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Old 10-02-2006, 01:31 PM   #3201
DarkHeartedDemoness's Avatar
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Sorry, love. Are you off to Uni next year? What do you intend to major in?
A SPIDER sewed at night
Without a light
Upon an arc of white.
If ruff it was of dame
Or shroud of gnome,
Himself, himself inform.
Of immortality
His strategy
Was physiognomy.

--Emily Dickinson
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Old 10-02-2006, 01:34 PM   #3202
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No I'm not off to uni. But my friend was asking me if I'd like to go & how their sister has just started.

Though I should start considering it early I suppose.
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Old 10-02-2006, 09:08 PM   #3203
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Originally Posted by She_Is_My_Sin
That meant half an hour of excruciating stomach pains & trying to hold in...'gas'. He told me 'I can feel your pain'. Bollocks.

Ok, rant over.
You should have just left... you can not seriously get into trouble for leaving the classroom to keep from... embarassing yourself.

Hell, if they tried to give you a detention for that.. ask them to play hold it next time they've got the runs...

but maybe that's just my crazy teenage rebellious-ness shining through

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Old 10-03-2006, 02:05 PM   #3204
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I would've left but I'm one of those people who'll do what they're told.

Plus I didn't want to go leaping over the tables with a skirt on & 'gas'.

Anything could've happened!

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Old 10-05-2006, 02:24 PM   #3205
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Alrighty, so I'm annoyed again.

In my drama class, we're supposed to be doing a short performance that is about a main theme from the play 'Two' & summarise the play through that. Anyways, I have quite a large group, so we're all supposed to be organising some parts on our own & we have to be in tow scence each.

So I'm Mr Iger ( a man who doesn't realise he's being opressed by his dominant wife, who doesn't really love him) in one scene & I was supposed to be sorting out something with a friend.

I'm not there for about 15 minutes of one of the preparation lessons & all of a sudden they've sorted the whole fecking performance without me & that I was now doing my scene with someone else.

Whilst I'm practising my Mr Iger scene, turns out I'm not doing my own scene at all!
So some cow in my group gets three parts, including MY part.

I complained. They didn't give a shit.

Great. I'm doing crap enough as it is in drama, now my group are helping me fail my A-Levels.
I feel like spouting off a whole list of rude, rude words.
But I won't.
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Old 10-06-2006, 06:17 AM   #3206
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Unhappy My rant for today:

Ok, I am going to make my first rant. Usually I can deal with this kind of stuff by myself, but I have tried, and nothing is getting better.

I am failing four classes in school.
My father keeps yelling at me that I am worthless and never get anything done around his farm.
I am extremely tired and stressed out all of the time, and cannot stay awake in most of my classes. (Regardless of the fact that I go to bed about 10:30 every night. Bummer, because I am a night person.)
I am pissed off at most everyone that talks to me in school because they are usually just full of the typical teenage bullshit.
I have been going constantly downhill since school started.

This is not me!
I don't know what the problem is.
I haven't been myself at all lately.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:51 PM   #3207
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I hate the librarians at my school library. Seriously, they always want to start some beef with me for no reason.

Today I had to get some books out for my sister. I asked if I could take them out & gave her my name. She was already pretty pissed, because she was trying to make a phone call. She looked for my name & then started grumbling at the computer. She asked me how to spell my surname, so I did. Then she got in a bit of a stress because apparently I don't pronounce a part of my name correctly in her opinion.

I looked at her & said 'You're telling me how to say my own surname?! For god's sake! It's MY name!' Then I got told if I talk to a member of staff like that again I'm not allowed to work in the library.

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Old 10-11-2006, 04:49 PM   #3208
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argh. mallgoths. the "youre such a poser" shit again
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Old 10-11-2006, 09:50 PM   #3209
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Ok here goes this is something i've had on my chest for ages...
when i say "you", i mean it in the most general of terms.

why do you let people and what they say bother you? i say fuck 'em...all of them! every single person in your life that isnt making things better for you...get rid of them. Why should you be unhappy?!? Surround yourself with people that make you feel good...and make sure that you can return the favour. No one has the right to make you feel inferior, in any way! just think of it this way: things they say and do to you will come back three-fold and bite em on the arse, later! we spend so much of our lives letting crappy people kill our good vibes...but WHY???

my mother swallows her mother-inlaw's crap for 6 weeks a year and every sunday afternoon...she's been married 20 years. She raised me not to swallow other people's shit (and if i have to burn a few bridges, its ok). But she cries every night, for 6 weeks because she takes it! She wont stand up to the old bitch because she cares so much about my dad...i hate seeing that! and i hate seeing it in other people! why should you have to take it? You're not weak, at all....
my mother is in a bad situation on this one...but its not to say that YOU cant fight back!
you've got the've got the intellect...DO IT.

your life is what YOU make of it (i know it sounds corny), but if you want something badly enough, you can get it. Its about attitude and determination and all that other shyte that takes faaaaar too much energy...just please, dont take shit lying witty, be sharp, be angry, dont play nice with the other kids (if you have to)...but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont let other people crush you.

i should practice what i preach...but there's a saying that goes "do as i say, and not as i do"

It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
The echo calls my name

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Old 10-12-2006, 09:19 AM   #3210
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Last night my older sister & mother were fighting. Not just a small argument, a full on thing. They started at 1 AM & finished at half was about money. My mum was trying to sleep & my sister was screaming at her to pay her back. If anything, it was frightening. My older sister is an aggressive person & I guess she was spurred on beacsue she had a few drinks at a party beforehand.

I could hear stuff like 'I wish I'd had an abortion' 'I fucking hate you. Why don't you just die!'. My mum began to cry after a while & begged her to go away. Then they started hitting each other. I was sat there, crying because it was so horrible to hear. My sister then walked out. After a while I came out to go to the toilet & my mum hugged me & told me none of it was my fault. I'm just glad my dad wasn't there, he would've completely lost it.

I got upset because I feel that they're being so selfish. They don't care what effect it has upon me, my dad & my younger sister. They're always at each others throats.

I had to complain on here, because I did tell one of my friends & she didn't know what to say, as she's an only child & has a pretty stable relationship with her parents.

*sigh* One of these days, their conflicts will have serious consequences. I just wish they'd snap out of their grudges & realise.
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Old 10-15-2006, 10:31 PM   #3211
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aaww, honey *hugs*...

ok. i know conflict at home can be really unnerving, but you need to remember that none of it is your fault...they should be handling things like adults. and screaming matches in the wee hours isnt right...fighting about money is such a materialistic, petty pile of crap that i could NEVER justify it as a cause for arguement, especially in the family!!!
there are always options. what i will say is that you need to make sure your little sister understands that its not her fault either. Younger kids can be very sensitive to things that are happening in the home...and it can be very scary when things go awry....

You have a few options:
1) you can leave things the way they are now.
2) You can speak to your parents, take a stand: choose a friday and take yourself and your little sister to a grandparent or some other safe relative or even friends. Tell your parents that they need to work things out with your sister for your family's sake. Tell them how you feel...Now i know the problems are between your sister and your mom, but your dad will need to be a mediator between them...its important for him to be there. Because they will hit a standstill in the fighting and the circle will reset itself.
3) Discuss it with your sister. Find out if she knows what her antagonism is doing.

my mom and i fight all the time but we keep our feelings towards eachother seperate from the rest of our family. Shouting is far too crude! if we have admin, we sit down and talk it out...i left home a few times...but things are a bit better now...i know what our fighting did to my brother and my dad. which is why we sorted things out, even if it meant i had to was for the greater good.

just dont let selfish people get the better of you. Be supportive towards the people who need them how mature you are. And learn from their mistakes.
It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
The echo calls my name

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Old 10-17-2006, 11:38 AM   #3212
Ben Lahnger
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I get so mad when I see people don't have simple respect for other people's wishes. Meddlers that have to get involved with other people's business, when it's not their place to do so.

That is all.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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Old 10-17-2006, 12:48 PM   #3213
Ben Lahnger
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And didn't this used to be stickied?
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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Old 10-17-2006, 10:04 PM   #3214
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stickied? i dont think so... o.O but i could be wrong.

i hate this: at work, we're a smallish company that does alot of wok for BIG companies...huge ones! and there are people at work that think they're better than what they are. if they started as a secretary, for example, they made themselves procuremebt officers. the bosses think its cute. i'm annoyed because they're messing with our ability to do OUR work...why the hell do they have to be involved in the engineering departments business anyway? they have admin shit of their own to do. and even if they know we're working on a client's issues remotely, they'll still put fucking calls through to us!!!!
another thing that grates me is the fact the we're a great group of people, some younger than others why should they treat the younger ones like dirt? granted i'm the youngest and the next on the list IS 5 years older than me...but i'm not an idiot! i grew up in IT...its my passion and if i couldnt play my bass, i'd only do IT...but dammit! i know what i'm doing...and if i dont i learn and i try to understand and put what i've learned to good use!!! why treat us like children?!?

ANOTHER THING: why do they have to be so fake??? if i client comes to the office, its one thing to be curteuos, i know we're providing a service and they pay the bills blah blah blah....but just cos Joe Soap from some or other crappy company comes in, we have to instantly jump up from our fifty server-at-a-time CRASH, and make a fuss, maybe even lick his balls if its time for them to be signing a new contract....its CRAP....i think its totally stupid and pointless...if they dont like us, they arent going to start liking us the minute we start showering them with gifts of corporate bullshyte!
its just so pathetic...and i feel so very cheap! we're not whores...yes, they hire us out to do a service...but once my job there is done, we done have to keep at it!

it stresses me job is the reason i dont sleep at night...
It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
The echo calls my name

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Old 10-19-2006, 02:09 AM   #3215
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I hate the croissants they sell in the store nearby. Plastic-wrapped, and containing, amongst other ingredients, celery.

Petrified for the millionth time...
Slowly my soul evaporates
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Old 10-19-2006, 03:58 AM   #3216
Born Again
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I hate the lemon juice that comes in the lemon shaped containers, usually sold near the alcoholic beverage section. It smells like a porter potty.
"There is no way out of the mind"--Sylvia Plath
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Old 10-19-2006, 06:13 AM   #3217
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Originally Posted by PersephoneX
it stresses me job is the reason i dont sleep at night...
I'm so sorry, hun. If that's true, and your job is not allowing you to sleep at night, I would strongly suggest a career change. Sadly, in our society, your job is what defines you, especially once you're out of school. Is this what you want to define you?
A SPIDER sewed at night
Without a light
Upon an arc of white.
If ruff it was of dame
Or shroud of gnome,
Himself, himself inform.
Of immortality
His strategy
Was physiognomy.

--Emily Dickinson
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Old 10-19-2006, 07:33 AM   #3218
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I'm annoyed.

A wasp flew down my top & stung my boob.
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Old 10-19-2006, 07:40 AM   #3219
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Ouchies! A can't stand wasps.

I have sandfly bites everywhere. Still itching like crazy. From 2 weeks ago. Apparently I've been scratching them in my sleep, too, because when I wake up most mornings they're bleeding...

And leech bites, too, but those are from my pet leeches, so I can't complain since I actually let them feed off me. Such cute little things
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Old 10-19-2006, 07:50 AM   #3220
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I've had bad experiences with wasps. Once one flew into my hair during an exam & I wasn't allowed to leave despite the fact it repeatedly stung me.
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Old 10-19-2006, 08:04 AM   #3221
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That's horrible! The worst I had was a moth flying about in my hair, but I didn't mind that much. My uncle had a bat, though. Had the bat been in an amazing Robert Smith creation instead of the 70's afro he had at the time, he might have been considered the Goth King of his time.
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Old 10-19-2006, 08:05 AM   #3222
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A moth flew up my nose once & never came out....o_0 it's rather worrying....
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Old 10-19-2006, 09:58 PM   #3223
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Originally Posted by DarkHeartedDemoness
I'm so sorry, hun. If that's true, and your job is not allowing you to sleep at night, I would strongly suggest a career change. Sadly, in our society, your job is what defines you, especially once you're out of school. Is this what you want to define you?
honestly...its really awful...i've been looking for another job for months now...and its not that there arent any -there are TONS. But they're all at firms that are smaller or in the same sort of category...and that means that there's the same crap there, too.

there are those little cliques, the ones that stop talking when you walk into the Kitchen, or board-room. and ignore you when there's team building you and the only other person even slightly close to being like you sit in a corner and pretend that you dont notice...the thing is that we're not rude, or anti-social. we both see through all their fake smiles. i mean, its not like we did anything to ostracise anyone, either...i keep my bad behaviour for outside the office, always have! and i try and blend into the background to avoid confrontation...
people in the little companies arent very approving of subcultural differences. so i end up being treated wierdly, or trying to be more like them... the fact that i feel like i'm selling out sucks...but in the end, i have to earn a living, and i want my career's foundations to be strong. y'know?

...thanks for letting me bitch about it...
It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
The echo calls my name

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Old 10-20-2006, 06:33 PM   #3224
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I don't know why, but I have this odd feeling like my mind is running too many things at one time. It's this odd feeling where it feels like I'm running through hundreds of thoughts. The feeling can only be described as having like, a little piece of something heavy stuck between your brain and your skull, causing it to be very uncomfortable. Now, I somewhat fancy myself to be able to handle multiple things at once. I like knowing I have the ability to focus on multiple tasks at once, and do them well. This feeling though, just seemingly comes over when it appears to be too much at my plate. Yet, there isn't that much at my plate to begin with. I have very little stress in my life, so I don't exactly get why I'm feeling this way.

That makes me think of whether it would actually be possible for humanity, to actually be able to think critically on all of the vital issues. If I feel this way, when I have relatively little stress, would it actually be possible for someone who has a job, kids, a wife, bills and mortages to pay off, the duty to vote, a house to manage, a car to manage, friends to keep in touch with, their appearance to maintain, etc. to think about this, and simultaneously process issues like "China becoming an emerging superpower that could topple the US", and "Whether the US Patriot Act is an infrigment on the consitutional rights of the American people", and then smaller issues like, "The robbery at Mrs. Jones house" and "The street light at sixth and main is out again", combined with more issues like, "How can organized crime be dealt with", and "What politicial party best represents my thoughts".

The only reasom I'm thinking about it, is my computer class. As we've begun to study processors, I've realized that processors can only do so many tasks, and the more tasks they do, the less tasks they'll be able to accomplish. Like, say I run a compiler on my computer, browse on the web, and listen to my new CD on a media player. By doing these three things, I slow down my computer considerably for any other tasks. Also, by running these three things, I slow each one down individually. My web browser will come up slower, it will take more time to switch between songs on my media player, and the program compiler will be slower in compiling the program.

So, if we look at the human brain that way, one must wonder if all these issues will slow us down. We're dealing with many tasks that run through our brain at any given moment, and all of these eventually add up. When we start to think about local issues like how to turn on the faucet, or cut a piece of fruit, we run more tasks. Then when we think about the Kaslowskis next door, and their little kid who just broke his leg, we start running more. Then when that leads to how there's a broken light pole at city hall, that brings more. After that, thinking about how City Hall is broken, just leads us to how the Government is broken. You then get into the Iraq War, North Koreas nuclear missile test, Hezbollah's actions, etc, and you're suddenly running tons of processes at once. Wouldn't this logically slow us down? IKeep in mind, we can only use so much of our brain.

Computers are lucky though. When it stores information, it has a hard drive that it can store it on, so the CPU doesn't have to dedicate more memory to it. We have to keep not only all of these issues, but our memories in our mind as well. This takes up more and more space. I wouldn't argue that the more we learn, the less we know. No, I think that the more we learn, the less we're able to do anything.

Sadly, society demands that we all be intelligent, athletic, good looking, knowing where you stand, fitting in with your social group, and well informed on the current issues. Then, each of these demand more and more of you. So, to supplement everything you know, and the issues that mean alot of you, you have your brain consumed up with things that you supposedly should know, and when you don't know, you're suddenly in trouble with yourself.

This takes up more, and more, and more. By this time, you're running out of space to hold all this information. Yet there are basically rules written in your mind, that say you're supposed to know all of these things, and that you have to do all of this, and get in shape, and keep up your appearances, and failing to do so is a bad thing. This gives you even more things to think about. Then, trying to figure out how to manage all of this, gives you even more to think about!

So, then you come back to the original issue. Is it possible to think critically about the issues at hand? I've heard a lot of people argue that people aren't thinking about their actions, and just following what someone says or does. Yet, knowing that we're all running out of all of this processing power, you have to begin to wonder if everyone can.

Say there was going to be a vote, and you were given a set of issues. To think critically about the issues, you would have to have a genuine debate with yourself, and resolve which side you wanted to be with. You'd have to do this, ontop of every issue you have to deal with. You'd also have to do this, thinking about society as well, and every issue that comes up as well. Say your car breaks down on the highway, and one of the issues is highway repair. You'd have to account for that in your mind as well, which requires you to think more.

Then, you'd also probably have a conversation with your peers about this issue. In doing so, you might stumble upon an issue where you have to get at odds with the majority of your peers. This would cause you to think more, and to think very critically, and be very defensive. This causes you to think more, and biases you against the issue itself.

You're essentially screwed. Then, when you try and think of a solution, you lose more and more power. You're ever down this spiral of having to think about issues, whether you care about them or not. That's when you hit the bottleneck of your brain, and suddenly, you can't think critically about the issues. It's not that you don't want to, or that you're just following your party/social group. It's just that it's all you have time for.
"What have I taken away from you?"
"My irlelaulsiitoyn!."
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Old 10-22-2006, 10:55 PM   #3225
PersephoneX's Avatar
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um...maybe you should take a valium and a nap?
It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
The echo calls my name

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