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Shill Post your website announcements here. Anything that is blatantly SPAM (nigerian schemes, make money fast, etc) will be deleted. Actually, we'd probably keep the nigerian schemes around to make fun of it.

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Old 04-02-2012, 05:01 AM   #1's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: California
Posts: 4
Nightmare before Valentines storeHeart

Visit my site where I have taken the time to list as many Pleaser/Demonia and Alchemy Gothic Jewelry products as possible. I call it the Nightmare before Valentines store because I goofed up many of my own Valentines blunders and felt that it would be a great idea to make a store for the goths and the lovers.

My last name is Hart therefore I chose to create the theme to be based on hearts, but I have always had a thing for the goth culture so it is kind of a blend. Coined as "Fashion for Dark Passion" as my tagline.

I was wondering about some feedback. Not so much sales, even though I am a starving artist and could use some if you see something you like. My goal with this plug is really just some feedback to see if I am heading in the right direction with the shop. is offline   Reply With Quote


alchemy gothic , demonia , fashion , pleaser , store

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