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Literature Please come visit. People get upset, write poetry about it, and post it here. Sometimes we also talk about books.

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Old 09-19-2014, 05:23 PM   #1
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A few things I have written


Oh, I am sorry
My beautiful one, please forgive me
When I saw you that day
I almost turned away
So hurt
So fragile
An empty shell
Oh no
I never wanted to hurt you
I only want you to come home
I'll protect you
Keep you safe
I am here
My beautiful one
Please forgive me
I never meant to hurt you
I am sorry
My beautiful one
Please won't you come back to me
I'll never let them
Take you away from me ever again
I'll take you
To a place
A place where we'll both be free
Where we'll be free...
So sweet, so innocent
Oh, how I missed you
Your eyes
Your laughter
Your smile
I miss you
Now take my hand and lets runaway
For they are after us
Don't look back
Keep looking forward
Have faith
Go on
We are leaving
We are going
To that place in our fantasy
Thats the place
Where I can love you
Utopia is where I can love you forever
Utopia, Utopia
Utopia for me and you
I promise
We'll make it there
I promise to take you to Utopia someday
Now as we lay here in this bed
Tears start to form in your eyes
Please don't cry
You're safe
I'll never leave
I'll stay
Someday I know that you'll return to me
And I'll let you know
I love you
Did you know?
You're my heart
My soul
My everything...
Sleep my Loki, sleep...

This one is a thorki song I wrote, based off of this fic I've read about Thor & Loki. Yes, I love thorki.

Show Me Where Forever Dies

A gun shot rings through the air
A young, man stands alone
Blue eyes show no emotion
A smile that has been painted on
He made a grave mistake long ago
Sacrificed so many lives on that forsaken night
And her.
He was afraid to die so he chose to live forever and
Made a deal with the devil.
Drowns himself in wine, longs to forget his past
Hides his pain behind coldness, cruelty, and narcissim
Hides behind a mask
He has done many wrong things, all of it inexcusable
Now he stands here on the edge of the world
Holding his pistol to his head, not afraid to die anymore

Burn It All Away

A young man sits alone in his room
Writing of that fateful night, that happened so long ago
He wishes to forget
He wishes to erase that memory from his mind
He wishes to burn it all away
Just like his home
That burst into flames
The devil was watching him
They told him he could live forever
He thought he would be happy
But it went up in smoke
And turned to ashes
Many lives were lost
Regret in his heart
Now he stands before you
You see him
They see him
But they don't know
His true self
He do anything to keep it hidden away
Even if it meant inflicting pain on others
Don't let anyone see
Show them how heartless you can be
He pours himself another glass of wine
Hoping to drown out the memories of the past

Yes, the first one, the title of it was taken from a song. The last two things I have written are about my favorite character from the Fable series, Reaver. I find him to be a very interesting person, and these are my views on him. I know that not everyone will agree with me, and thats fine. I can't change what you think of him.

Anyways, hope you lovely people enjoy, and tell me what you think. Bye!
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Old 12-07-2014, 02:42 AM   #2
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Okay, let's go poem by poem. First one is good. I love how you talk about utopia and describe it as only place where love can happen.
Second poem is interesting, very good I can say, just you can't say:
A young, man stands alone
If you start talking about a man, young must be together with MAN, because young is adjective for noun. You can't break adjective from noun with coma, it just doesn't have sense. But poem is good.
Third one is just amazing. Last verse is just amazing.
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Old 12-16-2014, 11:09 PM   #3
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Thank you. I appreciate the comments and criticism. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't mean for that, a little mistake that I made in that one. I'm going to check out yours soon. Been a bit too busy to check them out and write back. Anyways, I'm going to be posting something else that I wrote too. Its not a poem, but actually part of a story that I'll be writing soon. So if you want to check that one out too, you can. Anyways, have a good night/day.
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Old 12-16-2014, 11:11 PM   #4
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My Star, My Moon.

"Is this a dream? Is this reality? Am I really here?"

I slowly open my eyes. The sky is dark, but the stars and the moon, they bring light in the darkness. Snow is falling, again. I lie in the white blanket covering the earth. The clothes I am wearing are not appropriate attire for this weather. Jeans, a light jacket, and t-shirt underneath stained with blood. I don't feel cold though. I don't feel anything. I could stay here forever. Here, in this beautiful night, under pale moon. I hear wind. Its like a whisper, a song of sadness and loneliness. I slowly stand up. Blood falls on the snow, poisoning it, taking away all that is good. I move a hand up to my face. I feel wetness. I move it down to my throat, and also feel wetness. I look down at my wrist, and see scars that were left there. It seems that my wounds have not healed. It seems that even in death there is still blood. Its kind of funny actually, that my life was so supposed to be taken by my own hands, and was taken by him. The one who tortured, brought pain and sorrow into my worthless life everyday. I was going to end it all, in the cold season of winter. But, in the beginning, of spring, the time when all the flowers bloom and life is reborn, I died. But not by my own choice. I was *****, had something taken away from me that I held so dear to me. But it seems that I couldn't even protect that also. I fall to my knees, and I let out a loud, piercing scream in the endless night, knowing that no one will hear me. I cradle my head into my hands, and I feel the wetness, the blood, more blood falling from the top of my head. The last thing I remember before I died, a loud shot, but no pain, and that was when I woke up here. I lay back down in the snow, and close my eyes, trying to will away the memories that linger.

Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around, and I see a woman. Long, blonde hair, that falls down to her waist, wearing a white cloak, the hood of it hiding her face. She has her arm stretched out, wanting me to take her hand. I don't know what to do. I didn't expect that there would be someone else with me. "I've been waiting for you. Ever since you were born. I am the angel of death, and now it is your time. Come. I'll take you to another place in the afterlife." I stare up at her. I don't know if I want to go with her or not. I am content here, here in the winter with the night sky and moon to wrap me in her embrace. But I decide to take her hand, and go with her. I suddenly feel like I am falling. She catches me, and wraps me up in her cloak. "Everything is over. You will feel no more pain. This is what you wished for from the very beginning. Death." I start to feel tired, as I hear her speaking to me. I see a pair of white wings, and I know that we are going to fly off into the night sky. I hear a wolf howling in the distance. The howling sounds sad, as if the wolf doesn't want me to leave. A tear slides down my cheek.

We leave the ground. The snow falls around us. Before I close my eyes, I ask the angel a question. "What will happen to him? The person who took my life away from me?" The angel smiles. "He will get what is coming to him. I see fire, manipulating another human life. I see more blood, hatred for the one killed you. An old and weary person, and then more hatred...and hope. I don't see anything else after that, his future is blank to me after that. Nothing else." I nod my head. I have a feeling that he, the one who killed me, will suffer a horrible and painful death. I don't know who will kill him, but whoever it is must be close to him. For some strange reason I still hear the wolf howling. I try to forget its howling, and close my eyes. I let sleep overtake me, let death wrap me up in her embrace.

"Night, you beautiful"
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Old 12-16-2014, 11:28 PM   #5
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I like the story in general. It's well written , it's interesting to read more and more BUT what I don't like is missed point of whole story, or I don't see it. We all consider that killers will one day pay for what they do, and there is no need to make a story out of it, even though you did that well. Wonderful stories come when you talk about something we all should know, but often choose to forget. I mean, I am not telling you how to write and what to write, it's just random suggestion you can either reject or accept in a way that suits you most. .I can't judge if your English is good because English is not my native language but it seems okay. From the deepest corners of my heart, I would suggest you to read story Th black cat of Edgar Allan Poe. It's masterpiece , at least for me.

Anyway, good luck with writing.
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Old 12-17-2014, 07:51 AM   #6
Krymzun Wynter
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That was beautiful. I love the fact that you made death a beautiful woman instead of a reaper like so many others do.
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Old 12-17-2014, 12:28 PM   #7
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Alatoru, thanks again for the comment and criticism. Also, the story is not exactly about that. I would go more into it, but I rather surprise you. Lets just say its a fantasy and romance and horror story. I have the whole story in my head and I feel the need to write it down and share it with other people. I already know that there will be people who'll find it weird and won't like it. But that's not going to stop from writing it.

Krymzun Wynter, thank you. Yes, it does get tiring seeing death described as the grim reaper and not something else. I do like the grim reaper, but its he has no part in this story. The character, angel of death, will not be seen again until the last chapter of this story. Oh, and this part is just the prologue not chapter 1. I will try to get chapter 1 up as soon as I can!
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Old 12-17-2014, 02:32 PM   #8
Krymzun Wynter
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id love to read the rest of that story. it was beautiful and I think I'll quite enjoy it :3
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Old 12-21-2014, 04:09 PM   #9
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Alright, so far I am almost finished writing chapter one of my story. Had to make sure I get some stuff right, because a lot of this story is based on true events. Half of it is true, and half of it is fictional. Also, I had to change some things that happened in real life. You'll see when I post chapter 1 . I'm hoping that you guys will like it . Anyways, I am working on it right now, so hopefully I'll be posting it soon .
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Old 12-23-2014, 10:56 PM   #10
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Alright, so I've finally finished chapter 1. ^.^ Very fucking happy about! *does a little cheer* I'll be posting it tomorrow! So look forward to it.
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Old 12-24-2014, 11:47 AM   #11
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 1: Secrets Revealed

"And it looks like we'll be getting more snow here in Oslo, so we'll be having a long cold winter. So stay warm and safe everyone." The weather man, Eric, who was saying that there would be more snow coming this season. NRK news then went back Kamille. "Well thanks for that Eric. Now in other news, an interviewer recently went to visit Varg Vikernes. Black metal musician who does all the instrumental and vocals for his band Burzum, author of the book Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia, responsible for church burnings in the early 90's, murdered his friend Oystein Aarseth on August 10th, 1993, and claims it was in self defense. Here is that interview now."

The TV screen then goes to the interview. "Hello, Varg. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, thanks."

"So, I came here to ask a few questions, would you take the time to answer them for me?"


"Okay, so I'm sure you heard that Helvete is going to be torn down soon. What do you think of that?"

"I personally think that they should reopen it, instead of tearing it down. A lot of people would be upset."

"Okay, next question. Varg, why did you burn down those churches back then?"

"I've already answered this question many times. It gets old talking about the same things."

"Okay, why did you-"

Varg cuts him off. "You're going to ask me why did I murder Oystein right?"

"Uh...yes, Varg. That is right."

"I don't want to talk about that anymore either."

"You don't seem like you're in a good mood now, since I asked you those questions. In fact Varg, you don't look like you're doing to too good these days."

"Could be because I'm getting old, don't have time to work on other projects I would like to complete. Lately I've been feeling tired, weary, and I don't know whats wrong with me."

"Well, that is not good. Hope you feel better. So what do you have planned for the future? A new album? Book? Anything?"

"I've been mostly blogging about stuff on my blog the Thulean Perspective. Maybe you should check it out."

"I might just have to. Anyways, it was nice speaking to you Varg."

"You too."

The screen then goes back to Kamille. "Well there you have it. The interview with Varg Vikernes. I'm sure we'll hear more about him in the future. For anyone who does not know, Varg claims to be a neo-nazi, is racist, believes that women are not equal to men, and recently this year him and his wife were arrested this year. If you ask me this man is a menace to our society and should be back-"

The television is turned off. A man, who looks to be in his early 40's, beard and hair with lots of greys and some brown in it, pale, and blue eyes, that look old and weary. He should look younger, because he is only 41. But after having spent so many times in prison, and having so much trouble with the police, has made him feel like this. Tired, old, sick, and a very negative outlook on life. He is sick of the same questions, sick of the misunderstandings, but he doesn't care too much to do anything about it. He knows that there are people, fans that still love him and understand him. But they don't know, how sick of everything he has been feeling as of late. This man is Varg Vikernes.

His wife, Marie Cachet, comes into the room. She is still pregnant with their fourth child. She walks over to him and wraps her arms around him from behind. She kissed his cheek. For a little while now, she's been the only thing besides their children, bringing him happiness and making him feel better.

"You're up late again."

"I know." He says, kissing her back.

"Come to bed will you?"

"I can't right now, trying to work on my book."

His wife sighs. "I wish you would just come to bed, and finish up your book some other time. You've been acting very distant the past few weeks."

Varg knows she is telling the truth, but he chooses not go to bed yet. He kisses his wife goodnight, and she leaves. He hasn't been sleeping very good as of late, and he doesn't know why. "Whats with wrong me?" He whispers to himself.

He hears the doorbell ringing. "Now who could that be at this time of night?"

He gets up out of his chair, heads to the door, and unlocks it. When he opens it he sees a man, that looks to be about in his 20's. "Are you Varg Vikernes?" The man asks.

"Yes I am. What do you want? Its late."

The man reaches inside his pocket and pulls out an envelope. "This is for you." He hands the Varg the envelope. "You know about Helvete being torn down right?"


"Well, they recently went through the place and found some old records, documents in there, and most of those were burnt, or thrown away. But when they found this they didn't burn it or throw it away. I guess it must be important or something."

"Who is it from?"

"It says its from Oystein Aarseth."

Varg rolls eyes at hearing his ex best friends name. "Its probably nothing important. The man is dead. So why would they think this is important?"

"Hmm...I don't know. Anyways, I just wanted to deliever this to you. Have a good night Mr. Vikernes."

"You too." Varg says as he is shutting the door.

Varg goes to sit back in his chair, and stares down at the envelope. The envelope is very old, worn, and torn. The date says July 8th, 1993. "Hmm...Its probably something about Burzum records, record contract, or him telling me that he's going to murder me." He gets up, and goes to the fireplace to burn the envelope, but then he hears something.


Varg suddenly looks up. He thought he heard a voice. A voice that sounded like a whisper.


Varg looks around the lounge room. This isn't no one else in the room, and the only other people in the house are his wife and children.

"It must have been the wind. Theres no way that it could be someone else speaking." He then goes back to putting the envelope in the fire. It is almost close to a flame when he hears the voice again.


Varg looks up again. "Why do I keep hearing that voice? I must be going insane." He says this while rubbing his forehead. He looks down at the envelope again, and he makes his mind. "Fine. I'll read it. Now go away whoever is speaking to me." He goes back to sit down. "I must be going insane. I'm talking to myself. Get a hold of yourself Varg."

He slowly starts to open the envelope, careful not rip it. After a few a minute or so, he gets it open. He takes out the letter slowly, trying not to rip it, then unfolds it. The paper is yellow like the envelope, and the writing is blurred but it looks like he can still understand it. He starts to read it.

"Dear Varg,

This will come as a surprise to you, well I'm not sure. Maybe it won't. But I have something to tell you. Actually I have two things to tell you. The first thing I have to tell is that I am going to kill you. Yes, I am going to murder you, and I'm going to film it while I do it."

Varg rolls his eyes at this. It wasn't exactly no secret that Euronymous was going to murder him, so reading this didn't surprise him. He wonders what else it is though that Euronymous has to tell him. He looks back down at the envelope and keeps reading.

"The next thing I have to tell you, will come as a surprise. Only two people know about this. I do, and the other person who knows this can't tell anybody because he is dead. Actually, the name of this person is Dead. What I'm about to tell has to do with him, and you'll think of me as a different person after you read this."

Varg is now interested. He keeps on reading.

"Varg, you'll be the third person to know about this, and the last person to know. You see, Per Yngve Ohlin's death, it wasn't a suicide. I murdered him. Yes, I murdered him. I made him write his suicide note, I held my rifle up to his head and forced him to write the note. I was the one who cut his wrists, and blew his brains out. You already know I took pictures of his dead body. But here is something else you must know. I didn't also just murder him, I also ***** him."

At reading this, Varg's eyes go wide. "What the fuck..." He keeps on reading.

"I can't really tell you why I did it, but It seems that I lusted after him. I wanted him to be mine, and only mine. So I made him mine. I knew he was virgin, and I took it away from him by force. He screamed, and oh, how I loved hearing him scream. I loved how he was begging me, crying, and I've never seen him cry. Asking me to stop, but I kept looking into his eyes, his full of sorrow and terror, and mines, full of a sick and twisted desire. I kept pounding into him, and I like it, no I loved it, that I was hurting him, and being the one to take his pureness away from him. I was surprised that no ever found out that he was *****. There were bruises left on his body, so I thought that they would give it away. Though, they probably dismissed those because no one ever questioned that his death could have been a murder which it was.
Now you must think of me as a different person, as you are reading this. You must think I'm one very fucked up person. Well Varg, yes I am, and I am proud of it. As I am writing this now, I am thinking that I shouldn't send you this letter at all. I'm afraid that you might report me to the police, and then the rest of my life will be a living hell for me. You'll never know this secret. It'll only be between me, and Per Yngve Ohlin's ghost. And soon Varg, you'll join him, in Hell."

Love your best friend,

Oystein Aarseth
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Old 12-24-2014, 11:49 AM   #12
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Varg's hands were shaking, as he was putting the letter down. Varg looked up and comtemplated burning the letter. He didn't know what to do. This was all so much to take in.

"I murdered Per Yngve Ohlin."

"I ***** him."

"I loved hearing him scream and beg, as I was torturing him, ****** him."

Varg, suddenly felt a bit cold. He saw that a window was open, and went to close it. "Why I am suddenly feeling pity for the guy? Why do I suddenly feel like getting revenge for his death? It is too late. Both of them are dead. There is nothing I can do so I might as well forget about this whole confession Euronymous told me, and move on." Varg thought all of this, while staring out the window.

He went back to his chair and sat down. He stared at the fireplace, suddenly feeling tired. "I need to go to sleep..." His whispered to himself, closing his eyes, and succumbing to sleep.

Had to shorten it because it was too long. Anyways, here is chapter 1. I hope you guys will enjoy it. Also, if you don't like it, don't comment and move on. No hate please. Thanks.
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Old 12-24-2014, 07:41 PM   #13
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This is why I love this site. I get so much inspiration from all of you guys. There is some very beautiful work on this site. Keep writing.
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Old 01-16-2015, 01:04 PM   #14
Krymzun Wynter
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Talking awsome!

that was beautiful and I loved it. I cant wait to see what happens next.
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Old 01-19-2015, 05:14 AM   #15
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Thank you I'm still working on chapter 2. Hoping to finish it soon
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Old 01-20-2015, 12:50 PM   #16
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that sound wonderful. I love your work.
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:12 PM   #17
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 2: Dream State

Varg opened his eyes. The moon was shining down, from a dark, cloudy sky. He sat up and took a look around at his surroundings. From what he could tell he was not at his house, not in the lounge room anymore.

"I must be dreaming, because I don't remember leaving my house." He said to himself, as he stood up on his feet.

He was surrounded by a few large mountains, woods, and a trail leading to somewhere. He also noticed a small wooden sign that said: "Welcome to Transylvania."

"Yes, I am definitely dreaming. There is no way I could have left Norway, and somehow be in Transylvania." He says this while rubbing his forehead.

He hears a soft neigh, and hooves behind him. He turns around and sees a chestnut horse. He sees that its wearing a saddle, and reins. He goes up to it, slowly, careful not to frighten it. But the horse shows no fear, almost as if it knows him. He pets its muzzle.

"You're not afraid of me, huh?" Varg says, and the horse makes a soft sound.

While petting the horse, Varg also notices something different about himself. He notices that his hair is longer, and that it is a dark brown, with no greys, and he also has no beard. In his dream, he is young again. He smiles to himself, wishing it could be like that in real life, and not in just a dream.

He also notices he is not wearing the same clothes he was before he fell asleep. The clothes he is wearing now, look very similar to the clothes he was wearing in one of his old photos, the one where he was wearing a bit of armor, except he doesn't have a spiked club, but a sword.

He decides to get on the horse, and travel up the trail, to see where it leads to. The horse gets into a slow gallop. He travels halfway up the mountain he is on, and through woods. He feels the cold wind at his back, hears the sounds of many animals that live here.

Soon, he is out of the woods and comes into an open area. He hears some wolves howling, that are not far away. He hears them getting closer. The horse panics, and rears up. He tries to calm it down.

A pack of seven wolves comes into the open area. The huge, dark brown one, looks to be the alpha male. The rest of the pack is snarling at him, while the alpha male just looks at him. Varg gets out his sword, ready to fight if he has to. The alpha male snarls at one of its pack members, and to Varg's surprise, the rest of the pack stops moving in to attack. The alpha, looks at his pack, as if telling them to leave, and they do.

Varg doesn't know what to think of this. He still has sword out just in case if the alpha male decides to attack him. But it doesn't. It turns around, looks back at him as if it wants him to follow him.

"You want me to follow you somewhere?" Varg asks the wolf. The wolf just looks at him, turns back around and runs further up the mountain. Varg follows it. He wonders where the wolf is leading him to as he is following it. He follows it for about at least twenty minutes, until they arrive at a castle.

Varg takes a look at it. It seems to be old. He can see a few broken windows and it looks as if no one has lived here for a while. He gets off of his horse and follows the wolf to the gates, that are open. "You want me to go inside right? Is there something...or someone in there that I must find?" "Why am I talking to a wolf?" He does not expect the wolf to say anything, it turns around and leaves him.

"So its not going to stay and help me in case if there might be anything in there that could kill me?" Varg says this to himself, as he hears the wolf howling in the distance. He walks inside the castle gates.

The hall of the castle is big. Paintings of morbid stuff on the wall, lit up candles shining some light in the darkness, a few statues, and a staircase. Varg sees a painting that catches his eye. It is a painting of a young, fair maiden and her lover. Blonde hair that falls down to her back, in a white dress, stained with blood. Her lover holds her, as it looks like she is dying, taking her last breaths. It is night in the painting, and they lay under a full moon. Underneath the painting is some writing.

"Follow the moon, for it will lead you to your destiny."

Varg, looks up from the painting, to a window at the top of the staircase, where the moonlight is shining from. He goes up the staircase, hoping to find whatever, whoever it is he has come here for.

Some minutes later, he comes to a hallway. At the end of the hallway, is a door. He runs to it. When he gets to it, he tries to open it, but to no avail.

"Shit, it is locked. How am I supposed to get it open?"

He slumps down to the floor, and tries to think of a way to get the door open. He takes a look around the hallway. He sees a table, with a small jewelry box on it, underneath a window, that catches his eye. "Hmm...maybe there is something in here that I can open the door with."

He walks over to the table and opens the box. Inside, is a bunch of small silver and bronze keys. "Fuck...which one is it?" He looks at the keys, wondering which one would be able to unlock the door. He sees one in the right corner of the box at the top, that is silver and has sapphires on it. He picks this one up, and heads back to the door. "Please, let this be the one." He whispers to himself. He puts the key in the lock, and fortunately for him, the door unlocks. He smiles to himself. He opens the door and goes inside.

The moonlight in this room, is more brighter. In the middle of the room is a bed. On the bed, lies a person who looks to be asleep. He walks up to the bed and his eyes widen in surprise when he sees who it is on the bed.

It is Per Yngve Ohlin. His blonde hair, fanned out around his face, and his skin looked more paler. Varg put his hand on his shoulder, and shook it.

"Hey, wake up."


He tries again. "Per, wake up."

He keeps on doing this, but still, the Swede does not awake.

"Pelle Ohlin, wake up! You have to! I came here for you so please, please wake up."

But his eyes still don't open.

Varg puts his ear on his chest, and listens for a heartbeat. There is one, but it is weak. He sits up, with his hands on his shoulders, staring down at his sleeping face. Varg feels something strange inside him. Underneath the moonlight, Pelle, to Varg, seemed very different...beautiful. A slight blush goes to his cheeks. Why is he feeling this way? He pays no attention to the thoughts going through his mind and tries to think of a way to wake him up.

"Hmm...this reminds me of something. Those fairy tales where a prince must wake the princess with true loves first kiss." He looks down at Pelle again. "Do I have to kiss him to wake up?" He brings his hand up to his cheek, and caresses it. "If its the only way to wake him up, then I have to. I can't leave him like this."

He leans down and brings his warm lips, to Pelle's cold lips. He remains like that for a minute or so, with his lips on Pelle's. He feels his start to move underneath his. He sits up, and sees his eyes start to open. He smiles down at him. A pair of blue eyes look up at him.

"Thank goodness you're awake." Varg say this to Pelle, as he places his hand over his.

Pelle sits up slowly, taking in his surroundings. He then looks to Varg again. "You came, for me."

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"

Pelle smiles at him. "I knew you would come." He hugs Varg.

"What?" Varg is confused.

"Don't you remember? We met, at the ball. We danced together. Don't you remember any of that?"

Varg shakes his head. "I do not." He lays his head on Pelle's shoulder. "But I did come here to save you."

"I'm glad you did." Pelle snuggles more into him.

Varg likes this. Holding Pelle like this. He would like to be this way forever with him, but he knows that they have to get out of here. He pulls away from Pelle. "Who brought you here?"

Pelle looks down. "It was him. The one who controlled me, tried to hurt me...but you stopped him before. I know you can again."

"Who is he though? Is he here?"

"I don't know if he is here or not..."

"Well, if he isn't we better get out of here before he comes back. Can you walk, stand up?"

Pelle tries to stand up, but when he does he legs give up from under him. Varg catches him before he almost hits the floor.

"It seems that I can not."

"Well, I'll just have to carry you then." Varg picks him up in his arms, bridal style. "Okay, now lets go."
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:13 PM   #18
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He suddenly hears something from outside. Pelle's eyes go wide with fear. "It is him. The demon. He has returned." He starts to shake. Varg rubs his back trying to calm him. "Its okay. As long as I am here he won't be able to hurt you."

The window in the room is shattered. A man, wearing a black cloak appears in front of them. When he looks up at them Varg's eyes widen in shock.


Euronymous smirks at him. "Well, look who came to save their beautiful princess. The Count Grishnackh, Varg Vikernes."

"Euronymous, why did you bring him here? Whats the point in all of this?"

"You see Varg, you took away what was rightfully mine. He was supposed to be mine from the very beginning, ever since I first laid eyes upon him. But when you two met, he wanted you, and not me. You two spent more time with each other. So I had to bring him here, take him with me by force."

Varg gets in front of Pelle and pulls out his sword. "I won't let you hurt him Euronymous! He does not belong to you!" He turns to Pelle. "Stay over here while I fight him." He then starts walking towards Euronymous.

Varg be careful, he is a demon. He is very strong." Pelle warns him.

Euronymous laughs. "So you want to fight me Varg? Hmm? Well, okay then." Euronymous then pulls out his sword.

They fight. Steel clashing against steel. The fight seems as if it will last for eternity, for neither are willing to back down. Both fighting for the same thing.

"Give up Varg. I am stronger than you." Euronymous hits Varg on his arm with his blade.

Varg falls back, clutching his arm. He won't give up. He has to get Pelle out of here. "I won't give up Euronymous. Unlike you, I care about him. You could never feel for him like I do, you heartless demon."

He then lifts his sword, with luck on his side, he fatally wounds Euronymous. He has stabbed him in the heart. He looks into the eyes of the demon as the life leaves them. His body then crumbles to dust.

Varg falls to his knees. It is over. He has won. He has defeated Euronymous and saved Pelle. But when he turns around and sees Pelle lying face down on the floor, he knows that something is wrong.

He goes to him, and scoops him up in his arms. He is still alive. But he is having trouble breathing, and Varg can hear his heartbeat growing weaker.

"V-Varg..." Pelle whispers to him, looking into his eyes.

"Pelle, what is wrong?"

"Euronymous...He must have poisoned me..."

"Is there any way that I can still save you!?"

"I-I'm afraid...that there...isn't..." Pelle tells him, his voice growing weak.

Tears start to fall from Varg's eyes. "You can't die! You must live! I-I was supposed to save you, and yet...I couldn't..." Varg says this, holding Pelle close to him. Never wanting to let him go.

Pelle moves his hand up to Vargs face, and tries to brush away the tears. "Please don't cry...We will be together again...someday. I-I love you...Varg..." And with these final words, he takes his last breath, and dies in Varg's arms.

"No!!!" Varg screams, his voice full of misery. He holds Pelles body, not wanting to leave, not wanting to go on in life anymore. Not without him.

He then grabs the handle of a blade that is in his pocket, takes it out, and holds it up against his throat. "We will be together again soon my love, just wait for me." And after these final words, he presses the blade against his throat, and slits it.

Chapter 2: Dream State
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:20 PM   #19
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 3: A Visit to an Old Friend and a trip to Sweden

Varg opened his eyes. The sun was shining through the window of the lounge room, birds were chirping outside, and he smelled his wife cooking something. He looked over at the wall and saw that it was 12:15 P.M..

"I slept in late again..." He said to himself, while rubbing his forehead.

He sat up from the chair and went to the kitchen to go get himself a cup of coffee. His wife heard him coming in, and turned to look at him as he was making some coffee for himself.

"Ah, you've finally woke up." She says this as he sits down at the table. "Good morning to you too."

"Its not exactly morning."

"I know." She says, and laughs to herself quietly.

"I had a strange dream last night."

"What was it about?"

"Well in the dream I was in Transylvania, and Dead, the vocalist from Mayhem was in it. I had to rescue him from my ex-friend Euronymous."

"Was there anything else in the dream?" His wife asks him, getting the feeling that Varg was not telling her everything.

"Yeah, there was but I don't feel like talking about it though. But I got something to show you." He reaches into his pocket, pulls out the note, and hands it to Marie.

She takes it and reads it over. Varg sees the look of shock and horror on her face as she reads what Euronymous did to Pelle.

She hands it back to him, her arm shaking. "I-I always knew Euronymous was a very fucked up person, but I never thought he was this fucked up." She says this, as she sits down.

Varg nods his head. "You know, I wish I would have known about this when he was still alive. That way so I could have gotten justice for what he did to Pelle. I wish the others, Jorn and Jan would have known. I wish Pelle's family would have known. I think they deserve to know what really happened to him."

"Do you plan on telling any of them? His family? Jorn? Jan?"

"I want to tell his family first before I tell the others. Which is why I'm going to take the next train to Sweden when I can."

"Well, alright then. You do that."

"First we need to go to Akershus."

"What for?" Marie asks, confused.

"I need to pay a visit to an old friend." He says this while heading out to the hallway to get his coat on.

About an hour later, they arrive at Ski Kirkegaard, the graveyard in Akershus. Varg asks someone who works there where the grave of Oystein Aarseth is. The man tells him where it is and he and his wife drive over to where Oystein's grave site is.

When they get near, Varg parks the car and gets out. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"It's alright. I won't be long."

Varg walks over to where Oystein's grave is. It doesn't take him long to find it. He stops, and stares at the grave, where his ex-friend is buried.

" sick bastard. I have so many questions for you. Why? Why did you kill him? Why did you **** Dead?" He asks these questions, as if expecting answers.

"Of course you won't answer back. You're dead. So why am I even bothering talking to you right now. You're so fucked up. I hope you're burning in Hell." Varg kicks at the stone.

He yells out a bunch of curses. Cursing Euronymous for murdering and ****** the deceased vocalist. Cursing himself for being so stupid and not noticing anything. Cursing himself for caring so much. Why did he care that Euronymous violated Dead in the sickest and most cruelest way? Why did he want to seek justice for him when Euronymous was already dead? Why did he want to make things right, when he knew that it was too late and that there is no way to reverse the cold hands of time?

He hears a meow, that doesn't sound too far away. He turns around and sees a cat. The cat has black fur, is wearing a blue collar, with a bell on it, and it has violet eyes.

"What a strange cat...I never seen a cat with violet eyes before. No cat has violet eyes. Maybe I'm seeing things." Varg thinks to himself.

His wife comes up behind him, and places a hand on his shoulder. "Honey, do you think we should go now?"

Varg nods his head. "Yes, I believe that we are done here."

Some days later, Varg and his wife are at the train station. He is leaving to go to Stockholm, Sweden, to see Pelle's family, and to pay a visit to his grave.

She hugs him and kisses him. "I'll miss you. I hope you have a good, and safe trip to Sweden. Good luck to you Varg."

Varg hugs and kisses her back. He doesn't want to leave his wife and his kids, but he knows he must do this. "I'll miss you too. I'll be back in a couple of weeks. Take care of the kids Marie."

"I will. Anyways, the train is about to leave soon. You better get going before it leaves without you." She says this as she lets him go.

They say their last goodbyes to each other before Varg gets on the train.

Varg goes to find his seat and sits down near a window. The train is leaving. It'll be about a day or so before it gets to Stockholm. Varg makes himself comfortable knowing it'll be a long ride.

He looks up at the people around him. So many are going to different places. He knows that they are going on trips to enjoy themselves and spend time with family or friends. Varg is not going on a trip to enjoy anything. He's going to Sweden because he needs to visit Pelle's grave, and tell his family what really happened to him.

He decides to close his eyes and go to sleep. Maybe by the time he wakes up, he'll be in Stockholm.
They laugh as they tumble down onto the ground with each other. The air is cool and warm around them, the sun shines bright, kissing them with its beams of light.

The brunette, lays on top of the blonde, and brings his lips to his. The other tangles his hands in the brunette's hair, enjoying the way he is kissing him, and sending him shivers down his spine whenever he touches him.

They pull apart, each breathing for air that they so desperately needed. A slight blush was on the blonde's cheeks. His blue eyes stared up into the other's. He smiled at him.

The brunette smiles back at him. Kisses him on the lips once more, and lays his head on top of the other's chest. Feeling it move up and down, listening to his heartbeat.

"Don't leave me. Stay with me right here in this moment, forever."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll never leave you. I'll always be with you, by your side."

He holds onto him. Afraid that he might disappear in his arms.

Varg is shaken awake by someone.

"Wake up sir. We're in Stockholm, Sweden."

Varg rubs his eyes, and yawns. He must have been asleep for quite a long time.

"Another strange dream. Per Yngve Ohlin, why must you plague me so."

He gets off of the train. He pulls out his cell phone and calls a taxi. He needs to get to Skogskyrkogården (The Woodland Cemetery). A taxi arrives at the train station and he tells the driver where to go. It takes a while for it to get there. Varg pays the driver once they arrive. He gets out, and goes to ask where Per Yngve Ohlin's grave is at. The man working there tells him where it is and points him in the direction of it.

It takes him a few minutes until he finally gets to his grave. He has three roses. A white one, for life in the afterlife. A red one, for the blood that he spilled from his own body, and for the blood that was spilled the day his life was taken away from him and was *****. A black one, for the music that he made.

The tombstone is covered in snow. Varg brushes it off. He traces his fingers over it. A small smile forms on his face. A tear slides down his cheek. He shouldn't be crying, over someone he barely knew. But he'll let himself cry, just this once.

"Why? Why did Euronymous kill you? Why did he take away the only thing pure that was left of you?" Varg falls to his knees. The tears are coming down faster now. "Why did you have to die?!" He lets out a loud, piercing scream.

"You should still be alive. You, of all people didn't deserve a fate so cruel. You shouldn't have had to suffer." He punches his fist into the stone. "If only I wasn't so fucking stupid! I could have done something, anything to save you."

Varg brings his arm up to his eyes and wipes the tears away. He takes a look at his knuckles, and sees that they are all bloodied. "That will need to be bandaged up later." He thinks to himself, letting out a small chuckle, forgetting about the pain he has inflicted upon himself.

He stays like this, on his knees, holding his hand, until someone from behind places a hand on his shoulder.

Varg turns around and sees a pair of violet eyes staring right back at him.
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:32 PM   #20
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 4: Witches and Magic

Varg turns around and sees a pair of violet eyes staring back right at him. The person who they belong to was a woman. A short, skinny woman, with black hair, that was in pig tails, and pale skin. She wore dark eyeliner that was cat like, had a piercing on her lip, and one on her eyebrow. She wore a black coat, with fur on the hood and on the cuffs, black, frilly skirt, with lace on it, purple striped stockings, and boots. Varg also noticed she was wearing the same collar that he saw on the cat back in Norway.

"What is going on?" He thought. "How does this woman have the same collar as that cat? This is all getting very weird." He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

The woman looked at him with concern. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Just fine." Varg said, not wanting to bring up the reason why he came here, and tell this stranger what happened to the deceased vocalist of Mayhem.

"Well, you don't seem fine. I heard you screaming. Also, it seems that you are crying."

Varg wiped at his eyes. "Look, its none of your business, alright?" He said to her, getting a little irritated.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. Maybe I can help you with whatever it is thats making you upset."

Varg had to laugh at that.

"Why are you laughing?"

"There is nothing that you can do to help me. It is too late now. No one, not even me, can do anything. The only thing I can do is let others know the truth, what really happened to him."

"Him? Who is this person? Is it your friend that you were mourning over?"

"Why don't you just look at the tombstone? And we weren't friends. We barely even knew each other."

"Then why are you here? Why do you care so much about what happened him?"

"You ask too many questions." Varg sighed, and got up, started walking away from this strange woman.

Unfortunately for him, she started following him. He walked faster, trying to get away from her. She walked faster, trying to keep up with him.

"Wait! Hey...slow down! I can he-ow!" She yelled, almost tripping over her own two feet. "Hey, I can help you!"

"Help me!? What do you mean you can help me!? I told you, there is nothing that you can do! And also, stop fucking following me and get lost!"

She flinched a little, when he yelled at her. " need to get angry now. Listen, I can help you. Please believe me. Also, by the way, my name is Tracey."

Varg rolled his eyes. "Cool. I really don't care. Now go away and leave me the fuck alone."

"Please, listen to me-"

Varg cut her off. "Fuck off!! You can't save him! I can't save him! No one can save him! There is nothing that you can do!" And with that he took off and ran.

Tracey, still standing near the gates of the cemetery, watched as he ran from her.

"But...I can help you..."
He ran as far he could from the cemetery, and that annoying woman. He ran for about at least fifteen minutes, until he had to stop to catch his breath.

"Fuck..." He said. He leaned against a rail, looking out at the water. "She can't help me...So why does she even bother? No one can bring him back, ever."

Varg sighs to himself, rubbing his forehead. "Maybe I should get something to eat. Maybe thats why I'm so angry, because I'm fucking hungry."

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a voice behind him.

"You seem troubled young man..."

He turns around and sees an old woman, standing before him. The old woman has lots of wrinkles, is skinny, pale, blue eyes that seem to be going blind, yet show lots of wisdom in them. She wears a white blouse, with a blue shaw over it, with a patchwork skirt, that falls down to her knees. She wears many pieces of jewelry also.

This woman, also seems strange to Varg. "What do you want?" He asks her.

"Its just that you don't seem too happy, and so me being a witch, it is my duty to help those in need."

"I don't need your help..."

"Well, if you don't want me to help you you can at least tell me what it is that is troubling you so much."

Varg thinks for a moment. "Do I really want this old woman to know what I know...? Why does she want to know so much?"


He takes a deep breath. "Alright...I'll tell you...But not everything. You see, I came here to visit someone...someone who is dead. His life was taken away from him by force. Everyone believes that he took his own life, and I want people to know the truth of what really happened. The person who killed him is also dead. I...I killed him...but for a different reason, I didn't know that he killed, tortured the other. If I had known I would have gotten revenge for him. But thats the thing, is that I shouldn't care so much and yet...I do..." The last two words come out as a whisper.

"And so, you also believe that there is nothing you can do except let his family and friends know what really happened. Right, Varg?"

When she says his name, Varg's eyes go wide. "H-how...did my name...?"

She smiles. "Like I said, I am a witch."

Varg doesn't know what to say to that. " think you can help me...?"

"Yes, I believe that I can." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a card, that has her name and address on it.

"My name is Saya. If you want my help, you'll come to my cabin tonight. I live in the woods, which is not too far from here. I'll let you think about it. Its your choice Varg, whether you want my help or not." After she says this to him, she walks away.

Varg takes a look at the card thinking about what the woman said. He shakes his head, and puts it in his pocket.

"I need to get something to eat."
Varg was sitting at a table, in a small bar. He was staring down at the card that Saya gave to him. The bartender, Jack, came up to him.

"What are you looking at in your hand young lad?" Jack looked down at the card Varg had in his hand. "Oh, I see. That witch Saya gave you one of her cards."

Varg looked up at him. "Do you know her?"

"I know of her and heard many things about her. But we don't speak to each other. There is one particular story about her that I remember from a young lass in this city."

"What was it about?"

"Well, the young lasses name was Cara. She don't live in Stockholm anymore. Moved away to Finland I believe..Hmm..I don't know, I can't remember. But one night, some months ago, she was at my bar. She was drinking a whole lot. It was like she wanted to forget something. She was going on and on about how she could have saved him. I went up to her and asked her, "Saved who?". She looked at me with wide eyes, that were full of sorrow and were bloodshot from crying so much. She said that she could have saved her four year old son. Now, her son died a year before this happened, before she went to Saya. No one knows what Saya did, but people believe that she may have given Cara something that made her see things that weren't there, and believe something happened, which it really didn't."

Varg took all of this in. The situation that Jack described sounded very crazy. He didn't know what to make of it.

"So...Do you think I should go to her? Saya herself told me I should go to her. What do you think I should do?"

"Its your choice, whether you want to go to her or not. I don't know if she'll fix whatever it is that troubling you. Whatever it is you need help with, I'm sure that she'll try her best though. Anyways, I must get back to work. Have a lot of costumers coming in tonight."

And with that, Jack went back to what he was doing before.

Varg took one last glance at the card. He finished the rest of his drink, left a tip on the table, sat up and walked towards the entrance of the bar, with his mind already made up.
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:34 PM   #21
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"Where to sir?" The young cab driver asked.

"Tyresta National Park, 567, Saya's cottage."

The cab driver turned around to look at him, with a look on his face that seemed to be asking Varg "Why would you want to go there?".

"You sure about that?"

"Yes, I am sure."

"You must be out of your mind if you want to go there. But alright. I'll take you there."

The cab driver started up his vehicle, and drove down the road towards Tyresta. Varg stared out the window looking at all of the buildings passing by, thinking. Thinking about a lot of things.

The driver drove for about thirty minutes, and then spoke. "You know that old lady is crazy. She thinks that she can help people by doing magic spells and whatnot. If you ask me, she needs to be admitted to the psych ward. She has a granddaughter. Her name is Tracey. She lives with Saya because her mother died years ago. A few years after she was born."

"Is her granddaughter crazy too?"

The driver laughed. "Shes about as cuckoo as her grandmother."

Varg nodded his head. He had to agree with the cab driver on that.

It was about another half hour, and then they arrived at Tyresta. The driver stopped the cab right outside the forest.

"You're not going to drive into the forest? Near her house?"

"No, I'm not going near that old hag's cottage. Also this forest is said to be haunted."

Varg shook his head, got the money out of his pocket and handed it to the driver.

"Thanks. Anyways, have fun." The driver said, sarcastically.

Varg ignored him, as he walked towards the forest.

It was an old forest. The ground was covered in a white sheet of snow, the wind blowing around him, almost like a whisper. Little forest creatures making sounds all around. He heard the sound of a raven from above.

He also noticed something in the distance, far away. It looked like an old building, made of stone, with a few towers, and a wall. It was a strange looking building. He made a note to check it out later when he had the chance to.

He walked for another few minutes and saw some smoke that wasn't far away. It was coming from a chimney, attached to a small wooden cottage. As he was walking towards it, he saw the same cat again, that he saw in Norway.

"What is going on? That can't be the same cat that I saw. It can't have come all the way here."

The cat took a small glance at him. To Varg, it felt like the cat was staring right into his soul. It turned around, and jumped inside a window that was open.

He shook his head, and started walking towards the cottage again. The door was open. He knocked on it. "Um...Hello?"

He heard Saya's voice. "Ah, I have been expecting you Varg. Come in."

He went in. The cottage was small. A small lounge room with a small coffee table and chairs, the kitchen in the next room with an old stove, and two other rooms which must have been Saya's and Tracey's. The one that belonged to Saya was open.

He went inside. There were a bunch of candles that were lit, a crystal ball, small chest, a fire place, and a bed. There were also other decorations in the room too.

"Do you want anything to drink? Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee is good."

"Alright. Tracey, could you go make him some coffee?"

Varg turned around, and saw the cat again. The impossible happened before his eyes. The cat, turned into a human girl. Tracey.

"What the fuck!?" Varg stared at her in shock. This couldn't be happening. A cat, turning into a human. It was impossible.

"Surprise Varg!" Tracey yelled.

"Tracey..." Saya said, giving her a stern look.

"Alright grandmother." Tracey said, rolling her eyes.

Saya then turned to Varg. "Well, lets get down to business, shall we? Varg, hand me the letter."

His eyes went wide at this. "Wha-ho-how did you...know?"

"Just hand me the letter."

He takes the letter out of his pocket. "I should warn you before you read it. It is very...graphic...disturbing..."

She takes the letter from his hand. It is back in the envelope. She doesn't take it out. As soon as she takes it from him she throws it into the fireplace.

Varg stands up. "Hey-No! What are you doing!? You didn't even read it!"

Saya smiles. "I didn't need to read it. I already know what happened."

"Then tell me. What happened?"

"You're ex-friend, Oystein Aarseth, Euronymous, wrote this letter to you, confessing to you that he killed and ***** Per Yngve Ohlin."

"Yes, that is basically the whole point of the letter. Him confessing to me that his death wasn't a suicide and what a sick fuck he is." Varg tells her, shaking a little.

He felt...angry. Angry at himself, because he was so stupid to not know what really happened. That he didn't do anything, couldn't do anything to save the vocalist. He was also angry at Euronymous, for killing him. Taking away something from him, that should never be taken away by force, but by love. He suffered, a slow, painful, and horrible death. He was so fucking confused. Everything was confusing. He shouldn't care so much but he did. He did. But why? Why did he care so much?

He felt a hand on shoulder. He looked up and saw Tracey, with a concerned look on her face. She held a cup of coffee in her other hand.

He took it from her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She sat down next to him. "Don't worry, grandmother will help you. She's very good at what she does."

Varg turned back to Saya. "So, how are you going to help me?"

Saya was digging through her small chest. "I get the feeling Varg, that you want to save the deceased vocalist, am I right?"

"Yes, you are. But I can't. It is too late." He said, looking down, and staring into the cup.

"Actually Varg...Yes you can."

"Really now? How?" Varg asked, not believing her.
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:35 PM   #22
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"With this." She took out a small necklace. It was silver, with a light blue crystal, with a snake wrapped around it. A blue, glowing light was emitting from it.

"How is that going to help me?"

"This crystal, is called a time crystal. It is the only crystal in the world that has this power."

"So I don't use some time machine to go back in time? Just a magical crystal?"

"Yes. Now there are things you should know. You must have the date and place of where you want to go back in time to. Before the crystal will take you to the place you want to go to, it will take you to another important event that happened in your life. I can't tell you where and what it will be. The crystal decides it based on important things that happened in your life. Another few things to know about the crystal, is that you can only take one person with you back in time. That person is the only person that you can take back in time with you once you choose them. You have to spin the crystal three times, if only you yourself is going back in time. If you're taking someone else with you, you must spin it six times. Three for you and three for the other person. You can go back and forwards in time. Whenever you do, it doesn't change current events going on around you. The crystal also chooses when to take you back to the present time. Usually if you spin it six times it'll last for however long this event is. Which could be about an hour at least. If you spin it twelve times, it lasts for even longer. But remember, only the crystal can take you back to the present. You can't decide when you want to go back to the present."

Varg nodded his head, taking in all of this information about this crystal. It looked so simple, and yet everything about it, everything it could do seemed complicated. He hoped that he could remember all of this.

"Is everything clear? Do you think you'll be able to handle everything?"

"I-I...I think so..." Varg said, feeling unsure of himself.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?"

Varg thought for a moment. Did he really want to go back in time and save Pelle? Was this really what he wanted?

"If I choose to do this...will it change anything?"

"It will change a whole lot of things. What you did in the past after the vocalist was murdered. The present, and your future."

"So, I might not be married to my wife? I might not see the children that I have now, and the one that my wife is still expecting?"

"It all depends on the choices that you make. If you make a choice not to be with your current wife, to be with someone else, then yes, you won't be married to her, and you won't see your children. They won't exist."

Varg thought about everything for a moment. He didn't know what to do. Should he do this or should he not?

Suddenly he saw something, someone. He didn't know if it was a ghost, a hallucination, or something else entirely. He saw someone smiling at him, with pale skin, blonde hair, and light blue eyes.

He thought that it could be a ghost, because this was the person that he wanted to save. To bring back into this life.

The ghost stretches his arms out towards him and puts his hands on his cheeks. Varg felt cold, but inside he also felt warm.

He reached out to run his fingers through the ghosts hair, but when he reached it, the ghost disappeared.

He must have looked stupid, with his arm stretched out, trying to touch someone that wasn't there. He pulled his arm back to himself. He made up his mind.

"Alright. I'll do it. I'll go back in time and save him." He reached out his hand, and took the crystal from Saya.

"Alright. Now, you must remember this Varg. If he dies, everything will be back to the way it was. Nothing will have changed. This is your only chance to save him. If you fail, you won't be able to get another chance, this is your only one. So you must be careful."

Varg nodded his head. "I understand."

"Good. Tracey will go with you. The rules of the crystal don't apply to her since she is a witch also. She'll help you on your journey. Tracey, do your best."

"I will grandmother." Tracey turned to Varg. "So, are you ready to go back in time now?"

"Hold on, I need to choose what date and place where I want to go. I already know where I want to go to. I want to go back a month before he was killed, March 1st, 1991. That was when I went to Krakstad for a vacation. I was there for about week, but this time I'll make my stay longer."

"Alright, that should be good then." Tracey said. "Now spin the crystal. Remember...Three-"

Varg interrupted her. "Yes, yes. I know. Spin it three times."

He held the crystal up to his face, took a deep breath, and spun it slowly, three times.

A blue, blinding light emitted from the crystal. He shielded his eyes from the light.

He couldn't see, but he heard Saya's voice. "Good luck to you, Varg. I hope you'll be successful on your journey."
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:43 PM   #23
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 5: Destroying the Face of Evil

He opened his eyes. He was in another place, another time. When he, and Tracey, went back in time, it felt like his skin, his flesh, was being torn apart. He thought that his bones would break, for they certainly felt like they would when the crystal was bringing them back in time.

"Ugh..." He moaned, while standing on his feet. He turned to look at Tracey, who looked as if she hadn't experienced any pain at all.

"Is that what it feels like to go back in time!?" He asked her. "Because if it is then I am not going back in time ever again, after all of this is over."

Tracey laughed. "Don't worry. Only the first few times are painful. Once you have traveled threw time more, you won't even feel the pain anymore."

Varg nodded his head. He was on his feet now. He looked around him. It was nighttime. The place he was at seemed familiar.

"We're in Oslo. It seems that we are near Helvete. Tracey, do you know what date it is?"

"It is July Seventh, 1991. A few months after your boyfriend was murdered." She chuckled to herself, smirking.

Varg frowned at her. "He is not my boyfriend. I am married and have kids. I am in love in with my wife, Marie. Pelle is nothing more, then someone who I just want to save."

"Well, you talk about him as if he is your lover. Also, you are not married now, and won't be when we go back further in time."

Varg sighed at her words. "Damn this girl is annoying...Why Saya, did you have her come with me? So far she is doing nothing but being annoying."

Somewhere, he thought from far away, he could hear Saya, laughing.

He dismissed his thoughts, and tried to remember what happened on this night.

"Hmm...I think this is the night when Euronymous had me sign a record contract or something." He told Tracey.

"And why would he have you do that? Did he want part of the money that you made from selling your albums?" She asked him.

"I think so. Anyways, I remember meeting him here when it was almost midnight. What time is it now?"

Tracey took a small watch out of her pocket and looked at it. "11:53 P.M."

"Ah, then he'll be here soon. Well then, I suggest you turn back into a cat before he gets here."

"Why though? He won't mind someone else being with you will he?"

"No, I don't think that he will. But I remember telling him that I would meet him here by myself, not with anyone else."

"Well, alright. But I really don't see the point still." After she said this, she turned back into a cat.

Varg smiled. "Thats better. Now I can't hear a word that you're saying."

Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. "Actually, yes you can." He looked back to her. In her cat form, she just meowed at him.

"How can I still hear you?"

"We can speak to each other, telepathically. So, when we are with other people and need to speak to each other, this will come in handy so that they can't hear us and think that you're crazy."

Varg frowned and brought his hand up to his face. He really hoped that he wouldn't have to hear Tracey when she was in her cat form. He would just have to put up with it, for he knew that what he was doing now was worth it, despite her being annoying.

"Is that your best friend's car that I see coming this way?"

Varg looked up and saw a black car, just down the road. It was him. It was Oystein Aarseth, Euronymous.

"Yes. It is him. And he is not my friend."

"Well, you two were friends in this time, before you learned that he was going to kill you."

"Well, not anymore. Now shut up." She meowed back to him in response.

The car pulled up in front of them. Euronymous turned it off, got out of the car, and went up to Varg.

"Well, hello Varg. Sorry, I am a bit late. Sonja, wanted me to stay with her and do some things with her..." He told Varg, trailing off.

Varg remembered Sonja. She, was Euronymous's girlfriend. From what he remembered about her, she was a bitch, and was also a prostitute. He didn't know how anyone could date someone like her, but he figured that she and Euronymous deserved each other.

"I don't care to know what you did with her." Varg said, letting out a small, forced laugh. "Anyways, are we going to go inside or not?"

"Yes we are." Euronymous walked over to the doors of Helvete, took a key out of his pocket, and unlocked the door. They both went inside, with Tracey following them.

Euronymous, went over to a desk, that looked pretty beat up. "As you know, I'm going to have you sign some papers. Whatever money you make off of selling your albums, some of it goes to me. Do you understand?"

"Of course."

"Good." He then saw the cat, that was sitting down near Varg. "Whats with the cat?"

"Huh?" Varg looked down at Tracey, who just meowed at him. "Hmm...I don't know. Must have came in here with us. Probably wanted a place to stay for the night."

"Sure." Euronymous said, while handing Varg the papers, and still looking through the desk. "Now sign these, while I look for something."

"And what is it that you are looking for?"

"Ah! I found it!" Euronymous, had a photo in his hand. He handed it to Varg.
"Here look at this, what do you think? I took it myself."

Varg looked at the photo. It was the infamous photo of Pelle's dead body. His brains splattered against the wall, his slit wrist, and throat. The rifle, and knife were in the photo that he used to kill himself. No, that Euronymous used to murder him. He also noticed the famous t-shirt that Pelle wore on that day. "I love Transylvania."

Varg looked at the photo with disgust. When he first saw the photo, he felt neutral about it. Now, that he sees the photo again, and knows what Euronymous did to Pelle, he feels sick and wants to burn the photo. He wonders if there were any others that Euronymous had taken of Pelle on that fateful day.

He hands it back to Euronymous. "So, what do you think? Pretty cool, huh? I'm using it for the next album cover."

"Did you take any other photos of him? Of his dead body?" Varg asks, curious.

"Yes, I did. But I threw the rest of them away."

"You probably took pictures of yourself ****** him you sick fuck!" Varg thought, angrily. "Hey, Oystein. I need to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"Do you ever...miss him? Do you think you could have done anything to make him not kill himself?"

Euronymous turned around. "Why do you ask?"


Euronymous sighed. "I don't think there was anything anyone could have done to stop him from killing himself. He was obsessed with death and he wanted to die. No one could help him. And yes, of course I do miss him. He was Mayhem's greatest vocalist, and wrote very amazing lyrics. I'm glad that he left us the lyrics of Life Eternal in his suicide note. If you ask me, I think it was the greatest thing that he could have done for the band, killing himself. It got Mayhem more publicity. I think it was for the best that he took his own life."

Varg couldn't believe what he was hearing from Oystein's mouth. He wanted to grab the nearest boulder and bash his fucking teeth in.

"Hey...Whats the matter with you? You're shaking. Are you okay?"

He came up to Varg and placed a hand on his shoulder. When he did that, Varg, took a knife out of his pocket and appointed it at Oystein's throat.

"What the fuck are you doing!!??" Euronymous yelled at him, in shock.
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Old 05-19-2015, 09:45 PM   #24
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"You lying, pathetic scum! How can you say that you miss him when you, you were the one that drove him to suicide. You made nasty comments about him, encouraged him to keep cutting himself. You never would have helped him."

"He was a fucking freak anyways! Its not my fault he was a disgusting little ******..."

"Shut up! Just fucking shut up! Don't you dare speak of him that way!" He pushed past Euronymous and went behind the desk, digging through the papers and documents.

"You wanted him to die. You rather him commit suicide and get famous from his death. But...He didn't commit suicide..." Varg said, trailing off.

"What are you talking about?" Euronymous asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me Euronymous. I know what you did to him. You forced him to write the note, you slit his wrists, his throat, and blew his brains out. You ***** him." He said this, his voice filled with a deep rage.

"What...How...No! That is not what happened! The fucking freak offed himself!"

Varg pulled out an envelope from the desk, that said private on it.

"Put that down. Don't you dare fucking open it!"

Varg didn't listen to him, he opened the envelope, and pulled out some photos that were inside.

The photos were very...graphic...disturbing. Varg felt sick to his stomach when he saw them. They were photos of Per Yngve Ohlin.

One was a photo of him with Oystein's rifle aimed at his head. Another, was a photo of his slashed wrists. Another, was a photo of him with Oystein slitting his throat. Another, was a photo of him, lying on the floor, with his slashed wrists and throat, before Oystein killed him. Another, was a photo of him, after he was *****, there were bruises on his body, he was crying, blood was between his legs, and he looked to be shaking, and the last one was of Oystein, ****** him, biting him on his neck, tears running down his face, and he was screaming. Varg could see the terror in his eyes. It made him sick, to see these photos.

He looked up to Euronymous, and threw the photos at him. "You sick fuck!! How could you!! How could you make him suffer like this!?"

His voice was full of anger and rage. He would make Euronymous pay. Pay for what he did to Pelle.

The sound of thunder was heard from outside. It was like a symbol of Varg's hatred for this pathetic scum that stood in front of him, scared of him. Varg could see the terror in Oystein's eyes. Just like that day when he killed him. Varg would make sure that he suffered the way he made Pelle suffer.

He leaped up on top of the desk, his knife out in front of him. He jumped down from it, ready to kill this man and send him to Hell himself.
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Old 05-19-2015, 10:05 PM   #25
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My Star, My Moon
Chapter 6: Blue Eyed Angel

He opened his eyes, again. When he opens them he sees that he is outside, and that it is daytime and not nighttime. He and Tracey were standing outside of Helvete. He is panting a bit, trying to catch his breath.

"I almost could have killed that asshole. I could have put an end to his life before going back in time again." Varg tells Tracey.

"Even if you have killed him, before the crystal decided to take us back further, he would still be alive. You still need to stop him from hurting Pelle." Tracey explains to him.

Varg knows that she is right. Him, killing Euronymous before everything, would not have changed things. He would still be alive and would still have the chance to hurt Pelle. But Varg, would make sure that he wouldn't lay a single hand on him ever again. He would make sure to save Pelle and never let Euronymous get the chance to violate him, and murder him. He would make sure to succeed and not fail, in trying to save him. He just hoped that he wouldn't screw up, for he knew that this was his only chance, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he failed.

"Anyways, now we are where we want to be." Tracey says, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Are they coming to pick you up from here and take you to Krakstad, or do you have to take a taxi or something?"

"I remember them picking me up from here. I do believe they'll be here around 1:00 P.M."

"Well then, we have about thirty minutes until they get here, then you'll get to see your boyfriend again." She says this, winking at him.


"Varg, its clearly obvious. You're in love with Pelle. I can tell by the way you talk about him, defend him, and how much you care about him. Don't you dare deny that you feel for him."

Varg knew, that she was also right about this. But he was also still in love with his wife, well not his wife or girlfriend, yet, in this present time. But he couldn't deny it. He, was in love with the vocalist. But he also knew that if he acted on his feelings, that he would be turned down. Because surely the Swede did not feel for him, because one, he barely even knew Varg, just like Varg barely knew him. And two, it was also not a possibility that Pelle was bisexual or gay for that matter. Varg, at least hoped that if the Swede did not return his feelings, that he would at least form a close friendship with him.

"So, did you talk to him the first time you two met?" Tracey asked him.

"I talked to him, but not very much. I spent more time with Euronymous then I did with Pelle and the rest of the band members of Mayhem. And whenever we were around each other, he talked very little or didn't talk at all. That, will have to change. I'll have to gain his trust, spend time, and talk to him more, if I want to save him."

"So how are you going to do that? You know, save him."

Varg thought for a moment. How was he going to save Pelle in the first place? It all seemed very easy at first, but now, it didn't. He knew that he had to come up with a plan and fast. For he only had one whole month and seven days before April 8th was here.

"I think that I'll tell him whats going to happen on that day. Let him know everything."

"You do know that he'll think you're crazy, right?"

"Yes, I know. But if I take him forwards in time, to that day, then I can show him what will happen and he'll believe me."

"I hope you know that that might not go over very well...I mean, taking him with you to show him what happens!? What if he has to experience it, before that day even comes? You'll end up traumitizing him, if there isn't another one of him, and then he'll be more of an emotional wreck than what he is now."

"If I find out that he has to experience it when I take him to that event with me, then I'll try to return here."

"You remember what my grandmother said right? She said that that event will last for however long it is. So if you take him to that event, he'll end up getting hurt and he'll die, if he has to experience it himself, and not just be shown. So, if thats how it turns out when you do that, then you'll have failed in saving him."

"Well, then thats a risk I'll just have to take."

"Remember. you must be careful if you want to succeed in saving him."

"I know. I will be."

"Anyways, theres also something else that is different now too. You have someone else here with you, which is me. Do you want to introduce them to me as a cat or as a human?"

"As a cat."

"Alright. Well, since you're doing that, you need some cat stuff. Like litter, litter box, cat food, and whatnot."

"Well, I remember that there is a pet store not too far from here."

"Well then, we better go get the stuff before they get here."

"I'll go, you wait here. I won't be long."

"Alright. Well get going then, hurry."

Varg then walks off to the nearest pet store to get cat stuff.

About 20 minutes later, he returns, with everything that he needs for Tracey. He places it down in front her.

Tracey sees the cat food, and tuna that Varg got for her. She looks at it with disgust.

"I hope you know that I'm not eating that stuff."

"Even the tuna?"

"Yes, even the tuna. I hate fish foods. And I'm also not using the litter box. We're just getting this stuff, so I seem like a normal cat."

He shakes his head at her. "Okay, so if you don't eat the cat food then just throw it away that way no one suspects you or anything. Now. Come on Tracey, get in the pet carrier." He opens the pet carrier, waiting for her to go in it.

She, just looks at him as if he is crazy. "I'm not going in that thing."

"Come on now. Be a good kitty and get in."


He sighs to himself. "Fine. If you don't go in, I'll just have to put you in there myself." He gets up and goes to grab her.

"Don't you dare..." She hisses, and then swats at him.

"Hey! That isn't very nice. Do you want me to declaw you?"

"You're not putting me in that carrier." She says this, glaring at him.

She swats at him again, but misses. He grabs her by the scruff of her neck, and goes to put her in the carrier.

"Put me down!" She says, while struggling to get away from him. He doesn't listen to her, as he finally gets her in the carrier and locks it. He hears her, hissing and growling from inside, giving him an evil look.

"You'll pay for this Varg..."

"Tracey, I can't have you roaming around in the car or on a leash. The others will think its weird." He reaches into his pocket and pulls a out a toy mouse that has a bell on its tail. "Here, play with Mr. Mousey." He puts it into the carrier with her.

"Haha, very funny Varg." She rolls her eyes.

Varg chuckles to himself. He is about to say something else, when he hears a horn honking, that is just down the street.

"Well, looks like your boyfriend is here."

Varg ignores her as he waits for the car to pull up.

When it pulls up in front of them, Jorn and Oystein get out of the front seats. They both walk over to him. Varg sees that Jan is not with them. He figures that he must be back at the house or is busy. In the back seat, he sees him. Per Yngve Ohlin. He looks very tired, and also looks like he hasn't eaten in days. At this, Varg is very concerned for him. But he doesn't say nothing. "I'll have to get him to start eating more often. Also, I need to get him to stop hurting himself, and not commit suicide." He knows that even though, he didn't commit suicide on that day, he knows that the vocalist is still suicidal and he could still end up killing himself. Varg knows that he needs help and Varg will do his best, to make him better.

Euronymous speaks to him. "Its been a while since we have seen each other. I'm still a bit pissed off that you couldn't make it to the party we had last year."

Varg remembers the party. The party that he couldn't make it to. It was before they moved to Krakstad, when they still lived in Oslo. He remembers that Euronymous told him something that happened at the party. Something about Pelle, being drunk, slicing up his wrists, and ended up having Jorn and Oystein chase him outside. They had to handcuff him to a lamp post to stop him from running away and from hurting himself further. They had to call the police to get the handcuffs unlocked, because they didn't have the key. It was a very crazy night.

"Yes, it has been a while. Do you need me to help get the stuff into the trunk?"

Jorn, who is picking up Varg's suitcase and the cat stuff speaks up. "No, thats alright. Just pick up the cat carrier and put it in the back seat with you."

"Whats with the cat anyways? You didn't say that you were bringing a cat with you."

"Yeah...heh heh...I forgot to mention that." Varg laughs a little, at the situation. If only they knew that this cat wasn't exactly a normal cat, but a witch, who could turn into a cat.

"We'll be stopping somewhere to eat before we head back to Krakstad. Do you want anything to eat?" Euronymous asks him.

"Thats alright. I had something to eat earlier, so I don't need anything."

"Alright. Also, I would make sure to keep the cat away from Dead while you're staying with us. He'll try to kill it."

Varg nods his head. He remembers when Euronymous told him about Pelle, he mentioned that he chased and tried to kill a cat. Luckily, the cat survived.

"I hope you know I was that cat that he tried to kill." He hears Tracey, speaking to him.

He looks at her with surprise. In her human form, she looked to be in her early twenties, and this incident happened in 1989, so Tracey would still have been just a kid or not even born yet. " old are you...?"

"We'll talk about that later. Now, get in the car with your boyfriend. He is waiting for you."
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