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Old 05-19-2015, 10:13 PM   #26
satanicangel66689's Avatar
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Posts: 62
Vargs nods his head. He opens the door, to the back seat of the car, and sits in the middle, with Tracey near the window. He turns to look at Pelle, who seems to be in his own fantasy world, staring out the window, his hair hiding his face. Varg takes in how he looks.

The Swede, is wearing jeans, tennis shoes, a battle jacket with a black sweat shirt underneath it. Varg thinks that he looks beautiful. His pale skin, that he wants to touch. His soft, long hair that he would love to run his hands through. His eyes that he could get lost in. His soft lips that he would love to kiss right now. But, he must hold himself back. He can't have the others, especially Pelle think that he is crazy or hate him because of what he feels for Swede. He doesn't know how the others, how Pelle will react to them. He hopes that if he does confess his feelings to Pelle, that he will return them and won't reject him, or won't hate him if he doesn't return them.

Varg also notes how skinny he is. He was very thin, in an unhealthy way. Varg knew that he probably had starve wounds from not eating so much. He looked down at his arms. He knew that Pelle must have a lot of scars on his arms. He just couldn't see them because they were covered up by the sleeves of his shirt. Varg really hoped that he could help him. He knew that it would be hard, for he knew that the vocalist was so intent on hurting and killing himself. He knew that he wanted to die. Varg would make sure that Pelle would get better. That he would not get hurt anymore.

A slight blush went to his cheeks. He shouldn't keep staring at the Swede so much, but...he couldn't help it. He was just so captivating to him.

Pelle, who noticed that Varg was looking at him, turned to him. "What?" His asked, slighty annoyed.

Varg shook his head. "Nothing. Just, getting lost in my own thoughts." "I shouldn't have been staring at him so much. Damn it Varg, control yourself. Now is not the time to be acting like some lovesick teenager."

"Well, if you don't mind, try not to stare at me so much."

"Alright. I'm sorry."

"Whatever." Pelle said, looking out the window again.

"Screwing up already, aren't we Romeo?"

"Shut up Tracey."
She just meowed back at him.

He heard Oystein, and Jorn get back in the car. Euronymous, turned to them. "We're going to Mcdonalds, is that alright?"

Varg nodded his head. He didn't know why Oystein was asking him that, because he did tell him that he wasn't getting anything to eat. He turned to look at Pelle, and thought that he must at least be hungry, especially from starving himself so much. "What about Pelle?"

"What about him?" Euronymous asks, confused.

"I'm sure that he must be hungry. Why don't you ask him if he wants anything to eat?"

Euronymous shakes his head, laughing at him a little. "Are you kidding me? He would rather starve himself than eat anything. And why are you so worried about him eating?"

"Well, its just that he looks so...thin...and I figured that he must be starving."
Pelle, turns to look him with a scowl on his face. If looks could kill, Varg would surely be dead.

Jorn, who is listening to the conversation, speaks up. "We have tried giving him food to eat, but he barely ever eats it or doesn't at all. Euronymous, sit back down, and put your seat belt on." Euronymous does as he is told, and Jorn starts up the car. They start heading to the nearest Mcdonalds.

Varg decides that, now is the right time to speak to Pelle again. "So, you're the new vocalist for Mayhem?"


"So, how do you like being in the band? Are the rest of the guys good to you?"

"Its fine..."

"I heard that you're from Sweden. Do you ever miss your home country? Your friends, family?"


Varg seems to be getting nowhere with him. He isn't really saying much. "This is harder than I thought? How I am supposed to earn his trust, save him, if he doesn't really talk to me? Well at least this is a start...but I need him to open up to me more." Varg thinks for a moment, wondering what he should say next to the vocalist. Pelle seems to be very distrustful of Varg. Probably because he knows that he is close friends with Oystein, and Varg knows him and Oystein hate each other and say nasty things to each other. But Varg remembers that it was Oystein who started the fights between him and Pelle, and not Pelle himself. He wonders why Oystein hated Pelle so much. Who could ever hate someone so amazing and so beautiful, and so talented at what they do. Pelle never did anything wrong, and yet Oystein picks on him almost everyday.

Varg tries to keep the conversation going on with Pelle. "So, um...Euronymous, the guys, told me about you. They told me that you're obsessed with death, that you like to bury your clothes to get that corpse like smell, and that you carry around a dead bird..."

Varg knew about what Pelle did. He does think it is weird and a bit crazy, but knowing these things doesn't change his feelings for the vocalist.

Pelle, doesn't answer back, but grumbles quietly.

Varg continues speaking. "They also told me about what happened at the party. Is it true, that you cut yourself and that they had to handcuff you to a lamppost?"

Pelle turns his head, and snaps at him. "Listen, I don't care that you think I'm crazy, alright?!"

Varg is a bit taken aback by this. "Hey...I didn't mean anything by it..."

Pelle, doesn't seem to hear him. "I don't care that you think I'm a freak or crazy for doing those things. I love doing what I do. Just because people think I'm weird for it, it doesn't mean I'm going to stop."

"I didn't mean to offend you or anything..."

"Just leave me alone and don't talk to me anymore." After this, Pelle turns his head, looking back out the window. Varg can tell that he is not happy.

He groans. Knowing that he is screwing up his chance of ever forming some kind of relationship with the Swede.

"Way to go Romeo. You just made him hate you."

"He doesn't hate me. He just doesn't know me very well, and is still very distrustful of me."

"Well, you better find a way to get Juliet to fall in love with you."

"He is not a woman Tracey."

"Whatever. You just better find a way to make it up to him or else you won't be able to save him."

He hears Jorn speaking. "Alright, we're here. At Mcdonalds. You sure you don't want anything to eat Varg?"

"I'm fine." He says this, with a small smile.

"Well, if you say so. Come on Oystein, lets go."

"Alright. And Varg..."


"Try not to bother Pelle so much. Hes a little...sensitive..." He says, chuckling a bit. Pelle, glares at him.

"Maybe you should be the one to leave him alone Euronymous." Varg thinks to himself, a little angry at what Euronymous said.

He then turns to Pelle, who is still looking out the window, and has an angry look on his face. He then turns to Tracey. "What should I do Tracey? Hes mad at me." Varg says to her, with a hopeless look on his face. He doesn't know what to do. He feels himself sweating a bit. He is nervous, in this awkward situation, alone with Pelle in the car, neither of them speaking a word.

"Well, maybe you should apologize."

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"For whatever you said that made him upset. I don't know if it will help or not, but its worth a shot."

He turns back to Pelle. "I hope this works." He takes a deep breath, and starts to speak again. "'m sorry..."

"What?" Pelle looks at him, confused.

Varg can't stand this. Pelle, staring at him, with those eyes, that seemed to have lost that spark in them. Those eyes that were once filled with so much emotion in them and now, look like they were only filled with sorrow.

He musters up the courage to speak again. "I'm sorry for what I said...about what you do. Look, I don't think you're crazy, a freak, for doing that stuff. I know others may think that you are, but to seem like a very interesting and fascinating person." He says this to Pelle, smiling at him.

Pelle doesn't say anything. Neither of them do for a couple of minutes. The silence is very uncomfortable for Varg. He sits there, playing with a loose string on his shirt, looking at anything but Pelle.
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Old 05-19-2015, 10:14 PM   #27
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"Do you...really mean it?" Pelle asks him. His hair is hiding his face again. Varg wishes to move it, so he can look into those beautiful eyes.

"Yes. I do. I do mean it. I didn't mean to offend you, I just want to get know you more." He says, while still smiling back at Pelle.

A small smile forms on Pelle's lips. Varg cheers inside his mind, happy with himself that he has finally made Pelle smile. He then speaks up again, willing to do more for this beautiful creature beside him.

"Hey, I know that you might not want me to, but I think I should get you some food."

"No. Thats alright. I don't need anything to eat."

"Come on. You must be starving. I'll pay for it, and you won't owe me anything."

"You don't have to. Its fine."

"Well, I'm going to anyways. Besides, you need some meat on those bones." He ignores Pelle's protests as he gets out of the car and heads inside the restaurant. He sees Necrobutcher (Jorn), and Euronymous, still waiting for their order. Jorn turns to Varg when he sees him.

"I thought you weren't getting anything...?"

"I'm not getting anything for myself. Its for Pelle."

Jorn and Oystein both give him confused looks. "They must think I'm crazy for buying Pelle food." He ignores their looks, as he orders a cheeseburger, with some fries.

It doesn't take long for his order to be ready. He picks it up and turns to the others. "Well, come on. Lets go." He starts walking towards the restaurant.

Euronymous speaks. "Hes not going to eat that you know?"

"Well, hes going to anyways, or else I'll force this food down his throat."

They get back to the car, and they get inside it. Varg hands Pelle the food. "Here. I hope that you'll like it."

Pelle looks inside the bag that the food is in. He looks back up at Varg. "Thank you..." He says, his words coming out as a whisper.

Varg smiles at him. "You're welcome."

He smiles back at him. Varg felt his heart flutter, when he sees that Pelle is smiling at him again.

Tracey, who is still in the pet carrier, rolls her eyes. "Get a room you two."

"Shut up, Tracey."

Jorn starts up the car. "Alright, now we're off to Krakstad.
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Old 05-19-2015, 10:19 PM   #28
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Okay, so I know its been a while. Sorry about that :P But as everyone can see I have not given up on this story . I finished chapter 6 just tonight, and decided that I might as well keep posting this here. Now about the fight scene in chapter 2...Ugh. I suck at describing fight scenes :P I need to work on that. Anyways, feel free to leave comments or criticism on it and tell me what you guys think of it so far. Also, I really appreciate it if someone doesn't make a hate comment. If you don't like it, then thats fine, but please don't leave any hateful comments. Please & thank you.
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Old 07-11-2016, 07:21 AM   #29
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Okay, for anyone who has hoped to see any recent chapters for story, and thought I stopped writing it. The thing is on Rockfic. I have finished My Star, My Moon and am currently writing a sequel called Eternally Yours. If anyones interested in Black metal slash, go ahead and check it out

I am also working on another story called Fallen. Its an Ambreigns fic. (Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns). If anyones interested I'll post the link for it.
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