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Music Finally, an entire forum devoted to talking about Doktor Avalanche, the drum machine for the Sisters of Mercy. You can talk about other bands, or other members of that band, too, if you want to be UNCOOL.

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Old 03-08-2013, 07:00 AM   #1
Lady_Ligeia's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Wonderland
Posts: 30
Question Collection d'Arnell-Andréa

Does anyone here like or know of this exquisite band? They're a French darkwave band and I absolutely adore the tragic beauty of their sound! I don't know anyone else who regularly listens to darkwave (or any Gothic music, for that matter) so I curious about the opinions (or eargasms) that any of you forum-dwelling folk have about this band. The friends who I impose my music taste upon (or those who enter my personal environment) have mostly appreciated their beauty but one basically remarked that they sound mournful... as though it were a bad thing? I would love for their music to accompany me to a cemetery on a lovely day in autumn or spring and have a macabre picnic. Salad Fingers is totally invited.

I'd like to post a song but I am still figuring this whole thing out. Sorry!
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