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Old 01-08-2008, 02:26 PM   #1
Mydnight Frost
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Angry Gangstas/Ghetto assholes.

Okay, since this is a board for whining, I HATE GANGSTAS! Now keep in mind, this is not a rant about race at all. This is a rant about all of these stupid people who want to parade around throwing up gang signs, blasting hip hop in the middle of the street from their cars and don't want to utter a goddamn thing that makes any kind of sense.

Now that I have your attention... ahem...
  • Please tell me why they have to be the loudest assholes anywhere you fucking go? You get on the bus, they come on, they get loud. You turn up your [insert music player here] so that you can try to block their noise out, they get louder. I go to the library today and some come in. They come in loud as shit and when you go to look at them they look like they want to strangle you.
  • No matter where you go, if there's a group of them around you and they happen to get a glimpse at you, they will say something derogatory about you. Just try it.
  • RAP IS NOT THE SHIT. GET OVER IT. IT IS CRAP. If I hear one more person try to rap then I will dropkick them in their faces.
  • They're also sheep. Every one of them. If you let MTV and BET run your life, tell you what to wear and tell you what to listen to, then you have serious social problems.
  • And what gets to me the most - Their desire to wear band shit. Please fucking tell me you know three goddamn songs by that band before you buy the fucking shirt! You don't see us buying a soulja boy T-shirt, now do you?
  • Also they whine about everything. Absolutely everything. If you sign up for a class that makes you do actual work, don't complain about it and fucking DO IT.
  • Stop the goddamn color wars. Reds and Blues, shooting because they hang a piece of cloth out of the ass pocket.

This is exactly why i never hung out with anybody when i lived in the so-called "ghetto". This rant is not about race at all, it's about all these fuckers who think they're the shit when in all actuality they'll end up living on the subway somewhere.
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Old 01-08-2008, 02:35 PM   #2
Godslayer Jillian
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Except for the last one, you've just described the whole of teenage America.
You're right, there's reason to be annoyed with 'gangstas' but it should be superficial things like 'they play their music too loud' and 'rap sucks' is a generalization. There's many rap and hip hop groups that are much better and more artistic than most rock bands regular people ever discover in their lives.
Real reasons for being annoyed by them is, for example, their materialism. Rather than fight all odds and dream of a society of prosperity for their brothers and sisters getting out of the ghetto, they just dream of hitting t big in L.A. and having so much muny they can afford to shit in a golden toilet.
Then there's the attitude of the Ghetto. Before, it was all about overcoming the circumstances. Then there was also the being proud of their living conditions and making the best out of them, which used to mean, like in the 60's, a brotherly cooperation in the community for the good of everyone. Now they just glamorize being from the Ghetto because it makes them sound tougher.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 01-08-2008, 03:00 PM   #3
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I agree that their out loud rapping in public is damn annoying.
Yesterday i was at the bus stop waiting, and these 2 black dudes come over and wait for the bus as well. Only, they were loudly rapping and making fun of whomever they saw. Especially these 2 guys across the street who kept looking over where we were. The 2 guys were gettin' all pissy because they thought the guys across the street were looking at them..but IMO, i think they were staring at my full head of bright pink hair. lol.
It's bad around here.
I always seem to get stuck on the bus with them in the back yelling loudly and discussing how they fuck, what they fuck, and they pretty much don't give a fuck about who they fuck. heh..yeah..i just pretty much want to turn around and scream at them for being so fucking disrespectful to everyone on the bus.
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Old 01-08-2008, 04:08 PM   #4
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Oh, I remember the horrible look I got for daring to offer a spare set of headphones to one of them who was blasting nasty music out of his mobile. The model was headphone compatible, you know.
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Old 01-08-2008, 07:28 PM   #5
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They need something to fill the void in their empty lives. Getting understanding in college doesn't interest them because of their short sightedness, they cannot comprehend manners because they are self centered, they need loud music so they can't hear themselves think which leads back to the first thing I mentioned, so it becomes a race condition to the bottom of the sewer pit.'s a free country. And I am free to vote for ballot propositions to make it a misdemeanor offense to blast loud music in a public place without a permit, punishable by a $100 fine and community service.
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Old 01-08-2008, 07:33 PM   #6
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You made me a sad panda...

All my shirts are band shirts...
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Old 01-09-2008, 01:02 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
Except for the last one, you've just described the whole of teenage America.
You're right, there's reason to be annoyed with 'gangstas' but it should be superficial things like 'they play their music too loud' and 'rap sucks' is a generalization. There's many rap and hip hop groups that are much better and more artistic than most rock bands regular people ever discover in their lives.
Real reasons for being annoyed by them is, for example, their materialism. Rather than fight all odds and dream of a society of prosperity for their brothers and sisters getting out of the ghetto, they just dream of hitting t big in L.A. and having so much muny they can afford to shit in a golden toilet.
Then there's the attitude of the Ghetto. Before, it was all about overcoming the circumstances. Then there was also the being proud of their living conditions and making the best out of them, which used to mean, like in the 60's, a brotherly cooperation in the community for the good of everyone. Now they just glamorize being from the Ghetto because it makes them sound tougher.
Fucking exactly!

I've said the same thing before!

It's an appalling attitude, i'm sick of seeing it glamourised....why don't these oh so rich rappers who "love" the ghetto they came from create schemes to improve where they came from!? If they had such shit lives in the ghetto, why don't they make a better future for the people in those places!?

Yeah, they can all listen to these rappers and glorify them.....but they aren't doing DICK! to help them except lead them down a spiral of destruction.
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:12 AM   #8
L'Oiseau Noir
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What's worse than a "gangsta" is a white kid trying to act "gangsta."

I can't tell you how many times I was tempted to bust out laughing, seeing some white guy on the corner of the street and trying to rap along to his music. What's worse is when they completely deny the fact they are, in fact, white, and swear they're one of the "brothers." I never understood the whole racial confusion thing.

What tops that, though, is the rich kids that try to act like they're from a ghetto. As if the spoiled brats would know what it's like to live in the projects.

Funniest thing ever = A kid in my school, Tom, got a PS3 for Christmas, an X-Box 360, a brand-new computer, then proceeded to talk about how "hard" he has it.

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Old 01-09-2008, 07:18 AM   #9
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What's wrong with "white gangstas"? That's just as bad as saying that blacks can't be goth since all goths are pale and white.
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:26 AM   #10
L'Oiseau Noir
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Originally Posted by Methadrine
What's wrong with "white gangstas"? That's just as bad as saying that blacks can't be goth since all goths are pale and white.
I just think it looks ridiculous, but that's just me; rap, afterall, was originally a predominant thing among the latinos and african-americans during the seventies. It's kind of like when somebody who's really into anime tries to act and speak Japanese, when in fact they know nothing of the culture, and simply immitate what they see in anime. I hope that makes sense.

Sorry if I made it seem otherwise.

"I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws." - Charles Baudelaire

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Old 01-09-2008, 10:34 AM   #11
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Oh, I hate gangstas too!!
I just can´t stand the point of that subculture or whatever it is....
I wonder why is it like that....
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Old 01-09-2008, 10:56 AM   #12
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I really hate this odd breed that seems to come only from around where I grew up, rich-redneck-gangstas. They can frequently be seen driving around in their F-450s (or cleaning their F-450 as they get upset if the truck gets dirty), they wear pink shirts with popped collars paired with a cowboy hat and cowboy boots (even though they have never been on a farm or at a stable), and they blast rap and/or hip-hop as loud as the custom sound system in their F-450 can go. Their activities frequently include shopping, talking loudly on cell phones while at the movies, going out to dinner with friends and talking about how hard they have it and all of the unfair things that their parents ask of them (such terrible things such as not dropping out of school and cutting back their spending on new clothing to only a few hundred dollars a month)
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:05 AM   #13
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Shit! I'd love to disagree with you folks but unfortunately, I cannot. =(
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:07 AM   #14
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Eh, they're humans.

So fuck 'em.

And the day we find how to stop people over-dramatizing things which have lost all ethical merit will become a fine and funky day indeed. Damn shame it's like tomorrow.
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:07 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by HumanePain
They need something to fill the void in their empty lives. Getting understanding in college doesn't interest them because of their short sightedness, they cannot comprehend manners because they are self centered, they need loud music so they can't hear themselves think which leads back to the first thing I mentioned, so it becomes a race condition to the bottom of the sewer pit.
100% my opinion

Now , I've seen "gangstas" who are as you all describe : Loud , disgusting , little sheeps who believe all they see on MTV , and etc and etc ... This was the opinion I had BEFORE I met some of those "gangstas" . And after I got the "chance" (*ahem , a forced chance really*) to have some as neighbours , or even "friends" , and living in LA and more and etc , then my opinion changes because not all "gangstas" are loud , one track minded and rude , not all are wannabe killers or thiefs , there's some people who grew up in the heart of LA's guetto (meant a place called Inglewood) and this kids love their rap-hip hop music and clothes , were as proud as we are about our subculture , and they got a RIGHT to manifest themselves as long as they do it politely .

What about a goth playing the sisters at a library? what about a goth insulting other people and being rude , acting like an idiot?

(And then I had to abandon the kingdom of gnet ,as they understood I was an undercover "bro" X-) )
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:18 AM   #16
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Exactly. I had a similar situation in Porirua last year and it was one of the most entertaining and enlightening years I've had in a while.

In New Zealand we have "Maori's", "Samoans" and "fuck-head mana-less gangsta punks", so to speak. The later are individuals and I treat them as such with contempt.

Maoris on the other hand a fucking hilarious. Ever played a game of "Big Booty" with your neighbours, Steppenwolf?
Everyone has a ghost...a phantom behind us which slows and drags us down.. This ghost or spectral has a name..."Regret".

"I've never regretted anything..." - Light Yagami

Life is a shit sandwich. Unfortunately, it's always lunchtime. How much bread you have goes a long way toward determining how easy it is to swallow.
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Old 01-09-2008, 11:21 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Steppenwolf
...not all are wannabe killers or thiefs , there's some people who grew up in the heart of LA's guetto (meant a place called Inglewood) and this kids love their rap-hip hop music and clothes , were as proud as we are about our subculture , and they got a RIGHT to manifest themselves as long as they do it politely .

What about a goth playing the sisters at a library? what about a goth insulting other people and being rude , acting like an idiot?

(And then I had to abandon the kingdom of gnet ,as they understood I was an undercover "bro" X-) )
Hey, it's nice that you've met some who are well-mannered and aren't out to cause trouble.
We've just been unlucky. I've yet to encounter a pack of 'gangsta' kids who don't get aggressive at me or glare in a threatening manner. Being one skinny girl by myself most of the time, you can understand that I'm really not harbouring any love for that kind of thing.
If they want to do it politely, then more power to them- go right ahead. But politely means having a bit of respect for your fellow human and not just blaring out your music to the detriment of everyone else's hearing and thought processes.
I've never encountered a goth playing music out loud *anywhere* other than a club they're DJing at. But if you have, then my condolences on your misfortune. Goths that are publicly rude and/or idiotic are also things I've never encountered except very rarely as an exception. I've been barged past once or twice at clubs, but as I say- publicly rude goths really are the exception to the rule in my experience.
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Old 01-09-2008, 12:08 PM   #18
Godslayer Jillian
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Originally Posted by Noumi
I just can´t stand the point of that subculture or whatever it is....
To overcome?
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 01-10-2008, 09:39 PM   #19
Alexander IV
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i agree I live in the so called "ghetto"
and everyday at school and class.( as you stated) THEY COMPLAIN!
and most of the work the teachers give is is not that hard!
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Old 01-11-2008, 01:52 AM   #20
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Nihilistic and self-pitying mobs, pretty much. I had one flip me off just the other day as I was strolling along in my trenchcoat, and felt glad that I reacted quickly enough to smile and wave as he went by in the passenger's side of a car. Just like, yeah, whatever, bitch. I'm white and not wearing a "colors," and yeah I have hair, too!

I do get annoyed with so many white kids adopting this fraudulent dailog and whatnot. I expect that a lot of that is survival but it gets irritating. "Word. Comin' from straight up Beverly Hills, yo?"
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Old 01-11-2008, 03:14 AM   #21
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Haha , why in the world I wrote my opinion here knowing that people here love irony , to attack others rather than a dialog? Sure , things are BLACK/WHITE , all the gangstas suck , they're ridiculous , they should be exterminated in a new holocaust blah blah blah ...
It's sad people shout that they are open to a dialog , yet they can't ask themselves twice "sure am I right?" .
Sorry , Perhaps I don't get in troubles because I'm not goth and I don't dress like one . Perhaps I don't get in troubles because I treat everyone the same . You can't complain when you are dressing weird . It's not about goth , this world hates everything different . But hey , we need someone to hate , right?
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Old 01-11-2008, 03:18 AM   #22
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I prefer much a gangsta rather than what people call "a prep"
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Old 01-11-2008, 06:19 AM   #23
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I'm not ultragoth. Just wear the trench coat, not always all in black. Have hair and letting it grow. They're skinheads as far as I'm concerned, and there seems to be a link between skinheads of every color and racism of every stripe.

It's not purely racial to be sure. Most of them where I live are Hispanic and there was a story in the news a year ago or so about a Hispanic non-gang member, star of the wrestling team, who they shot and then poured gasoline in his mouth and set him on fire. Poor misunderstood minorities.
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Old 01-11-2008, 06:48 AM   #24
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Hell, I live in Los Angeles, Gang central, and I don't get bugged too much you know... You just learn to live with it/them like everything else.
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Old 01-11-2008, 08:36 AM   #25
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Yeah. There are distinctions to be made of course as with anything. Basically I dislike assholes. As a cab driver my worst fares tend to be uptight arrogant suits, and possibly worst of all are poser wannabe gangsters. Then there are all sorts of people who take on all sorts of styles and like all sorts of music. And there are cool people and assholes across the board.
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