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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 11-02-2009, 07:11 PM   #51
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No one in our whole family has diabetes, and what explains his leg? Just because you and so many other people are too prideful and sheep-like, doesn't mean that the ones who choose to do things differently are wrong.
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Old 11-02-2009, 07:17 PM   #52
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I don't even think it's possible to reason with you. You're actually worse than Deadman. At least he can kind of admit when he says something stupid, but you argue it into the fucking ground. Your argument consists of "what proof do you have that they're not trying to kill us". Well, how do you know there aren't martians spying on us? How do you know that Barack Obama isn't the anti-Christ and is slowly, and purposefully pulling us into a global war to end the world? Well, ok, I wouldn't actually be surprised if you actually thought that stuff, but do you see what I'm getting at?
You should talk you fugly, cat bashing, psychopathic urinal on two legs...

I don't hate you. Saying I hate you would be like saying I hate a dog with no legs trying to cross a busy freeway.
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Old 11-02-2009, 07:53 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
No one in our whole family has diabetes, and what explains his leg? Just because you and so many other people are too prideful and sheep-like, doesn't mean that the ones who choose to do things differently are wrong.
No one ever? Type 1 Diabetes is caused by multiple genes, not just one, so its hard to say that just because no one in the immediate family has it that there are absolutely no genetic causes. I can't begin to guess because I'm not a doctor, and neither are you. It doesn't make me sheeplike, and I'm not too prideful to say that I don't know what could have possibly have gone wrong rather than saying OMG VACCINES ARE EVIL IT TOTALLY CAUSED IT.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:01 PM   #54
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No I don't, because it's so fucking irrelevant to the subject at hand...But it's okay I understand that even if you did agree with me, even just a wouldn't, because since you got the shot, you would look like stupid ass. But anyways...I just don't comprehend what is so inconceivable about the concept of vaccines being dangerous? I'll be honest and say that either of us could be wrong about our beliefs. I could honestly be making mountains out of mole hills.... But at least I'm willing to say that. Whereas you, and Saya are being nothing but heedless and relentless. Let's not forget there was a swine flu epidemic in 1976, hundreds of people died, and more than 500 people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome which caused the body’s immune system to mistakingly attack the nerves...AFTER being vaccinated. People are stupid to think that epidemics like this haven't already happened in the past...they have... and yet they were so easily forgotten because the American people are stupidly when things come around again...everyone just does what they are told, because they honestly don't know any better.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:10 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
No one ever? Type 1 Diabetes is caused by multiple genes, not just one, so its hard to say that just because no one in the immediate family has it that there are absolutely no genetic causes. I can't begin to guess because I'm not a doctor, and neither are you. It doesn't make me sheeplike, and I'm not too prideful to say that I don't know what could have possibly have gone wrong rather than saying OMG VACCINES ARE EVIL IT TOTALLY CAUSED IT.

Saya, do you have any idea how much research my mother did on type 1 diabetes after my brother came down with it?
I talked her just a while ago and mentioned how I was on a forum debating about it. She told me that my brothers doctor had mentioned something to her about the pertussis vaccine that is given to children as part of the DPT shot. It contains a toxin that causes whooping cough. It effects the pancreas and especially the insulin-secreting parts. To decide that the whooping cough vaccine could be responsible for the presently observed increase in the incidence of diabetes has apparently been inhibited by the federal government's "pro-vaccination policy"... How does that not seem wrong to you?
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:11 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
No I don't, because it's so fucking irrelevant to the subject at hand...But it's okay I understand that even if you did agree with me, even just a wouldn't, because since you got the shot, you would look like stupid ass. But anyways...I just don't comprehend what is so inconceivable about the concept of vaccines being dangerous? I'll be honest and say that either of us could be wrong about our beliefs. I could honestly be making mountains out of mole hills.... But at least I'm willing to say that. Whereas you, and Saya are being nothing but heedless and relentless. Let's not forget there was a swine flu epidemic in 1976, hundreds of people died, and more than 500 people developed Guillain-Barré syndrome which caused the body’s immune system to mistakingly attack the nerves...AFTER being vaccinated. People are stupid to think that epidemics like this haven't already happened in the past...they have... and yet they were so easily forgotten because the American people are stupidly when things come around again...everyone just does what they are told, because they honestly don't know any better.
You have a one in a million chance of getting GBS from a vaccine, not to mention that a vaccine used 33 years ago is NOT the same vaccine they are using now. Its like not taking Tylenol because twenty years ago a few bottles were poisoned.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:13 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
Saya, do you have any idea how much research my mother did on type 1 diabetes after my brother came down with it?
I talked her just a while ago and mentioned how I was on a forum debating about it. She told me that my brothers doctor had mentioned something to her about the pertussis vaccine that is given to children as part of the DPT shot. It contains a toxin that causes whooping cough. It effects the pancreas and especially the insulin-secreting parts. To decide that the whooping cough vaccine could be responsible for the presently observed increase in the incidence of diabetes has apparently been inhibited by the federal government's "pro-vaccination policy"... How does that not seem wrong to you?
Really? And poor nutirition and the fact that the integrity of the gene pool is a little compromised in general has absolutely nothing to do with it, its a government conspiracy to kill everyone?
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:23 PM   #58
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Saya, the fact is that WE DON'T KNOW. But why are you trying to shove the possibility aside, when there is so much evidence? And how can you automatically bring up "poor nutrition"? My mother was a health freak and none of us kids were ever over or underweight...and besides type 1 diabetes is not from being fat, that's caused by TYPE 2, which is also the diabetes that is passed down from genes.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:25 PM   #59
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This rise in diabetes you mention... could it be at all related to the massive rise in consumption of high sugar processed foods, lack of adequate exercise, and incredibly imbalanced diets that most kids have in this modern age?

And, of course, there are always those few unlucky little mutations that allow things like diabetes to come creeping in. What's your ethnic mix? If you have even a tiny trace of middle-Asian (particularly the Indian subcontinental area), you've automatically got a chance of diabetes. It's just how things go.

Yes, the government encourages use of vaccinations. This is because it is the government's job to ensure the populace doesn't die. Yes, there has been an increase in diabetes and similar dietary disorders. This is because the populace eats high sugar processed foods and doesn't get enough exercise.

These two things, though happening at the same time, are not a sign that the government is trying to kill you. They are two seperate incidences occuring as a result of living in a developed first-world country.

We have been using vaccines successfully as a species for a very long time. Even using them on the old, the young, and -shock!- the pregnant.

They are a relatively simple idea. You take the virus or disease in a weakened form, such as that found in a sufferer's blood after the sufferer has recovered, and you deliberately infect yourself with that weakened form. This means that your body can fight it off and create antibodies easily, without you actually having to go through the unpleasantness of the disease itself.
They are not trying to kill you. They are doing the exact opposite.
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:39 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
Saya, the fact is that WE DON'T KNOW. But why are you trying to shove the possibility aside, when there is so much evidence? And how can you automatically bring up "poor nutrition"? My mother was a health freak and none of us kids were ever over or underweight...and besides type 1 diabetes is not from being fat, that's caused by TYPE 2, which is also the diabetes that is passed down from genes.
Type 2 while linked to obesity doesn't mean it only comes from obesity, idiot. You can be healthy weight and still have diabetes. You can be a "Health freak" who has no idea what they are talking about and still be at risk for type 2. I didn't automatically bring up poor nutrition since that has to do with the rise of diabetes in general, you can't say vaccines are causing the increase of diabetes cases when 90% of those cases are Type 2. And while it sounds cruel but any first world nation will have an increase in certain genetic disorders like Type 1 namely because before nature would weed them out, but now that we have, you know, treatment for diabetes and its not a death sentence anymore so the disease can be carried down.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:42 PM   #61
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Thanks for you input delk, but I wasn't saying that I believe they are trying to kill us, my point was that none of us know 'what' they are trying to do. And like I already said as far as the diabetes goes, my brother got it when he was then...he's full white (half bro) and he was completely healthy, my mother was a health freak so we hardly ever ate processed foods.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:44 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
Thanks for you input delk, but I wasn't saying that I believe they are trying to kill us, my point was that none of us know 'what' they are trying to do. And like I already said as far as the diabetes goes, my brother got it when he was then...he's full white (half bro) and he was completely healthy, my mother was a health freak so we hardly ever ate processed foods.
Yeah we do know what they are trying to do. PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DISEASE. Its not rocket science.

Besides, if your mom thinks the government is trying to kill people with vaccines, I don't want to know what her idea of a healthy diet is.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:48 PM   #63
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There is a treatment for type 1 diabetes? Please give me more info on that, considering my brother has to give himself 4 shots of insulin a day and poke his fingers dry...till they are too sore to even play video games anymore...I'm sure he would appreciate it, he would also appreciate the fact that he won't have to worry about walking around bare foot anymore, in fear that if he steps on something and cuts his foot they will have to amputate his leg off...You really don't know much about diabetes so I would recommend not commenting about it. Oh and please don't call me an idiot, you know perfectly well that I wasn't being specific.
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:52 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Yeah we do know what they are trying to do. PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DISEASE. Its not rocket science.

Besides, if your mom thinks the government is trying to kill people with vaccines, I don't want to know what her idea of a healthy diet is.
Why is it that you keep bringing up this "kill the people" thing. It's one thing to say that you 'know' they are out to kill, and it's another to accept the 'possibility' and be more aware and careful with what goes into your body. Also there is absolutely no need to insult my mom...what are you 6?
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Old 11-02-2009, 08:53 PM   #65
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Yeah I don't know if you know this, but insulin doesn't fall from the sky when you have diabetes, its actually, you know, A TREATMENT.

Why is it that you keep bringing up this "kill the people" thing. It's one thing to say that you 'know' they are out to kill, and it's another to accept the 'possibility' and be more aware and careful with what goes into your body. Also there is absolutely no need to insult my mom...what are you 6?
If your mom is just as much of a nutjob as you are, and you're trying to back up your arguments with "Well my MOMMY says so", yeah I get to question your mother's crackpot theories.

And no, you don't have to be "open" to the possibility of things that are ridiculous and have no evidence. I"m not open to the idea that Hilary Clinton is a reptile alien overlord either.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:03 PM   #66
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Did I ever say that you can't believe in what you are so convinced in to be true? No. And...yes you are right that insulin is indeed a treatment, a lifelong treatment that is painful, and hinders your life in almost every way. You make it seem like it's like asthma or something and it's not. Also I'm not trying to back myself up because "my mommy says so". Me and her were truly talking about it, and the fact is that we have LIVED with it for a very long time...that gives you absolutely no reason to be a rude bitch.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:09 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
Did I ever say that you can't believe in what you are so convinced in to be true? No. And...yes you are right that insulin is indeed a treatment, a lifelong treatment that is painful, and hinders your life in almost every way. You make it seem like it's like asthma or something and it's not. Also I'm not trying to back myself up because "my mommy says so". Me and her were truly talking about it, and the fact is that we have LIVED with it for a very long time...that gives you absolutely no reason to be a rude bitch.
Cry me a river, type 1 diabetes happens to be in my family, it sucks but its not a cross to bear. You make it sound like AIDS or something but its not, And yeah, you are trying to back it up with "OH WELL WE TALKED ABOUT IT OFFLINE I TOLD HER ABOUT YOU." So what? I don't really give a fuck what your mommy says.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:17 PM   #68
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What the fuck? I didn't tell her about you... We talked about the vaccine and I was telling her about what people thought. Also you are very insensitive of the fact that others DO just so happen to suffer from type 1 diabetes. Apparently whoever it is that has it in your family isn't very close to you. I've had to inject my brother with glucose because he passed out from hypoglycemia before a paramedic could get to the house, he would have died if I didn't do that...I was 13 and it terrified me to death. Please don't be so rude about something you hardly know anything about.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:22 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
What the fuck? I didn't tell her about you... We talked about the vaccine and I was telling her about what people thought. Also you are very insensitive of the fact that others DO just so happen to suffer from type 1 diabetes. Apparently whoever it is that has it in your family isn't very close to you. I've had to inject my brother with glucose because he passed out from hypoglycemia before a paramedic could get to the house, he would have died if I didn't do that...I was 13 and it terrified me to death. Please don't be so rude about something you hardly know anything about.
Yeah I'm not too close to my grandfather, silly me. Listen, you apparently didn't even think there was a treatment for diabetes, why do you expect me to think that you have great knowledge on the subject?
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:29 PM   #70
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? Seriously ? You are absolutely, beyond belief. You obviously think that I'm the most brainless creature on the earth... I've already said what I thought on vaccines, and you've done nothing but mock me without any substantial facts. You counter me with, apparent "corrections" based off the words that I didn't quite add to my sentences, and all this while being extremely rude.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:35 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
? Seriously ? You are absolutely, beyond belief. You obviously think that I'm the most brainless creature on the earth...
Not quite, you're above a sponge. Not much better though.

I've already said what I thought on vaccines, and you've done nothing but mock me without any substantial facts.
Since you just copied and pasted from conspiracy theorist and UFO websites why would I use facts? You really don't seem to care about them.

Oh wait but I did link to a NY Time article talking about all this horseshit. And that pesky thing called logic. I can't quite prove that the government isn't trying to poison you only in the sense that i can't quite prove that there isn't an invisible pink unicorn next to you right now.

You counter me with, apparent "corrections" based off the words that I didn't quite add to my sentences, and all this while being extremely rude.
Forgive me, you see, my grandfather also got his diabetes from the government, and a few years ago he took a nap on the couch, a government agent broke into his house, stabbed him with a vaccine and he died, poor guy didn't have a chance against a vaccine. I've been so distraught ever since. And he was white, you know, completely healthy.
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Old 11-03-2009, 07:19 AM   #72
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I refuse to argue anymore, regarding a topic that we are both dead set on from opposite sides... especially since you consider comparing the fact that vaccines are dangerous to pink unicorns.
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Old 11-03-2009, 08:30 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
comparing the fact that vaccines are dangerous to pink unicorns.
I don't see any problem with this comparison.
You should talk you fugly, cat bashing, psychopathic urinal on two legs...

I don't hate you. Saying I hate you would be like saying I hate a dog with no legs trying to cross a busy freeway.
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Old 11-03-2009, 08:31 AM   #74
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Of course you don't.
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Old 11-03-2009, 11:20 PM   #75
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You counter me with, apparent "corrections" based off the words that I didn't quite add to my sentences, and all this while being extremely rude.
Why bother being polite? Do you really think we can't see past you passive-aggressive bullshit that leads some of the members of this site to leap to the rescue of poor, poor, little girl who couldn't say a cross word to anybody?

You're a dumb bitch and it's time for you to grow the fuck up and debate directly without saying "Well, well, I don't really think that, but I ALWAYS think 'what if', like, and if you can't be bothered getting worried about imaginary things like that, then you're mean and I'm better than you because I think these INCREDIBLE things that are REALLY happening, only I don't really beleive it 100%".

Shut up, bigot.
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