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Old 08-21-2020, 03:11 AM   #151
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I've been sleeping extra with the crazy cat.

I was in a supermarket with the wife. Someone there was wearing a big golden star of David that really caught my attention again. I think it was a fat bearded guy in black clothes. Maybe he was a bit Jewish looking.

My wife drove as we were leaving the supermarket. On a slow moving line of cars she bumped against the one in front of us. A dude got out of that car, glared menacingly at us, and then got back in. I was relieved they didn't come to cry to us about it, my wife didn't care much. In a moment she bumped at the car again, and the guy again got out to glare at us for a few seconds.
This time my wife said she didn't even notice that she'd hit the other car, and I was like, okay, this is getting old, I want to drive now.

I don't know why that star of David reappeared here.
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Old 08-21-2020, 05:08 AM   #152
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Almost forgot this rather interesting episode from last night.

I woke up in the middle of the night to my wife urgently calling out to me from downstairs.

"Here! Come here!"

I was about to rise out of bed and go, but then I noticed that she was actually fast asleep beside me. So I just rolled over and went right back to sleep instead.

I did think a bit about how it was sort of spooky. That it was as if something had wanted to lure me downstairs alone. Like a weird night siren.
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Old 08-21-2020, 04:17 PM   #153
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I was driving around in some unknown to me city. There was something weird about how the roads went, but I don't remember what it was. All houses there looked old, something from maybe 1700s, and parking spaces were painted golden. My wife had a job or school in the city, and I was there to pick her up. I parked the car in one of them golden parking spaces and send her a message, asking when she'd be coming.

Then suddenly I was actually in a train waiting for her. The interior of the train was weird too. For one it was a double-decker train, and there were many different kinds of seating. Where I was sitting was on a strange square slab.

Some strange woman started talking to me, and addressed me by name, which startled me a bit, but I didn't ask how she knew it. I answered her only with, okay, or something similarly short.

Then my wife finally arrived, into the moving train somehow, and she was fussing over some pair of old, brown gloves which were in danger of disintegrating if they weren't washed right away. So we went to go into a car with washing facilities. The strange woman thanked me for giving her my seat as we went. although free seats were abundant.

Some other person, a male, mockingly said, "I don't understand how four people people need to worry so much over a pair of gloves."

He obviously meant my wife and I, although he counted us as four.

After washing the gloves, we went into the lower deck which was a sleeping area. There were rows of beds, but they were mostly empty. Of the people who were there, some were sleeping, but most were just milling around. A group of nerds asked us to join them in a game of cards, and we accepted.

In the game, players were first assigned into groups of four, and then four cards were chosen for each group, shuffled and placed face down on a table. The cards each had different Disney characters in them, and they affected the players' starting resources. I was told which character I should find among the four, by picking just one card. I failed to pick the right one, so my starting resources were zero. The card I did pick, had Mickey Mouse in it.

Three other people had to pick their starting cards, then four new cards were chosen. This time the dealer wanted to include both a Scrooge McDuck card and some sort of RoboScrooge, and this sparked a debate among the nerds whether this was allowed by the rules. It was begrudgingly accepted in the end.

At some point my wife and I were talking about how the price of train tickets for our next trip into the city would be. Politicians had not yet decided the exact price on it, but they had announced that they would be anything from 445 to 650 euros. Very steep.

There was also another dream with people from my childhood in it. Some kids I used to hang out with, but have almost completely forgotten by now, much like this dream.
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Old 08-21-2020, 04:59 PM   #154
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I half-remembered a scene.
I was talking to some guy, and I told him I was half-deaf. He started enunciating his words very clearly after that, and I told him how that was unnecessary, explained that I mostly had trouble understanding him if he started speaking unexpectedly, so he should just avoid that instead.
The setting was a playground from my childhood, but I can't quite recall if this was from the same dream with those kids, or whether this guy was actually one of those kids or not.
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Old 08-21-2020, 10:19 PM   #155
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More from last night, the same as the city and train and stuff. And here we have another instance of the wife going to work on a train...

I got a phone call offering me a job in some movie production company. I eagerly accepted it. It was like a dream job.

After the phone call I realized I had been in such a panic that I hadn't quite caught all the details I needed. I knew the time when the job started, but not the day, and I didn't remember names of the people I was supposed to find there.

My wife had been listening in on the call, but she didn't remember anything, either.

I decided to go there the very next morning. It started the same time as my wife's job, the production company was only a couple kilometers from the house we lived in in the dream, so we decided she would take the car and I'd walk.

So in the morning, we parted ways in a train station, because apparently she was going by train and I was walking...

I was accepted into the workplace and found all the right people right away. I was doing odd jobs partaking in the making of some haunted house horror film. It was really great. One thing I did was use some experimental new camera technology to film a scene. The camera was an odd thing in several pieces that had to be moved independently and that was somehow great.

Another job I did was do stand-ins for a ghost that would be animated into my place.

Mostly I just fetched stuff for people though.

The director of the movie was a funny bespectacled older dude, sort of Bill Gates looking. My boss was a black woman, looked a little like Halle Berry. The big boss of the whole studio was some Irish-looking white woman with straight orange hair.

At the end of the day, I had to take a canvas bag full of stuff, which were the days filming materials, there was at least the strange camera in the bag among other things. I had to bring the bag to a church where a movie was being filmed, in which the four musketeers were fighting a cult of Satan worshiping monks.

Tensions among that movies crew were high because their d'Artagnan was missing.

After having delivered the bag, I found the d'Artagnan actor wandering around somewhere, drunk and asking for directions to the church. I pointed to him where to go, but after he'd went, I realized I'd pointed into a wrong direction. Whoops.

After the workday, I went celebrating it with the wife. She was wearing the sort of pseudo-medieval goth velvet dress from the 90s with red front panels. We went to a restaurant and had a bit to drink.

After that we were walking home and some obnoxious party posse accosted us on the street. They wanted to talk about the X-men comics. I told them I would like the comics better if the X-men wrote their own mutant bible and became door to door evangelists like the Mormons. They disagreed vehemently, my wife slipped away but I got surrounded by the menacing dudes. I tried to talk myself out of it, but it seemed they were going to beat me up, until a Danish police wan came and broke up the crowd. They offered me a ride and told me they were Danish cops my wife had called to get me. They told me Danish cops do this sort of thing all the time.

I told them somebody had taken my bag, and I didn't know who. So they drove slowly to be on the lookout for it. The side of the road was littered with different bags, and soon I found mine among them.

Then I was taken home and was joyfully reunited with my wife in our house, in our really pretty garden yard, which the Danish cops complimented us on.
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Old 08-22-2020, 09:10 PM   #156
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Last night,

I was making a new blog entry. I was cutting and pasting text from somewhere and editing them together. I don't remember what they were about.
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Old 08-23-2020, 09:14 PM   #157
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Last night,

We were looking to buy a house. Two competing real estate agents showcased two houses to us. Both houses were massive in size. Apparently we were rich.

One of them was a very modern beach house. It had one floor. It was sort of empty and soulless. Ugly. The real estate agent showcasing it was also very bland. He said the strength of the house is that we can make it our own, it can become anything we want, a reflection of ourselves.

The other house was showcased by a very personal agent. He was funny and a real showman, but there was also a shady side to him. The house was a very lovely, three floored, old time Queen Anne mansion with the multitudes of rambling gables and towers and whatever. It was also readily furnished with fitting antique furniture, all very beautiful. The catch was that it couldn't really be completely bought, it was some sort of leasing thing, where if we chose this house, it could not be changed in any way, but would have to eventually be handed back in the shape it was in now.

Some events happened in the latter house. I don't remember much. I found there were heated closets, and the agent took some sort of double door down with a sledgehammer because he didn't know how the door was used. I think we ended up taking that house.

In another dream my wife woke me up to ask me something, and when I answered, she got angry at me. She claimed that she had asked something completely different from what I thought she'd asked, and the wrong answer greatly pissed her off.
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Old 08-24-2020, 08:55 PM   #158
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Last night,

Wife and I were shopping at a murky little grocery store. Politicians had decreed face masks mandatory. I wore the sort of mask covering only the nose and lips like everybody else. Some people were wearing their masks wrong, so that their noses were left outside. They were white cotton masks which had been handed out to everybody via mail. My wife was not wearing any mask, but this was completely ignored in the dream.

At the end of the store, after the checkout counters, there was a sitting panel of politicians. Maybe four of them, but I only really remember one male and one female. They were fairly young for politicians, but perfectly looked the part. The masks were supposed to be handed to them upon leaving the store.

Before me, a woman handed in her mask, saying she hadn't written her issue number on it as a protest against the law.
When it came my turn, I said I hadn't written my issue number because I hadn't known I was supposed to do that. The male politician grimaced and told me I would have to dispose of the mask myself then. The female overruled him, and told me to give the mask to them regardless. So I handed it in and they tossed it into a rubbish bin. I actually had my plague doctor mask in my bag, and sort of wanted to show it to them and tell them that was what I usually used, but I shied from it.
Nobody still regarded that my wife was there without any mask.

Outside, in the parking lot, two teen boys on bicycles accosted me, while my wife went into the car without me. I'll also note that ours was the only car in the whole otherwise empty parking lot. One of the boys was actually someone from my childhood, who used to be my age. That boy ran his hand through his hair which was full of saliva (apparently he drooled with his hair...), and then put that hand on my face.

I got really angry. I started yelling at him, saying he would have to accompany me to see the politicians and tell them what he did during COVID regulations. How he was deliberately trying to spread the disease.

He basically replied, Nya, nya, I won't, and started pedaling away from me. I ran after him, and at first he was getting away, but then gradually he started slowing down, like he was pedaling through mud and his limbs were falling asleep. Exactly the way that often happens to you when you're being chased in a dream, apparently it works the other way around as well.

So I caught him and started dragging him toward the store. He was now slowly freezing over and shrinking. By the time we got inside the store, he had become completely frozen solid and lilliputian. I was super fucking mad that he had managed to avoid talking to the politicians this way. I started pounding his head against the side of a refrigerator that just happened to stand there in the store.

I kept bashing it until the top of his head caved in, then I twisted his neck and pulled the head off his body. Then I calmed down a little, and saw what I'd done. I was saddened and disappointed with myself, to see that apparently, "sometimes you just gotta have revenge," as I'd heard someone once say. Then I shrugged it off and decided, since at it, I'd go out and kill the other boy, too.


So, here we had someone turn minuscule and die again, like that Nazi doctor in the Hasselhoff dream a little while back. Odd.


Also saw a hypnopompic "object". It was nothing remotely recognizable and so it's very hard to describe. Maybe one meter long, half a meter wide, it was sort of uneven rectangle shaped, and sort of colored like a peacocks tail, mainly green with some sort of dark splotches. It looked mostly like a solid object, but partially it looked like something akin to an aurora.
It was very close to my face, not just floating passively, but somehow undulating, as if with purpose.
Then it faded out.
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:40 PM   #159
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Lovely mice, in and out of dreaming

Last night,

In one dream there were big, fat, slimy spiders falling from the top of a shower cubicle. Only they weren’t real spiders, they were spiders only the way whales and dolphins are fish. Mammals taken the shape of spiders.

In another dream, the wife and I went adventuring into some pretty cool area of very tall grass. There was a mysterious ambiance to the area, the possibility of discovery. The downside was that the tall grass was full of big spiders (normal ones this times) as well as lots and lots of ticks.

I also saw a little brown mouse in the grass, who very quickly ran away from me. I commented to my wife how that was a healthy response to human presence. In saying this, I was referring to a shell-shocked wild mouse who had let me get a little too friendly with it in the actual waking world, just an hour or so before going to sleep.
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Old 08-26-2020, 08:25 PM   #160
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Putin mentioned and there's a man on the moon

Last night,

I was going to boil eggs for breakfast. I'd switched on a hotplate and waited for the water to start boiling, but then it turned out I'd switched on the wrong plate. Very wrong, it actually heated the sink instead, and some barcode stickers that were in the sink melted, blackened and got stuck there.

Cursing, I switched on the correct plate, but there was no longer a kettle on it. Instead of eggs, I was now making tea, and not by boiling water in a kettle. The plan was to put the tea mugs with water in them directly on the hotplate.

My wife had bought a new, fancy looking mug (more of a cup, really) with a black, crystal-like foot and some embossed grapes on the mug itself. When I was going to put it on the hotplate, I noticed the foot was plastic. Luckily, that was detachable, but then I noticed that it was actually the whole mug that was plastic. I informed the wife of this, and she was very disappointed, she had bought that mug especially to use it for drinking tea.

Then I came up with the revolutionary idea, that it could still be used if we don't put it directly on the hotplate, but instead we could just pour in the already boiling water from the kettle with the eggs in it, which had randomly reappeared. But she was already too disheartened, especially because she also somehow already had a fried egg on her plate, when she wanted it boiled. I said it was no problem, that she could still have the boiled eggs instead, I'd have the fried one. But she would have none of it any longer, she rage quitted, saying fuck both the breakfast and the tea, she'll only eat at work.

I poured the water from the eggs into my own mug.

Then the dream shifted into a scene with an astronaut, sitting alone in the empty landscape of the moon, holding both of the two mugs (or rather a mug and a cup) in his thickly gloved, space-suit hands. Both the mug and the cup had tea in them.

Also, somewhere in the dream there was a scene where I was making a post here on GNet, in which I mentioned something about the tea, as well as something about president Putin. But I can't recall much of anything about that.
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Old 08-27-2020, 08:28 PM   #161
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Scenes from last night,

Wife and I had spent the night in a crummy hotel. We were just packing up when two cops burst into the room. I had a little bag of some white powder drug in my bag, and I was afraid the cops would search it.

The cops asked us if we'd been listening to loud music in the room.

We told them no.

Peculiar, they said, they were here because of a disturbance complaint. Then they asked if we'd heard any loud noises.

We said we definitely hadn't even heard any loud noises. Maybe some nerdy boys staying next room had been talking a bit loud, but nothing that anyone should find worth complaining.

Then one of the cops pulled out a framed board with the following equation (although most of it is blotted out because I don't remember what it said) handwritten in black marker on a yellow paper.

D******** ****** **
A******** ***** *****
T****** **** *******
A*** ***** **** *** ****
"Get it? Data? They are nerds!" he said and laughed.

We were like, O-kay. Then we left the hotel and were walking toward a train station (I think). But the one cop with the board kept following us and showing us more boards with dumb word plays he liked to laugh at. We really didn't want to hang with cops and just wished he'd bugger off already.


The next was either in a different dream, or a scene in the same dream, I do not remember how these relate nor their order.

Wife and I were at a market where I had a conversation with the person at the checkout counter about how Jack the Ripper was a famous freedom fighter for the independence of Cuba. All the murders were aimed at achieving this.


One last scene, again, could be either a different or the same dream, but this was definitely the last scene.

I don't remember how it was done, but I drove my car into the middle of an ocean. And there was a huge skyscraper rising out of the waters. I scaled it into a great height, where I sat down on a ledge.

From the ledge there was an opening into the inside of the building, but there was a formidable drop down there. I had come to the place because I had with me a book that told it was a gateway into a different reality. One just had to make the perilous jump, the book said.

From the ledge I watched as the insides realigned somehow. A set of stairs grew into place underneath me, which made the drop a little less long, but also meant landing would be harder as I would have to hit a step exactly or I'd probably just break my ankle, roll down the stairs and break my neck.

I read more of the book, and found it said that almost no one had managed to get to the other side. That it had been believed that many would have done it, but then some divers had gone into the spot below in the sea and found hundreds upon hundreds of cars still lying there.

I was like, Oh, great, why didn't I see this part before I came here?

I was starting to get nauseous due to my fear and due to the great height. I started to feel like I was gonna fall, so I went into a squat and held tight onto the edges of the ledge. The book accidentally fell into the sea. I felt myself wobbling and feared I'd be next.

Then after a while, all of a sudden, all my fears subsided. I made the jump, and landed perfectly.

I was now in the other world. I walked down a weird, empty street of an ancient cyclopean city. I thought back to the entry in the book about the divers, and thought about how ridiculous it was. It had claimed the cars in the ocean as proof that people rarely made it through here, but I was here, with no reception in my phone, and no idea how to get my car out of the ocean where it still lay.
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Old 08-28-2020, 10:39 PM   #162
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Last night,

In one dream, there was an alchemist living in a house on a small hill. The streetlight outside his house had a black light bulb. He told me he was searching for something with the help of a certain esoteric object. And I kept bugging him and asking him if he might ever call it a hexoterick object instead. He did not get the reference and quickly got annoyed by me.

Also might have been in the alchemist dream, I misquoted something as having been said by John Dee, though it was really by some other mystic, and I knew well who it was, I had just momentarily misremembered it, and didn't want to bother correcting myself afterwards. I don't remember what the quote was.

In another dream, the viewpoint was traveling at rapid speed over open sea. Then a name appeared in blocky white letters above the water. I recognized it as the name of a writer I liked. I don't remember what the name was.

In another dream, there was a pack of wolves taken up residence in the backyard of a house. I saw through the window as they hunted and killed big game, like deers and moose. I also twice saw them kill and ravenously devour their own pack members. I thought they were pretty crazy wolves, and very dangerous. But I also saw the crazy cat hanging out with them, and they accepted him into the pack, and even let him eat from their kills together with them.

In one scene, three wolves were trying to get inside the house, and I was pushing them away and telling them to go away. They were very meek then, like good doggies. My wife was scared of them.

In one dream, my new laptop broke. The battery expanded so much it cracked the shell of the computer, the same as actually happened to my old laptop after a couple years. I'd had the new one for only two days in the dream, although I've had it for a couple months in the waking world.
I went with the wife to the store where I had ordered the computer from to complain. It wasn't the same store where I had ordered it from in the waking.
Had a conversation there with some nerd, who tried to fix it, I think, but can't remember much.
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Old 08-30-2020, 08:38 PM   #163
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Last night,

Barely remember that USA was somehow annexing other countries around the world, building a new empire of sorts. I remember Sweden being one of those countries, and then soldiers with guns patrolling the borders.
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Old 08-31-2020, 08:18 PM   #164
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Last night,

In one dream I fried fresh peas on a frying pan, pods and all. They came out good.

In another dream, the wife and I ate bread. Then I started making meatballs and something else in a really large wood oven. There was no way I was going to be able to eat all of that, turned out I couldn't really eat any of it. Gave it all to birds. My father also was in the dream somewhere, and said something.

In another dream, some guy was holding some of my CDs hostage. I had to pay him to have him make copies of those or something. At first I thought I'd get the originals back, but no, apparently he was going to burn copies for me. He was a lawyer or something, and it was payback for downloading music, or something.

In one dream, I was picking the wife up from a nightclub in H-town. She looked really good. A was there, too, with some other clowns. They were all out on the beer garden. I waited for her in a parking lot, and when she finally left there, she didn't want to get in the car yet. She wanted to walk first. I drove slowly beside her and intermittently I walked with her. I had two pizza boxes in the car with me, or I was carrying them on my arms, she didn't want to eat those.
Some nerd, who was our "friend" started harping at me about the shit situation, and kept on being a shitstick until I punched him in the face, and then I tried to explain to him, tried to make him understand why I'd done it, but then I realized it was useless because he had no empathy.
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Old 09-01-2020, 07:47 PM   #165
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Last night's fragments,

I remember a tour of several cities that had stood since very ancient times. One of them was in Egypt.

I remember something about Arthurian legends. I think they were being replaced somehow. The word Arthurian was used.

I remember a walk in some enchanted woods.
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Old 04-12-2021, 10:15 PM   #166
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I was in the entrance to some guy's house with my family inside his house. My family didn't want to be there, but had to for unknown reasons (they may have been waiting for me? unclear why they needed to be there) and he just wanted them out asap. He was unreasonable and threatened me and my family. I came to get them he wouldn't let me even though he wanted them out. Big confrontation, me not backing down, him shouting and trying to look impressive. Then he ran back a short way, grabbed a small bottle out of a drawer and ran back to spray it in my face, covering his nose and mouth.
In real life pepperspray makes it so I can't see for at least a minute. Here it left a spicy taste in my mouth like a habañero pepper and not much else. I hit him a few timesand he fell to the floor. As I was hitting him he looked older and more frail. He got back up again as my father from just before he died of cancer. My former parental unit started beating the crap out of me and I reciprocated. When I woke up, I had smashed a glass coffee table over his head and was using the jagged edges to saw at his throat while he stabbed me in the sude with a kitchen knife.
Good fun, although in this instance I envy people who can't feel pain in their dreams
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Old 04-12-2021, 11:03 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by Creditos Baratos 2021 View Post
Prestamos Gratis Quien Me Presta Dinero Urgente Dinero Credito Cuanto Tarda Un Prestamo Personal Prestamos Rapidos Y Faciles Online Prestamos Todo Facil Personas Que Dan Prestamos De Dinero Sacar Prestamo Personal Paginas De Creditos Online Prestamos A Plazos

Donde Consigo Un Prestamo Rapido Y Facil Waukee IA
Simulador Credito Online Millbrae CA
Conseguir Dinero Urgente DeSoto TX

Donde Consigo Un Prestamo Rapido Y Facil Sacar Prestamo Lugares Donde Hacen Prestamos

Tu sueño es desafortunado, los augurios son de que buscas fortuna, pero en cambio encuentra tu culo hijo de puta prohibido
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Old 04-12-2021, 11:09 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by TrivialMorose View Post
Last night's fragments,

I remember a tour of several cities that had stood since very ancient times. One of them was in Egypt.

I remember something about Arthurian legends. I think they were being replaced somehow. The word Arthurian was used.

I remember a walk in some enchanted woods.
Your dreams are interesting (I do not find this surprising), and I would not be able to offer much by way of interpretation of all those which came before, yet I will say these things which stood out.

1) the number of times in which your wife recurs and the context means that you have a stable marriage and even if she fights with you, she won't leave your or be unfaithful.
-unless you are unmarried in waking life, in which case you are likely suffering from schizophrenia (I'll explain if you need me to) - well at least it means you will be interesting to talk to.

2) food often represents your life, it is not the food itself, but how you enjoy it. The dream about cooking too much and the birds eating it was very unfortunate and foretold financial ruin. I hope that has been averted.

Post more dreams and I'll see if I can interpret them between working.
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Old 04-14-2021, 07:20 AM   #169
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Originally Posted by Midnight_Carnival View Post
I envy people who can't feel pain in their dreams
You can say that again, hoss.

Last night,

I happened to run into Marilyn Manson chilling in some public building. We chatted about something for a while. Then afterwards I started thinking I should've complimented him about his music while there. I was afraid I might've hurt his feelings because I hadn't.

My wife was there, too.

And I think I'm married in real life, as well, or I'm really, really schizophrenic if I'm not.
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Old 04-14-2021, 05:23 PM   #170
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I am not a hoss, that's the hairy thing people ride on? I'm the other one people don't talk about.
Anyway, the meaning of your dream depends on whether you idolize this particular bard or not. If you like or listen to and are ok with him, your dream means that you have a lot of creative energy going untapped.
If this particular dark minsrel is a (reflecting) god to you, then dreaming about meeting with the gods and interacting with them as an almost equal is a fairly good dream which may or may not fortell your DEEEEAAATH!
well, that's mainly dreaming about sex with gods.
Having said that, I dreamt about meeting Anubus and him kissing me some years back, and I didn't die (only a bit insIIIIIIIde).

test to see if your wife is real or a delusion: do anything, if she yells at you, she's real.
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Old 04-14-2021, 05:26 PM   #171
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the imaginary ones cook dinner and ask you how your day was, they also complain less
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Old 04-15-2021, 10:44 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Midnight_Carnival View Post
I dreamt about meeting Anubus and him kissing me some years back
Kawaii! Anubis is sooooo adorbs!Lucky you

Last night,
I was reading some rich dude's profile on some website. There was a long list of his close blood relatives, and they were of just about all nationalities. One of those relatives was a female gypsy youtuber famous in her own country. Many of his relatives were, like, royalty or other such snobs of old money.

The night before that, I'd been looking at an oil painting that was half embedded in the ceiling of some Japanese style house, so that only the bottom half of the painting was visible. From that part I thought it looked like it might depict either a woman or a landscape. Some museum curator type lady was trying to coax me into buying the painting. She said I should give it as a present to my parents, that it would be a sure thing, because they'll never think a painting given by their child is ugly. I thought this was a really stupid sentiment, that if it's ugly to them, it's ugly to them regardless of anything. I said so to my wife, who, almost needless to say, was also present in both these dreams.

Originally Posted by Midnight_Carnival View Post
I am not a hoss, that's the hairy thing people ride on?

Originally Posted by Midnight_Carnival View Post
I'm the other one people don't talk about.

Originally Posted by Midnight_Carnival View Post
test to see if your wife is real
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Old 04-16-2021, 04:52 AM   #173
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So she cooks but complains like hell and yells a lot? sounds like me.
Anyway, Anubis is jackal headed, so there was ...tongue. I'm not super into male cynocephalids, but the godly aura was great.

Re your dream: First one, you should practice necromancy! also listen to your intuition (gypsy) - you have a strong spiritual side and may feel you lack guidance at this point?

I don't understand the second one, I am unsure how to interpret it. Sorry

Also, I am neither a hoss nor an Iao, I don't know what an Iao is, but the definition I found was an information awareness office. I am not an institution as such, but I'm a bit like one in some respects.
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Old 04-29-2021, 08:31 PM   #174
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a rich man's house. a party/function. A woman was mixing some kind of drink in a coconut shell, taking great care and hours. in the center was a glass straw filled with a yellow liquid. it was filled with nitric acid, she was making a bomb. when discovered house owner rich man joins her making more cocktail bombs to destroy his own house and an ice cream bomb is invented.
A secret group is founded. people planning to use bombs to "break the dead grey world and cast it asunder so the beautiful blue star in its core can freed"(lucifer?)
an aledgedly Japanese sculpture used as a means of interrogation. "a woman weeps and clutches her dead child under her arm. around the child, embracing it, coils a demon. the baby was born dead, the child is being eaten by a demon".
the statue was said to invoke a strong emotional response in all who saw it and they would confess only to escape being near it.
I woke up crying.

- has someone been sending their toys to visit me in my dreams? While I appreciate your consideration and your craft, I should caution that I will break your toys, I play rough.
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Old 05-31-2021, 01:47 PM   #175
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It wasn't last night, but one of these nights I was in Italy. Rome, I think. It was a vacation of sorts with a guy I used to know and haven't seen in a couple decades. Let's call him Gyd. He also had a new girlfriend and they seemed happy together.

Gyd was driving us around the city in a rental car, when some kid on a bicycle cut us off and told us to get the fuck off the road, because the road was for orphans and widows only!

I looked around and saw there were lots of kids and old ladies in mourning habits strolling all over the road. So, we had to then move our car to another, parallel road, which was a sort of suspension bridge. We figured somehow that the bridge might not withstand our combined weight, so I got out of the car while Gyd and his girl started driving over it.

And then it gave out. The bridge went crashing down. Gyd and his girl managed to jump to safety, while the car plummeted into some sort of an urban pitfall and exploded in a ball of fire.

There was no way for me to reach Gyd across the distance, so I just started randomly walking. I realized that my wallet, with all my money, ID and passport had been in that car, as well as my leather jacket. I also didn't remember the address or even the name of our hotel. I thought I'd sent a message to Gyd and ask, but the battery on my phone went empty. I also would have liked to tell my wife about what was going on, but now I was lost and alone in a foreign city with nowhere to go, and I couldn't even message anyone.
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