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Old 04-14-2006, 12:52 PM   #1
Twisted Ducky
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Anders Manga

Anders Manga is a rather good band, and a personal favorite mine. They are not
very well known, I came across them by stumbling randomly across the net
The lead singer of the band, has a voice. Although it is not as good as
a singer such as Freddy Mercury. It is rather exceptional considering that most
of todays singers sound like they haven't even hit puberty yet. With thin, screechy
toneless voices that make nails on a chalkboard sounds like one of Mozart's works.
He does not screams and squeal in his songs (Jack Off Jill for example). He actually
sings, he does not mumble then blow your pitiful brain across the room with
noise that makes a banshee run for cover.
The beat in the songs is good, it is interesting and different. Unlike most bands were
they repeat the same exact goddamned beat over, and over, and over in every damned
crappy song they make.
His lyrics! Oh it makes me want to cry. He does NOT talk about beating his hoes,
smoking pot, and shooting cops. There is no 'suck my dick bitch' or any of that bullshit
that today teenagers and younger listen to. There not some crap that you listen to
because your moron peers listen to, just because its cool. No, you listen to it
because they make sense. They are something you want to listen to. Not
because it's cool or some idiot reason like that.
But, like all actually good bands not all of his songs are worth while. Heart of Black,
Shiver, and Solitary Heaven are my current favorites. Because of there beats,
lyrics and because quite interesting. While Cars, I think sucks and Bloodletting on
the Naked Kiss is not the best.
So now go and download Anders Manga, leave Marl yin Manson to the dogs, and
help me shove ICC back up the cows ass they came from along with Jack Off Jill.

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Old 04-14-2006, 02:38 PM   #2
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Aside from the supremely annoying formatting, which you could have fixed after you posted it, that is one of the the worst recommendations of an artist I have ever read. You are blatantly displaying your musical narrowmindedness, as well as an ill-deserved smugness about finding something to listen to that you feel sets you apart from "everyone else", who listen to crap. Well, it's obvious that you don't know many people, or many bands for that matter. Just because you have managed to come across one paltry unknown artist, doesn't give you any sort of authoriy to judge what you so arrogantly say "today teenagers and younger listen to". You just have a bitter, flaccid, oxymoronic hard-on for making generalizations.

To take one of them: Ever consider that what you call "screams and squeal(s)", is actually considered by many as a valid form of expressing emotion? And I'm not talking specifically about Jack Off Jill, like you limit yourself to, but rather, hundreds of good bands, in many genres, who do this in one way or another. Like abstract art, what is merely "splotches of paint a five-year old could do" to some, can carry meaning for someone whose mind is not closed off to realms outside the strictly figurative. Just because you can't relate to it doesn't automatically mean it's "bad". You'll have to be more specific than that to validate such an opinion to me. Not that you - and definitely not I - probably care.

You say "unlike most bands were they repeat the same exact goddamned beat over, and over...", like this is a fact. Nuh-uh! Most bands don't. If you have an issue with looped beats, as used in some hip-hop for instance (you obviously do), then say that. Unless you're talking about the 4/4 beat, which is common in most straight-up rock and pop music (as opposed to for instance 6/8 or 7/4 (Pink Floyd's "Money")). That does not mean that there isn't room for variations within those 4/4 parameters, or that bands can't use different time signatures on different songs. But I guess you don't really know what time signatures are, so...

Your whole basis for recommending Anders Manga is "There not some crap that you listen to because your moron peers listen to, just because its cool. No, you listen to it because they make sense." And it really reveals the poor foundation of your judgements. You're just throwing a fit because no-one respects your pissy, poorly formulated opinions. So juvenile. Please grow the fuck up (no offense to the many other smart and charming young members of this forum). No, actually, being grown-up is boring. Please stay a kid, be open and curious, but discerning. Explore the myriad wonders of this world. Live.

I haven't heard Anders Manga, but if it's the sort of music that appeals to a pretentious twat like you, I'll probably steer clear. But by all means, it doesn't bother me one iota what you choose to listen to. See, unlike you, I don't listen to music to spite other people, nor do I feel accosted by someone's poor taste. I just ignore it. Easy as pie. There's plenty of good and bad music out there for everyone. Always has been, always will be. You haven't heard even a fraction of it yet, so spare us the blanket statements about how it all sucks.

[Fuck, that flame was way longer and more articulate than you deserve. Don't take it as a credit to yourself, though, I just wanted an opportunity to rant.]
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Old 04-14-2006, 03:11 PM   #3
Twisted Ducky
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I have completly screwed up the goddamned format and apolgize for it.
I'm a a horrible person for it so I shall go curl up in a corner and weap
because of my terrible wickness of fucking up the damn format.

If I could find the edit button I would fix it. But I'm to much of a idotic slug to find the thing. I should shoot myself for being so damned stupid. But I broke it while trying to kill a rodent. A sad fate for the gun. Now I shall be stuck in this world that hates me because I fucked up a format. untell natural death takes me or I get run over by a mopi.

I'm not good enough for a car to smoosh me into the pavment, making me flater then a damned IHOP pancake. Because I fucked up the format. The format rules the post. The format is the post. The format, told the content of the post, to go to hell. The format. Is god.

You don't just go fucking around with formats. People don't read, they rate your damned format on a scale of one to one hundered. I have fucked with the format. Now I shall be sent back to the pitfull dregs of hell. Past the bottem of the tea cup. I am condemed to spend the rest of my sorry ass life with the hamster that makes the world go round.

I'm so damn stupid for messing up the format and not finding that damned edit button that the hamster shall banish me. I shall float around in nothing. Untell I die. Thats not even what I deserve. I deserve nothing. I am a bucket of monkey shit. Without a bucket.

Because I am a worthless granny ****** retard. I shall now shut up and stop flaming myself. Because I don't deserve it. I am everyones slave.

I shall now take a bow of goodbye, and go and get more coffee.
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Old 04-14-2006, 03:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Twisted Ducky
The format, told the content of the post, to go to hell.
No, the content of the post fucked itself, the format just made it seem more amateurish.

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Old 04-14-2006, 05:59 PM   #5
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Ok, so I downloaded a couple songs to check out this Manga dude. Went by your favorite tracks, Twisted, and I'll give you a little review of them here.

Now, Santarea and cannibalnuns, I respect you, so don't take offense at what I have to say about our guy here.

"Solitary Heaven" sounds like a third-rate "Blue Monday" rip-off in the chorus, and employs a dull beat and unimaginative synth programming throughout. The cheap production effectively ruins any potential danceability this track could have, too. How you could ever claim he "has a voice" and "actually sings", Twisted, as if this is something unique, is beyond me. If anything, he sounds like the guy in Audra, only more subdued. The vocal melody is pretty much exactly like something you would find in an Audra song, as well. Now, while I have the first two albums of theirs and kinda like them, they are not the most original or exiting of bands, so if you're ripping them off, I'd say you're in trouble, talent-wise.

"Shiver" is amazingly even more indistinct and boring. The vocals just sound tired and lazy, and not even in a cool way. He kinda tries to give it a bit more 'oomph' in the chorus, but even that peters out into nothing. The singing at the ending also utterly fails at sounding impassioned, and along with the cookie-cutter pastiche of bedroom EBM synths, it's just annoying and repetitive.

So far, Twisted, I can say that basically all your statements about the qualities of Anders Manga's music are false. In fact, it contains basically all the bad elements you claim to hate about "today's music", or whatever. I thought that maybe there was a kernel of truth in all your trash-talking in guise of a recommendation. I was wrong.
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Old 04-14-2006, 06:16 PM   #6
Godslayer Jillian
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Ducky, don't flame yourself, even if it's sarcasm. It doesn't tell much about yourself.
Pitseleh just doesn't like you music, don't take it personal.
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I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
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People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 04-14-2006, 09:00 PM   #7
Twisted Ducky
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I'm sorry Jillian, I've put to much sugar in my coffee again. I shouldn't be drinking it in the first place, but oh well.

Thats his or her problem that he or she does not like my music. I really don't care, and I still like it anyways.
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Old 04-14-2006, 09:36 PM   #8
Godslayer Jillian
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I heard a song of them, and I do like them. I wouldn't have them in my MP3, but, having a social life with many "quinceañeras" and dances, I would love to have bands like that being played instead of R&B and "reggaeton"
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 04-15-2006, 08:48 AM   #9
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Oh, here too. Anders Manga are not the worst, though I'm not really interested about them

I've seen also some music videos...not too bad but not too good either
Silver deads
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