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Learning even more about the paranormal

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Posted 05-31-2011 at 01:08 AM by Mrs_Crow

In addition to watching Insidious I am learning things about the paranormal that I never knew before. My boyfriend happens to know a lot about the spirit world. He's not into horror films b/c they freak him out and these are things that he knows from first hand experiences. I learned also not to joke around when it comes to pretending that things like the man w/ a fire for a face is right behind him. I mean, he really got freaked out by that movie. While myself on the other hand, I was quite intrigued by what I've seen in that film.

I am listening to God Module as I'm writing this. Most of their lyrics off of the Let's Go Dark Album are a horror fan's dream come true. They sing about zombies and ghosts. Which got me thinking about what I'd like to be for Halloween. More than likely I could possibly pull off as being a ghost more than a man w/ a fire for the face or even a Cradle of Filth succubus. I am up after 3:00am w/ no chance of falling asleep yet. Oh, and if I do go somewhere, I'm going to Vertex. What kind of ghost would I go as? Yes, I would like to go as the persidistic ghost woman in Insidious.

I once had a story that was even scarier than Insidious put together. It's where ghosts could visit your dreams and posess your body to do their bidding. Once as I was finished writing the story, it even freaked me out. But those are the best movies/stories. The kind that make you want to look over your shoulder. The kind that give you the heeby jeebies. I have also seen stuff that didn't make me want to jump out of my skin but I was able to watch over and over again. I am a weaver of fear.....and how I got w/ a man who is the extact opposite of me is waaay beyond me. But we have a bond and are actually meant for one another. For you see, we are soulmates and keep coming back to one another. If you believe in that sort of thing, which I do believe in past lives and that is possible souls can meet over and over again. I believe in spirits that haven't crossed over just yet. I believe there are things beyond our imagination and yes, you should be scared. I don't blame you for being intrigued or even doubt that there are things that are unseen.

I have seen things. Been thru things that would make you feel like you've stepped into a horror novel. I've been thru it. I couldn't really tell you or confess thru all the things I've been thru in this blog. And not only were they horror but sci-fi as well. The opition to you is if you want to believe or identify or deny and disbelive. Yet wait only until it happens to you and then you will get it. I would have no explaintation why it never happened to you. And if you are not visited by the paranormal, then that is perfectly fine. I don't think you'd really want it to begin w/. Be in your bubble of safety. I have no psychic ablities. But I've seen things. I could have been one more step away from becoming ever more senistive.

I had wish I had stuck to writing fiction and thus in college will be taking a horror lit class. Yes, it is difiantly up my alley and I will be enjoying it very much. I haven't been able to write much w/ Mr. Motor Mouth around. Heh heh. Unless it's moments like this while he's sleeping. Or off playing a game, I could write. I need to be inspired to write again. This here weaver of fear must share her stories to the world. And yeah, they had better be a good as ppl in my writing group say they are. I do go to a writing group and it seems no matter what I've written has got great feed back. Instead, I've spent my time knitting and crocheting a lot. I also draw and paint too. I guess it has to be the conviency in yarn crafts.

I guess if you wanted to know the things that would blow your mind, read my stoires or pm me. To anyone that is willing to believe I can only share a little bit. I am not all that knoweldgeable. Ppl fear the unknown and ppl seek the unknown. I guess you can say that I am a seeker. But I don't think my boyfriend is ever going to let me go haunted house hunting like I've always wanted to do. I've wanted to visit Winchester especially. Has anyone ever been there before? What was it like? Has anyone visited a haunted house or lived in one? Please do share your experiences. I love reading things like this. I could have been an X-Files agent if I wanted to. But even the thought of that would frighten me and fear is the one thing that would hold me back. There are such jobs as being an X-Files agent. One of them is called, Spooky too just like Mulder.

Well, my dearies's about that time I should wrap up. I'm thinking maybe some day I could be published at too. I enjoy their stories too and I'm pretty sure readers would enjoy mine. To all a good dark morning and until next time.....
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