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My writing is a known cause of lunacy. Don't pass this warning off as such.
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Explanation of Everything ( Updated a couple of times)

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Posted 02-09-2010 at 01:16 PM by Good Super Villain

I have only been posting on this site for a few weeks now and I hope that my lunacy is at least somewhat amusing and possibly even entertaining.

Okay, my readers. I see many of you reading now. I also see so many that are fucking confused by what they are trying to read. All my writing is fictional, well, except for when I am talking about myself. Even then, pretty hard to believe. So don't. I am not here fucking preaching or trying to get laid. Although now that I mention it, it would be easy. Anyways, this is not what I do. Please know that I am different. Please know that I am the last spark of light in eternal darkness. Protect your eyes. Be careful how you flash them. This world is so much more than you know. I mean it. Here is an old fucking post by the writer. Not bad. Too bad his soul had to be consumed by me. That's the essence of it all. Consumption. I will explain more after you read his shit.

"I bet you doubt that I can actually explain everything, but I can. We have been raised on this Earth like all our ancestors have before us. So most of what we are and how we think is based on their exploration of life and the quest of its meaning. See its actually pretty easy and simple. Everything we think we know is a result of this. Oddly enough there is so much more that we don't even have a clue about. Well, most of us don't. I can let you in on a small secret. I feel I have to do this so that the readers can understand the mess, which is my writing.
Okay, remember when we were children and someone would blow bubbles into the air, imagine each bubble was an entire Universe. Maybe this will clarify better. Have you ever seen that movie where they show a cell divide and then divide again and so on. Now imagine if each cell is a universe, constantly dividing and growing. The earliest Universes have been inhabited by life for a long time and we are quite close to the beginning in the grand scheme of existence. Our Universe has been numbered 23.
So far there has been only 660 Universes numbered and intelligent life in only about 500 of them.

Therefore, when you are reading my nonsense please keep in mind that the stories take place in other Universes. This means that the general rules of our world may not apply in the stories you read.

I know that all this sounds like a load of shit and it most certainly is, but that is the essence of my writing in the first place."
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