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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 04-18-2005, 11:06 PM   #51
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Yeah. It's indeed interesting that Sternn hasn't revealed his sexuality until now. It's like he's been hiding it, like he's ashamed of it. Then again, bisexuals like himself don't mix well with Islamic Fundamentalists (his hardcore anti-American Iraqi friends) or gay bashing IRA members. So either he's sitting on his sexuality around certain people cause he's ashamed of it, or he's lying his ass off.

And calling Al a gay basher is whas really kills me. Cause him and Elton John go way back.

"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:09 AM   #52
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Plus, I'm his inspiration for the song "Rocket Man" if you get my drift...
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Old 04-19-2005, 10:56 AM   #53
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Solum - Tis sad, I know. Every single thread here turns into a personal attack on me, but on the good side, like this thread, most people are able to get a good conversation going until the three stooges step in and start with the personal attacks.

I just ignore them and try to stay on topic. For some reason binkie always thinks trying to bring in the IRA's point of view is a good way to attack me, dunno why - as mentioned before the IRA have no feelins for or against gays, social security, or any other issue that is not about getting the brits out of Ireland.

Bush on the other hand...but for some reason whenever we try to discuss any of his policies which DO effect people worldwide, trys to change the topic and syas I'm anti-bush. I am anti-bush - and he keeps doing stuff ending up in the news and it directly relates to many topics here as it is a political forum. Battery Poison, err...binkie (the account she hides behind as she is afraid to post to this topic under her real account, im guessing she is afraid to express her views except behind a moniker) always does this in efforts to NOT discuss the bush administrations position on the topic.

Final note to binkie - the IRA has no stance on anything but the status of troops in Northern Ireland. Trying to argue they have views on gays, marriage, and any other subject is absurd. Also impying that your not gay bashing - simply read back 2 pages - you can read your own comments for yourself, that is if you didn't already have EPS delete them for you again.

And we watch as ally clogs the message board with silly pix, and eps always brings in the 10 pages of quotes and then the topic dies, like every other one has here.

But like I said, we always get a good start, till those three scare off the other participants.

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Old 04-19-2005, 12:12 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
Also impying that your not gay bashing - simply read back 2 pages - you can read your own comments for yourself, that is if you didn't already have EPS delete them for you again.
First off Lamo, I don't delete Binkie's posts. Not my job, and she can find the delete post key all on her own. Secondly, Binkie doesn't post anything that is not well thought out. So I really doubt she uses it at all. More lies from you, just like your lies on the previous page that you chose to ignore when you were called on it.

Originally Posted by CptSternn

and eps always brings in the 10 pages of quotes and then the topic dies, like every other one has here.
If you didn't IGNORE so many people's questions, and tell so many lies, no one would have to quote you. Pretty simple.

Originally Posted by CptSternn
But like I said, we always get a good start, till those three scare off the other participants.
This from the guy who said this:

Originally Posted by CptSternn

How do you make a four year old cry twice?

Wipe your bloody dick on his teddy bear.
Yeah, your a real charmer...

Not so much..
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Old 04-19-2005, 12:32 PM   #55
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Speaking of quotes, Capt. Douchebag, lemmie quote a post that asked you a question that you ignored, as you do 99% of all those directed at you.

Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Originally Posted by CptSternn
And EPS - look at your posts FOLLOWING allys posts. You not only laughed at his bigotted attacks, you made a dozen or so of your own - complete with more pictures.

It wasn't until Tea mentioned you out on it a few posts ago you acknowledged that what ally did was wrong.

Sorry I am so slow to respond, I had more entertaining things to do..

OK Cpt Boring, show me WHERE I said at ANY TIME that what AL posted was wrong???

Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Originally Posted by CptSternn

And once again the irnony here is astounding. We start a thread about gay bashing and the normal three gay bashers show up to attack those who wish to discuss gay bashing.

EPS, Binky, And Of Course Ally.
Umm could someone please explain how I am the normal gay basher??

I have pages and pages and pages of my lustful comments towards the luscious females of the board..

Plus my penchant for yummy Asian women..

I think, no, I KNOW I have even hit on Binkie more than once..

Present me with Xiang Ziyi and I will commence to licking..

Fuck, after the last 24 hrs I may just start pitching for the other team full time..

But it really fucking pisses me of to be labeled a regular gay basher?

Uhh, what the fuck?


Tea, am I a ' Regular Gay Basher '?

Haven't I tried to sedcue you and your purdy roomate yet?

Plus I could do Sternn's tired bit, of ' I know someone, I licked her boobies, my best friend in Texas is, blah blah BULLSHIT.

But fuck that..

I am TOTALLY lost on this one..
Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Originally Posted by TeapotScar

And if you don't believe that EPS hearts the gays, I will *PERSONALLY* 69 her. I'm just that generous.
We may just have to do that..

Ya know just to make sure Cpt. WTF gets the point..

We might need Granny's help too..

And we DEFINITELY might need 2 bottles of Jasmine Oil and a Feather.

:roll: :twisted: :o

Oh and just where are these ' Over 18 ' only pics little sexzie missy?


Oh and for the record, everyone I know, INCLUDING the band themselves, think YMCA is the funniest fucking song EVER!!

We are soooo not Gay Bashers, the Village People simply= uncontrollabe mirth!
Grow the Hell up Sternn..

We're not bigots, and its pathetic even for YOU, that is the best you can come with in your rapidly ebbing bag of lame retorts..

You, with the PWNED pics of dead american soldiers, calling US bigots..

You making jokes about the WTC, calling US bigots..

I'm sure I could dig up a pedophile joke you have made, or two..

But your too boring to waste the effort on..

The amusing thing is, when your cornered, YOU LIE...

I reccomend you go over the ^^^ words with a fine tooth comb and good luck finding ANY PART of my posts up there where I say at ANYTIME Al was wrong..

Lame Lame Lame...

Oh and the Village People are STILL fucking funny!


Oh and all that from the guy who litterly cannot help but bring up Bush in any thread his infects. It's not wonder after seeing that poster on his wall...
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Old 04-19-2005, 01:19 PM   #56
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You "just ignore them." :roll:

I love it. Of course you've never personally attacked anyone on here. I mean, it's not like you ran around calling people "cunts" on here cause you couldn't take a dose of your own medicine. Oh man... Actually that was pretty damn funny!

And actually the IRA pertains more to this thread than Bush does. They physically beat gay people like cowards. That' what the topic was here, Sternn, in case you forgot through the course of your Bush ramblings. It's about homosexuals being physically attacked by assholes and nut-jobs. Not government policy towards them, which of course, hasn't been adopted nor pushed for. Nice try though.

And you can say they have no stance on gays until you turn blue in the face. Won't repair the damage they've done both physically and emotionally to the gay community in Northern Ireland by threats and attacks. But then again, is it so hard to understand why a hardcore Catholic group would go out beating up gays there? Not really. The people in the original article were hardline Catholics also. Therefore I don't buy your argument. Nice try though... again.

"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 04-19-2005, 03:41 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
But I agree...let's all get together, make-up, and as a team throw rocks at Solumbia until we knock her off of her fucking high horse.
Where the hell did that come from?
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Old 04-19-2005, 06:04 PM   #58
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I don’t hate al in fact I generally find him to be quite amusing. I thought we got along well, that’s why I was so surprised by the post
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Old 04-20-2005, 03:23 AM   #59
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First, I don't lie. Don't know where oyu get that from.

Second, I still enjoy binkie, the girl who has never left the state she is in much less the country, telling me how things are in Ireland, considering I lived here and have lived here collectively for over 15 years.

I can tell you, and you can search the web and ask people, if they ever heard of any IRA related attacks that involved gays and they will look at you like you have 10 heads - because it has never happened and will never happen as they have no issues other than those relating to self rule.

Ally - Funny thing is I do have a picture of me with the Indian from TVP on my wall. Why? Oh, did I mention Phillippe Rose is from Richmond and owns a sound studio there (Montana Music). He works closely with the lads from SPM Studio (Slave Pit Music - The lads from GWAR). I have worked with him and several artists mixing in the studio. He used to come to my club as well. I also used to own a house just a few blocks from him and he threw some crazy parties, but thats another topic all together.

So, why not stop trying to shift the topic and defend bush's anti-gay marriage stance? He tried to get an ammendment added to the consitution! And that is something that is 'trivial' that has no bearing on his views towards gays?

If bush had tried to get a constitutional ammendment saying <fill in the blank> couldn't get married because it's 'wrong', would that not make him racist or bigoted towards the <fill in the blank>?


I mean effectively he has said, I think gays are great! They just don't deserve equal rights or protection under the law! And your selling that as a pro-gay stance?

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Old 04-20-2005, 05:21 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
I mean effectively he has said, I think gays are great! They just don't deserve equal rights or protection under the law! And your selling that as a pro-gay stance?

No no no no no no no no no.

Ok, now that we got that out of the way. It's the WORD that they have an issue with, not necessarily civil unions where they would receive the same (ie equal) rights and protection under the law... only they'd be without the word "marriage." Is that so terrible? I'm beginning to not think so. If some people get all hostile when the word is mentioned in relation to homosexual unions, then maybe it's not all that bad idea. Unless it's the principle of the thing.

That's the great thing about compromise though: No one really loses... but then again, in some views, no one really wins.

Originally Posted by CptSternn
Second, I still enjoy binkie, the girl who has never left the state she is in much less the country, telling me how things are in Ireland, considering I lived here and have lived here collectively for over 15 years.
Now, with regard to Binkie... Whether or not she has left her state is irrelevant, especially since the whole of the US is considerably larger than Ireland. Education is the only relevant concern. If you know something, personal experience isn't necessary, otherwise historians would all have to be REALLY REALLY old, or have access to the time machine I built in my basement, and nobody, I repeat, NOBODY gets to touch that.

I used to harbour some level of respect for the things you said Sternn, and in some way you're reminding me of James Joyce in your attempts to evoke a strong response from the reader, but unlike Joyce, your efforts are hardly revolutionary in any sense of the term. If you want people to see your side of the argument, the best approach isn't to just shove it in their faces, especially since even the MOST open-minded of individuals will begin to close the gateway to the magical land of comprehension and agreement.

If you want people to start listening, MODERATION is key. EVERYTHING in moderation. Love, hate, and buttered scones (God help me if you so much as THINK about having more than your fair share of buttered scones).

But yes, Binkie has relevant claims to make, and calling on inexperience isn't going to make anything you say more valid. If you can know about people living far, far away. I don't care if you lived in the US for 200 years, it's a constantly evolving concept that will not just halt in its growth process just so you can be right in an argument because you had experience. I lived in three states in the US, but that sure as hell won't make me an expert.

Did I get my point across? Anyone? Anyone?
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.

...don't smother your kids."
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:40 AM   #61
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Uh... I... I think that makes sense. Except for the part about the buttered scones, where I think it's fair and square we fight over the last scone, then the loser has to butter it.

But yeah, you don't have to have lived/travelled in a country/state in order to understand something about it, but, coupled with bookly knowledge, it certainly helps. I would guess most, if not all, historians, have travelled quite a bit, to the extent they can afford it and are physically able to. Reading about something, feeling it, even, is well and good, but actual experience tend to make it sink in just that much more. I certainly regret not being able to see all the countries I would like to. One day...

Ok, this was none of my business to comment on, but it seems I just did. Not dissing anyone, either way...
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Old 04-20-2005, 07:29 AM   #62
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DiS -

I agree with you to some extent on education vs. experience, but realise this - when it comes to arguing what life is like between person A who has never visited a country and person B who lives in the aformentioned country, it is silly to think that somehow person A has some great knowledge about what life is like for person B.


I mean, I think I know what it's like to live in Bangkok as I have visited there, and have friends who visit. I also read alot about it on the news. However you don't see me arguing with the locals about how things work in their country and who is against who. It would be silly to think anything I read to experiences in the few days I was there would equal that of the people who have lived a good part of their lives there.

Having lived in Ireland for many years, been arrested, done time, and have friends who are active in Republican politics, it's just funny to see some student half the world away who has never left the area they were born, try and dictate exactly what I, my friends, and my family believe in, what we do, and our personal beliefs.

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Old 04-20-2005, 08:43 AM   #63
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Here's where your conversation turns into nothing Sternn. There are two people who tell two different stories about the situation in Northern Ireland. One is from an educated gay man (living in Northern Ireland) who was assaulted by IRA figures and one is from an IRA supporter (whoops, that's considered a conflict of interest already) who doesn't even realize that gay marriage isn't legalized in his own country cause he's so misinformed and uneducated about life in his own little province. I'm not arguing this from my vantage point, but based upon his. He's been threatened and beaten up for being a homosexual by the IRA, you haven't (probably because you're not really bisexual, or if you are, you're in the closet still). Him and you both live in the same country, but the difference is, he has a clue.

By the way, it's no secret that hardline Catholics don't like homosexuality. And you're saying that your little hardcore Catholic hugging group is open in arms to the gay community? I don't need to live in Northern Ireland to find that hard to swallow, especially when there are homosexuals that live in your little province who have the marks and the expierences to show that your group is out there intimidating and beating them up. Attack his credibility. Or better yet, tell your bigoted IRA buddies so they can go out and kill/silence him like the looney tunes they are. Hell, he's "talking loosely" and you know what the posters say.

Second thing that tickles me to no end is that you "know" I've never been out of my own state or my country, yet you don't even know what state I live in or even what I do for a living... or really anything about me for that matter. Tell you what you should do though, is talk to Darren and get an IP trace so you can see what three states I've been posting from within the last two months.

Another funny thing is: I don't need to recall on expierence to defeat you in an arguement. You're just wrong all the time. You say gay marriage is legal in Northern Ireland, yet I can sit right here in the US and point to the piece of legislature that allows "civil unions" between gay couples where you live, not gay marriage. I don't need to travel to your little (very little) part of the world to be able to determine that, Einstein. You're just mad cause I knew more about something in your little province than you did.

If you can only argue things with "worldly expierence" (most which is suspected of simply being fabricated or made up entirely) which can easily be proven wrong by more credible statements by fellow countrymen and by factual data easily avaliable to anyone in the public domain, then be prepared to be made into an idiot when you cite something wrong (and with you, this happens a whole lot). Especially when you claim to know so much about Northern Ireland... which is kinda funny, cause you really don't have a clue half the time.

Oh, and also.. are you admitting to being an IRA member? Please clarify so I can help put you on the FBI's Terror Watch-List which will prevent you from ever entering this country again. In case you were uninformed about this, the mock IRA that you're a part of is clasified as a terrorist organization by the US. So please clarify.

Seriously, this didn't work that well either. I'm telling you, man. You gotta rely on the "I'm gother and gayer than you" arguement!

"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 04-20-2005, 11:15 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by CptSternn

Ally - Funny thing is I do have a picture of me with the Indian from TVP on my wall.
What? Who? Who the fuck are you talking about?

The only pic we've seen on your wall is of the man you pine for, hence your dna on the poster.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:47 PM   #65
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back to the article -

despite the pretty labels people like painting upon their flesh - liberal, conservative, catholic, christian, muslim, jew, anarchist, goth, bisexual, gay, straight, buddhist, hippy, punk, senator, congressman, priest, rabbi, doctor, nurse, whatever - beneath it they (we) are all just people.

people do fucked up shit. people often lose their ability to act civil and give in to primal urges - especially when drinking and using drugs. they often turn to their labels in an attempt to justify their behavior afterward. in that way, they hold that label the same way dumbo the elephant once held onto his magic feather. they think it gives them power.

they're just people searching for a way to elevate themselves according to what their label dictates.

everyone wants power, especially those who have relatively none.

take two dogs that have been abused all their life and throw 'em into a ring - what do you get? a vicious fight. throw a bunch of vicious dogs in against a single one and what do you get? a slaughter. that's what happened to painter that night.

"civil" society is so busy working through their use of labels, they very often step right over the basics as though they don't matter.
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Old 04-21-2005, 06:39 AM   #66
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Wow, EE 2 for 2 - now I'm freaked.

Binkie - so your saying:

1. All Catholics hate gays therefore since the IRA is pro-Catholic they must be anti-gay? Your saying all Catholics hate gays? What about the gay Catholics? You also are saying that all of the Catholics worldwide HATE (your words not mine) gays. I find that hard to believe, espeically since all the gay lads here in Ireland are Catholic or were brought up Catholic, and no one here discriminates against them. There is less discrimination against gays here in Ireland than there is in the states - check your stats online for that one. Here everyone is pretty much excepted. As previously mentioned, we have tonnes of refugees as well from around the globe, and all are treated well. Thats a poor argument there.

2. The IRA must be against gays because you dug up and article where a member of the IRA beat up a gay lad. many gay lads have been beaten by the US military personnel? How many were dismissed under the 'dont ask dont tell' law? Does this mean the US military is at war with gays? Or does it mean one or two people who happen to be in the us military have anti-gay views?

3. The IRA is primarily Catholic. Well, that is mostly true, but today, lines run different than they did in the 50's. There are just as many British and Prodestant members of Sinn Fein and other Republican groups in Ireland as there are Catholics, which comparitively would mean that those same member probably have ties if not membership in the IRA. I know the local Sinn Fein Common in Cork is led by a man who was born in raised in Manchester. This is common today - no more where are you from and whats your religion - it all goes down to politics for the most part. Also note: the IRA (which is the Provisional IRA) is NOT a terrorist organisation in the US. Thats right, after the GFA in '98, the US removed the pIRA from the FTO since they agreed to the ceasefire, meaning they can travel freely to and from the states as well as not be prosecuted for any crimes prior to '98. All the prisons were empties here as well and all members were freed. So even if I did say I was a member, which I haven't, then there is nothing anyone can do there. Go to the website and look at the current Foreign Terrorist Organizations - you will see cIRA and rIRA, but no Provos. Just a bit of info there for you you might not have found on the web yet.

Of course I'm not sure how any of this pertaints more to gay bashing than bush's ammendment against gay marriage, which you still have gone without replying about for half a dozen posts now. Also, lets talk about Claude A. Allen, a 'good friend' of bush who he appointed a few times to various positions.

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Old 04-21-2005, 08:12 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
Wow, EE 2 for 2 - now I'm freaked.
one more and we will have officially entered the...

"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 04-21-2005, 11:14 AM   #68
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You're right. I said something to the effective of "____ Catholics hate homosexuality," but "all" was not the word I used. I narrowed it down a bit more than that. For clarification, you may want to go back and look up exactly what adjective I used. Plug that word into the question, "Your saying ______ Catholics hate gays?" and I can answer, "Yes."

And it was a group of men that beat the gay student up. Not just one guy. Also, here's another interesting twist. Guess the IRA wasn't too happy that it was found that Roger Casement was a homosexual and tried to prevent that information from reaching the public with death threats. Yikes.

Oh I found that info. Something you may not quite understand though is that FBI really doesn't make great differentiations here in the states about the 3 main splinter groups that claim to be the IRA. With two FTOs, they don't generally care if the third or any other is guilty by association. If you're suspected of being a part of any IRA group, they'll find you to be too much of a liability to allow you to enter into the country. Officals will meet with you when you get off the plane, then send you right on back like Yusuf Islam after tearing up your visa. The DHS, FBI, and NSA really could care less about sending you packing without the abilty to ever come back. Especially if you've shared support for other terrorist groups (especially those of Iraqi groups) and their methods while at the same time denouncing the US government in public and made that well known.

If you want to talk about Bush's gay marriage amendment (which has null to do with homosexuals being beatten up by idiots), why don't you back-track a couple of pages...


...that-a-way where I covered it in a post about Cheney and the fact that this amendment hasn't really been talked about by the administration since the elections. Last offical White House press release about it was way back last year.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 04-22-2005, 07:17 AM   #69
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The best you can find is an article on the fact an IRA man threatened a gay man IN 1930?!

I mean, come on - I can find a dozen articles where blacks were mistreated in America at the same time! And more than one article. Are you saying Americans are exactly the same as they were in the thirties? How did mainstream america view gays in that same time period?

Women could even VOTE yet! You would still be at home barefoot and pregnate in that era! Think before you post that something that happened 70 years ago influences people today like that.

And once again you have avoided replying to the topic, telling me to go back and read other post and listen to what bush has to say is NOT a proper retort. Thats a cop out. Again.
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Old 04-22-2005, 12:04 PM   #70
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Best I can find? No, that was a nice FYI that this is nothing new. Same shit, different decade. :lol:

BTW, your hypotheticals are kinda sucky right now. If you want to build a comparison, narrow it down to an organized group, not an entire nation. There is no IRA country. If you were to compare the IRA's situation to a organized group in America, like say... the KKK, then yeah. Work from there. Does the KKK stand for the same things it did back in the 30s? Do they still hate African Americans and take physical action against them? Mmmhmm.

Also: until you actually reply to my comments from earlier which address the issue you want me to defend (which has null to do with the topic of this thread), I'm not going to repeat myself by saying the same thing over and over. If you don't want to challenge that defense, then I'm not sure what there's left to argue. If you do, click back a few pages, acknowledge what I said in defense, and raise an arguement based on those remarks. If "no," then I think we're done here.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 04-22-2005, 09:04 PM   #71
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Wow....gone for over a week and this all degenerates into a bitch-slapping, dick-waving contest of ids.....

Sternn-I read your original post (the one about how this crap is gonna happen with more frequency with Herr Bush in power again), and all I have to say is.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....oh man, you missed the whole point of the original article just to fucking grandstand. See, it's not like fag-bashings have increased since 2000. As far as I've seen, fag-bashings have actually been on a steady decrease since aroung 1992 (the year I started paying attention to this type of stuff). However, with the decrease of the NUMBERS of bashings, the fatality of the attacks have actually INCREASED. See, where as in the early 90's we here in Washington state had about 487 (a round number averaged from a few groups I used to be involved with since police departments never recorded these attacks as anything other than "assaults") fag-bashings reported (and numerous others not reported), they were smostly stuff like 5 guys kicking the shit out of one guy. Nowadays, I'd be suprised if the average were any higher than about 100 per year, but nowadays you see more and more weapons used in extremely brutal ways. (Matthew Shepherd? Nothing compared to some of the stories I've been running across). And whilst I'm using my home state as an example, all data points to this being the norm nation-wide.

Now, here's the question-who's to blame? You jumped towards Generalissimo Bush as being the catalyst for all of this, yet as I pointed out, this ttrend has actually been going on since the early 90's. In other words, your entire argument has been derailed, and my suggestion would be for you to revise your argument.

PS-before you try using your "I'm bi"/"I know people..." line of stubborn argumentativeness, I'll throw something your way-even though I am hetero (and have been sense of style I my penchant for making out with guys), I was the media chair for the Gay Pride Parade back in the 90's (for one year...I left the position in good standing....with burned nerves). I had also worked on the parade numerous times before and afterwards in a number of facilities. Before that, I was a member of ACT-UP, who, if your history is a bit lacking, were the protest group that came about because of Reagan/Bush Sr's stance regarding AIDS victims (which translated to "they got AIDS? Well, they're sinners that deserved it, so fuck 'em. Let 'em die"). I have also done volunteer work for a number of gay-rights groups around town, and have organised benefits for said groups. Plus, out of all the women I've dated, only one has been straight....turnabout sucks, don't it?
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 04-25-2005, 09:06 AM   #72
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Loy -

I never said gw was the cause. Its not like he got elected and all of a suden attacks broke out, well not on the gay community at least. What I am saying is his policies and views help to facilitate the continuing problem which, as you said, has come about in the late nighties early '00s. I am also saying he has actively, on more than one occasion, taken steps to take away rights from the gay community. Thats my point in a nutshell, and all that I'm arguing here. 90% of the other crap your reading is binkie somehow trying to change this point.

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Old 04-25-2005, 10:45 AM   #73
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i had a point once.

but i forgot it.

now, i have no point.

thank you.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 04-25-2005, 02:43 PM   #74
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Sternn-and my point was this-not everything in the world should be used to attack Bush. Whilst I have many, many, MANY issues with that psycopathic machiavellian scheming dicknose (to the point where if he were ever assasinated, the only honorable thing for me to do would be to marry his assassin), this kind of goes beyond partisan politics. This kind of hatred is something that's deeply imbedded into our DNA, and when this type of ignorant hate is left unchecked....well, we see results such as this....or flying airplanes into buildings....or slitting the throats of proddies...or bombing the fuck out of little brown use this as a jumping off point for another one of your hate-filled spineless rants not only shows how much you've missed my point in posting the articles up, but you happen to be an example of the kind of attitude that brings actions like this about. So, in a round-a-bout way, thanks, dumbass.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 04-25-2005, 10:54 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Loy
Wow....gone for over a week and this all degenerates into a bitch-slapping, dick-waving contest of ids.....

Sternn-I read your original post (the one about how this crap is gonna happen with more frequency with Herr Bush in power again), and all I have to say is.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....oh man, you missed the whole point of the original article just to fucking grandstand. See, it's not like fag-bashings have increased since 2000. As far as I've seen, fag-bashings have actually been on a steady decrease since aroung 1992 (the year I started paying attention to this type of stuff). However, with the decrease of the NUMBERS of bashings, the fatality of the attacks have actually INCREASED. See, where as in the early 90's we here in Washington state had about 487 (a round number averaged from a few groups I used to be involved with since police departments never recorded these attacks as anything other than "assaults") fag-bashings reported (and numerous others not reported), they were smostly stuff like 5 guys kicking the shit out of one guy. Nowadays, I'd be suprised if the average were any higher than about 100 per year, but nowadays you see more and more weapons used in extremely brutal ways. (Matthew Shepherd? Nothing compared to some of the stories I've been running across). And whilst I'm using my home state as an example, all data points to this being the norm nation-wide.

Now, here's the question-who's to blame? You jumped towards Generalissimo Bush as being the catalyst for all of this, yet as I pointed out, this ttrend has actually been going on since the early 90's. In other words, your entire argument has been derailed, and my suggestion would be for you to revise your argument.

PS-before you try using your "I'm bi"/"I know people..." line of stubborn argumentativeness, I'll throw something your way-even though I am hetero (and have been sense of style I my penchant for making out with guys), I was the media chair for the Gay Pride Parade back in the 90's (for one year...I left the position in good standing....with burned nerves). I had also worked on the parade numerous times before and afterwards in a number of facilities. Before that, I was a member of ACT-UP, who, if your history is a bit lacking, were the protest group that came about because of Reagan/Bush Sr's stance regarding AIDS victims (which translated to "they got AIDS? Well, they're sinners that deserved it, so fuck 'em. Let 'em die"). I have also done volunteer work for a number of gay-rights groups around town, and have organised benefits for said groups. Plus, out of all the women I've dated, only one has been straight....turnabout sucks, don't it?
Wow Loy. I don't like your wishing death upon ANYONE, much less Bush, but you've driven the point that we've been trying to make home in that one post.

So...thanks! ^_^
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