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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 05-12-2008, 08:22 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 5
Abuse Of Human Rights And Privacy Violations

BEWARE of racially intolerant white canadian cops and security and their henchmen who claim to be despots; following parasitically in the footsteps of their american counterparts, and wilfully engage in their racial profiling of non-whites, in racial harassment of non-whites, and in racially dehumanizing attempts to racially harass non-whites through intimidating physically, mentally, and spiritually; portraying their racial hatred of non-whites through causing wilfull and dehumanizing disturbance to non-whites through using
illegal wall-see-through technologies and audio-bugs on non-whites' homes; through listening and watching through the walls of non-whites' rented and owned homes, through their internet and private telephones, and through using tempest technology to latch on as parasites onto others' computers' hard-drives as well amounting to illegal plagiarism and privacy violations. The perpetuators of these evil deeds do this from the neighborhoods and
from their cars using illegal equipment slyly given to them by the unworthy cops, and then accelerating their cars loudly and ntimidatingly near non-whites' homes and driving intimidatingly in presence of non-whites on streets, making threatening u-turns, driving intimidatingly right up and over sidewalks when a non-white is on the sidewalk, and throwing their ugly bullying weight around, in their shameless acts of cowardice. They attempt to judge immigrants through see through wall technological devices in the name of
post 911, and use it to harass immigrants living their daily lives. Using these devices, living, breathing, eating, sleeping, toilet, household chores, sexual activities, masturbation and body movements of female and male immigrants is prohibited in the name of keeping a strict watch on the movements of immigrants post 911, that is illegal harassment and racism, the exposure of truths that the wrongdoers cannot bear. For every body movement of immigrants inside their owned or rented homes or apartments, neighborhood
nonsense and harassment prevails violating immigrants privacy and human rights; whereas the their bony assed lickers, are given these illegal equipments through connivance of cops and their police state who cannot bear immigrants but only want the money, brains of immigrants and other countries. It is all done slyly, supposedly smartly, either loudly or silently.

As their wrong doings of racism and pre and post 911 intolerance of legalized immigrants, specially of nonwhites is exposed, north americans including canadians cannot bear exposure to truths and use see through wall devices to target and harass immigrants in north america, using see through wall devices from neighborhood and through passing cars to see through walls of immigrants homes and drive and bang car doors loudly at appropriate times,
wastefully and arrogantly around for every living movement of the immigrants inside their homes, including females and males, including in bathroom and toilet. However, they attempt to judge immigrants through see through wall technological devices in the name of post 911, and use it to harass immigrants living their daily lives. Using these devices, living, breathing, eating, sleeping, toilet, household chores, sexual activities,
masturbation and body movements of female and male immigrants is prohibited in the name of keeping a strict watch on the movements of immigrants post 911, that is illegal harassment and racism, the exposure of truths that the wrongdoers cannot bear. For every body movement of immigrants inside their owned or rented homes or apartments, neighborhood
nonsense and harassment prevails violating immigrants privacy and human rights. This amounts to human rights and privacy violations and sexual and pyschological harassment.

The whole of North America is in heavy debt; however, their media fools them and the world, and they go as merceneries to other countries through their evil colonial tactics of wars, business, and infiltration, to screw the world of its resources, to invite immigrants and then to screw them of their money and happiness through racial profiling on the pretext that obtaining visa is a privilege; however following it with racial harassment is morally
abhorent. Their culture teaches them to screw other cultures, look down on other cultures, and to teach other cultures that all cultures are of downtroddens and only North American culture is the right culture! Wow! Nothing more could be farther than truth.

While Canada boasts of human rights to the outside world, human rights violations of ugliest nature are committed within Canada itself on nonwhites and legal immigrants whom the whites are incapable of tolerating due to their narrowminded racism. All these are factual happenings to minorities who are nonwhite and newcomers and legal immigrants through isolating them and targetting them. Its a disgrace that in countries of North America, even the phrase 'people of color' is still being used in 21st century! What is the meaning of 'people of color'? Aren't all people humans and don't all humans have red blood in them? Skin color is formed through heriditary, food styles and climatic and weather conditions of snow, cold, mild, warm,
tropical, hot, or desert. Are the North American countries that stupid while they boast of high literacy rates. There is a difference between being educated, learned, and literate. They cannot bear the truths being exposed to them and use their evil intellect to twist the word against those who dare to expose the truths.

SHAME on these anti-christ cops who wail their sirens abusively everytime non-white females and males take showers, move and talk inside their rented and owned homes in daily routine living, in addition to having their henchmen and henchwomen, and often, using their non-white gutless henchmen and henchwomen in cars, transport, shopping centers, neighborhoods, etc, to commit these ugly harassing racially profiling deeds at all times day and night. Using non-whites to engage in racial harassment of other non-whites is an
obnoxiously evil sinister humanely disgraceful intelligent move of the whites well-known for their ugly divide and rule tactics through their non-white henchmen and henchwomen. The white cops and their racial stooges should be debarred from going to churches for their evil deeds.

It's a SHAMEFUL disgrace when the so called protectors of law turn into abusers of law themselves and throw the weight of their uniforms and law around as cowards disturbing the peace in their attempt to perpetuate their jobs and abuse of power. Racially intolerant white cops should be stripped of their uniforms and jobs and be debarred from all religious shrines. The white christians bloatedness has reached its evil peak and is on the downfall
at equally great speed corresponding to their twisting the word in their favor
and portraying themselves in good light and non-whites in bad light. While they thrive in their earthly power, when the forces of nature get unleashed on them, they shall be debarred from the book of life. So, they and their henchmen and henchwomen, appear to be very law respecting on the outside; however, they network cowardly to commit sly acts of
provocation to non-whites all the time, which is supposed to be legally acceptable. Is watching through walls of non-whites homes, bugging their homes, working in networking syndicates against them, committing human rights and privacy violations against them, supposedly lawful for the whites? Who makes those laws that favor only the whites? The law itself has racism in its clauses.

Most of these ugly acts of dehumanizing racial profiling depict the cowardice of the doers of these deeds in the real sense, and are done at the behind the scenes insistence of the racially intolerant white cops through their frontline stooges. However, without physical evidence, the white cops, security, societies, and their henchmen and henchwomen are laughing sinisterly at their heinous deeds and the legal system seems to support this evil
through its inability to take action without physical evidence. Their racial profiling penetrates public transport systems, shops and stores to do all they can to make the non-whites feel unwelcome in their dehumanizing acts of racial profiling against non-whites and those who don't conform to their nonsense. The white cops, security, and white communities use their henchmen and henchwomen who do just as they are told and from behind
the safety cushion of their oil-guzzling, pollution creating, often dark-glassed vehicles to intimidate and harass non-whites in obnoxious racial profiling that reflects the immoral, despotic, and cowardly behaviour of racially intolerant white cops, security, communities and their dumb henchmen and henchwomen who do just as they are told, fuelled as they are in their racial frenzy, thanks to the racially manipulative corporate controlled media. The whites are the biggest criminals and terrorists themselves twisting the word of God to portray nonwhites in bad light and themselves in good light. The whole of North America is in heavy debt; however, their media fools them and the world, and they go as merceneries to other countries through their evil colonial tactics of wars, business, and infiltration, to screw the world of its resources, to invite immigrants and then to screw them of their money and happiness through racial profiling, and their culture teaches them to screw other cultures, look down on other cultures, and to teach other cultures that all cultures are of downtroddens and only North American culture is the right culture! Wow! Nothing more could be farther than truth. This reflects the outright blasphemy and racial obnoxiousness of the North American culture itself!

Volunteers are welcome to circulate this information to all they know.
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Old 05-13-2008, 01:50 AM   #2
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Short version:

Canadian cops are assholes.
No Gods. No Kings.

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Old 05-13-2008, 05:10 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite
Short version:

Canadian cops are assholes.
Thanks for the explanation and I'm not being funny. I really was having a hard time reading that one.
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Old 05-17-2008, 01:46 AM   #4
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ACAB. 'Nuff said.
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Old 05-17-2008, 11:07 AM   #5
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Where's one of those "I Ain't Reading All That Shit" macro pictures when you need them?

Seriously, is there some virus out there that simultaneously causes someone to lose all linguistic skills and at the time suffer from paranoica and mania?

It's also sad that just as the Republicans and the like stop name-dropping "911" quite so much, all the nutters on the other side start doing it more than ever. I'd like to hop into my TARDIS and kill the first bastard that coined that as a meme.
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Old 05-17-2008, 02:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
ACAB. 'Nuff said.

Not only is this widely known, but it's more applicable than just Canadian cops. Seriously.
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Old 05-17-2008, 02:48 PM   #7
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God damn it, I just can't get the gumption to read it.

Something about bony ass lickers.

Oh, and it's racist against white people.
No Gods. No Kings.

Not all beliefs and ideas are equal.
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Old 06-12-2008, 12:59 PM   #8
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Angry 新加的空白文章1

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