polly at his feet and spoke some more, “Here. Since you fucked her up you get to keep her.” Everyone laughed but only Princess and GSV knew why she left the body there.
……………..After Princess walked out and when the other Super Villains were busy drinking, the Good Super Villain stole Polly’s recently dead soul. He put the black stone into his pocket and used her body for a foot stool all night. He would give her the occasional kick as she stiffened up to see is she could still bleed. She looked sexy bleeding dead on the floor.
(So there it is. Some brutality and some Good Super Villain. It’s the first of many pieces of psychobabble that I will post in here. It honestly does cause lunacy. Stop reading now.)
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