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ORDER & CHAOS pt. 22

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Posted 06-07-2009 at 07:57 PM by Goth Writer
Updated 06-11-2009 at 11:01 PM by Goth Writer (It's a work in progress...)

Bors and Torvald united with Thorgrym and Rodnik to attack the hostile goblins in a conventional manner. Such was the case for Ben Frostberry, who tumbled through the horde of slashing Lykanthros to lance a pair of them from underneath.
The resilient opposition of Taliesin’s group confused the Stalactite Orcs and Goblins. They turned their mounts eastward and fled from the fighters before more of them were felled.
“The Fates are with us,” declared Rodnik. “Let us venture onward while we have our opponents on the run.”
“Verily, Rodnik,” Taliesin replied. “The goblins and orcs are sure to return if we don’t pursue them.”
The band of warriors followed the recommendation of the Liege Lord and pushed deeper into Arkadia. In a matter of hours they reached the wild rose hedges before the Abyssal Cairn.
“I am still allured by these haphazard blooms,” declared Sharon. “It is a shame that they are not kept in a more orderly fashion.”
“I concur, M’Lady,” Gilead replied. “Since we came here to confront Guardon and the Dire Queen I too have marveled at the unkempt beauty of these blooms.”
The mercenaries rode until they reached the main gate of the ominous Abyssal Cairn. The twin moons orbiting Gaea silhouetted the spindly, gothic towers of the structure.
The warriors tethered their warhorses outside the main entrance to the Cairn and marched within. Each of the fighters held his respective weapon at the ready. Deep within darkened passages Gilead heard goblin and orc voices.
“The humanoids who have caused us so much trouble are exhibiting an ironic lack of interest in who may set foot in their principle stronghold.”
“I agree, Key Mage of Coermantyr,” replied Reoren. “The Stalactite Forces push their nonchalance to the limit. I offer that we follow one of these side passages and see if we can acquire the attention of the Denizens of Arkadia in the dungeons.”
“That is a good idea, Reoren,” Taliesin added. “It will not bode well for the future of our Regions if we turn back from this structure unopposed.”
The warriors marched in a queue down a flight of stairs spiraling downward. The condition of the torchlight was scanty at best. Leif incanted a light spell.
“Lumus, luminares!”
The Sentinel donned a bright halo of light. The other members of the group followed the guiding light of the lich mage. The mercenaries descended the stairs for some time when the path opened into a large room covered in cobblestones.
The chamber was occupied with a gathering of draconians and griffons. The lizard trolls turned from their cookfire and snarled at the warriors at the opposite end of the room. The griffons screeched with annoyance at the sight of the armed travelers.
“Alas, the Drystyx Monks have aided the goblins,” said Leif. “They strengthened the resources of the Harad Ghul during their brief stay in this plane. Now we must contend with the Stalactite Hordes along with whatever Denizens of Chaos Zolgnath and his cohorts left in their wake.”
The griffons flapped their wings and flew in an attack formation at the warriors. The draconians wielded their spears and swords. They charged across the chamber at Taliesin’s group.
Bjorn and The Watcher flung their stones at a handful of the gliding creatures. They did no significant damage to the beasts but succeeded in distracting them momentarily. Ben Frostberry joined with Thorgrym and Rodnik to waylay the griffons with his sword.
Claude, the vampire, leapt onto the back of a griffon and drank its blood from its neck. Bors observed that the Vampire Lord’s physical resources had increased since his return from the Gorgon Plane. The vampire moved the focus of his attention to the draconian humanoids. Their skin was a leathery green and brown. They stood on two legs and held swords and spears in their clawed hands. The lizard trolls clashed with Bors and Torvald. The father and son parried the strikes of the foot soldiers with club and sword, respectively.
Gilead, Leif and Sigrid uttered an offensive spell.
A half-dozen, spiraling, blue blades flew under the direction of the three wizards. They guided the aerial weapons into the gathering of griffons. The scythe-like blades destroyed half of the creatures’ number. The griffons were perturbed by the persistent Gaeans and rallied against their opponents. Torvald was cut a glancing blow on his left shoulder. The beaks of the hawk-headed creatures were razor sharp.
Ben Frostberry strode forward to fill the space of Bors’ son. He lanced the lion creatures in the chest and was covered in a deluge of green blood.
The other mercenaries organized themselves into a triangular formation to prevent them from being flanked. The melee continued for several minutes as the Denizens of Chaos grappled for position against the brave warriors. The quantity of active griffons dwindled until less than a dozen of them remained.
The dragon trolls spoke in a cryptic language to one another and formed a line between the surviving manticores. Claude, the vampire, did his best to impede the green and brown humanoids from harming the wizards in his group. He was cut several times on the arms and shoulders. The night feeder did not bleed for his metabolism was a veritable blood-conserving machine.
Nighthawk and his entourage of defected goblins came to the aid of Taliesin and Sharon. The gaunt humanoids parried and lunged with their steel weapons. The goblins succeeded in reducing the amount of attacking humanoids to fifteen.
The draconians gave no indication of retreating. The adversaries of the fighters continued to conduct attack patterns despite the casualties they suffered.
Taliesin, Sharon and Thorgrym, the Lich Town guard, commenced a herculean effort and swung their swords with renewed strength. Lord Taliesin brought down three more of the goblins single-handedly and the lich troll another three.
The battle raged on and the last of the griffons and draconians gave their all. Bjorn and The Watcher maintained their barrage of flung stones and struck the remainder of the humanoids with growing accuracy.
At last the invaders were vanquished. All of the members of the group of warriors panted for breath. Their faces exuded fatigue from the exertion of the battle.
“We have done well, My Friends,” said Sharon. “Let us pause for a moment before continuing on. Our weapons demand cleaning. Gilead, help me to attend to Torvald’s injury.
The Key Mage of Coermantyr did as his fiance asked and tore strips of burlap from his travel pack. Torvald helped his comrade to tie the bandage to his arm and shoulder with pieces of twine.
The fighters drank water from their travel flasks. They ate dry, salted bread and smoked meat. Grumbling voices in the depths of the network of tunnels echoed over the resting warriors. Bjorn turned his ear to the sounds and estimated the distance to the unseen creatures.
“There are goblins and orcs about a thousand yards from here,” declared Bjorn. “Their numbers have increased since the disposal of the Dire Queen. I will remain on the lookout for us all and will notify you trolls of the enemy’s proximity.”
“Thank you, Courageous Halfling,” replied Taliesin. “Your hearing is keener than ours. If the Harad Ghul draw near we will be ready.”
The perception of Bjorn Roundtree proved to be accurate. The group of mercenaries marched about half a mile beneath the foundation of the Abyssal Cairn when they entered an immense cavern.
“This is the largest cave I’ve seen,” Bjorn observed.
“Yes, without equal this place is,” agreed The Watcher.
Sigrid fired an arrow swabbed in oil from her longbow. The projectile was alight and left a trail of flame as it ascended into the darkness above. The shot lofted and turned as it passed through invisible drafts of air. At last the arrow arched at its zenith and began its long return to the earth below.
“The ceiling is beyond our sight,” said the female Sentinel. “This place must have held a subterranean lake ages ago. The mineral water has long since evaporated, leaving this sandy soil and eroded stone as the only indication of its presence.”
Bjorn addressed the group.
“My Friends, the Stalactite Orcs and goblins are grouped in a larger population than previously observed by trolls. I fear that we have gotten ourselves in a terrible bind. Let us group together and face our adversaries as a single unit.”
“That is wise advice, Observant Halfling,” replied Gilead. “We wizards will stick to the center of the gathering so as to better secure time to incant spells, defensive and otherwise.”
“Good idea,” Taliesin added. “We are going to need the help of you mages now more than ever.”
A colossal horde of screeching orcs and goblins rushed at the warriors from all sides. Their wrinkled and fanged faces reflected the light of Gilead’s halo and the torches of the fighters.
Lord Taliesin and his companions drew their weapons. The cluster of goblins and orcs were pushed from the rear. Rauros and several other members of the Harad Ghul emerged, brandishing their scimitars in an intimidating pose.
“Greetings, Taliesin and Company,” Rauros said. “We meet again and under much different circumstances as I’m sure you’re aware.”
“Yes, Rauros, if that’s whom you appear to be,” answered the Liege Lord. “We are here to convince you to leave our regions in peace. The farmers and villagers of Mystic Down and Coermantyr have lost a goodly yield of crops and livestock to your insatiable forces.”
“I’m afraid I can’t consent to that, Taliesin. The regions you speak of are just as much a possession of the Stalactite Forces of Tiamat as Mount Crow in Arkadia. We caused the Maegar Dwarves to flee their mountain kingdom and are soon to do the same to you.”
“If there is no chance for us to work out some kind of mutually beneficial trade agreement then I have no choice but to fight, Rauros,” replied the Liege Lord.
The Leader of the Harad Ghul did not hesitate and led the charge against the warriors.
Gilead and the lich troll Sentinels had a spell ready and incanted it as the goblins and orcs moved in to strike.
A translucent sphere of golden light surrounded the group and drove away a majority of the humanoids that attempted to draw near. The pressure within the horde of goblins was stronger and many still made it through to engage the fighters in hand-to-hand combat.
The struggle was fierce and the mercenaries did well enough to battle the chaotic horde two at a time. The warriors combined their abilities to form a defensive triangle with the magic users in the center. Rauros’ Guild of Assassins attempted to breach the lines of defense by attacking with their scimitars in a whirling fashion.
Rodnik and Thorgrym were cut shallow wounds about the arms but maintained their position within the triangle. Bors and Nighthawk pushed closer to the side of their injured comrades and aided their counter attack.
“We are in trouble here, My Friends,” bellowed Lord Taliesin. “Let us form a retreat from this dungeon while we yet have the strength.”
“A wise decision this is,” The Watcher added. “Return to fight another day we must.”
The halflings fought to the best of their ability but were no match for the greater strength and number of their adversaries.
The warriors did as The Watcher suggested and exited from the vast hollow in the under earth. They marched with caution as they journeyed to the ground level of the Abyssal Cairn. The Baroness of Coermantyr noticed that the bas-reliefs and tapestries ornamenting the walls of the network of tunnels contained images that were recently updated. The pictures included renderings of draconian soldiers, beholders, firbolgs, griffons and packs of Lykanthros mounted by familiar portraits of the Harad Ghul.
“The Drystyx Monks have inspired Rauros,” observed Bjorn. “The Guild of Assassins thinks highly of themselves.”
“That much is obvious, My Halfling Friend,” said Lord Taliesin. “The goblins and orcs are resourceful and scrupulous adversaries. I feign to imagine what surprises they may hold in store for us.”
“Worry not about future battles,” replied The Watcher. “Time enough have you to rebuild your forces from the farmers and villagers in Wood’s End and Coermantyr Castle.”
Taliesin and his friends backtracked through the mesh of tunnels they’d used to reach the deeper dungeons. The sounds of orc and goblin garrisons reverberated through adjoining passageways. The mercenaries took care to move in near silence.
After an hour the fighters emerged in the spacious courtyard of the Abyssal Cairn. Their warhorses waited at their tethers outside the main gate. Each of the warriors climbed into their saddles and departed the labyrinthine structure.
Lord Taliesin gestured for his companions to head west toward the picket line and Mystic Down.
“We must give Torvald, Rodnik and Thorgrym time to nurse their injuries,” said Sharon.
“I agree, Sharon,” declared Taliesin. “These trolls will be of no use to anyone in their battered condition.”
Taliesin’s group arrived at Wood’s End.
The villagers and farmers who petitioned the Liege Lord earlier now patrolled the streets with vehemence.
Rex saw the approaching warriors and trotted over to greet them.
“Salutations, Lord Taliesin and company! How fare things with the wily forces from the east?”
“Not so well, Sturdy Rex,” replied Taliesin. “The hordes of Stalactite Orcs and Goblins from Mount Crow have grown exponentially. Our group intended to sway the maverick humanoids and their chaotic cohorts to accept the proposal of a peaceful coexistence one way or another. They chose to fight and we were greatly outnumbered. We decided to arm you citizens none too soon. In addition we shall petition the Maegar Dwarves in turn. They are stationed in the mountain stronghold of the Gorgon Plane. The Hive Builders there may be convinced to align with us in these desperate times. Every peaceful race will prove to be an asset to our campaign.”
“That is wise, Liege Lord,” declared Rex. “We are yet discovering the significance of the Dharmic Equilibrium and the Helix of the Planes. If the forces you speak of prove willing and able to assist us, I’m all for it. First you all can use a good night’s rest. Let us deal with the details of your mission at the morn.”
The warriors slept well. At dawn they gathered their belongings and followed Sharon, Gilead and Rodnik to Coermantyr Castle. That afternoon they met with the Lore Masters.
Restadicus perused the scroll given to the mercenaries by Siegemunde.
“Ah, our friend in the Martial Academy has continued his research,” observed the Leader of the Lore Masters. “Now that the hostile dragons and mages have been sent beyond this plane the Harad Ghul is bound to lead their goblin and Stalactite Orc population against us.”
“Restadicus, I suggest that we take some time to observe the next move of the Harad Ghul. We should build our defensive forces while we can,” said the Baroness. “The farmers and villagers of Mystic Down have taken up arms with the intention of defending their families, crops and livestock. They have already engaged in combat with the Stalactite Forces and demonstrated their resiliency. I wish to assemble a similar militia here in Coermantyr. To deal with the increasing movements of the hordes from Mount Crow and the Abyssal Cairn we must educate our citizens in the aspects of self defense. In the event that the orcs and goblins initiate a full-scale assault against this region our chance for survival relies on adequate preparation.”
“That is a wise plan,” answered the Leader of the Lore Masters. “Magic can only do so much to protect a population. Do as you have said and perhaps we will be successful in turning the Guild of Assassins and their army from the Regions of the trolls.”
“Once your militia is established, Sharon, send word to me at my tower in Mystic Down,” asked Lord Taliesin. “The security of the Regions of Gaea lies foremost on my mind.”
“Taliesin is in greater need of our help at this time,” said Leif. “We Sentinels and lich trolls will take up temporary residence in Mystic Down. It is there that our knowledge of magic will prove most useful.”
“Nighthawk, Claude and the halflings will journey to Taliesin’s Tower with me,” said Bors. “Torvald and I have been away from Bard’s Inn too long. I hope we haven’t lost our patronage.”
“Very well, My Friends,” replied Sharon. “Gilead and Rodnik will stay here with me. We will study the tomes that the Lore Masters have collected. My hope is to find information in the history books that report of similar conflicts to the one we face.”
“That is a shrewd plan,” said Taliesin. “The saying, There is no knowledge that is not power. holds truth for all of us.”
“If you please, Baroness, to stay here I wish,” The Watcher said. “Many books there are in your library. Contribute I can to your histories for many things I observed during my imprisonment in the Gorgon Plane.”
“Of course you are welcome to stay with us, Watcher. The Lore Masters will benefit from your notes. Lord Taliesin will be fine without you. Your memoirs will be a welcome addition to our collection,” declared Lady Redthorne.
“I will take my leave of Coermantyr for now,” said the Liege of Mystic Down. “I will keep in touch with you and return if necessary.”
The hazel-eyed Liege Lord bowed his farewell and departed from the council chamber of the Lore Masters. The travelers acquired their warhorses from the courtyard in the castle and began the ride to the tower to the east.
Oxholm and Drumtone were concerned for the welfare of the Maegar Clan. Sadness swept through the dwarves’ settlement after the death of King Grumbold. The King’s subjects gave him a proper funeral. They laid the deceased on a wooden pyre in a distant cave. The dwarf brothers placed Grumbold’s finest sword over him and ignited the pile. Many of the Maegar Dwarves shed tears that sparkled in the firelight.
“Alas, our King is gone. The Council of Dwarves decided against appointing a new King,” said Drumtone. “No one was able to get a majority vote from the council. Our clan faces hard times due to the presence of the chaotic creatures. Oxholm, I move that we return the Maegar to the Arkadian Mountains. I’d rather face the servants of the Harad Ghul than the firbolgs, minotaurs, beholders and Lykanthros that perpetually prowl this plane. Do you agree, My Brother?”
“Yes,” replied Oxholm. “Let us meet with the Dwarf Council. It may be difficult to convince them to initiate another exodus. I don’t see any other choice, however.”
Oxholm’s brow wrinkled with worry.
“It will take much doing for us to gather our supplies and people for such a trip. Let us return to the council chamber and address the Clan Leaders while this objective is still fresh in our heads.”
Drumtone retrieved his timpani from a storage alcove and rolled it into the council chambers. He beat a gathering tattoo. Over the course of the next hour the Council Members of the Maegar Clan convened in the large cave.
“Brother, the Council is here,” declared Drumtone. “Make your speech so that all may know our opinion.”
“Very well, Drumtone,” said Oxholm. “Thank you for maintaining the rhythm of meeting.”
Oxholm addressed the gathering of dwarves with a booming voice.
“Maegar Dwarves, as you are aware our clan has suffered a great loss of late. The invaders to this place from the Plane of Chaos killed King Grumbold. He will be remembered in all of our hearts. Another significant happening for us was the decision to forego the office of the King altogether.
“Since the Council is now the highest governing body I ask you to make a decision. Things have gone from bad to worse since we abandoned our settlements in the Arkadian Mountains for this Plane of the Gorgons. Our children need the opportunity to thrive in safety. The dwarves are able fighters and do not mind the occasional battle. The number of adversaries of varying species that have set foot here as a stepping-stone to Gaea has reached an overwhelming point.
I ask you, Maegar Council Members, to allow us to return to the mountains in Arkadia. The warriors from the neighboring Regions there yet conduct an active campaign against the Harad Ghul and their wolf-like steeds. We can help Lord Taliesin of Mystic Down and Lady Sharon Redthorne of Coermantyr. The Vampire Lord, Claude, has also returned to Arkadia after spending several years trapped in this mountain stronghold. Think on this request. I will be here again at this time tomorrow and will await your decision.”
Oxholm bowed to the Council Members and exited the chamber with Drumtone. The Council Members applauded their support. The middle-aged male and female dwarves who sat at the crescent-shaped table looked at each other with expressions of concern. They distributed paper and ink around the table and began the process of taking a vote. Assistants to the Council entered the room and ignited oil-burning lamps so the representatives could deliberate through the night.
The following day Drumtone again beat the cadence of gathering in the central hall of the settlement of the Maegar Dwarves. The majority of the population of the clan filled the council chamber. Oxholm again stood before the Council.
“Dwarf Leaders, have you reached a decision?” asked the burly warrior.
“Yes, we have,” answered a gray-haired dwarf. “I am Cooper. The other Members of this Council have nominated me to speak on their behalf. The Maegar Council has decided to leave the Gorgon Plane and return to the Arkadian Mountains in Gaea. This was a weighty issue for us because the goblin Guild of Assassins and the voracious Lykanthros continue to wreak havoc in the various Regions of that Plane. We Maegar Dwarves return to Arkadia under duress. Our clan is prepared to defend itself regardless of location.”
“Very well, Cooper,” answered Oxholm. “The dwarves will prepare themselves for the journey ahead. We are bound to encounter resistance from the Stalactite Forces that moved into our mines and farmland. It will prove challenging to secure peace but it is not an unreachable goal. My brother, Drumtone, and I volunteer our skills to help the clan move and defend it upon our arrival.”
“I will send word through the tunnels the Maegar dug. By this time tomorrow we will be ready to pass through a spatial portal,” said Drumtone.
The dwarf families were quick to abandon their mushroom farms and dwelling places. It was clear that the invasions of the Denizens of Chaos were burdensome to their subterranean lifestyle. The following day Drumtone again beat the gathering rhythm in the council chamber. Dwarf families had tied up their belongings in makeshift wagons. The Council Members were not adept mages. The had saved, however, the research notes of King Grumbold. Cooper used the memoirs of the deceased King to generate a portal in the council chamber.
A wavering gateway appeared in the fabric of space before the waiting dwarves. The humanoids pulled their wagons through the portal, carrying axes and hammers in their belts. Oxholm observed that the members of his clan bore anxious expressions. The dwarves emerged at the foothills of the Arkadian Mountain Range. Twilight had fallen.
“We should move into the mountains quietly,” declared Cooper. “The orcs and goblins lurk everywhere. Our age-old nemesi are sure to be on the alert for Lord Taliesin has waged a campaign against them on multiple fronts.”
Drumtone observed several cookfires near the horizon.
“Let us steer clear of those lights. The less contact with goblins in this open wilderness the safer I’ll feel.”
The dwarf brothers guided the Maegar Clan upward to their clandestine farmland. The night air was chill. It carried a brisk breeze down from the mountaintops. Despite the harrowing environment the dwarves understood the necessity for moving on. They pushed into the road-less hills for a few hours.
At last the Maegar reached a meadow enclosed by a group of peaks. Fresh water poured from a cascade. Pale flowers reflected the light of Gaea’s moons over the rolling hills.
“This is a good location to settle the clan, Brother,” said Oxholm. “King Grumbold would have approved of this place.”
“I agree, Oxholm,” replied Drumtone. “Alas, I fear that it will be but a matter of time before the Stalactite Forces of the Abyssal Cairn discover our presence and ride their wolf beasts in this direction. Our chances have improved for the Legions of Chaos were present in greater numbers than our adversaries in Arkadia.”
“That is true, Drumtone,” answered Oxholm. “I have confidence in our clan’s ability to protect this settlement. The Maegar have more battle experience than when they departed for the Gorgon Plane. When the time comes to fight, we’ll be ready.”
“Come with me, Brother,” beckoned Oxholm. “Let us help our people set up camp for the night. We can use some rest before we face tomorrow’s tasks.”
Drumtone followed his brother to the circle of wagons and began the task of setting up a modest camp.
Taliesin met with Rex in the throne room of his tower. The fighters gathered there to decide their next course of action.
“Lord Taliesin, you have our thanks for giving us the arms to defend ourselves,” said Rex. “The Harad Ghul continues to run haphazard through the Regions of Gaea. I suggest that you let we villagers and farmers take care of the defense of Wood’s End and this tower. There are rumors among the patrons at Bard’s Inn. Word tells that a different race of humanoids fights the goblins and orcs on the opposite side of the Arkadian Mountain Range.
“A group of Gypsies that spent the night in town said the mysterious warriors call themselves Qualinesti. They are taller and more lithe of stature than we trolls. The Qualinesti have angular faces that bear high cheekbones. Their ears are pointed, giving them a devilish appearance. This combination of features resembles that of the elves of the past. Storytellers, as you may recall, describe the existence of elves, as have traveling minstrels returned from the east.

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