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Old 05-01-2009, 06:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 10
Hanns Heinz Ewers Private Study Group

Hanns Heinz Ewers Private Study Group

I translate Hanns Heinz Ewers out of love and interest. Most of the stories or novels I have never read before and I get to read them for the first time with everyone else. It is frustrating for me to spend hours translating Alraune when I could be translating something else that I have never read before. Still, the most pressing need is a new uncensored edition of Alraune and I’m up for it.

I’m trying very hard to introduce Ewers to new readers. By now everyone should realize my translations do stand apart from what you might have read before and that is my particular skill and passion. Hanns Heinz Ewers needs to reach a modern audience with modern translations. I seem to be the only one doing it.

I wish that there were more hours in the day available to me for translation work. I truly love to translate more than any other hobby I’ve ever had. Here’s the bottom line. I’d like to create a Hanns Heinz Ewers Private Study Group. This is how it would work:

I would create several private blogs available only to the study group:

Horst Wessel
Rider in the German Night
The Cabaret
The Girl Wonder of Berlin
Ghost Seer
India and I
Travels Through the Latin World
Short Stories of Hanns Heinz Ewers

I have all but these two, Rider in the German Night and Travels Through the Latin World. I have all the rest and am itching to discover what is inside them but don’t have the time. I will be ordering these last two books within the next few months. I would not be publishing these but offering them for private study and discussion.

Each week I would post about six pages of never before translated text into one of these blogs. It would be a grab bag with no rhyme or reason. I would email everyone which blog I posted in. But each blog will be continuous. Horst Wessel will start with the first six pages and each time I post in that blog it will carry on from where it left off. If I started a thirty page short story that story would be completed before I started another story in that blog but it might be weeks before I once more posted six pages to that blog.

This might seem crazy but after six months or a year there would be significant material in all of these blogs that no one else in the world has ever read in English before. Progress would be slow but it is a study group and hopefully conversations and friendships can develop. Some people buy limited editions because they want to be the first ones to read the material or in some cases the only ones that can afford to read the material.

This is a way for people to get advance knowledge of material that might be years away from publication. If you love Hanns Heinz Ewers this would be perfect. It would cost $5/mo, the price of a cup of coffee and a donut. There would be a membership subscription set up through paypal.

The first three entries will be to Horst Wessel, Ghost Seer and India and I. I hope to have these set up this coming week to get a jump start on things. If you are interested in joining this private study group please email me at and have private study group in the heading. I will need at least ten people interested before I will do it. In the meantime I will be doing these scattered six pages anyway to take a little break from Alraune once in awhile. Let me know if you are interested and then I will set things up.

Email me and let’s talk. Please realize that these studies will be slow going at only six pages per week but it is also material that will have never been in English before and that might be worth something to some of you. I know it is to me. I translate simply because I want to know how it reads.

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