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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 08-17-2013, 02:00 PM   #1
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Texas Anti-Abortion Measures in Detail

In July, conservative Texas lawmakers convened during a second special session to pass legislation severely restricting abortion access. House Bill 2 bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and requires patients to follow outdated FDA protocol when taking abortion-inducing drugs. It also demands that abortion doctors secure hospital admitting privileges and compels abortion clinics to comply with the same standards as ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs)—stipulations that will force Minto to shutter his clinic after more than 30 years in practice and turn away the roughly 2,000 women he sees for preventative care and/or abortion services on an annual basis.
He’s far from alone. Reproductive health care experts estimate 37 of the state’s 42 abortion clinics will close as a result of the legislation, leaving just five centers located in four major cities to serve the entire state. For San Antonio, that could mean only one center would stay afloat. With just three other non-ASC abortion providers in the region, that lone clinic may very well serve all of South Texas.

Considering costs associated with travel, the sweeping restrictions disproportionately burden low-income women living in already underserved areas and increase the prospects of dangerous abortion methods, like obtaining unsupervised, black-market medication.
Independent, local providers like Minto’s Reproductive Services of Harlingen clinic have calculated the immense price. It would cost at least $750,000 to turn his center into an ASC. “There’s just not that much business, there’s not that much money. People are poor in the Valley,” he lamented. Even clinics with fundraising muscle and national recognition can’t guarantee they’ll stay open. Of the three Planned Parenthood abortion centers in San Antonio, none are ASCs. Mara Posada, communications director with Planned Parenthood of South Texas, says leadership is at the drawing board strategizing a plan to ensure services go uninterrupted. “We’re not sure what it’s going to look like, we’re still figuring it out,” she said.
With an influx of displaced clients from centers forced to shut down, the remaining clinics—such as the lone ASC in San Antonio—are set to experience an overflow of patients. In a domino effect, women pushed to the surviving centers will likely see longer wait times to get an appointment and delayed procedure dates, causing them to possibly undergo abortion later in the pregnancy, which is associated with a higher risk of complications, TxPEP researchers say.

That’s assuming women make the trip.

The TxPEP researchers predict some women may instead choose to physically self-induce their abortion or use black-market methods such as purchasing the abortion drug Misoprostol in Mexico or from flea markets, a trend already appearing in Texas according to a 2010 Reproductive Health Matters study.

Health care providers confirm the suspicions. Minto routinely sees Valley women opt for cheaper pills found in flea markets and Hagstrom Miller says she’s already noticing an increase in women trying to self-abort since the 2011 sonogram law at her McAllen location on the Texas-Mexico border as well as at her center in Beaumont, where the next closest abortion clinic is 350 miles away.
Full article here --->
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Old 08-17-2013, 02:04 PM   #2
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I'm beyond frustrated after reading this article from my local underground mag. How the fuck do the people who passed this bill sleep at night? If anything, they're going to make things far worse for the low income women statewide.
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Old 08-18-2013, 04:13 AM   #3
Lilyth Von Gore
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And this is why I'm never going to America.
I can't stand the way the politicians view stuff like this, how these men who know NOTHING can make a decision about women's bodies. It sickens me how they can seriously consider taking away a life-saving procedure such as this.
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Old 08-19-2013, 08:08 AM   #4
ape descendant
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They don't think of women as individual people, who may already have as many children as they can properly care for, as students, people who may have harmful addictions, people who may have serious illnesses, as people who have their own problems, people who for whatever reason are just not in a position to be pregnant for nine months.

They don't understand or don't care about the dangers and changes one's body undergoes with pregnancy, the swelling, the pain, having one's organs squished to the point of having a difficult time breathing, being unable to eat or drink certain things (coffee, some kinds of fish, alcohol, etc), having one's muscles and ligaments stretched to extremes, the risk of gestational diabetes, the possibility of having one's body permanently injured from the inside and the possibility of dying in childbirth.

Then, after the child is born one must heal up, usually takes about 6 weeks, part of that is just needing to rest after the tiring ordeal of giving birth, healing of the vagina, shrinking of the uterus so, no sex. With all this going on, the woman will likely have to miss work and at least here in the U.S. may risk losing her job.

Many don't understand that there are women who have been coerced, tricked or forced into a pregnancy by an abusive partner. That many women face increased risk of abuse during pregnancy.

Or they're just cruel assholes who hate women and think babies are punishment for sex.

Be Kind
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Old 08-19-2013, 08:33 AM   #5
Lilyth Von Gore
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
They don't think of women as individual people, who may already have as many children as they can properly care for, as students, people who may have harmful addictions, people who may have serious illnesses, as people who have their own problems, people who for whatever reason are just not in a position to be pregnant for nine months.

They don't understand or don't care about the dangers and changes one's body undergoes with pregnancy, the swelling, the pain, having one's organs squished to the point of having a difficult time breathing, being unable to eat or drink certain things (coffee, some kinds of fish, alcohol, etc), having one's muscles and ligaments stretched to extremes, the risk of gestational diabetes, the possibility of having one's body permanently injured from the inside and the possibility of dying in childbirth.

Then, after the child is born one must heal up, usually takes about 6 weeks, part of that is just needing to rest after the tiring ordeal of giving birth, healing of the vagina, shrinking of the uterus so, no sex. With all this going on, the woman will likely have to miss work and at least here in the U.S. may risk losing her job.

Many don't understand that there are women who have been coerced, tricked or forced into a pregnancy by an abusive partner. That many women face increased risk of abuse during pregnancy.

Or they're just cruel assholes who hate women and think babies are punishment for sex.
I think they're just cruel assholes who hate women and think babies are a punishment.
What I find funny is that they also want to ban birth control AND condoms. Hah. Catholicism gone crazy.
They also don't realise that the very LAST thing a victim of sexual assault wants is to give birth to the child of the man who assaulted her.
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Old 08-19-2013, 12:48 PM   #6
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It goes beyond Catholicism here. In Texas, we have a large population of Evangelical, Baptist and Lutheran where they are always, always raising a shit storm about how their religious freedoms are being trampled on yet have no problem with pushing their agenda on others.

This isn't the first time they've pulled something like this either. High teen pregnancy rate? (Texas is 4th in the country,) Teach abstinence only education! Lead the country in divorce by volume? Let's make it so that it takes 60 days before a judge even reviews the filing.

In many ways, this is just reinforcing my attitude that I should relocate as soon as humanly possible. Preferably the New England or Southern California regions. I'm sick of living someplace where half the population is viewed as nothing more than a broodmare for the state.
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Old 08-19-2013, 09:21 PM   #7
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Even the Evangelical thing is ridiculous, until the 80s Evangelicals viewed abortion as a "Catholic issue" and since there's no Biblical passage about it (and really the Bible suggests that a fetus is not a person, since if a man attacks a woman and she miscarries, he is to be fined, if she dies, its murder and eye for an eye applies.), they really didn't care. The uprising in anti-abortion groups in the 80s is a backlash against the gains of the feminist movement, particularly since Evangelicals were fighting against no-fault divorce, and not only lost, but divorce rates are pretty high in the Bible belt. With abortion, its a way to keep women down, and act like you're the hero of the "unborn", who cannot tell you the white knighting isn't appreciated like when they tried to say divorce was bad for women.

They know exactly what's happening and what's at risk and they're glad for it.
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Old 08-20-2013, 06:19 AM   #8
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I've always suspected something along those lines myself regarding the backlash. For instance, one of my friends had the modern equivalent of the "shotgun wedding" before her first daughter was born. Even though her parents aren't that religious, the Bible Belt way of thinking came out of them when they found out she was pregnant and unmarried. Unless she married the sperm donor, they were going to completely cut her out of their lives and basically disown her. They would offer zero support, be it financial, personal or basic needs. Funny, considering the fact her mother's on her third marriage and her older sister wasn't given the option when she was impregnated as a teenager by a guy ten years her age.

The funny thing is, it's not uncommon to hear women repeat "the right to life" and "sanctity of marriage" speeches where I live. They will contradict themselves and think that a woman's place is to spit out babies whenever she becomes pregnant and that maybe having a child will teach a woman to keep her legs closed.

I swear, you can't make that shit up.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:22 AM   #9
ape descendant
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Oh honey, I hear ya. I brought up dangerous back-alley abortions where infections and death were a specter that always lingered. I argued for safe, legal and rare abortions, for the good of the women who felt desperate enough to seek one, safe or otherwise.

The woman I was talking with said "Let them die". Doesn't sound very "pro-life" to me.

Be Kind
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Old 11-01-2013, 12:11 PM   #10
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Those fucking assholes....

Only three days after a federal judge blocked a new Texas law that threatened to shut down many of the state’s abortion clinics, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, reversed the decision, saying the rule should take effect while the case is argued in the months to come.

Greg Abbott, the state attorney general and a Republican candidate for governor next year, filed an emergency appeal to the three-judge circuit court on Monday asking it to overrule the lower court. He said in a statement Thursday, “This unanimous decision is a vindication of the careful deliberation by the Texas Legislature to craft a law to protect the health and safety of Texas women.”

Gov. Rick Perry, who has said he hopes to abolish abortion in Texas, said in a statement, “Today’s decision affirms our right to protect both the unborn and the health of the women of Texas.”

In Texas and other states, especially in smaller cities and rural areas, abortion clinics often use visiting doctors who may be highly qualified but do not meet the rules of local hospitals for admitting privileges. Many hospitals, for example, grant privileges only to doctors who admit a certain number of patients a year, while emergency hospitalizations after abortions are rare.

Some hospitals are unwilling to make formal arrangements with abortion providers because of religious reasons or because they fear protests.

Courts in Alabama, Mississippi, North Dakota and Wisconsin have temporarily blocked similar admitting-privilege requirements as unconstitutional obstacles. With Thursday’s ruling by the Fifth Circuit, it appeared likely that the issue will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court, part of the continuing battles over how much states may restrict the right to abortion granted by Roe v. Wade in 1973.

Here's what my local underground zine had to say about this:
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