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Old 05-23-2007, 12:37 AM   #1
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Worst Day of Your Life

What was the worst day of your life?

Mine would be the first break up I had experienced.

It was a hot July day and I hadn’t heard back from my ex in several days. I was genuinely worried so I went all the way to his place to discover that he wasn’t there so I went home. He heard about this and went searching for me. He saw, stopped me and we went to a parking lot and he told me how he didn’t appreciate that. In retrospect I was really possessive but I didn’t know any better at the time. So I arrived home and got a phone call…he broke up with me.

I was heart broken not just because he broke up with me but he didn’t have the common decency to do it in person. It was my first break up and it was extremely painful. I cried for hours and it was one of the worst pains I’ve ever felt in my life. I was seriously considering killing myself that night it hurt so bad. My ex concerned, called me back and heard how sad I was and wanted to cheer me up by taking me to a bar. So he picked me up and I felt completely awkward. I was still very sad and the pain was very fresh. So we arrived at the bar and I was shaking physically and I could barely talk. He was doing anything to crack a smile out of me. He finally told me in not so many words that he still wanted to be my friend and he still liked me very much he just thought that we weren’t compatible as lovers. At the time I didn’t find any solace in that statement but I now highly appreciate it and we are still best friends to this day which makes me very happy but at that time I was very sad, angst ridden, despondent and suicidal.
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Old 05-23-2007, 03:02 AM   #2
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This made me think. I tend to "forget" (suppress) bad days, but this thread not only made me review my bad memories, but paradoxically made me appreciate my current days even more, because in comparison, I am having the best days of my life now.

Some of my worst days:

1) The day my sister died (I was 16).
2) The last time I was fired from a job (back in 1981).
3) Catching a girl (we had made plans to marry) cheating on me (back in the 70's before I met my current wife).
4) The day I totaled my truck by rolling it off of a cliff at 60 mph and almost killing my friend and I (decades ago).
5) etc. etc. etc.

In comparison to today, life is great! As Frank Zappa said: "It's fucking great to be alive!".
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Old 05-23-2007, 10:24 AM   #3
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When my cat died. Never had a person close to me dying so I didn't know what kind of pain it is. But it was truly a horrible day, a saturday. I woke up 9.30 and heard my parents talking he was too sick and this couldn't go on so I just went to the living room holding my cat and crying for some time and then my dad and I took him to the vet to give him the shot? It took quite a long time and I'll never forget the last look of his eyes. When we got home my dad burried him in the garden and it was raining softly, the next days I didn't eat and barely slept. I still wake up at the same time on every saturday.
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Old 05-23-2007, 01:29 PM   #4
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I can't imagine what I would do if my beloved cat died.

I have 2 worst days. My father has disowned me twice on separate days. He gave me a choice: either apologize to him, or never see him again. My mother can't afford to keep me, so I apologized.
I didn't even do anything, except tell him I didn't want to move to Scotland with him, because we did not get along.
So, he said some extremely hurtful things to me, and kicked me out of his house.
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Old 05-23-2007, 03:49 PM   #5
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When my grandma died. She was so sweet. I wish she could see how successful I've become.
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Old 05-23-2007, 10:22 PM   #6
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The definitively worst days in my life, in no particular order:

- the day I met my biological father's family (that is, his brother and his brother's wife)
- the day I accidentally locked out my mother's psychopathic ex- husband and didn't dare open up for him, in fear of what he might do
- the day I was told that my grandfather had died
- any and all of the hellish days spent in fear of said ex- stepfather
- the day my cat died of blood cancer (we had no idea she was sick - in my worst dreams I can still hear the pained yelling of my beloved Scarlet... an absolutely horrible affair)
However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

- The Cure, "Love Song"
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Old 05-23-2007, 11:35 PM   #7
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We all have our worst days here and then.

Here are my worst days of my life:

- The day I heard my grandmother died.
- 5 marriage proposals were answered with "NO".
- an ex-gf cheats on me with my best friend.
- an ex-gf cheats on me with another woman, oops make that 3 ex-gfs doing that.
- an ex-gf stealing all my money out of my bank account for her drug and gambling addictions.
- got robbed once.
- got shot twice in the leg (wrong place and wrong time).
- Getting dumped for no reasons at all.

What a life, eh?
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Old 05-24-2007, 02:47 AM   #8
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The day

-my farther beat me up

- my, farther was caught doing something really wrong sick and inappropriate to someone who was asleep,.

-had the yard trashed by my old neighbors

-had scary blunt police officers interview me
ask me really invading things

etc it gets really messy from there on in..
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Old 05-24-2007, 05:41 PM   #9
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This is going to sound odd, but the worst day of my life was possibly when I found out that my history teacher was diagnosed with cancer.
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Old 05-24-2007, 07:39 PM   #10
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My first break up was horrible too
[not the worst day of my life, but definitley a very crappy weekend]

I stood outside his house [downtown] from 4pm to 1am in the morning, while it was pouring rain, waiting for him to come home just so I could talk to him. [I was 14] I told my parents I was at a sleep over so I had no where to sleep that night... He never came home

We went out for 9 months... I went on vaccation and missed him like crazy. I just wanted to see him. He was supposed to come over the day I got back, he told me he couldn't and he'd come the next day. Next day he told me he couldn't, but he promises to come the day after... I was crushed. I got my hopes up every single day, and he never showed up. It went on for a week... I felt so miserable, I didn't know what I did wrong. Then he just broke up with me, over the phone.
I hadn't seen him in 3 weeks I just wanted some closure... =[

He was a horrible boyfriend though [I finaly realise]. Emotionally abusive. I had some more horrible times with him... worse than the break up but I don't want to talk about it... -_-
To the somethingness
Which prevents the nothingness
Like Homer's wild boar
From trashing this way and that
Its white tusks
Through human beings
Like crackling stalks
And to nothing less
I offer this suffering of my father
"The Offering" - Stan Rice
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:31 PM   #11
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Hmm... lemme see...

One of the worst days of my life would be when...

-My mom left my dad and took me and my sister with her (I was 8)
-Accidentally (YES, accidentally) kicked sand in my little cousin's eyes. Dad dragged me into the attic of our beach house and emotionally and physically abused me for what seemed like forever (I think I was 6) in front of my cousins.
-The day I though I had stones lodged under my skin after I tripped and fell in a pebbly area and got wounded pretty bad (I was 6 also). I cried and cried thinking those small rocks would kill me or something.
-The day my first ever girlfriend said she didn't love me anymore and broke up with me (I was 14).
-The day I found out my second girlfriend cheated on me with her ex (I was 15).

There are others, but I don't want to post them here because I'm too lazy trying to recall the details.

Now, on to my miserable days, which would number only one.

I woke up at 7 am to my mom banging on my door holding up a piece of paper, yelling and screaming at my grades, how I got an incomplete grade in PE ad how I was failing Theo 101. I told her I'd take care of it and she went off to work. I got into the shower and started getting ready, only to find out my good clothes weren't dry yet so I had to wear clothes I didn't really like.

I got to school late because of the traffic so I was late for class and I was marked absent for that subject. Now, next subject we were assigned a case study, and I had to make a Power Point presentation for the next day's class that night. Later on I was studying with some of my friends and had to leave briefly to have a paper printed, put my books in my bag and left. I came back and found one of my books missing. So I had to go and buy myself a new one because the class I needed the fucking book for was next.

When I got back I got into an argument with one of my best friends about how I left her bag out in the open and shit. By this time I was looking rather scraggly because of the heat, and my eyebags took up like half my face already.

When I got home I saw a package sitting on my desk and opened it up, knowing it was the shirt I ordered from Ipso-Facto, only to find that it was an XL when I was only an M size.

I start working on my presentation before my mom comes knocking on my door asking if I'd fixed my grades yet. I told her I dropped Theo and her temper suddenly flared, and yelled for me to come to her room. I said I had a project to do, and she gave me this evil look and threatened to ground me if I didn't come to her room this instant. I told her I dropped Theo, and she started her usual psychological attack meant to hurt egos more than anything before I finally sighed and said I didn't drop the fucking subject. She said I was lying and called me a liar and threatened to check it on the school's website. I called her bluff and she finally conceded I wasn't going to be cowed and sent me back to my room.

The exact details are fuzzy, but that day, by far, counts as m most miserable day ever.
I'm not a warrior, but who is?
I have never learned to fight for my freedom.
I was only good at enjoying it.

-Oscar Van den Boogaard, Dutch pacifist
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Old 05-24-2007, 09:02 PM   #12
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About 7 years ago I was physically and sexually assaulted on the way home from work. Funnily enough, this wasn't the worst day of my life.

The worst day was about two weeks later when I told my Father about it and that it happened in his precinct - he is a cop. I could feel his anguish and frustration and it was overwhelming to feel that from him. He told me a story about how his best friends daughter had been sexually molested while she was growing up and that last year (now that she was an adult) she finally wanted to let her father know what had happened. She couldn't bring herself to tell him, though.. so she talked to my Dad and asked him to tell her father. Dad told me that her father started crying and just kept asking why she couldn't tell him herself - he was so hurt that she didn't feel that she could share something that awful with him, when all he wanted to do was help her heal.

After he told me this he looked at me and said "I am so proud of you, Jo-Anne, for being able to tell me about this."

It was the EXACT best thing that he could ever have said.

I love my Daddy so much.

It was also one of the best days of my life.
I joke about death because it's funny when you're frightened.
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Old 05-25-2007, 10:31 PM   #13
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Nothing really bad has happened to me yet, luckily, but I have had several horrible days.
One of the worst day of my life was about five or six years ago. It was a friday I think, and I felt very angry at myself for what had happened. At school I got very bad grades in about three major tests I had gotten back. Also, I had been rejected by someone I liked not too many days ago and it was still haunting me. To make it worse, I argued with my parents and got very angry at them. As soon as I got the chance, I went into my room, locked the door, and went to sleep to forget everytihng that had been happening.
Another very bad day was a few months ago, around october last year. I had invited a friend to sleep over at my house, but he cannot be trusted. I had to leave the house for an hour for a class, and he stayed in my house, in my room. Later, after I came back, I invited another friend over to my house. Both of them were never left alone in my room, except while I was taking a shower the next day, and my parents were home. That day at night I wanted to play with my gameboy advance, and did not find it. It was stolen, along with seven of my games (which, ironically, I had been playing extensiely lately). I desperatly looked for my GBA and games everywhere, hoping I had somehow misplaced them. Apparently, the thief opened the case where the games were in, took the GBA and the games, and left it in the same place. I never found my games, nor got anything back, even though I interrogated both of the people who had come to my house. I felt really bad about what had happened, since those games were very valuable to me. I was also very mad at myself for not having hidden them better (they were in my closet, but not visible unless you were actually looked).
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Old 05-27-2007, 06:13 PM   #14
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I have one bad day. O.k. maybe more but I'll only admit to one.

I use to live in apartment, or when I was little so I had no friends. Then I moved to Chilliwack when I was about, oh 3. The first day I befriended the boy who lived across the street. He was my first, and best friend. Well one day in grade 1, the teacher got a call from the office wondering if the boy was moving that summer, well when she asked and he said yes, I swear my heart broke in two. Well the summer came, and I went to my grandma's like usual, but i was about to go to his house when my mom had told me he moved. I still could never forget him even if he did forget me. I guess thats the day I turned into the sad depressing me. So yea that was the worst day in my entire life. Well worst period I guess you could say.
"The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn

"A man can be destroyed but not defeated" -Ernest Hemingway

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" -Joe Lewis

"Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Lang

"You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec

"Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark Twain
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Old 05-28-2007, 05:50 PM   #15
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The first bad day was when I was 6, my mom came into my classroom and tried to explain to me that my dad had died of a massive heart attack that morning. (I had no idea that he would be the first of 10 deaths within 15 years.)
I can't think of any other bad days right now.
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Old 05-28-2007, 08:17 PM   #16
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*lights a cigarette and takes a short puff* Worst Days, eh? Alright, here we go:

-The day my uncle died, it was the first death of someone close to me. Since then my family has been dropping like flies.
-The day my grandmother died: She died in the worst possible way...alone, in her own mind.
-*takes a long puff* the day my ex cheated on me...never thought i could hurt that much.
-the day when i found out my pastor...did his stepdaughter, my girlfriend at the time. *throws cigarette down and steps on it*

Well, thats my two cents. May you all find happiness.
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Old 05-29-2007, 04:52 PM   #17
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Malkavian?- You have my deepest sympathy.
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Old 05-30-2007, 07:55 AM   #18
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thank you, lol. i didnt mean to come across as a pedantic or pretentious bastard, which, looking back, i suppose i did.

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." ~Kenji Miyazawa
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