Join Date: Sep 2022
Location: Island's Beauty, Hungary
Posts: 12
Welcome, GothicNet!
Greetings to all! Long live the fighters!
The name is Reactor. I'm a 37-year-old militarist. I'm the founder and the current leader of the Lambda Team, and the creator of the Tristania 3D game and all that belongs to it. I'm very glad I finally stumbled upon this forum - as you may have guessed, there are mighty few goths in my country, hence, chances for meeting and talking to you are dwindling. Hopefully, things will change now that I registered here.
Even though I'm not a goth, I'm a close friend of yours, as I always took the alliance between goths and militarists seriously. Apart from meeting a few poseurs, I never had problems with goths, and always enjoy their company - if nowhere else, then at the annual National Gothic Meeting. In such a hostile world, making and having friends and allies is paramount, and it indeed makes all the differences.
I spend most of my time alone, working on...well...projects, some of them pay off, some others are just hobbies. Some of these might interest you as well, as they indeed involve or about goths and the gothic subculture.
And now, let's see the answers.
What do you do?
My main hobby is creation (destruction only comes second...heh heh heh). I'm working on many project simultaneously. The largest one is "Project Tristania 2", namely, creating a sequel for the previously mentioned game due to popular demand. This, of course, means, I had to obtain skills for various things - graphics, writing, composing music, and such. And I did. As a started, I made a double-disc album out of Tristania 3D songs, remastered.
Currently I'm working on the songs, the story, the graphics, and the animations for the sequel. I might require some help from this site, if anyone desires to assist.
Apart from this, I have several hobbies, all of which I do alone - writing novels or short stories, assisting others with their projects, recycling, composing music, creating sound effects, and being outside, roaming on my way, or riding my bike, the Morning Breeze.
As for jobs, well, I spent quite some time at the military as a rifle infantryman, but I didn't like the wallpaper too much. Currently I'm doing online work for...people, ghostwriting, and English teaching & translating, even online.
Where are you from?
The village of Island's Beauty, Hungary.
Who is your favorite author?
I'd say Stephen King. With Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone coming in close second. Földi Pál would be the third.
What are your favorite films?
The Mist (2007)
Nightmare on Elm Street series
Battle of the Bulge
The original Star Wars-series
What music do you want played at your wedding?
Didn't plan to marry, but I'll probably compose one.
At your funeral?
"Happily Never After" by me.
This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?
Preferably being killed in combat.
What kind of casket would you want?
A simple concrete one would do it.
What's your FAVORITE outfit?
Standard-issue uniform, depending on the season (Summer, transitional, Winter)
What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
My whole childhood.
What's your favorite band?
Heavy Troopers, and of course, Tristania
What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?
Englishtics. Basically it's everything that pertains to English.
Why did you join?
I'm looking for friends, assistance, and perhaps more.
If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?
Straight male.