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Old 06-29-2008, 12:52 AM   #1
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Ex-Army scientist to get $5.8M in anthrax lawsuit

WASHINGTON (AP) - A former Army scientist who was named as a person of interest in the 2001 anthrax attacks will receive $5.8 million to settle his lawsuit against the Justice Department. Steven Hatfill claimed the Justice Department violated his privacy rights by speaking with reporters about the case.

Settlement documents were filed in federal court Friday. Both sides have agreed to the deal, according to the documents, and as soon as they are signed, the case will be dismissed.

The deal requires the Justice Department to pay $2.825 million up front and buy Hatfill a $3 million annuity that will pay him $150,000 each year for 20 years.

"Our government failed us, not only by failing to catch the anthrax mailers but by seeking to conceal that failure," Hatfill's lawyers said in a statement. "Our government did this by leaking gossip, speculation, and misinformation to a handful of credulous reporters."

The statement also blamed journalists for not questioning the motives of the government's statements or its tactics.

"As an innocent man, and as our fellow citizen, Steven Hatfill deserved far better," they said.

The Justice Department said the settlement was in the best interest of the nation.

"The United States does not admit to any violation of the Privacy Act and continues to deny all liability in connection with Dr. Hatfill's claims," Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said in response to the settlement.

Five people were killed and 17 sickened by anthrax that was mailed to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and members of the news media in New York and Florida just weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

After the attacks, Attorney General John Ashcroft called Hatfill "a person of interest" in the investigation and stories by various reporters followed. Hatfill had worked at the Army's infectious diseases laboratory from 1997 to 1999. The anthrax attacks remain unsolved.

The settlement likely also means that former USA Today reporter Toni Locy will no longer face up to $5,000-a-day in fines in the case. A federal judge ordered her to identify the officials who discussed Hatfill. When she said she couldn't remember, the judge ordered her to identify all her sources on the anthrax case.

She challenged that order, but a federal appeals court has yet to rule in the case. Because Hatfill's lawsuit is being settled, Locy's case will probably be dismissed as moot, though that will be up to the appeals court. Hatfill's lawyers told the court Friday that they no longer need her testimony.

"I hope this means that this ordeal is over and that I can get on with my life," Locy said. "I am pleased that Dr. Hatfill's lawyers are now saying they no longer need my testimony, but I don't know if my appeal is moot or if the contempt order against me will be lifted because I don't have anything at this point from the Court of Appeals or Judge Walton that says I'm in the clear."

Attorneys for Locy said she had no money to pay the fines imposed by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton. Locy, a former reporter with The Associated Press and other news organizations, now teaches journalism at West Virginia University.

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Old 06-29-2008, 12:57 AM   #2
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This is BRILLIANT. First off, I will have to dig up those articles and news clips of the bush admin defending the practice of naming 'persons of interest'. That whole ordeal was a bush admin tactic which they defended feverishly for many years. Now, they settle out of court.

Goes to show their real intentions doesn't it? They named and disgraced an innocent man just to stir up and scare the public. Then there is the fact this means all the law enforcement in America couldn't find one man who sent multiple lethal letters - they don't even have a suspect.

More importantly, it shows that this sort of technique, although supported when they first rolled it out, now is deemed illegal and they obviously won't be doing it again.

What happens when the first man who was illegally held in Guantanamo Bay makes it to court? How much are they going to pay him to shut up and go away? How many of them, and how many millions of tax dollars, is the US government going to have to dole out to account for their illegal actions when it comes to rendition and torture?

I guess we have to wait a couple years to find out.
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Old 06-29-2008, 09:35 AM   #3
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I really have no more faith in this administration. I had none to begin with, actually.

That's really kind of sad.
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Old 06-30-2008, 06:56 AM   #4
Tam Li Hua
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Anthrax..? Wow, that's a blast from the past...

That was, what, 8 years ago that we had to deal with that..? [I remember, because I was working at a mailing distribution center at the time.]

And yeah; Bush is a douche, but I think we've all figured that out by now.
"Follow your bliss..."
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