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Old 08-16-2011, 12:35 PM   #1
Jon Wane
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 63
Harsh Noise/HNW CD's & CDr's...

I've got a few artist copies of the following releases sitting around, and I could really use the money if anybody's interested.

"Music To Fuck To":
3-CD, pro-pressed noise compilation. Features tracks from Snog and Black Lung. Pigdurt Prod.

3-way HNW CD-r split feat. Cementimental (UK), Fist Taker ('BAMA--that's me), and Second Thought (UK). Jerky Oats Records.

All offers considered, but please be considerate of the fact that I have to pay shipping when making offers.

Paypal, WCC or MO's accepted...
PM or email: theraytownians@************
[EDIT: didn't realize emails were filtered, sorry]

I am a reputable seller of random crap through Noiseguide and Troniks (username: the raytownian)... Sorry I haven't got any seller feedback on Discogs or Ebay as I've only ever purchased stuff on those sites...

Sorry if this is the wrong place to try to sell this stuff. I wouldn't even be pimping this here if folks on those boards didn't already know about these releases and I wasn't hurting really bad for $$$$ right now (stupid speeding ticket!)...

Thanks for looking.
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