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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 02-25-2006, 12:03 PM   #1
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Irish nationalists clash with police in Dublin

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish nationalists clashed with police in Dublin on Saturday as demonstrations against a planned march by Northern Irish Protestants exploded into the worst rioting in the city for more than a decade.

Hundreds of rioters hurled bricks, fireworks and bottles at police as they waited for the "Love Ulster" rally to start.

The rioters were protesting against plans for relatives of people killed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA), a guerrilla group that fought to unite Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic, to march through central Dublin with pro-British musical bands.

Organizers abandoned the rally before it got under way as riots spread to other parts of the city center.

Police shepherded bewildered shoppers and tourists off Dublin's main shopping streets and said 14 people, including six police officers, were taken to hospital. They made 37 arrests.

Roads were sealed off and shops shut across the city center.

Rioters hurled metal fences into the road and setting bins alight on O'Connell Street, one of the city's busiest shopping thoroughfares.

The street was the scene of the 1916 Easter Rising, a rebellion against British rule in Ireland that helped to bring about the country's independence.


An elderly woman told Reuters windows were smashed in an exclusive department store close to the Irish parliament, where some of the "Love Ulster" Organizers had gone to meet the country's Justice Minister after the march was abandoned.

"They smashed the windows in with iron bars. It was terrible," the woman said. "They (the shop staff) were shouting at everyone to get down and everyone got on their knees." Cars in front of the shop were set alight.

Justice Minister Michael McDowell condemned the violence, which began at around midday but which had subsided by evening.

"The only message these people have managed to convey to the people of Dublin and of Ireland is that sectarian violence is, once again, being unleashed against all of the principles of the Good Friday Agreement and the overwhelming wishes of the Irish people," he said.

Northern Ireland's 1998 Good Friday peace deal largely brought an end to three decades of sectarian conflict in the British-ruled province, although deep mistrust still divides communities there.

Most of the majority Protestant population in Northern Ireland support continued British rule while the minority Catholic population tend to favor union with the predominantly Catholic south.

Saturday's abandoned rally was intended to call on the Irish government to do more to help investigate unsolved murders blamed on nationalist guerrillas.

Around 3,600 people were killed during the "troubles" of the 1970s, 80s and early 1990s. About half were killed by the IRA.

The IRA's political ally, Sinn Fein, which has politicians north and south of the border, condemned Saturday's violence.

"There is absolutely no justification for the disgraceful scenes which occurred in the city center this afternoon," said Sean Crowe, member of parliament for Dublin South West.

It was the worst rioting in Dublin for at least 10 years. In February 1995, police arrested 45 people, mostly English soccer fans, after fighting broke out in Lansdowne Road stadium, south of the city center, at a match between England and Ireland.
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:11 PM   #2
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Just wanted to post this one. I was there, and the parade was stopped.

Of course they will try again at some point. The articles leave out a few major key factors here though.

First, they mention the pro-brit music, but what they are actually saying is pro-loyalist terrorist music which includes lyrics like 'I want to wade waist deep in Fenian blood' and songs about the genocide of all Catholics.

Not only that, the parade members were carrying pictures of Robert McConnell, the Dublin bomber who killed 26 people in various bomb attacks on the city for a loyalist terror group. They also wore orange sashes, had plans to give the 'sod off' sign when they passed the Dublin GPO, and also carried banners celebrating the Stardust tragedy, where 37 Catholic children were killed in a fire in a disco in Dublin.

Those wee details were left out of the news wires.

Much like the KKK marching through Mississipi back in the 60's-70's, these parades have only one purpose, to incite the people to riot.

Of course the protestors/rioters are now being portrayed as the bad guys.
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Old 02-25-2006, 08:49 PM   #3
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...don't smother your kids."
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Old 02-26-2006, 09:40 AM   #4
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Here is a collection of photos I gathered from my cam, mates cams, and various news websites.
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Old 02-26-2006, 10:54 AM   #5
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What I see in those photos is pretty damn appalling.

Call me slow, but could you please explain in Layman's terms, what I am seeing in these pictures. And what is the song playing?
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Old 02-26-2006, 11:55 AM   #6
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Those were pictures from Dublin yesterday. Had to skew a few so ye can't see faces on some of them.

What your seeing is thousands of Irishmen standing up to the orange parade.

the gards came in, tried to break up the peaceful sit-in protest, which you see pictures of there, and it set off a riot among the thousands of on lookers.

Funny thing was, the sides of O'Connell street are under construction. There were stacks of bricks, bottles of petrol and oil, and barricades just lining the streets. Needless to say the protestors used them to setup a barrier so the gards and orangemen couldn't march.

And thats a clip from Fields Of Athenrye by Charlie and the Bhoys in the background. The protestors were singing it, thousands, while the bands re-loaded onto the buses.
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Old 02-26-2006, 12:44 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by CptSternn

Those were pictures from Dublin yesterday. Had to skew a few so ye can't see faces on some of them.

What your seeing is thousands of Irishmen standing up to the orange parade.

the gards came in, tried to break up the peaceful sit-in protest, which you see pictures of there, and it set off a riot among the thousands of on lookers.

Funny thing was, the sides of O'Connell street are under construction. There were stacks of bricks, bottles of petrol and oil, and barricades just lining the streets. Needless to say the protestors used them to setup a barrier so the gards and orangemen couldn't march.

And thats a clip from Fields Of Athenrye by Charlie and the Bhoys in the background. The protestors were singing it, thousands, while the bands re-loaded onto the buses.
Okay and at the risk of sounding culturally inept, what is the 'Orange Parade'?

And why did the local police attack a peaceful group of protesters?

And color me naive. but doesn't rioting negate what the protestors were trying to do in the first place? What does burning cars solve? Don't actions like that only serve to weaken the point trying to be conveyed?

I realize I am very ignorant of all of the cirumstances, but it seems like the message was lost in all of the destruction and violence, yes?
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Old 02-26-2006, 02:37 PM   #8
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Ok, I kinda explanied in the first post and it sorta laid it out in the article, but here is a more detailed description of what happened...

The Orange Order

If you don't want to read the whole thing there the basic short and skinny is this. They are a prodestant group that supports prodestant religion, by saying Catholism is wrong. Every year they have 'marching season' in which they all gather in Nationalist areas in N. Ireland, communitys which are Catholic, and march, with bands, singing songs about killing Catholics. Also carrying loyalist terrorist flags, pictures, and banners supporting british rule. They all culminate to a huge march done on the 12th which they celbrate the battle of the boyne, when Ireland was conqoured by the british.

Bet you also didn't know that only Orange Order members can be brought into the royal family. Also non-orange members can't hold certain government positions. A great way to segreate the government and keep the Irish down.

During the marches, riots always erupt, and loyalist supporters burn down Catholic churches. Every year about 4-10 churches get torched by orange order members. I could go on in more detail, but thats the basic idea behind this group. They claim to be merely a fraternal organisation supporting prodestants, but most all loyalist terrorists are members, as well as the band members all are if not members are direcrtly tied to loyalist terrorists.

They never go far out of the north. If you have never seen marching season in the north, well, you have no idea the huge riots that happen every summer. They bring out literally half the military, line the streets, to protect these guys as they march through the middle of Catholic neighborhoods singing about killing Catholics, playing the british national anthem, and screaming out sectarian and biogted remarks at the people in the homes while waving UDA/LVF/UVF flags and proudly holding banners with the faces of men who bombed the very neighborhoods they march through.

Now they want to march through Dublin. First time they every got the chance. Needless to say, they wanted to march through the city, singing songs about killing Catholics, waving banners with sectarian slogans, proudly displaying pictures of a loyalist bomber who killed dozens in Dublin just a few years ago, honoring this very man. Also carrying banners glorfying the Stardust tragedy, where dozens of children died at a disco fire. They had nothing to do with it, but are celbrating the fact that Catholic children were burned to death.

All of this culminating at a rally once they reach the city centre, at the Dublin GPO - the place of the 1916 uprising, where the Irish War Of Indepence started and the men credited with freeing Ireland gave their lives for a free country. They wanted to march to it, playing anti-Irish songs, waving their flags and banners, and all stand outside giving it the 'sod off' sign with their fingers and play the british national anthem. At least that was their plan.

Think of it like a pro-al queda group marching down the middle of DC carrying signs that had pictures of the 9-11 terrorists, singing songs about killing americans, marching to the white house and all giving it the finger. Also say carrying banners celebrating the recent mining incident, or some other unrelated national tragedy, you know, something along those lines.

Needless to say THOUSANDS showed up, only abut 200 protesters were there, who formed human chains to stop the parade route. The gardai were called in to move the human chain, and like the gardai normally do, they hit first and ask questions later. Yeah, the don't have guns, but also don't have restrictions on using batons here either. So they start beating the people who won't move, and the thousands of people there went after the gardai, and well, you see what happened next.

The thing was, there is major construction going down O'Connell street, so there were piles of bricks, bottles of petrol and oil, poles, lumber, everything laying out right there including portable fencing barriers. Needless to say the protestors quickly found it, erected their own barricade to stop the oncoming gards, and also stopped the parade, as if the gards had not been stopped by the barrier, they formed aline and would have pushed the masses back and been able to have the parade go through.

It however was stopped. And if you look closely at the photos, you might see someone you recognise

Should prodestants be able to voice their opinion? Yes, should they be able to march too. But not if they carry flags and banners with slogans on them stating the want us dead, and support the genocide of our people, sing songs about 'wading waist deep in fenian blood' and not if they want to make a mockery of our national landmarks.

Oh yeah, Fenians are the Irish. Like Anglos, Saxons, etc. Irish are neither, they are Fenian. And their songs are all about killing 'Fenians'.

In the north, they have a slur they use daily 'Fenian Bastards' it would be equal to in the states saying 'fucking ******s'. They always roar this as they play their songs and march down the streets.

I have a great shirt that on the back says 'Unrepentant Fenian Bastard'. Makes for great conversations when out clubbing in Belfast. Also explains a few scars I have.

But at the end of the day they got what they wanted. They are on the news as we speak talking about how we are 'intolerant' and they can't work with us because we won't let them 'express' themselves. They also got the local police to fight with the people who live here, why they sit back on their buses and laugh about it. Of course, we feel we made our point as well.

And the cars and looting? Well, once the rioting broke out, and police were trying to bust through, people started using cars as barriers, and then started flipping them and lighting them on fire to keep the gards from flanking the protestors. And with literally thousands of people going crazy, some people started looting. It happens.

Anyway, thats the basic summary. Funny thing is, we have 3 telly stations here, and not one had camera crews there. In fact, the government is trying to hide the event, and it's not even getting that much air time on our own news stations here.
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Old 02-26-2006, 09:12 PM   #9
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Sounds like, according to Sean Crowe, a couple of extremist nuts just got PUNK'd by Willie Frazier. Nothing like making Gerry Adams go out and condemn the actions of a few Republican "thugs and hoodilums."
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 02-28-2006, 02:55 AM   #10
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Pictures moved to:
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Old 03-01-2006, 05:18 AM   #11
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Thats the western take on it, but far from the truth. Today, there are many prodestants who not only support Nationalism, but Republicanism as well. However back in the 60's/70's the lines were a bit more defined.

But heres the storey...

Britian took over Ireland a few hundred years ago. The first thing they did was take all the good parts of land away from the people living there and gave it to the new 'lords' and other royalty they moved in from britian. They also began systematically moving people off their land and farms and giving it to new 'settlers', who came from poor parts of britian and also many from Scotland.

So they took away the best land, gave it for free to anyone from britian who wanted to move to Ireland. At the time, you had to be a prodestant to live in britian. And of course, Ireland is all Catholic. So the lines were pretty much defined. Settlers comnig in were all prodestant, and also taking lands that belonged to people, but the british government pulled one of those 'eminant domain' tricks and basically evicted thousands of people from their homes and lands.

There has been fighting ever since.

Now in 1920's when Collins was able to negotiate a deal to return 26 of the 32 counties to the Irish government, many people were happy. Of course, many people, especially those in the last 6 counties were not.

The IRA was created by Michael Collins, and was the organisation credited with freeing Ireland and creating the current Republic. If you haven't seen the film Michael Collins, check it out. Liam Nissan and Julia Roberts just to name a few of the all star cast.

Basically, Collins started the the modern guerilla war. He started bombing military barracks, shooting public officials, and attacking all things british that had an effect on the economy. This worked, and in the 1920's the briitsh government sat down to negotiate the turn over of the counties.

However, as mentioned, the last 6 counties were still under occupation. They fought in courts, in diplomatic arguments, and everything else until the 60's, almost 50 years of trying to negotiate a peaceful hand off of the last 6 counties. When after this time had passed and the british occupation became unbearable, the IRA decided to start another all out war campaign against the british occupation.

What do I mean by unbearable? Well, it's like this. First, all the good land was owned by british persons of british descent. They also took all the resources in the counties and sent them to britian. They exploited the poor irish workers, and used them to capitalise on their own investments. They essentially had created a ruling class and lesser class. Lines were pretty much dived. The wealthy persons well all british, while the ones fighting to feed their families were all Irish. The british also imposed laws to unfairly tax the Irish as well as pass laws stating only members of the orange order could hold government positions. Since the orange order only lets in persons of british descent who are prodestant, that kept the Irish out of all government dealings, so they can't even vote to better themselves. I mean they could vote, but for the british politicians who the british put in the elections.

So the armed struggle, now know as 'The Troubles' began. Bombings, shootings, etc. This caused the british to turn Northern Ireland into the DMZ it is today. Gard towers, armoured police vehicles, and all the great things you see today that are still present in the north. In fact, the british have 5 times as many troops in N. Ireland than they do in Iraq.

So the pro-british loyalist moved into communities that were near barracks, and the Irish Catholics moved into communities away from the barracks. And lines were divided, as they are today. West Belfast is all Catholic while East Belfast is all prodestant. South Belfast is mainly other ethinic groups all mixed together, and North Belfast is the rich area, with estates (neighborhoods) which are either all prodestant or all Catholic.

Now the orange order is a group that britian invented years ago to celbreate william the orange, the man who conquered Ireland and started this whole mess. They used it to keep Irish out of politics, and keep them as second class citizens. Every year they get together, march through Nationalist (Irish Catholic) neighborhoods carrying their flags, banners, pictures, and sniging music while yelling hat filled slander at the people who live there. Why? Because it was a way to keep the Irish in place years ago. They did it because if the Irish spoke out, they could be executed for not supporting britian. To this day, every year, they have their 'marching season' in the north, and march through neighborhoods where they are not wanted, just to cause trouble. They don't want to march in their own neighborhoods, they march in Nationalist areas, and always start riots.

Even today, when marchin season starts, they bring out PSNI to stop the riots. Literally hundreds of PSNI (police) are called out to line the parade route. They make a wall with riot shields to hold back the crowds who riot. It's like nothing you have evern seen, or experienced. Thousands come out to protest the march, hundreds of marchers, going in between hundreds of riot police to parade in an event that takes about an hour, then afterwards everyone disperses, if the protestors haven't gotten through the lines, because then the fighting starts and it all goes crazy. And they do these pretty much every weekend in the summer. And the british government won't stop it, as they claim its 'freedom of speech'.

However this time, the same lads wanted to come to Dublin and try it. It would be the first time since Ireland got it's independence that orangemen paraded in Ireland. Needless to say, the people here don't want them parading through, celebrating the group that they had to fight against to get their freedom, while yelling slurs are the people who live there and carrying banners celbrating murders who had killed Irish men and women.

So thats the short version. I could go into more detail, but thats the basic gist for ye.
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Old 03-01-2006, 05:34 AM   #12
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Here is a nice few shots to give you an idea of the marches...

Also, some more background on the whole conflict:

You also might want to check out the whole CAIN website hosted by the University of Ulster:
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Old 03-01-2006, 06:59 AM   #13
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'Tis a right noble reason that the IRA was started, Sternn.
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Old 03-01-2006, 07:38 AM   #14
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Just throw their tea in the water and get it done with, man.
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Old 03-01-2006, 07:51 AM   #15
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My step mother is from Northan Ireland a nice little town called Corain. A place where Protestants and Catholic for the most part get on well enough to live to giver without the day-to-day nonsense of loyalist ideas and Republicanism getting in the way of living their lives.
Ireland has had a very turbulent history as well as the present and there are many to blame including the politicians in London, but mostly when people of live along side one another they have them self to blame for falling in the belief that they have some noble calls worth fighting for.
This is the most important question that I have ever been asked: “What is better. Poor people fighting other poor people for idealism that for the most part ends up only benefiting the rich and powerful. Or not?”
The only winners in the conflict in Ireland have been the Para-militaries. But the best word now to describe them is “mafia”.
I have been told this by a daughter of an Orangeman.
"Because in the end, everything we do… is just everything we’ve done." - Corey Taylor/Stone Sour
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Old 03-03-2006, 12:37 PM   #16
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who ever listens to stern needs there head looked at. I was at the love ulster rally (on the protestant side) Before u speak bad of the orange order, 1 the ulster rally was not an orange order march it was organised by victims of ira violence on my bus there was only 6 men all the rest were widdows. And the orange order do not go to catholic areas and burn out churches ( 4 a year bullshit where is the evidence how many orange halls get burnt) nor do they sing songs about killing catholics, i have been to hundreds of marches and cant remember any catholic killing songs,granted some bands have anti catholic songs so does the catholics about the prods.
And the the routes the orange men march are routes they have marched well before the troubles well before the ira saying that before the troubles the catholics would have come to watch these parades, there is a few parades that go threw catholic areas but 99% are in protestant areas. not being rude strnn but you need evidence but get some evidence them scum bag ira rioters you were protesting with are the reason why over 3000 innocent people lay dead half of which are catholic.
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Old 03-03-2006, 12:52 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by cloud

Who ever listens to Sternn, needs there head looked at.

I was at the Love Ulster Rally (on the Protestant side).

Before you speak bad of the Orange Order.. 1. The Ulster Rally was not an Orange Order March. It was organised by victims of IRA violence. On my bus there was only 6 men, all the rest were Widows.

The Orange Order do not go to Catholic Areas and burn out churches!! 4 a year? Bullshit! Where is the evidence? How many Orange Halls get burnt?

Nor do they sing songs about killing Catholics.. I have been to hundreds of marches, and cant remember any Catholic killing songs.. Granted some bands have Anti Catholic songs, so does the Catholics about the Prods.

And the the routes the Orange Men march are routes they have marched well BEFORE the Troubles.. Well BEFORE the IRA said that the Catholics would have come to watch these parades.. There is a few parades that go through Catholic areas, but 99% are in Protestant areas.

Not being rude Sternn, but you need evidence..

Get some evidence..

Those Scum Bag IRA Rioters you were protesting with are the reason why over 3000 innocent people lay dead HALF of which are Catholic.

Ahh... That is so much better..

I couldn't help it..

I know
I have a disease..

*sobs & runs away*
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Old 03-04-2006, 02:24 AM   #18
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Ask and ye shall recieve...

First, for those who want live video from the incident...

But back to the original argument...

Lets look at the lyrics to some of the songs which are played. For example, Billy Boys...

We belong to Glasgow we're Orange and we're true
Scotland is our countr-ee our colours white and blue
We're Protestants and proud of it we're known near and far
Glasgow Billy Boys they call us.


Hello! Hello! (bellowed loudly)
We are the Billy boys
Hello! Hello!
You'll know us by our noise
We're up to our necks in Fenian blood
Surrender or you'll die
'Cause we are the Billy Billy Boys

In fact, browse through here and find all the songs you want...

I highlighted a few of the good ones for you that sing about 'killing fenians'. Notice the site, a clearing house for loyalist bands, including the ones that were there last Saturday.

Here is another one for you...

Ntice the songs about burning the pope, shooting Catholics, and all the other great ones.

As far as Catholics having songs about killing prods, well, we have songs about killing brits, but hey, we did when we fought for our indepenence from them, so therefore its different. Your not fighting for independence. Outlawing them would be to outlaw our own history. We fought the brits...and we won </I fought the law tune>

Also note we sing those songs at social events and in our own pubs, not marching through prodestant neighborhoods on a Saturday morning.

Second, the Orange Marches and supporters don't burn down churches? Lets look at some more links...,00.html

One of my favorites being the WARNING ISSUED in a PRESS RELEASE by the ORANGE ORDER telling its members burning Catholic churches is wrong and should not be done.

Also accompanied by the flyers they handed out to their members supporting the practice prior to the press release they put out to save face.

Finally, the 'victims of IRA violence', yeah, former RUC men and squadies (brit troops). The IRA was given POW and political status if you haven't forgotten, and their 'victims' have been deemed legal combat targets by the british government, so by claiming these people you speak of are 'victims' of 'terrorism' as they try to claim they were 'murdered' is a step back in the political arena which has already deemed them otherwise. They were no more murdered than any other soldier on any other battlefield ever was.

Thats like saying the british soldiers who were killed by the minute men during the US Revolutionary war were victims of terrorist violence, and that the US government should acknowledge that. Don't see them doing it, and much like them, we're not either.

And once again yuor waaay off no your stats. Look at the CAIN archive and the wiki...

Half of the people killed during the past 30-40 years were killed by the IRA, meaning 1200-1400 depending on which stats you use. And yes civs were killed and some were Catholic, but the number is 500-600, not 1500 as you would have us believe. Also note of those killed many were touts, and many were civilian bomb makers who blew themselves up by accident building bombs for the IRA, so yes, they were Catholic civilians who died, but they died helping the IRA, not as victims of violence.

So in reality that number is down to a few hundred at best, and of those none were represented by the people on those buses. I saw who was on those buses, and saw them later on the news with frazer. Former RUC men, remember the RUC was disbanded by the british government for the laundry list of human rights violations they were responsible for, and they want to march through our country and claim they are victims? I could post a few dozen links to all the abuses the RUC themselves were responsible for. Hell, the british government is still apoligising for them, that itself speaks volumes of the type of people you were 'with'.
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Old 03-04-2006, 02:55 AM   #19
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A more complete list of churches burned by orange order members and supporters during actual orange marches...

1996 - orange order protest begins at Our Lady's Catholic Church, Harryville, Ballymena, County Antrim.

BURNED: St. Coleman's Church, Station Road, Greenisland
BURNED: St. Patrick's College, Broughshane Road
BURNED: St. Joseph's Primary School
BURNED: Multiple Catholic Families burned out in North Belfast, Orknet Drive and the Ballykeel Estate prior to and during march

1997 -

BURNED: Church of Immaculate Conception, Mullavilly (226 year old church)
BURNED: St. Patrick's Church, Donaghmore, County Tyrone
BURNED: St. McNissis' Church, Randalstown
BURNED: St. Comgall's Church, Antrim
BURNED: St. Peter's Church, Stoneyford, County Antrim
BURNED: St. Coleman's Church, Annaclone, County Armagh
BURNED: St. Nicholas, Carrickfergus, County Antrim
BURNED: Multiple Catholic families burned out of their homes on Limestone Road during march.

1998 -

FIRE-BOMBED: In July, 10 Catholic churches and schools in Crumlin, Lisburn, Castlewellen, Belfast, Tandagee, Banbridge, Portadown, and Dungannon
FIRE-BOMBED: 144 Catholic family houses
FIRE-BOMBED: 155 Catholic owned businesses

(Catholic families driven from their homes in Larne, Lurgan, Carrickfergus, North Belfast, Kilkeel, Ballymoney, and Green Island during various orange marches)

1999 -

*whew* My hands are tired from typing. I have more stats though if ye want em, or just google for more information. Today, the burnings have subsided, but thats not because the marches are any less violent, it because now the army comes in, thousands of troops, and sets up weeks before the season starts and is forced to protect Catholic homes, churches, and businesses before the marches. The british government now uses more troops to protect Catholic homes, churches, and busineses during marching season than they have currently deployed in Iraq.

It wasn't until Sinn Feín brought international attention to this matter by putting it in front of the US Congress that the british governent allocated the troops needed to help quell this violence and keep it from happening.

Any more 'orange' facts for us there jeffery?
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