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Old 06-22-2006, 11:40 AM   #1
The OL
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To The Former Members Of

The name is Corey, (Sanctus) boyfriend. I am posting this once and when I finish I will have no further correspondence with any of you, and I will do all there is in my power to prevent Sanctus from it as well. I've seen the demeanor of my girl spiral from the good natured well intentioned soul she is into a betrayed tortured mess, the situation has come to the point where if I didn’t step in, I would think myself an insensitive prick. I would like to start this out rashly, but in interest of maturity (for the moment) I will remain calm and purely factual.

This will be as straight forward as it gets thus negating Sanctus's retarded latched emotions to undeserved recipients. I don't know or care about a single one of you, so excuse me if I'm intentionally blunt.

A. Sanctus has never had past or present dealings (speaking, emailing, private messaging or otherwise) with any head member of this particular forum. I base this fact on visual verification of damn near every online venture the girl travels. Due to past negative experiences, I keep more then an eye any connections she makes via web and with the current influx of animosity, I collected immediate evidence of her contacts collection and have been monitoring her mailing patterns. My evidence, (although I may catch hell for this) her complete contact list:

First, you tell me EPS, what are we looking for? You know how to reach the administrator... anyone ever stop to consider Sanctus might not? Second, as has been stated randomly across the forum, private messaging has been disabled. Difficult to private message an administrator with out private messaging isn't it? So, I challenge you EPS, produce a solid tangible sliver of evidence, a screen shot direct mailing perhaps?? Or will you continue to base your entire case on a single e-mailed word of some ill-behaved vindictive tart?

B. The idea Sanctus has aspirations to become a moderator within the community.

Okay, what* community? The girl has spent far too much time boring the shit out of me with the inner workings of the downfall of this ill-conceived forum, not to mention her excitement for the day "Things would be brand new" so to speak. So I pose to you a question. Between a 70 hour work week, school, her personal and professional artistic endeavors, the forum she runs alone, personal time with myself and general house maintenance where is it you've chosen to fit in moderating a dying forum? Especially at the cost of someone, many someone’s, she considered family??

Yes, this also makes perfect sense right? Oh but wait, it only gets better, the entire basis of this portion of the argument is based on one post made by a relatively brand new member of this forum? So, apparently Sanctus both requested an entertained the post? Yeah. Explain to me how that works. She could have been an admin, or just a mod. Hmm, the struggle of difficult choices. Morons.

C. Sanctus hasn't posted as frequently else where as she should... and made an intro thread when she shouldn't off.

Well, that's about as fucking ridiculous an issue as I've ever heard. Who are you, hell any of you for that matter to suggest you have the operational end of the strings that make Sanctus dance? She never has played the game of "follow the leader" she creates her own path, (this I love about her) but as I understand it, which was information privy to EPS she has failed to set on the table. Sanctus left it well it the open that she remained to field the influx of new salvageable users, hence the screen of the intro thread.

(Sarcasm)Yeah, screening the introduction thread is the worst way to discover and weed out perfect "else where" prospects.

As for her recreated introduction thread, it was a request. But apparently indulging the will of another user to further build moral and trust so when the move was made she could provide the result of an instant influx of great contributors was a no, no?? You really should better inform your drones how to behave under the queen, EPS. Apparently well intentioned actions are a wrong.

In addition, her drops in attention to other responsibilities are for the following valid reasons:
From day one of her un-requested but appreciated administrative appointment she was met with a backlash of resentment.
Examples: Wolfmoon, who essentially dropped to the ground kicking feet like a five year old over word censoring? "Fucking A" lady, grow up. You’ve a position in an online bulletin board, not the American government.
Ben Langer, who emotionally insulted Sanctus over the right to ban members as a moderator, how necessary was that? As I understand it you're almost 40?? Good to know what kind of adolescent offensive behavior I can look forward to when I reach your age.

(The above also suggests to me an underlying jealous animosity over ‘? a web site appointment?’ Do so many of you require validation through favoritism?? I smell the sweet scent of possible motive and back stabbing possibilities… but who am I to suggest such a thing?)

Last, EPS herself. She had explained to Sanctus in the preliminary onset of this situation that she had dibs on the graphic work, which Sanctus took rather seriously. As documented over a months worth of time (and to be fair she requested another member or two to aide in the overall theme) she waited for some art fag to send her a promised piece to work with. Had she received it? Not to this day. Well, Sanctus took matters into her own hands and spent hours looking for and processing the perfect works for a useable banner to present and the second she logs in to share, her only assigned contribution has been passed on to another and the results accepted. (Which I’ve seen, and have little to say for collective taste..)

Even then, after all this disappointment, she still joked about the hole was digging and the amazement she had for the growth of the other. But as far as feeling welcome, not so much. There has been an influx of new blood, which to Sanctus was foreign and to the rest, a chance to catch up. How exactly does she add to a conversation she knows nothing about?

So instead she continued to scout and play with design issues, but yes, indulge your mutiny lined wet dreams, it was all in effort to attain a god status over the 10 people who remain at Gothic. Amazing deduction folks. (By the way, ever notice how it's a bit difficult to watch an entire forum if you haven't bothered to visit over half of its components?) Yeah, but you all keep running strong with that theory.

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Old 06-22-2006, 11:41 AM   #2
The OL
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Last, the reaction over the banning of EPS herself.

Funny, seems to me aside from Angel011, Sanctus was the only one TO react.

Not a word from TheKorovaMilkbar or Ben Langher, but neither of them is implemented? Seems to me both of them are still on the "not banned" list? And yet the first conclusion falls on the only one of the three with an assumed closer bond with EPS. Wow.
In her defense (and I'm drawing away from fact here) I've known the girl for 8 years, I know how she works. It's how I would work, EPS has a better stronger endeavor before her, and the loss of this hell should be a weight from her shoulders. Why should Sanctus or anyone be expected to express intense upset over EPS’s improved situation and lightened load? I suppose that comes right down to that whole mind reading trick the both Sanctus and I have yet to master. So I apologize for her deficiency in that arena. Yeah.

Don't worry, I'm almost done. Let's cover the final issue, how did those wiley uninformed administrators find out about EPS’s dirty little secret?? I have a few guesses... how many times have the old members traveled directly from one site to the next in the same browser? Or perhaps placed links on pages to sites they shouldn't? I think we all know it's happened, right....Geisha. How about all the E-mailed attendance requests that have apparently been made by EPS herself?? Is every last one of those people accounted for in attendance?? I doubt it. But yes it's naturally acceptable to believe, with all the options available that my little girl underhandedly betrayed the only true female friend and family she had over a moderator position in a lackluster board she could give a shit about.

EPS, I would normally shy away from any demeaning vernacular of the female variety as my mother has taught her son some strong handed manners but for all the pain you've caused the girl, lack of returned phone calls (two if you‘d like a count ‘SOBEH‘… fucking dick), lack of returned e-mails and the crime of with holding pertinent information forcing her to find other means of education; I personally would liken you to the truest definition of 'ill-scorned cunt'. (I’ve also some stronger theories about the nature of the EPS beast but for Sanctus’s sake I’ll stand down) As for the rest of you, I've never seen such a suggestible intelligent group of 'adults' react like maladjusted children stomping feet over spilt milk. I've been wary of her involvement in not only forums but this ridiculous gothic culture since day one, and I would like to thank you all for reaffirming my suspicions that the lot of you are socially dramatic angst ridden sows with upturned snouts. Your loyalties fall as short as your accusations and that said, I'll have nothing to do with the majority of you. EPS, lead your band of brain-dead drones’ lady, enjoy it and be well and though grateful for your appearance in her life Sanctus was fine without you before this, she will be spectacular without you now. But to be fair, I know she forgives you...apology or not, she owes you that much. But me, I will hate every last one of you for what you've done until I see some semblance of the intelligence you're so fond of claiming you possess.

I hope you're fucking ashamed, but egomaniacal behavior doesn't lend well to random bouts of modesty and my hopes for you all fall short.

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Old 06-22-2006, 12:11 PM   #3
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Wow, i'm at a loss for words right now. just don't know what to say.
except for sorry for the hurt that was caused even if I myself have not contributed to it. I do not spend my free time trying out how politics work on a online forum.
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Old 06-22-2006, 12:20 PM   #4
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It was simply out of sheer morbid curiousity that I came back as a guest to see what has taken place, and what should I find? A user that has missplaced his anger and hate in a way that is so foul it makes me cringe.

In case you haven't been reading OL (and the use of first names is strictly PROHIBITED, a very dangerous thing to do in this situation), have you heard hide nor hair of *a certain person* on this forum? No. It was the reaction of Wolfmoon and Geisha that you read. They reacted of their own accord AGAINST *a certain person*'s wishes. And yet here you are, judge and jury for this person, pointing fingers like you've known her your whole life. You are not a factor here, as you do not fully understand what has taken place in AND OUT OF this forum. In case you weren't aware this has been a major topic of discussion privately. This means you don't know the HALF of the story, so your hateful remarks are absolutely unnecessary and hurtful of the situation. You're causing us to take a step backwards, and I won't step back into that dark shroud.

I will most certainly not let you simply dismiss the fact that we are working to a means on this issue right now. If you must know, contact has been established with Sanctus in regards to all of this and we have taken a step towards retribution.

But no, here you are pulling us back into anarchy, over something and someone you don't know.

I should expect that no good has come of your post, and your efforts only foreshadow more turmoil between these two people, whom I care about. If you want a private conversation with me, so you may hear the TRUTH, then you can contact me later. I will tell you how to reach me if you wish.

No more. I don't want to hear anything from anyone here. This is a private matter and it's being dealt with.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 06-22-2006, 12:21 PM   #5
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Hi Corey.
I've been on holiday the last two weeks and know nothing about what's happened here, other than what I've read today. Sanctus/Nicole has certainly been one of the most entertaining members on gnet and, as you say, obviously indepently minded. Although we did not post directly to each other all that often on the boards, she is/was certainly someone who I consider a gnet friend. When I discovered what had "happened", (I've really no idea), I followed her link to her homepage and joined her art website. (I look forward to meeting you both there). I think you'll find at least one other gnet member has previously done the same. I for one would very much like her to continue on gnet, but of course that is for her/the two of you to decide. My best wishes to you both.
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Old 06-22-2006, 12:50 PM   #6
An Eccentric Cellist
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I'm not sure who (that) is, I'm guessing she's EPS.

I knew it was impossible for Sanctus to do something so heinous as to betray someone she held so close for something as low as a position on a failing site with no hope of ever coming back to any where near it's former glory.
Thank you, OL, thank you so much. If you are who you say you are Sanctus is one lucky girl.

Sanctus I'm sorry I never protested what they were claiming. My English teacher this year instructed my class in writing a letter called an affirmation I thought an example would be a good idea.

I greatly admire your willingness to try to improve the site and hold off the bots and the trolls, like the thread about not responding to bots and the infinite flaming of infinite trolls. I respect your perseverance in working such long hours and still coming to talk to us afterwords. I love your dry, sometimes crude, humor and your ability to laugh at yourself. Most people lose it or don't have it after too many sleepless nights or feuds but you still have it, please keep it. I adore you personality in your writing that is such a cool skill to have. I admire your iron will to keep fighting even when everything you have falls through and you're just betrayed. Thank you you have added to my list of things to realize, become and search for in my life ahead of me.
Love ya Sancty please don't let one bad experience forget the rest of the good ones, I do that too often to not warn someone else.
Live long and prosper,

On this note I'm leaving, if anyone wants to contact me go ahead and email. I may visit I don't know. Bye bye peoples may hatred and betrayal not consume you.
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:05 PM   #7
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So here we go again....

You know I find this ridiculous. If you OL understood what is was like to behave like an ill mannered child you would realize that is exactley what you are doing right now.

EPS did NOT ask neither Geisha or Wolfmoon to make the posts against Sanctus. They did act of their own accord. But now what is done is done. And EPS wanted this to be kept quiet. Everyone was prepared to let this go and keep it what it should be...A PRIVATE MATTER. But here you go trying to be some fucking knight in shining armour trying to save poor dear Sanctus and stir shit up again. How idiotic can you be?

How bout trying to understand the full fucking story before you post stupid shit? It's a two way street and their are two sides to the story. Not that you will listen to that, you are too blinded on what you think is right. Your post reeks of self righteous indignation and quite frankly it stinks.

You do not know EPS you only know what Sanctus tells you. So don't ever dare call her such a name. And further more don't ever post someones real name. That was the most idiotic thing you could have done. has had a past of real life stalkers...but I guess you were too thick to think of that.

I think your post is full of shit. I know Santcus is not the poor damsel in distress you are making her out to be. So why don't you shut the fuck up and let things be?

EPS has had too much personal family and SERIOUS health issues to deal with right now and now this takes the top of the list. Or did Sanctus ever bother to tell you that? Sanctus is soo broke up over this? How about having to listen to a dear friend physically sick over all this drama you stirred back up? I hate you for doing that to her. She did nothing to deserve your slander and I hope you get what you deserve you fucking prick.

I have nothing more to say to you, nothing you deserve.
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:15 PM   #8
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Oh and if you want to add my name to that list of fomer members shit list then here it is...

Eyes of a Tragedy.
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:19 PM   #9
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I guess I missed out on the little chitchats outside of this forum...

So be it.
click here to be fooled
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:20 PM   #10
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I have just gotten done talking with OL, and all has been set in truth, what I could offer.

This situation has reached a point that it involves only, OL, Sanctus, *a certain person*, and myself.

No other parties' comments are necessary. Let the issue die, and leave it and us alone for a while. Any other input could only harm this issue.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:27 PM   #11
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i won't post a long diatribe out of respect to EPS as well as Korova's request, yet i'll still say Eyes pretty much summed up my feelings.

Carry the fuck on, little immature self rightous prick.
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Old 06-22-2006, 01:56 PM   #12
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It's clear that you don't have the knowledge of these forums to be making the remarks and statements you are right now. For instance; your remarks about private messages being disabled and how that's a clear indication that Sanctus could have had absolutely no way to contact the admins. Right before and right after EPS was banned, PMs were still enabled. If she wanted to contact DirtNap, it wouldn't have been rocket science. Not that you'd have known that, because you don't have a fucking clue. Let's also point out here real quick that there's a "Contact Us" link at the very bottom of this page. Rocket science? No. Well, maybe for you. Someone should make a suggestion to the admins here to put Waldo next to the link at the bottom.

Secondly, your remarks about Sanctus being one of the only people to even react... no. Hell no. What's funny is that out of all of the... one example you provided for people who reacted to EPS' bannishment, you neglected to mention Manimal. It was Manimal's long thought out post that Sanctus essentially said "ditto" to, which was the extent of her reaction. Other members such as edible eye and many others have expressed major concerns over her bannishment in posts that are longer than a brief fortune cookie message. You, trying to paint the picture that Sanctus was one of the only two people that reacted to her bannishment is ignorant and insulting of everyone's intelligence.

The inaccuracies and bullshit go on and on. The "protective boyfriend" thing you're doing here is... well, whatever. You feel proud and that's all that matters there, eh?

What's "ridiculous" though is you, coming here and professing to hate EPS' guts when you, like Korova said, don't know half the story. Hell, you don't even know 6/7ths of the story, and that's being kind. What you THINK you know about this forum or others here, you have wrong most of the time, as evident by reading this... whatever it is you posted here. I don't want to use an adjective, cause there isn't one fitting enough for how dumb this is that you came here, pretending to know much of anything and asserting your hated for someone you, nor Sanctus, have heard anything from since this shit went down.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 06-22-2006, 03:41 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The OL
(two if you‘d like a count ‘SOBEH‘… fucking dick)
I never insulted Sanctus, and any chastisement came paired with a statement of the impending need of both her and E_P_S to communicate directly with one another, hence my repeated request that the one call the other. That she did call is great; and as Korova suggests, the issue is now in the hands of others.

More to your comment directly to me: I was more in contact with E_P_S than Sanctus (which is to say, I had no contact with Sanctus at all - the problem was lack of contact between Sanctus and *anyone*), and while my inclinations were to agree with the tide of those who I respected, and my emotions ran that direction as well, I was the only one to call for communication. The lack thereof is the nexus of this entire shitstorm.

That you did decide to communicate to this forum for Sanctus' sake speaks well of your level of concern, but had Sanctus responded in as well reasoned a tone, or placed said two calls earlier, I dare say much of the shitstorm wouldn't have arisen. So yes, I did count the calls, and no, you don't get to class me in the same arena as said petulant children foot-stomping and carrying on. I am accountable for my own posts, not those of others. Quote me an entire post where I gave Sanctus bad words and did not call for communication, and I'll come to an understanding of your name-calling towards me.

Until then, take care to not generalize.
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Old 06-22-2006, 04:11 PM   #14
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With the exception of Sobeh (who I believe deserved to defend himself), then nobody else needs to be posting their opinions.

I have made peace with OL, and the issue is resolved. Everyone kicking and screaming like children now only worsens the situation and makes you look like an ass.

TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 06-22-2006, 04:50 PM   #15
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Glad you made your peace with OL. I'm happy for you. That's your peace with him. I'm still at fucking war over the fact that he came over here and threw cheap shots at EPS when she couldn't defend herself or say shit on her behalf. I don't care if Jesus Christ, himself, settled the shit with this kid, I'm going to say my own piece - I don't give a flying fuck who gives me permission or says it's over. The fat lady hasn't sung in my opera.

You don't come in and piss on someone's grave, then say "Oh, I settled it with so-and-so" and expect no one else is going to contribute their two cents. Aside from coming here and issuing some sort of public statement which clears shit up with EVERYONE, he's still on the hook. He crossed the line with his remarks and he can bear the consequences and take some fucking responsibility for what the fuck he said. If that point needs to be driven in by everyone that's close to EPS, so be it.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 06-22-2006, 05:00 PM   #16
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Posted On Behalf Of Eps

This is EPS. I have refrained since my banishment, from creating another account to come on here and act like some obssessed child, mad because he got his toys taken away.

This site has had enough of those people with the Bodnoirbabes, DC Creeps and Bexxle's of this Forum.

I refrained from slinging mud with the others that felt the need to express their outrage, at the facts as they were available to all of us at the time. I did not ask anyone to come here on my behalf. I was not aware that anyone planned on coming here and speaking out on the PRIVATE issue at hand.

I also expressed at LENGTH my regret that so much blood was shed here, somewhere that I have always tried to be mature, professional, and caring.

It was not of my doing, and ANYONE that knew me would know that isn't my style at fucking all.

Sanctus had a very good friend advise her when she asked AFTER the bloodbath here, how to approach me. She was told give me SOME TIME, and to my understanding agreed to back off and give me that time to process all of this fucked up information.

Ya see folks, I have much bigger things going on in my life than this sickening debacle.

As many of you know I have some major medical problems, that sadly have grown past the point of bearable in the last few months. Add to that the fact that I am now having to gather enough information to get a murder investigation opened into the recent death of an immediate family member, so that the body can be exhumed. To say that it already is a crushing weight upon my very being, would be a VAST understatement.

Anyone else wanna tell me where I have room on my plate for this bullshit??

I am so fucking sorry for being so selfish.

I should have pushed all of my petty problems aside and rushed to Santus's side the second things started to go sour.

What the fuck was I thinking?


I didn't realize I was on a time limit to figure out all of the recent drama.

Give me a fucking break.

Loves me like a sister eh?

And you.


You don't fucking know me, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't pretend to know me. Nor do you have all the facts, but that is to be expected.

What is NOT to be expected is you running my hardwon GOOD NAME through the mud in PUBLIC, while you bandy my Real Name about like you know fact one about who I am.

Real fucking classy man, real fucking classy.

I have done everything in my power to not be ugly, or to pass judgement before I had all the facts, and to try and figure out what the fuck was going on.

WHILE trying to just keep my head above water physically.

I wouldn't expect you to understand, but it gets pretty fucking exhausting treading water all of the time.

I do the best I can, and try to live my life in a way that I know I will be proud of who I was when it is all over.

But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know the first fucking thing about me.

You can pass whatever PRIVATE judgements about me you want to pass.

But keep your twisted observations to yourself in the future.

And to think I was trying to put things together enough in my head, to be able to call Sanctus back tonight. What a fucking joke. This is what I get for trying to play this clean eh? I get to be called an ignorant, malicious, cunt by someone who I have never even spoken to directly in my entire life.

You don't have all of the facts, at fucking all.

And so we're clear Korova, you DO NOT have my okay speak for me in this issue to Corey, Sanctus or anyone else. I tried to make that clear on MSN earlier, but maybe I wasn't clear enough.

My friends have the right as I do to stand up for me, when I am unjustly being slaughtered by someone that doesn't have all the facts and certainly doesn't know the first fucking thing about me.

As for the rest of you sitting there, that are so quick to believe me capable of being the kind of person that this boy is trying to paint me to be, I simply say believe what you want. Those of you that know me are free to ask me whatever you wish, privately.

I think my character over the years has been consistent enough, that if you don't know what type of person I am by now, you should.

I deserved better than this, in a big fucking way Mr. Sanctus, but I guess you didn't bother to find that out before coming after me with the Warhead..

To top it all off, today is my anniversary with Manimal.

Nice timing Tough Guy.

Happy Fucking Anniversary eh?


Go You!!

Thanks for playin


P.S. Korova, I also think Manimal may have something to say about the issue. I think he has more of a right to say when enough is enough than YOU do when it comes to a situation regarding the assrape of my character and morality in a public forum. One which in case you didn't know, is where we met a few years ago before we became as close as we are now. I'd say he has more than earned the privilege to speak on behalf of me, if ANYONE has earned that right.
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Old 06-22-2006, 05:17 PM   #17
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Oi - I've been working on this in between phone calls for a few hours and was hoping to get in here before EPS finally gave in... looks like I was too slow. Still, here's my take:

Originally Posted by The OL
The name is Corey, (Sanctus) boyfriend. I am posting this once and when I finish I will have no further correspondence with any of you, and I will do all there is in my power to prevent <Sanctus> from it as well. I've seen the demeanor of my girl spiral from the good natured well intentioned soul she is into a betrayed tortured mess, the situation has come to the point where if I didn’t step in, I would think myself an insensitive prick. I would like to start this out rashly, but in interest of maturity (for the moment) I will remain calm and purely factual.
It’s not really nice to meet you, but hi. I’m Manimal. I’m EPS’s boyfriend. Both of us were refraining from posting about any of this drama publicly because we believe in a certain level of curtesy and professionalism – especially considering EPS’s status and previous position as a staff member of Gnet. At this point, however, it seems I have little choice. Your version of “factual” is pretty interesting btw.

Originally Posted by The OL
A. <Sanctus> has never had past or present dealings (speaking, emailing, private messaging or otherwise) with any head member of this particular forum. I base this fact on visual verification of damn near every online venture the girl travels. Due to past negative experiences, I keep more then an eye any connections she makes via web and with the current influx of animosity, I collected immediate evidence of her contacts collection and have been monitoring her mailing patterns. My evidence, (although I may catch hell for this) her complete contact list:

<URLs removed>

First, you tell me EPS, what are we looking for? You know how to reach the administrator... anyone ever stop to consider Nicole might not? Second, as has been stated randomly across the forum, private messaging has been disabled. Difficult to private message an administrator with out private messaging isn't it? So, I challenge you EPS, produce a solid tangible sliver of evidence, a screen shot direct mailing perhaps?? Or will you continue to base your entire case on a single e-mailed word of some ill-behaved vindictive tart?
Call me silly, and maybe my decade plus as a systems administrator for the government has made me stale to the latest “wife-monitoring” techniques, but it seems to me that posting her AOL contact list for all to see is not compelling evidence of her internet activity. It is also extremely ignorant and irresponsible on your part. This site, largely because of the change in moderator limitations, has had a large amount of “troll” activity and you have just given them her first name and all of the places and people she has email contact with.

Secondly, there is no challenge. There is no face-off between EPS and Sanctus. There is a series of events that took place where, to put it mildly, people got banned, feelings got hurt, fingers got pointed, and while EPS was trying to figure out WTF happened (along with her own real life issues) the drama here simply exploded to an unbelievable level. Do note, however, that EPS was not present during any of it nor does she condone it. It has, in many ways, upset her just as much as the original offense (whomever the guilty party may or may not be).

Lastly, I read the anonymous email that added to the suspicion of Sactus’ actions. The email was not the only item in the large pile of curious events surrounding EPS’ (and others) banning. While curious, it was not written in a manner befitting the description an “ill-behaved vindictive tart”, and certainly was not taken into as much consideration as the author intended.

Originally Posted by The OL
B. The idea Sanctus has aspirations to become a moderator within the community.

Okay, what* community? The girl has spent far too much time boring the shit out of me with the inner workings of the downfall of this ill-conceived forum, not to mention her excitement for the day "Things would be brand new" so to speak. So I pose to you a question. Between a 70 hour work week, school, her personal and professional artistic endeavors, the forum she runs alone, personal time with myself and general house maintenance where is it you've chosen to fit in moderating a dying forum? Especially at the cost of someone, many someone’s, she considered family??

Yes, this also makes perfect sense right? Oh but wait, it only gets better, the entire basis of this portion of the argument is based on one post made by a relatively brand new member of this forum? So, apparently Sanctus both requested an entertained the post? Yeah. Explain to me how that works. She could have been an admin, or just a mod. Hmm, the struggle of difficult choices. Morons.
I’m not even going to look into the insight of you being bored at her excitement of what GNet could be given the right direction, but the main part you’re missing is GNet is a community. Sure it’s had it’s ups and downs (and opinions vary on which end of the swing we’re in now) but it is a very large and usually quite strong community. This past month has been… exceptionally rough to say the least. You need to realize that despite Sanctus’ obviously busy life she HAS made hints and references to her expanding her role here at The relatively new poster’s have largely all been identified as previously banned members which simply goes to further show the lack of moderating on this site which would not even be an issue had EPS not been banned which brings us full circle to the mysterious pile of… why was EPS banned?

Originally Posted by The OL
C. <Sanctus> hasn't posted as frequently else where as she should... and made an intro thread when she shouldn't off.

Well, that's about as fucking ridiculous an issue as I've ever heard. Who are you, hell any of you for that matter to suggest you have the operational end of the strings that make Sanctus dance? She never has played the game of "follow the leader" she creates her own path, (this I love about her) but as I understand it, which was information privy to EPS she has failed to set on the table. Sanctus left it well it the open that she remained to field the influx of new salvageable users, hence the screen of the intro thread.

(Sarcasm)Yeah, screening the introduction thread is the worst way to discover and weed out perfect "else where" prospects.

As for her recreated introduction thread, it was a request. But apparently indulging the will of another user to further build moral and trust so when the move was made she could provide the result of an instant influx of great contributors was a no, no?? You really should better inform your drones how to behave under the queen, EPS. Apparently well intentioned actions are a wrong.
Um. I’m going to skip over most of this because honestly the sentence structure makes little sense. The issue isn’t what she posts where, the issue is a matter of… call it dedication I guess. We know that she has little time to spare. We know she’s expressed excitement and dedication to a specific art project she volunteered for. We know she spends the bulk of her online time on Gnet (or at least it’s a relatively educated assumption). If she wants to play here, fine. If she wants to help EPS with her art, fine. If she wants to do both, fine. But lets see some communication to that effect. I can’t stress enough how badly this has all hurt EPS. She’s been physically ill over the whole thing since she was suddenly banned with no explanation.

Originally Posted by The OL
In addition, her drops in attention to other responsibilities are for the following valid reasons:
From day one of her un-requested but appreciated administrative appointment she was met with a backlash of resentment.
Examples: Wolfmoon, who essentially dropped to the ground kicking feet like a five year old over word censoring? "Fucking A" lady, grow up. You’ve a position in an online bulletin board, not the American government.
Ben Langer, who emotionally insulted Sanctus over the right to ban members as a moderator, how necessary was that? As I understand it you're almost 40?? Good to know what kind of adolescent offensive behavior I can look forward to when I reach your age.

(The above also suggests to me an underlying jealous animosity over ‘? a web site appointment?’ Do so many of you require validation through favoritism?? I smell the sweet scent of possible motive and back stabbing possibilities… but who am I to suggest such a thing?)
What you refer to here is superficial conjecture at best (and confusing at that) and has no bearing on the issue at hand which is why was EPS banned and who started this shit storm of drama? Many believe it was Sanctus. At this point so many people have been hurt I don’t really think it matters anymore. Your efforts to “hero” the situation has made things incredibly worse.
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Old 06-22-2006, 05:17 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by The OL
Last, EPS herself. She had explained to Sanctus in the preliminary onset of this situation that she had dibs on the graphic work, which Sanctus took rather seriously. As documented over a months worth of time (and to be fair she requested another member or two to aide in the overall theme) she waited for some art fag to send her a promised piece to work with. Had she received it? Not to this day. Well, she took matters into her own hands and spent hours looking for and processing the perfect works for a useable banner to present and the second she logs in to share, her only assigned contribution has been passed on to another and the results accepted. (Which I’ve seen, and have little to say for collective taste..)

Even then, after all this disappointment, she still joked about the hole was digging and the amazement she had for the growth of the other. But as far as feeling welcome, not so much. There has been an influx of new blood, which to Sanctus was foreign and to the rest, a chance to catch up. How exactly does she add to a conversation she knows nothing about?

So instead she continued to scout and play with design issues, but yes, indulge your mutiny lined wet dreams, it was all in effort to attain a god status over the 10 people who remain at Gothic. Amazing deduction folks. (By the way, ever notice how it's a bit difficult to watch an entire forum if you haven't bothered to visit over half of its components?) Yeah, but you all keep running strong with that theory.

Blah blah – ok you pretty much lost me at “dibs”. Multiple artists were talked to about the project in question. Sanctus did have the privilege, I believe, of being the first but others were talked to as well. All of this was discussed among the contributers. The contribution that was displayed was not done so because of some kind of stupid conspiracy against Sanctus. The contribution by the other artist was displayed because it was received before Sanctus’ was finished. When Sanctus’ was finished it was also displayed. I happened to like hers better in some regards but was ultimately outvoted. Additionally, all requests for adjustments to her art piece were simply ignored which ultimately forced the selection anyways.

Lastly, she would have known about the conversation of which you make mention had she simply been participating in the project as she stated she would. She was given the position she was in the project because of the level of trust EPS had for her and the amount of dedication expressed by Sanctus. When it came time to deliver, however, the goods simply weren’t there. I can understand real life getting in the way of things, happens all the time, but that was not the case either. And then we get to EPS’ mysterious banning here and the pile of events and circumstances surrounding it.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t know if Sanctus got EPS banned or not. Quite frankly I don’t care any more – well no actually I do. EPS still really wants to help I think a lot of this animosity was fueled by the passionate, and a bit misguided, actions of others. Lets not let those actions fuel a public fire that is otherwise not there.
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Old 06-22-2006, 05:47 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by The OL
Last, the reaction over the banning of EPS herself.

Funny, seems to me aside from Angel011, Sanctus was the only one TO react.

Not a word from TheKorovaMilkbar or Ben Langher, but neither of them is implemented? Seems to me both of them are still on the "not banned" list? And yet the first conclusion falls on the only one of the three with an assumed closer bond with EPS. Wow.
In her defense (and I'm drawing away from fact here) I've known the girl for 8 years, I know how she works. It's how I would work, EPS has a better stronger endeavor before her, and the loss of this hell should be a weight from her shoulders. Why should Sanctus or anyone be expected to express intense upset over EPS’s improved situation and lightened load? I suppose that comes right down to that whole mind reading trick the both Sanctus and I have yet to master. So I apologize for her deficiency in that arena. Yeah.
You’ve actually been away from fact for a while now. Pretty much the only fact I saw is the violation of Sanctus’ privacty with the posting of all of her email contacts. Actually I’m not really sure what the heck you are saying here (and I think you mean INCRIMINATED there, smarty pants). I’m wondering if perhaps you mean by “lightened load” that EPS should be somehow grateful or thankful that she’s been banned from Gnet so that she doesn’t have to bother with it anymore… hopefully not because that makes about as much sense as me being grateful if my son were to die so I wouldn’t have to care for him anymore. I hope you’re not a write because you really don’t make very clear statements.

Originally Posted by The OL
Don't worry, I'm almost done. Let's cover the final issue, how did those wiley uninformed administrators find out about Michelle’s dirty little secret?? I have a few guesses... how many times have the old members traveled directly from one site to the next in the same browser? Or perhaps placed links on pages to sites they shouldn't? I think we all know it's happened, right....Geisha. How about all the E-mailed attendance requests that have apparently been made by EPS herself?? Is every last one of those people accounted for in attendance?? I doubt it. But yes it's naturally acceptable to believe, with all the options available that my little girl underhandedly betrayed the only true female friend and family she had over a moderator position in a lackluster board she could give a shit about.
Yes. It certainly is a mystery isn’t it? That’s what we’ve been saying. The great thing is that before it could all be unraveled the situation exploded into… I don’t know what you would call it but it shoor aint purty. When we asked for some clarification from specific parties and received none a decision had to be made. Had communication simply continued in a rational manner as requested the decision could have been unmade. At this point it’s probably too late – certainly for the time being. Time does heal many wounds and also has a way of exposing the truth to mysteries so there may yet be a resolution. You, as I said before, have indeed made things worse.

Originally Posted by The OL
EPS, I would normally shy away from any demeaning vernacular of the female variety as my mother has taught her son some strong handed manners but for all the pain you've caused the girl, lack of returned phone calls (two if you‘d like a count ‘SOBEH‘… fucking dick), lack of returned e-mails and the crime of with holding pertinent information forcing her to find other means of education; I personally would liken you to the truest definition of 'ill-scorned cunt'. (I’ve also some stronger theories about the nature of the EPS beast but for Sanctus’s sake I’ll stand down) As for the rest of you, I've never seen such a suggestible intelligent group of 'adults' react like maladjusted children stomping feet over spilt milk. I've been wary of her involvement in not only forums but this ridiculous gothic culture since day one, and I would like to thank you all for reaffirming my suspicions that the lot of you are socially dramatic angst ridden sows with upturned snouts. Your loyalties fall as short as your accusations and that said, I'll have nothing to do with the majority of you. EPS, lead your band of brain-dead drones’ lady, enjoy it and be well and though grateful for your appearance in her life Sanctus was fine without you before this, she will be spectacular without you now. But to be fair, I know she forgives you...apology or not, she owes you that much. But me, I will hate every last one of you for what you've done until I see some semblance of the intelligence you're so fond of claiming you possess.
Ill-scorned cunt. Wow. You are an insensitive prick after all. Let me make this very clear. When-she-found-out-she-was-banned-it-made-her-sick. The more she learned about the possibility that Sanctus had something to do with it, and that’s all it ever was was a possibility backed by specific observations, the sicker she got. She’s cried every day since it’s happened. Granted she was weaked by other recent real life trauma but still. She loves GNet and Sanctus and this whole thing has made her very physically ill. She has Sjogrens which is triggered by stress. She gets stress, she gets fevers. She gets fevers, she throws up. How much detail do you want here? There is such a thing as letting it lie and let the person who was betrayed – cause SOMEONE got her banned from here – process everything as best she can. Blowing up her phone and email and who knows what else did not help.

Originally Posted by The OL
I hope you're fucking ashamed, but egomaniacal behavior doesn't lend well to random bouts of modesty and my hopes for you all fall short.
Corey, you’re an idiot.
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Old 06-22-2006, 07:59 PM   #20
Godslayer Jillian
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EPS, Manimal, I sincerely wish you a happy anniversary. You can come back to this quarrel any other day, but you should try to enjoy the rest of this one.
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 06-22-2006, 11:10 PM   #21
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Holy fuck. I'm sorry.

EPS, the boi is upset, has been since the onset of this. He has about as much understanding of this situation as I. You must realize all he has seen is the flux of discriminating attacks against me, and the hurt it's causing. Granted, I've told him every detail I know, apparently he's created his own deductions. He's stubborn and judgemental... and in a way I don't blame him for his outburst. I'm not going to make excuses for him, he can fend his own actions but know everything he's posted doesn't speak for how I feel... and in time he might come around. For know I've changed my pass to dis-allow him access to the internet, it's going to cause a rift but just as Manimal has done you can't blame him for wanting to protect me from this extrodinary level of emotional hurt. Please know I had intended to leave well enough alone, and will continue to do so.

The rest of you, say what you will...I'm past it now. A good portion of you I barely know and your opinions..well, sorry they just don't really matter much. I know what I have and haven't done, what my intentions are, and as right as you all wish to be... your not. But it's okay, continue on in hate... if it's who you are, enjoy it but I'm not about to sink any further into your spiral.

I do want to make a few clarifications, the boi has drawn a few too many sketchy conclusions.

I don't know who's done what, I can only speculate based on what little knowledge I've been allowed. The situation has made me back track to anyone who's had a problem with me, the boi and I discussed that and he's taken it to his own conclusions.

I apologise to Wolfie and Ben for his tag on their character, I don't know what if any part they've had I'm just suspicious, they are the only two I know who've publicly berated me (previous to now obviously) without credible reason.

EPS... His opinion of you has shattered, I don't think that will heal for quite sometime.. but truth of the matter is, if you had any problem with my actions, or questioned my actions... why didn't you just ask? The phone goes two ways, I called you as soon as I heard (which reminds me considering my noted job schedule the 24 hour thing was pretty cold) I even stated why I hadn't responded "hastely" but... here I sit still empty handed and sick over it.

As to the art work situation, he was right in that... I was asked why it took me awhile to complete the art work, well... I asked pitsleh over a month ago to provide me with his background art work, asked for it at damn near every other visit... but never received it. I spent close to 5 hours on the banner I did do and felt discourged when I lost the spot to ED. But the main reason I began to slack in posting, I didn't have anything to say. There were so many discussions about the past, reiminicing... new people you all knew that I didn't... I just assumed observe until I had something useful to say, but seamingly seconds later the door slammed and I was left in the cold.

I was incredibly angry... almost bitter about it, my first instinct was to blame you EPS... more so due to the lack of trust... and lack of communication. But I'll admit that avenue was wrong.

Last, the whole ordeal over your banning... call it nieve, but I assumed you had a new world to build and that this one was destined for dust, I thought for the most part... Home is where the heart lies. All of the people you've called family has re-established itself, even closer to you.. I guess I just didn't see it though your eyes... I mean had I been banned from here I wouldn't of cared the poeple I loved which made it a family have since moved on. Hell, I even proved lack luster when Krovy dove out.. what possible gain would I have with a "vendetta" over him?

When any of this makes logical sense to me.. or any of you who want to speak to me on an a adult level, I'm sure someone can find me.

Until then, I've said my piece. I'm not defending my character anymore to cold hearts and deaf ears and I pray this to be the last moment of hell I ever need to be subjected to again.
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Old 06-23-2006, 12:49 AM   #22
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And so here we are. You all continue to point your blood spattered fingers at one another. I wonder how long you can keep this up....

The issue/person in which you all have been attacking learned the full truth much earlier than most of you posted. You've simply all been shooting at the dust kicked up by a horse that has already passed, making you fools.

No amount of anger or resentment will lead to anyone's happiness, so please just stop and listen.

Revenge is not what is necessary here, truth is. And as long as you all keep fighting these fights, I see this only escalating and reaching a bloody end. I will not put up with watching these two girls endure any more pain because of something ANYone has to say to the other side.

The so-called defending that both main male parties (i.e. boyfriends) here have done is unnecessary for one reason. Because there is no need to defend someone if the truth has been told to both sides. It then becomes a known fact rather than an unknown rumor that someone must convey, usually along with some form of negativity. Thus the pointing fingers. Everyone needs to lay their cards on the table. If everyone knows the same info, we can get to the heart of it.

But no, it is becoming apparent to me that you all want to see more bloodshed, more pain. You forget the fact that there have been many conversations in which not everyone has been privvy to. One of which is the conversation that I have had with Sanctus, EPS, and Corey, so far. I imagine I will try and contact a couple of other parties before this is over, including Manimal. I need the two closest people of these two girls to talk with me, so that the truth and heart of the issue can be conveyed full circle.

I'm very tired and very stressed out right now, but I will see this to it's end, and there's nothing that will stop me. So either make the decision to fight your war, or stop and let the voice of reason step in. All I ask for is that everyone please stop fighting here. Like I said before, no amount of negativity will make EITHER side feel better.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:06 AM   #23
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I don't ever recall you being a part of this situation. It seems this is something up to EPS and Sanctus alone...

So why do you constantly feel the need to speak on behalf of someone who has clearly stated they can think for themselves??

I'm trying to believe your intentions are good but making this seem this is more of an issue to do with you than the parties this actually concern is ridiculous. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest.

EPS has said her peace as well as Manimal (who has just the equal right) now we can let it die. There was no war, just a clarification since so much slander has been going around like the common cold.

Chill out. If anyone has a reason to be stressed, it would be the immediate parties.
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:18 AM   #24
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Didn't say my stress had anything to do with them.

And let them continue throwing shit at each other. Why? Everyone's post in here still burns with firey hate. The issue has not been solved.

No one else seems to give a fuck that these two girls were friends, and everyone just doesn't care if they don't talk anymore. And the ONLY reason I involve myself in it at all, as I spent most of the time at the sidelines when this started, was because I don't see any other neutral party.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 06-23-2006, 01:51 AM   #25
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Alright, now that my irate condition has calmed, the smoke clears and I see what really needs to be done.

I'm finished with this issue, and am putting it completely to bed, as it is only in EPS' hands anymore. I just going to back off and let her think about it, as I should have done two posts ago.

Sorry for the over-involvement to any who it may apply to here.

As everyone else has let the issue rest, so I join them. The curtain is closed on this, and I have nothing further to say to anyone. So please don't post in response to me. I don't wish any more involvement.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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