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ORDER & CHAOS pt. 26

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Posted 06-04-2009 at 11:48 PM by Goth Writer
Updated 06-11-2009 at 10:07 PM by Goth Writer (It's a work in progress...)

“Taliesin and Sharon, you will be heartened to know that the Terranoids and Morphozoids from the Gorgon Plane have opted to move to Gaea. This must have been a decision reached by the staunch warriors after lengthy deliberation.”
“That is surely the truth, Claude,” replied Gilead. “No lawful race is glad to leave the Plane of their Creation. I move that we set camp and allow these new arrivals to Gaea time to join with us and enforce our respective causes in one fell swoop.”
“That is a prudent suggestion, Key Mage of Coermantyr,” said Restadicus. “The stone giants and shape shifters have proven themselves to be formidable fighters when the situation beckons. They may bear the strength that will turn the tide of battle in our favor.”
Rodnik, the Sergeant-at-arms of Coermantyr, watered the numerous warhorses of the group of mercenaries. Wotan assisted Sharon’s energetic aid by using his magic to ignite a modest campfire for the band. After a few hours the Morphozoids and Terranoids cried out as they approached the gathering of Gaeans.
“Hello there,” declared a booming voice. “It is I, Volcan of the Terranoids. Our Morphozoid friends chose to migrate with us to your Plane. We were swayed by the descriptions of this vast Realm by the halfling, Bjorn Roundtree.”
“A wise decision you have made, Sturdy Terranoid,” anwered Restadicus. “That is with all due respect for your Native Plane, of course.”
Volcan and the other stone giants chuckled.
“Don’t worry, Lore Master,” Petra rumbled. “We will not propose that we stay at the settlements of Mystic Down or Coermantyr. We are too big. Our objective, along with helping your cause, is to move deep into the Under Earth of the Arkadian Mountain Range. The Maegar Dwarves spoke many times of the tactical merits of living in caves and mines. This has been a tradition for the shape shifters and we stone giants since eons beyond memory.”
“We seek to renew our alliance with Cooper and the Dwarf Council,” Volcan said. “They joined with us to turn the firbolgs, gargoyles and minotaurs in previous engagements. Their detailed knowledge of the naturally occurring and hand made caves will enhance our plan to avoid disturbance by the Forces of Tiamat.”
“Let us be on our way,” Gilead offered. “We must remain expeditious if we wish to take the Guild of Assassins and their cohorts unawares.”
“You speak sound advice, Key Mage of Coermantyr,” anwered Petra. “All of us should move on and test the full mettle of the Harad Ghul and their kin.”
The fighters and magic users followed the recommendation of the female stone giant and set forth on the ambling trail east. There was no paved road but the warhorses of the Gaeans had become familiar with the rocky path over the past weeks.
Lord Taliesin and his Comrades-in-arms rode for a few hours when they ran headlong into the chill wind of the Arkadian Mountains. The tops of the mountains held patches of snow all year long and the warriors were quick to pull their cloaks and jackets tightly about themselves.
The trolls and humanoids began their trek through the clinging brambles and nettles at the picket line of Arkadia. A gathering of dwarves and elves stepped out from behind the pines. Bjorn Roundtree recognized Llewellyn and Drumtone among their number. Many of the residents of the Eastern Regions wore formidable-looking battle masks. These they unstrapped upon recognizing the Lieges and Lore Masters in their midst.
Taliesin shook hands with the appearing warriors.
“We are honored by your presence. We welcome you sturdy fighters to join us on our mission to quell the uprisings of the goblin hordes and retrieve the scrying glass taken from Lich Town.”
“That is a wise plan, Troll Lord,” Llewellyn answered. “The Qualinesti Elves look forward to helping the members of this campaign in bringing tranquility to the Regions west of our valley.”
The elves and dwarves joined with the sizable group of adventurers. Their warhorses were also well-trained and did not falter on the cumbersome grade. They rode through the untamed wilderness of Arkadia and soon stood before the outer gate of the Abyssal Cairn.
“We will not be turned by the greater number of the Stalactite Forces of Tiamat this time, My Friends,” declared Taliesin.
“I agree, Liege Lord,” said Fangoz. “I am ready for the fight and will do my best to aid your intentions on this mission.”
“A victory here will assuredly decrease the pressure of the invaders upon Torvald’s militia in Wood’s End,” Bors grumbled. “Let us be on our way, Taliesin.”
“Your advice is sound, Burly Burgomeister,” the Liege replied. “We are all heartened by your enthusiasm.”
Baroness Sharon saw that the increased size of the Stalactite Forces remained. They had hardly neared the cast-iron gate when an organized troop of goblins formed a semicircle before them. The determined humanoids bore a variety of weapons ranging from lances and pikes to crossbows and short swords.
“Be steady, My Comrades,” Restadicus said. “The Lore Masters will generate a shield.”
In unison the robed Wizards of Coermantyr uttered a powerful, Ethereal Spell.
A red ring of warding formed around the sizable group of Gaean Mercenaries.
The greater caches of energy of the two-dozen Lore Masters, although used by the Sentinels earlier, enhanced the enchantment. The magical barrier hummed and shook with turbulent energy. The goblins charged on foot with a scattering of riderless Lykanthros.
Siegemunde and the Sentinels waited for the few goblins that managed to wrestle themselves through the shield spell of the adept mages. They issued an offensive incantation within the roiling barrier.
A whirling cone of spinning, blue blades flew under the guidance of the Sentinels and their teacher. These Ethereal Glaives slashed and gouged the ruthless goblins, obliterating those that ventured so far.
Lord Taliesin, the dwarves and elves hewed into the energy matrix of the Lore Masters from the lee side. Their polished blades brought their opponents down two and three at a time.
The initial Stalactite Forces were no match for the combined spells and experience of the fighters. They fell quickly and left the entrance to the Abyssal Cairn unattended.
“Let us move on, My Friends,” said Bjorn Roundtree. “The scrying glass taken from the Martial Academy awaits us.”
“I agree, Brave Halfling,” Gilead responded. “We must continue on our quest despite the conflict that awaits us within.”
“Very well, Key Mage,” replied Bjorn. “Ben, the anthromorphs and I will cover your approach with our projectile weapons.”
“Aye, I’m getting the hang of this dagger as well, Nephew,” offered Ben Frostberry. “Let us go while the getting is good.”
The various races from territories within and without the maps of the Liege Lords marched past the looming statues in the central courtyard of the castle. They tried their best to ignore the ominous and intimidating expressions of the carvings resembling titanic griffons. They dismounted from their warhorses and Restadicus surrounded the steeds with an impenetrable magic shield.
The Harad Ghul did not favor advancing large groups of Stalactite Forces into battle before them. Rauros, Dakros and Loki headed a second wave of goblin and orc soldiers mounted upon growling Lykanthros.
Blueblood and his orc assassins moved in on the Gaeans at their flanks. They employed both single and double-edged swords to follow up a preliminary volley of crossbow bolts. The ring of steel upon steel echoed through the collonades of the Gothic structure. Neither side expected defeat.
The conflict that ensued was intense. Taliesin recognized a number of the Harad Ghul in his midst. He hewed at the Stalactite Forces on his left and right. The other warriors were inspired by the valiance of the Lord of Mystic Down. The Terranoids employed their steel-covered limbs to destroy several of the screeching orcs. Blueblood witnessed the carnage and opted to steer clear of the valiant giants.
The goblins and their kin adopted the whirling stratagem of their Leaders. They scrambled and twisted in a massive circle of armed bodies around the Gaean Mercenaries. Their scimitars reached inward at the warriors. The eyes of the lingering Lykanthros rolled white with the intensity of the ensuing melee.
Continuous waves of goblins and orcs pressed in from the sides of the spacious throne room of the Abyssal Cairn. Battalions encamped in tunnels within the Under Earth rose from their hiding places to provide reinforcement to the battle at hand. Other groups of goblins and orcs lowered themselves from gaping tunnels in the ceiling and walls. The Qualinesti Elves quickly capitalized upon these aerial movements. Llewellyn and his companions fired successive volleys of arrows from their enchanted bows. Several of the aggressive humanoids were shot as they descended from the higher levels of the Chaotic Fortress via crampons and rappel lines.
The Lore Masters also seized the moment and uttered a powerful binding spell.
Sticky clouds emanated from the hands of the adept Wizards of Coermantyr. Dozens of goblins and orcs were captivated by the dense mist and struggled to move against their opponents.
The halflings and Maegar Dwarves moved in a united, parallel attack. Driptwist, Formshift and Swirlmass followed suit. They punched holes in the surrounding forces, giving the wizards and fighters of their party time to regroup.
Lord Taliesin and the other Fighters of Gaea hewed into the melee. The dragon sword of the Liege of Mystic Down flared with green light as it compromised the plate and chain mail of the orcs. Blueblood rushed close to his battling kindred. The strength of the Trolls of Gaea was too great and the orc conscript of the Harad Ghul fell to Taliesin’s magic weapon. The struggle went on, however, as the seemingly limitless crush of Stalactite Forces formed a surreal spiral with the Lieges and their friends at the center.
A number of the Lore Masters loosed independent incantations into the gibbering horde. Their arcane spells created bursts of multicolored vapor when they collided with the Denizens of the Harad Ghul and the lingering Lykanthros.
“Quickly, My Friends,” said Rodnik. “Let us contend with the red-painted Leaders of this Stalactite Army!”
“Verily, Rodnik,” replied Gilead.
The Key Mage of Coermantyr uttered a harnessing spell.
A dozen of the nearby Harad Ghul and their cohorts were captured in a binding ring of variegated color. The goblins and orcs struggled valiantly against their Ethereal Bonds to no avail. The Warriors of Gaea destroyed them expeditiously. The outer spiral of whirling attackers continued nonetheless.
The Baroness fought alongside her male companions. Her armor was splattered with green blood from her opponents. In the light of the halos of the Sentinels Sharon spotted the scrying glass once owned by the Dire Queen of Arkadia as it swayed from a chain around the neck of Rauros.
“The glass taken from the Martial Academy in the Ghastly Fens is here, My Friends. The Leader on the wolf beast yon carries it!”
Restadicus and Wotan, along with the other Lore Masters focused their attention on the object in question. They responded quickly and encanted another sorcery.
Bolts of lightning extended from the fingertips of the adept wizards. The various electric charges snaked over and through the echelons of Stalactite Forces to lick and twine around the highly charged magical artifact.
Enraged Lykanthros devoid of saddles gnawed and slashed at the invasive bolts only to be thrown back by the explosive power of the Lore Masters.
Above all the Maegar Dwarves fought in a berserker state.
“We have nothing to lose, My Dwarves,” bellowed Oxholm. “This is the hour of our final stand! For the sake of the future of the Maegar Clan and its holdings let us end this conflict once and for all!”
The fierce dwarves were familiar with the battle strategies of the Stalactite Forces of Tiamat. The male and female warriors tumbled and writhed their bodies in a twisting technique that took both sides of the engagement by surprise. The burly, bearded fighters swung their war hammers and swords to the left and right, slashing and hewing goblins two and three at a time.
Bjorn Roundtree and his halfling comrades were inspired by the selfless charge of the dwarves and loaded their slings with two shots at a time. They had become excellent marksmen over the journeys of recent months and created a wave of turbulence within the circling Denizens of the Under Earth.
Ben Frostberry wielded his glinting short sword and entered the fray. The other warriors, including the Morphozoids, Qualinesti Elves and members of the Bengal Clan contended with their adversaries wholeheartedly.
Dakros, Loki and other members of the Harad Ghul recognized the desire of the Gaeans to reclaim the scrying glass on Rauros’ chest.
Fangoz, Bors and the Terranoids followed the guiding light of the encantation of the Lore Masters. They used their superior girth and drive to push through the inner rings of the crowd and contend with the Leaders of the Stalactite Horde. Loki and Dakros also identified the targeting of their Leader and drove their Lykanthros steeds directly at the large stone troll and sometime Burgomeister. The skirmish that ensued was intense and relentless on both sides.
At last Dakros and Loki were batted down by Fangoz’ massive club and Bors’ mace. They were struck directly by the bludgeoning weapons of the united mercenaries and were trampled beneath the swarming mass of lesser goblins.
Bors managed to squeeze himself through the crush of Chaotic Warriors and ripped the dangling shard from Rauros’ blood-stained neck. The experienced Leader of the Harad Ghul counterattacked the rotund warrior with a sharp dagger hidden in his armor. Bors was cut a glancing wound to his abdomen once more. He stumbled and attempted to regain his balance unsuccessfully. As he was about to fall the lich troll Sentinels, Leif, Sigrid and Siegemunde rushed to his aid and formed a protective triangle around their fallen friend.
A wavering, red ring of energy formed a shielding nucleus around the separated group.
“Here, take this bauble from me, Friend Ghoul Troll,” Bors grunted.
The Burgomeister handed the chained shard to Leif.
“I take it unwillingly, Bors. We must return to the center of this maelstrom if we hope to yet emerge victorious with our companions in this undertaking. You will set foot in Bard’s Inn and tend to us all.”
Fangoz lumbered from his position against Rauros to help his friend to his feet.
The Sentinels encanted a protective spell as they strove to push their way through the Stalactite Mob and join their companions at the front line.
Nighthawk and his band of defected goblins moved in a manner similar to the Maegar Dwarves. They too knew the battle tactics of their Chaotic Kindred and contended with them tactfully.
The battle continued without end in sight. The Sentinels succeeded in bringing their wounded comrade into the main group of fighters.
The anthromorph rangers and Qualinesti Elves united with the two dragonlings under Jalhi’s direction. They destroyed several of the Harad Ghul with their enchanted bows and fireballs.
Claude, the vampire, was unfettered by the draining isolation of the Gorgon Plane. He flew at full power over the raucous melee. He drank the blood of many goblins and orcs.
“At last my fallen vampires are avenged.”
The irises of the Undead Lord dilated with preternatural strength.
The Stalactite Forces began to doubt the outcome of the battle. They shied away from the clinging magic of the Lore Masters and turned from the bursts of arcane light.
Restadicus addressed the war group.
“My Friends, let us exit from this cairn. We will not terminate every Chaotic Humanoid that stands before us this night. Leif has given me the scrying glass of the deceased Dire Queen. We have what we came here for and must withdraw lest more of us are injured.”
“I concur, Restadicus,” said Taliesin. “We have convinced the Harad Ghul of the seriousness of our intentions to protect our respective Regions. They will think twice the next time they consider intruding upon our humble domiciles.”
The Gaeans followed the lead of the Liege of Mystic Down and ran to the gates of the Abyssal Cairn. They entered the outer courtyard and mounted their warhorses who had remained safe within the Ethereal Shield generated by the various mages of the contingent.
The enraged Forces of Tiamat pursued the group of trolls and humanoids from their circling position. Their efforts proved insufficient to hinder the determined mercenaries. Those goblins that leapt before the steeds of the united allies were trampled by the steel shod hooves of the warhorses.
Lord Taliesin, the Lore Masters and the rest continued on to their predetermined rendezvous point at the dwarven stronghold of Umbria. There they met with Cooper and the Maegar Chieftains.
Numbers of armed guards surrounded the warriors as they entered the newly-built settlement of the mountain dwarves. They eyed the Qualinesti Elves in the group with suspicion but allowed them to enter under the clearance of Oxholm and Drumtone.
The Maegar Villagers cheered upon the arrival of their protectors and embraced the trolls and others as they dismounted.
“You have our utmost gratitude, Tall Fighters,” said Cooper. “My people report that you successfully retrieved the scrying glass once used by Ankharet, the Dire Queen of Arkadia.”
“That is the truth, Brave Dwarf,” said Restadicus. “I have taken the scrying glass for safekeeping and to allow it to ‘cool off,’ as it were, in Coermantyr Castle. The Stalactite Forces will be less likely to take it from our number of adept wizards. We are on the lookout now for the alien invasions prompted by the maverick Summoners and Demigods of Chaos. Thoth and Tiamat themselves will think twice before attempting to breach the gong seal in Mount Crow. They now know that we have a renewed alliance with Hydro and the lawful dragons of that Plane.”
“Very well, Hoary Mage,” Cooper replied. “As our amorphous friends and stone giant visitors reveal there are bound to be additional races and types of creatures anxious to exit the tyranny manifested in the Nether Planes. I won’t be surprised if the aforementioned Hive Builders soon appear in search of safer residence in the expanses of Gaea. You are welcome to stay with us here in Umbria. I expect that most of you sturdy warriors are desirous of returning to your Native Regions.”
“Alas, such is the case for us, Cooper,” said Satvinder. “Jalhi and the other anthromorph rangers have much catching up to do in the Ghastly Fens. If you need our aid contact us with the homing pigeons. Their network of communication has proven remarkably reliable in recent weeks. Siegemunde too must recuperate and return to his duties as the Director of the Martial Academy in the City of the Lich Trolls.”
“We must rest, also,” declared Volcan. “We were glad to help you hold the ground in the recent fight but must construct a new Midden where we can regenerate for a time.”
“Thank you all,” offered Restadicus. “It seems the Arkadian Mountains are set to become populated by a motley group of residents. This will yet impinge on the imbalance of power that existed under the invasive Goblins and Orcs of the Under Earth.”
“We will return to our mines,” stated Drumtone. “If the Stalactite Hordes again venture into our territory within the Under Earth we will inform you immediately.”
“The Qualinesti Elves will continue their patrols of the woods of Fangorien. The Qualinost Valley will remain prepared to assist you as we did your ancestors during the past wars,” promised Llewellyn.
“And I will intensify my training of the dragonlings, Flamering and Starfling,” said Jalhi. “The wyverns are practically fire drakes now. With the guidance of Siegemunde we will create a ranch appropriate for the education of lawful dragons.”
“That is a splendid idea, Tiger Woman,” said Wotan. “Let us know how their education progresses.”
The warriors of the various Regions gave the dwarves a final embrace and headed their separate ways.
Raven sat with ******** once more on the bus to Jefferson Community College.
“I ended up taking a ‘W’ in Mrs. Eggnog’s trigonometry class, ********. I wouldn’t have lasted as long as I did without your help.”
“That’s all right, Rave,” replied ********. “Math and science courses are reputably the most challenging curricula in this country and abroad. Give it another shot next semester with a different professor. Each teacher has his or her own approach to the prerequisites for transfer. I could go on about the difficulties I faced in statistics. My advice is to take each day as it comes and hope for the best.”
The bus shook as the driver shifted the vehicle into high gear. The two friends were the last stop before the return to the campus parking lot.
Raven thought about the troll woman, Sharon Redthorne, in her dreams. She identified with the Baroness the more she thought about the recent adventures the Liege Lady faced in the imaginary Realm of Gaea.
“Alas, ours is an Age of Perseverance,” Raven observed out loud. “My parents wish for me to be resilient, like the Baroness of Coermantyr. My best plan is to assert myself continually. I’m sure that I’ll get a hand of the formulas and theorems of trigonometry as time goes by.”


About the Author

Goth Writer is a 32-year-old college student born and raised in California. He has an Associate in Arts degree from El Camino College.

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