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ORDER & CHAOS pt. 21

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Posted 06-07-2009 at 07:13 PM by Goth Writer
Updated 06-11-2009 at 09:59 PM by Goth Writer (It's a work in progress...)

“We are successful,” said Barracuda.
The merwoman was heartened by their victory.
“We should move on, Friends,” Anemone declared. “There are sure to be more Denizens of Chaos on the prowl. The deep dungeons are an ideal location to conduct an ambush.”
The mercenaries followed the advice of the merwoman and continued along the path. At times there were no candles or lamps ensconced on the walls. The warriors were forced to follow the light of Alex’s staff and their own torches.
After some time the travelers reached a spacious chamber. Two other passages descended into the cavern. A fourth continued downward from the room.
“We should wait for the other warriors,” stated Alex. “The dragons must be lodged beyond the lower path. We’ll need their help to confront them.”
The warriors did as the Wood Mage of Arborea suggested and sat on the rocky floor of the cavern. They drank water from their flasks and ate dried food. The members of Alex’s group began the wait for the appearance of their friends from the other two tunnels.
“Cautious we must remain,” said The Watcher. “In many ways remind me this place does of The Spires in the Gorgon Plane. Similar architects the Drystyx Monks and Guardon are.”
“I agree, Aged Halfling,” replied Rodnik. “I’d trade settings for the Wolf’s Fang Inn anytime.”
“Alas, all of us could use a respite from the task at hand,” Gilead declared. “Unfortunately it will take some doing to convince Thoth and Tiamat to leave Gaea. The Chaotic Dragons are stubborn and ambitious. Whatever Entities of the Ephemium brought them here were determined to initiate a Planar War.”
The mercenaries continued along their chosen path. Their trail continued to spiral downward. Many places were devoid of lamps or braziers. The fighters were obliged to use their torches and Gilead’s halo of light to find their way once more.
Taliesin’s battle group entered a crevasse within the sod. The warriors were unable to determine whether the Drystyx Monks or the erosion of the variegated water table in the Ghastly Fens formed the ravine. A cluster of hydras crawled along the walls in search of food. The giant mollusks probed the sod before them with numerous antennae. The hydras detected the presence of the mercenaries and turned as a group toward them. Three of the predators spat globs of acid at Taliesin’s group. Gilead was ready for such a contingency and uttered a shielding spell.
A sphere of golden light appeared around the Gaeans and intercepted the acid missiles of the hydras. The mollusks did not hesitate and charged the trolls with gnashing beaks.
Smithforge and Listhew drew their longswords. They thrust their weapons through Gilead’s protective barrier and skewered two of the hydras. The slimy predators oozed green blood as they fled from the seraph trolls.
Bjorn and The Watcher flung stones from their slings at their opponents. When the projectiles struck their marks the eyeless creatures wheeled about, unsure of the source of the attack. Ben Frostberry opted to use his dagger. The middle-aged halfling rendered a sizable gash to the side of the nearest hydra.
Rodnik joined with Sharon and Taliesin to finish off the remaining attackers. Each of them had accrued heightened experience with edged weapons during their campaign.
“Let us move on,” stated Taliesin. “We must attempt to rendezvous with our friends somewhere below us. I’m sure that our chosen tunnels will converge.”
“Very well, Taliesin,” replied Sharon. “Gilead’s magic kept us free from injury. Let us set forth on this descending path.”
The warriors followed the advice of the Lieges and continued their exploratory journey.
Bors, Heartsing and the other mercenaries continued along their path. The tunnel in which they marched was devoid of light sources. Thorgrym and Reoren lit a number of torches and handed them to the other members of the battle group. The sod walls flickered in the firelight. Sigrid saw the ends of roots and semi-precious stones imbedded in the soil.
The female Sentinel said, “These halls were constructed with speed and efficiency. They tell us of the ambition of the dragon titans and their black-robed attendants. If we complete our task here we should speak with Siegemunde. He researches experimental sorceries as we speak.”
“That is sound advice, Lich Woman,” replied Fangoz. “Before joining with you other people I had no idea as to the sophistication of your settlement and Martial Academy.”
“Nor did I,” added Satvinder. “The Ghastly Fens are more populated than I previously thought.”
The warriors continued along their chosen route. They again came to a chamber, hewn by magic in the depths of the Under Earth.
A group of minotaurs and firbolgs waited at the center of the room. Both species from the Plane of Chaos were covered in the Ephemeral Armor produced by the Drystyx Monks.
“Ah, someone has enchanted these humanoids with a blocking spell,” said Sigrid. “The black-robed monks are attempting to prevent their being banished to their plane of origin. If such is the case then we must vanquish them here.”
Starfling and Flamering unleashed a barrage of fireballs at the armored invaders. The armor of the minotaurs and firbolgs was resilient and deflected the attack. The tiger rangers fired a volley of bolts from their crossbows and drew their weapons. They strode at the core of the firbolgs and contended with their fiery claws.
Bors and Heartsing led the attack. Torvald, Thorgrym and Reoren were close behind. They grappled with the axes and hammers of the minotaurs. The bull trolls were strong and issued forth a series of hammering strikes with their weapons. The Gaeans were experienced with this tactic and sidestepped the blows of the massive anthromorphs.
Torvald was the first to breach the magic armor of a minotaur with his longsword. The blade of Bors’ son cut through the leather raiment of the bull troll and rendered a deep gash. The large humanoid buckled at the knees and fell to the floor, unconscious.
The other mercenaries were quick to imitate Torvald’s method of attack. They succeeded in wounding five more of the minotaurs and two of the firbolgs.
Reoren and Sigrid incanted a harnessing spell.
Half of the surviving bull trolls and firbolgs were incapsulated in an orange, magic field. The invaders struggled against their magical bonds to no avail. Fangoz seized the opportunity to move in on the trapped humanoids. He squashed several of them with his rusty mace. The floor of the cave was awash in green blood.
The surviving firbolgs and minotaurs were enraged at the destruction of their kindred and initiated a berserker attack against the warriors.
Torvald and Satvinder parried the rapid strikes of their adversaries and the other fighters in the group followed suit. At last the Denizens of Chaos acquiesced to the Gaeans. The firbolgs and minotaurs retreated to the lower dungeons.
“We have fought well,” declared Sigrid. “The junction of the tunnels can’t be far from us. Let us continue our course downward and meet with the other battle parties.”
The warriors followed the advice of the female lich troll and embarked down the descending path.
Trilobite whispered to the others in his battle group.
“Be alert, My Friends. Someone approaches.”
The Gaeans wielded their weapons as the light of several torches shone down the upper tunnel. Gilead and Smithforge appeared. Listhew, Taliesin, Sharon, Rodnik and the halflings soon followed them.
“We are glad to see you fighters,” said Claude. “We’ve been waiting for you in this cave.”
“Relieved we are that here we got in one piece,” offered The Watcher. “Yet to arrive remains another group. Wonder I do how Bors and Fangoz are faring.”
“I’m sure they’re fine, Watcher,” replied the Baroness of Coermantyr. “They too are experienced fighters and can handle themselves in battle as well as any of us.”
“Hello! Is anyone down there?”
Bors’ voice boomed down the third tunnel from above.
“Yes, Bors,” Taliesin answered. “We are waiting for your group so that we may continue to the dragons’ lair.”
The Burgomeister of Wood’s End, Torvald, Heartsing, Reoren, Sigrid and the anthromorph rangers entered the room. They rested on the floor and ate a meal of hearth bread and dried meat. Once they were finished Bors’ group joined with the rest of the Gaean mercenaries to explore the single, descending tunnel. The smell of sulphur and near volcanic heat wafted on the air current as the fighters marched.
“Be courageous, Warriors,” said Sharon. “The fate of Gaea lies on our ability to banish or destroy the Chaotic Dragons. Our success will bring harmony to our war-swept Regions.”
The warriors entered a vast chamber. A hundred yards above, the ceiling sparkled with semi-precious stones. In the middle of the Dragon Midden sat Thoth and Tiamat.
“Flee from us,” screeched Thoth. “The Legions of Chaos have taken Gaea for their own uses.”
“We will not, Chaotic Dragon,” answered Taliesin. “We’ve come here ready for battle and will not leave this plane before you.”
The red dragon was angered further by the seriousness of the words of the Liege Lord of Mystic Down. Thoth drew in a deep breath, as did Tiamat. The two, large dragons released a massive stream of incendiary chemicals at the mercenaries. Leif and Gilead incanted a shielding spell.
A blue energy ribbon surrounded the warriors and captured the destructive energy of the blasts from the dragons. The four seraph trolls spread out and waited for the breath of the dragons to subside. When it did they charged to the giant creatures and laid into them with their reflective longswords. Their blades, sharpened in the Plane of Order, left scalding gashes on their scaled hide. It was not enough to stop the dragons.
Thoth and Tiamat began a struggle with the surrounding Gaeans. The tiger anthromorphs from the Ghastly Fens and the Dagonites from Umihito’s Ocean Kingdom attempted to inflict damage to the dragons. Their curved blades were not sharp enough, however. Fangoz and Bors pounded at Tiamat’s legs but their clubs were not massive enough to compromise their sizable limbs.
Jalhi Bengal’s wyvern familiars spat fireballs from the air but did little more than distract Tiamat’s five dragon heads. Claude, the vampire, was the fastest and moved around the stomping feet of the dragons. The Arkadian Lord leapt onto the back of Tiamat and drained the blood from the neck of the white dragon head. It fell limp to the floor beside the four seraphim.
Taliesin stepped into the fray. The Liege drove his dragon sword into Thoth. The red dragon gave a final breath of fire and expired.
Tiamat’s green and red heads focused on Taliesin and unleashed a stream of acid and sulphur. The Liege was ready and raised his shield, blocking the attack. Before the other heads of the behemoth responded to his closeness Taliesin moved in. The enchanted dragon sword thrust into the chest of the demigod, stopping her heart.
The troll warrior turned to face his friends, panting for air. He was covered from the waist down with bubbling, green dragon blood. This he washed off with water from his flask.
“We are victorious!” said Taliesin.
The Troll Liege smiled for the first time in many weeks.
“Look, Taliesin! Behind you,” cried Bjorn.
The Liege Lord turned with his sword ready, expecting that one of the dragon heads was still alive. The still bodies of the dragons faded and shrank. In a matter of moments they disappeared entirely.
“The dragons are no more, Taliesin,” observed Gilead. “But the forces that they embody yet plan against us in the Plane of Chaos. We have time to prepare for what manifestations these foul titans may assume. They will not risk entering Gaea in dragon form again. Too much energy is lost and the resources they tap in their plane are extensive, but not infinite.”
“All of you have our thanks,” said Sharon. “You are welcome at Coermantyr Castle anytime. I’m sure that you wish to return home and confer with your kindred.”
“That is correct,” added Sponge. “We Dagonites have business to attend to.”
“I should return to Arborea with Gnoll,” declared Alex. “I must fill my office as the new Wood Mage now that these dragons have been destroyed. I advise you warriors to let the four seraph trolls and the silver dragon above to return to the Plane of Order.”
“That is wise, Alex,” replied Taliesin. “You are free to go with our thanks, Seraphim.”
The four, armored trolls nodded their farewell and stepped through a spatial portal to the Plane of Order. The mercenaries made their way to the surface of the Ghastly Fens. Firbolgs and minotaurs did not accost them during their exit. The goblins and orcs were also strangely absent.
Sharon Redthorne addressed Mara, the silver dragon, where she rested on a grassy hill.
“You may return to your Home Plane, Mara. Taliesin vanquished Thoth and Tiamat in the dungeon below.”
“I sensed as much while I rested,” said Mara. “Dragons have a keen awareness of the Dharmic Equilibrium. I felt it when the two dragons were defeated. If you have need of assistance in the future, contact Hydro once more. I am glad to help when I can.”
The silver dragon passed through a large, spatial portal that closed behind her.
“You mercenaries can join us at Coermantyr Castle,” said Sharon.
“Thanks, Baroness,” Jalhi replied. “We rangers must hold council in the Deep Fens.”
“We Dagonites must also return home,” stated Sponge.
The merfolk bowed farewell and headed to the southeast.
Twilight was falling when Taliesin, Gilead and Sharon guided their mounts to the north and Lich Town. Leif, Claude, Nighthawk’s goblins, Bors, Torvald, Thorgrym, Reoren, Sigrid, Rodnik and the halflings accompanied them.
The travelers rode along the trail for several hours. As night fell over the Ghastly Fens, the air became chill and damp. Leif heard the rhythmic hoots of owls and the cries of badgers throughout the mossy hills.
“Siegemunde is bound to be concerned for the welfare of the lich folk and his Martial Academy now that the Harad Ghul has stolen the scrying glass of the Dire Queen,” observed Sigrid. “We are to find the Director of our Academy immersed in tomes and spell books. He takes his work seriously and is perpetually trying new incantations.”
“I agree, Sigrid,” replied Leif. “The Sentinel Order of Mages would not be at its best without the endless research conducted by Siegemunde and the rest of us.”
The mercenaries rode onward into the night. Their warhorses were accustomed to negotiating their passage through the murky swamps and hills by torchlight.
At last the group of travelers met with Einar and the guards of Lich Town.
“Welcome, Brave Warriors,” Einar said. “Siegemunde has given us word of the destruction of the Chaotic Entities manifested as Thoth and Tiamat. He says that they will take some time before attempting to enter Gaea once more. Unfortunately we are obligated to contend with the continuing movements of the goblins, orcs and their Commanders, the Harad Ghul. Let us venture within the City of the Ghoul Trolls. Our bald Director insisted that you be escorted to his study as soon as you arrive.”
Einar guided the fighters through the marketplace. Taliesin and his companions rode the crank-driven elevator to the linked platforms of the Martial Academy. Siegemunde sat at his desk with a pair of glowing candelabras illuminating the stacks of parchment and scrolls before him.
“Welcome, Friends,” Siegemunde entoned. “I understand that you have destroyed the intruding dragons. Restadicus and Wotan were wise to issue a dragon sword to you, Taliesin. You have demonstrated your persistence as a guardian of the Realm. The marauding goblins and Stalactite Orcs yet stand before us. Are you willing to continue your campaign to secure harmony in Gaea?”
“Yes, Siegemunde,” answered the Liege. “I will do all that I can to uphold the sovereignty of the Regions.”
“Very well, Warriors. Leif, come here, if you please,” the bald wizard asked.
The Sentinel lich mage approached the Director’s desk. Siegemunde handed him a freshly-penned scroll.
“I have collected a number of spells from the archives. They will enhance your ability to deal with the goblins of Mount Crow. Use the incantations as you see fit. These are changing times and they require new approaches to the use of magic. I have confidence in both you and Sigrid.”
Taliesin addressed Siegemunde.
“You have my thanks, Sorcerer,” said the Liege Lord. “The Harad Ghul move with aggression through the Regions of Gaea. All of us must remain on guard for none of us know when or where the Stalactite Orcs and Goblins will strike next. My group will take its leave of the Ghastly Fens and station itself in my tower. Mystic Down is strategically at the center of the Regions that are targeted by the Lykanthros riders.
The mercenaries shook hands with Siegemunde and his attendants. They returned to the elevator and disembarked after their horses. The warriors mounted their steeds and headed south. Some of the lich folk waved at the fighters as they departed the marketplace.
“You have gained an honorable reputation among the lich trolls, Taliesin,” said Sigrid. “It is quite an honor considering our reclusive nature.”
“I appreciate the gesture,” the Liege Lord replied. “You Sentinels are powerful magic users and have filled places within the Dharmic Equilibrium that the Lore Masters in Coermantyr have yet to research. Alex, the new Wood Mage of Arborea, benefited greatly from your experience and expertise.”
“Let us hope that our spell casting proves to remain effective against the cunning goblins,” offered Leif.
The travelers continued along the trail demarcated by the lich troll mages. The humidity of the swamp was palpable. They passed the Stronghold of Sod, now abandoned by Zolgnath and his Drystyx Monks. The structure was an unusual addition to the scattered stones and burial mounds of the Crossroads. The ramparts cast an eerie, jagged shadow across the rolling hills.
Lord Taliesin’s group traveled through the night until they came to Wood’s End and Bard’s Inn. Bors and Torvald hastened to the hearth behind the counter and emerged with platters of beef and pitchers of ale.
“Eat and be merry, My Friends,” stated Bors. “The Lykanthros and goblins may venture to Mystic Down at any moment.”
The Burgomeister downed a hearty swig from his mug and smiled. The mercenaries dined with relish. Many of the farmers and villagers spoke with the returned warriors for several hours. By the time the residents retired the dawning sun sent rays of light through the iron and glass windows.
The warriors slept for a few hours when over a dozen villagers rushed into Bard’s Inn bearing faces livid with worry.
“The Lykanthros have returned!” declared a farmer. “They are in greater numbers than the last time and many attack us without riders.”
“Lord Taliesin, we petition you for arms. We are willing to fight the invaders as much as you,” said a tall farmer.
“Give them swords, Taliesin,” added Sharon. “They have a right to protect their families, crops and livestock as much as we.”
“Very well, Baroness,” answered the Liege of Mystic Down. “Now that the Chaotic Dragons are gone, the Stalactite Hordes are sure to increase their efforts to spread into our Regions. We can use every able set of hands at this hour.”
Taliesin addressed Bors and Rodnik.
“My good friends, Burgomeister and Sergeant-at-arms of Coermantyr, I have a sizable cache of weapons in store. Please take this signet key and open the armory of Mystic Down on my behalf. I will move to the front line immediately and see if I can turn these invaders while the day is young.”
The Liege Lord exited from the inn and called for the stable hand to bring his warhorse. The other warriors followed suit and mounted their steeds. Bors and Rodnik hastened to unlock the armory in Taliesin’s Tower. The mercenaries clashed with the invaders in the streets of Wood’s End.
The noise of the Lykanthros in melee with the fighters was tumultuous. The howls of the wolf beasts melded with the slashing steel of the trolls. Many of the Lykanthros were slain. Forces from the rear moved forward to replace those who had fallen. The battle continued with no end in sight when Bors and Rodnik returned from the armory with two-dozen farmers and villagers bearing swords and spears. The citizens of Mystic Down gave a chilling war cry as they leapt into the fray along with the vampire and lich trolls.
The Lykanthros clawed at the chain mail of their opponents but failed to inflict any serious damage. Sharon, Thorgrym and Reoren used their experience with swordplay to destroy six of the wolf beasts. The other Lykanthros were relentless and continued their undirected attack on the villagers.
Claude flew through the crowding Lykanthros to drain five of the goblins of their vital juices. The pale, ghostly face of the Vampire Lord was enough to frighten five more of the attacking Lykanthros.
Sigrid and Leif incanted a battle spell.
The rot spell smote two-dozen of the wolf beast horde and their riders. Their limbs decayed rapidly and the last of the Lykanthros fled in fear.
The residents of Wood’s End cheered. Taliesin spoke to the villagers.
“My People, you have our thanks. All of Gaea has faced daunting challenges of late. I ask that you organize yourselves into a watchful militia. This will better insure the safety of the homes and ranches along with the surrounding countryside.”
One of the residents introduced himself to the Liege Lord.
“My name is Rex. The people of Wood’s End have nominated me to speak on their behalf. I offer my organizational abilities to direct a garrison of trolls to monitor Mystic Down.”
“I appreciate your offer, Rex,” said Taliesin. “If you trolls police the area it will better enable us to move offensively against the Harad Ghul and their cohorts.”
“Very well, Taliesin,” replied Rex. “Your parents would be proud of your diligence to protect us. Ride your steeds at the morn. We will cover you from this end of the conflict.”
The Liege of Mystic Down shook hands with Rex.
“You have my thanks, Brave Citizen. I entrust you with the safety of this town. Guard it well for I fear how long my warriors and I will traverse the open roads of Gaea. Once the Stalactite Forces have been quashed I will return.”
The mercenaries exited from Bard’s Inn with Bors and Torvald in tow. They set forth toward the picket line separating Arkadia from Mystic Down. The trees grew shorter beyond Deep Tree. The fighters approached the foothills of the Arkadian mountain range.
Taliesin heard the movements of humanoid troops beyond the thicket. Before he issued a warning to the others of his group Claude vanished into the moonlit trees.
Prepare yourselves for battle,” said the Liege of Mystic Down.
A sizable group of Stalactite Orcs and goblins ran in skirmish formation through the dense underbrush of the Arkadian forest. The humanoids used their scimitars to rend a path through the clinging brambles. Taliesin, Sharon and Nighthawk’s entourage were the first to engage the attackers. Sparks flew through the night when their blades met with those of the orcs. Random Lykanthros moved in the fray along with more than a dozen of the wolf creatures that carried goblin and orc riders.
The magic users, Gilead, Leif, Reoren and Sigrid combined their Ethereal Resources to issue a counter-attack spell.
“Acentus!” cried the mages of different races.
Cocoons of green energy encapsulated six of the mounted Lykanthros, rendering them immobile.
Bjorn Roundtree and The Watcher flung stones at high velocity at the trapped humanoids. Their missiles whizzed through the magic barrier and knocked them unconscious.

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