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Old 05-29-2005, 08:17 PM   #551
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I have been taking a break from Gothic, but I am so frazzled that I just have to rant..

I broke my back molar on the left side of my mouth in half months ago.

Being a full-time student, I don't have any dental insurance. So I let it go, with no other choice.

A few weeks ago it started getting infected, and I let it go and dealt with it.

And it just got worse..And worse..And worse. Til the whole side of my face got swollen and I called my dad and begged for help with a dentist appointment.

I went last week and he started me on antiobiotics. Which aren't helping yet. And the infection is so bad, it got down into the bone. Which means I may have to have the bone scraped clear of infection and other fun stuff.

Luckily they are going to drug me to near unconciousness to do all of this.

I havent even gotten word yet on what this little trip to Happyville is going to cost, and they cant even set a date to operate til the infection gets better..

And it hurts so fucking bad..

Plus its the last few weeks of the term, and im so behind I feel like just quiting and saying fuck it to everything..

The Hellspawn is visiting my mom in Texas, and I cant even get enough scratch together to get caught up on his tuition so he can go back to school when he comes back, so I can work..


Manimal is up to his ass in bill alligators too, so it just doesnt seem like it ever going to get better.

I'm supposed to be using this time with the Hellspawn away, to rest and get my strength back, instead I am in so much pain, and so frazzled, I can hardly see straight..

To top it all off, I havent talked to my best friend in over a week.

Can someone lend me a sniper rifle and a tree?


They just don't make a rock heavy enough, or a hole deep enough do they?

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Old 05-29-2005, 08:57 PM   #552
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Shit dear, wish there was some way to help. Sorry I haven't chatted with you, but my PC is fucking up my MSN and Yahoo messegers for some reason, so I haven't been on more than a couple of seconds since I last spoke to Al.

Al, I hope you're feeling better. I'm holding up better, but it's slow as well.

Dragon Liver (I just love calling you that ): when negative energy becomes entity, it gives you a more direct target to aim at, but it also makes it a serious threat. It can grow enough to endanger both your lives. I say you kill it soon, kill it fast and kill it DEAD, because while it is now little more than a nuisance, that's what it really wants to do with you. I'm sorry if I'm not putting your mind at ease, but I've always found that paranoia makes for a great spider-sense (please E_E, leave P.Parker out of this).

Breathe guys. Breathe slowly and deeply. "It will soon pass with the birthdays" (this is a Faith No More quote, methinks).
Undead again...
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Old 05-29-2005, 10:26 PM   #553
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I was to rant about things here, but my problems are stupid and little in comparisson to the rest of yours. So I offer suport and love to all who need it, and shall keep my own whining to mself, for once.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
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Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
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-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:19 AM   #554
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EPS...OUCH! Just...OUCH! I'm so sorry you're in such pain. I wish there was something I could do to make it better. Know that my heart is with you. Right now, trying to "send" anything positive your way might backfire, considering my current situation, though.

Mael...I know...-believe me- I know. We've had to deal with a nasty one in the past (It damn near killed Sam, and the Doctors couldn't find a medical cause). I think we've become a magnet for the bastards. They were clinging to us from work. I'm sure that once the organization is done, and the "cleaning" is done, we should be fine. I'm positive that the reason we've kept attracting them is because of the intense, life-sucking negative environment at the last place Sam worked, and since neither of us are there anymore, once this one is gone, we shouldn't have any more trouble (knock wood, and keep your fingers crossed).

Still, once the BIG cleaning is done, I think for awhile we'll be doing weekly small cleanings, too. Can't hurt, right?

Panther, bitch and whine all you want. Your problems are big to you, if they're making you want to rant. Piss on them if someone else doesn't agree, it's not affecting them. Besides, I thought that was what the thread was for. *hugs anyway*
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:09 PM   #555
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Hey I wanted to give you all an update on my dad. He went into surgery on Friday so that they could examine a lymphnode in his chest to see if the cancer had spread to that, according to preliminary testing it hasn’t but during the surgery one of his big veins, the superior something, tore. It seems as thought that was something that was going to happen anyway so it was lucky that he was in surgery so that it could be caught and taken care of right away. He ended up being in surgery for about 9 hours, they had to give him 10 pints of blood and he is still in ICU but he is doing exceptionally well now and is completely lucid. The nurses at the hospital are absolutely wonderful, they are all RNs and those in the ICU all have 4 year degrees, they encourage us to ask questions and whenever we do they know and are very helpful and informative, and above all they are genuinely nice and care about the patients as well as patients’ families. I haven’t yet met the surgeons but my mother loves them and other patients’ family members that I met during my visit had nothing but nice things to say about them.
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:19 PM   #556
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wonderful news, solumina.

wonderful news.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:20 PM   #557
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Panther go, rant it will make you feel better and that is what this thread is for.

Eps I’m really sorry about your tooth I wish there were something I could say or do to make it hurt less.

Drgn it sounds like this specter is a really serious problem that is only getting worse. I am sending positive thoughts and energy your way, I wish I could do more.
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:29 PM   #558
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e_p_s - tooth problems suck ass. good luck with the scraping.

drgn - try to get the negative thingie to curl into a ball and then punt the little whore out the window, preferably into the street while a car is coming.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-30-2005, 12:57 PM   #559
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EPS, I hate tooth problems! Good luck with the infection going away. I hope the surgery isn't too bad. Damn girl, seems like it's that time of year again, huh? When it rains, it fucking pours! Don't give in, babe. We're fighters and that's the only way to go. More than I hope things improve for you, I hope you start feeling better about things soon.


Panther, rant about anything you want. I get pissed off because a week after I buy scrunchies they're all gone! I swear there's a scrunchie troll that lives with me it's the sock monster's cousin.

As for me, ladies and gentlemen,

Life isn't better, but I don't care anymore. I'm taking the goddamned bull by it's horns, wrestling it to the ground and kicking it in the fucking teeth. I'm not going to feel out of control anymore!
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Old 05-30-2005, 02:28 PM   #560
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My sympathies to all who can use it.

Tooth pains are some of the worst pains there are... no doubt.

Originally Posted by WolfMoon
As for me, ladies and gentlemen,

Life isn't better, but I don't care anymore. I'm taking the goddamned bull by it's horns, wrestling it to the ground and kicking it in the fucking teeth. I'm not going to feel out of control anymore!
Grrrrrreat!!! (Not great that your problems aren't any better, but great that you are rising to fight them.)
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Old 05-30-2005, 07:37 PM   #561
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Solumina, if you want to help EPS with her toothache, punch her real' hard in the face That should do it (I can't believe I write these things for the sake of trying to be funny - God, I'm an arsehole).
I'm glad for your dad, winning such a hard battle is an amazing achievement, and I hope it gives you and your family the strength to win this war.
Of course you haven't seen surgeons. Why do you think they wear masks? So you never know which one it was and avoid malpractice lawsuits.
Damnit, I done it again.
I hope to God there is no hell.

Hummm... bit of a paradox there...

Maybe I'll just wish there isn't a hell (yes, I'm ripping it off the Hitch Hiker's Guide) :P

I've also been trying to send good vibes to DragonLiver, but either the angels censor my pornographic mind and the message is lost, or my tin-foil hat has finally started to work (so why do I still hear the singing voices? Oops, forgot to take the headphones off.)


-What? What?

-What do you mean, what?

-I didn't say What, you did..."
Undead again...
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Old 05-31-2005, 10:53 AM   #562
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Thanks you guys..

(Cept for Mael for wishing violence upon my already unbearably sore face :P )


I appreciate all the support, you guys are better than my comfiest bra..

( That was a 'support' joke )


And Wolfie, I hear what your saying, I really do, I am so glad you found that place of power inside your soul. You deserve to be happy in every way humanly possible..

I hold fast to that same ideal most of the time, I am just so tired of being ill, I just cannot bear it some days. 1992 was when the accident happened, and thats a really long friggin time to be like this.

Things like this unbearable toothache, would be so much easier to handle, of my body wasn't so fucked up inside. It's so frustrating. I am looking at a lifetime more of corrective surgeries every few years, until I either die from old age, or they figure out a way to stop what keeps happening to me.

I am less than a year and a half and away from my Bachelor's, and another year after that I will have my Master's. I am so close to realizing my dream, and being able to provide for my Hellspawn, and it seems like everytime I take 1 step forward, I take 5 steps backwards.

I have missed soooo much school the last 2 terms, and even though my Professors and friends at school are very supportive, the sympathetic pats and glances make me want to scream sometimes..

I look in the mirror some mornings, and all I can see is a very sick, and very tired shadow of who I should be.

Its just more than I can bear sometimes, with everything else in my life that I have already lived through.

I have my good days and my bad days, and most of them am very grateful for the blessings I do have in my life.

It just hurts..Alot..


Thanks for letting me rant as per usual..

Oh and Solumina?

I am glad things are looking brighter for your dad. That is wonderful news..

Hugs to All..
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Old 05-31-2005, 12:59 PM   #563
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Well, you certainly never should say " It can't get any worse."

It just did..

The littlest Hellspawn had a check up today, and Manimal toook him in to get checked out.

We've just found that he apparently has a *sob* Heart Murmur...

And as if that wasn't enough, he also has Pnumonia..

He's Five years old..

He's being referred to a Cardiologist. We're waiting to find out what the soonest is we can get him in.

It's ju st to o much..

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Old 05-31-2005, 01:23 PM   #564
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i don't know the hellspawn's specific case but in a general sense - heart murmurs are rather common and rarely require intervention.

is there anything that stands out to indicate his heart might be stressed irregularly? anything that has made you wonder about his health - other than the current pneumonia? getting out of breath? losing color during strenuous play? him feeling like he can't breathe? anything?
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-31-2005, 01:53 PM   #565
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Sol, wonderful serendipity for your father. Someone is looking out for him. So good to hear.

Wolfie, go getum, grrrrl You're strong, and you have strong love at your side.

EPS. *hugs* I'm sorry about the Hellspawn.

I know this might sound strange...especially coming from me, but I had a dream last night about you. Can't recall the details, but the message was a good one. Or rather, it left me with a good feeling. I think something positive is going to happen by the end of the summer for you, and I think things will start to take a turn for the better then. At least, that's the feeling I was left with. Keep your fingers crossed.

Mael, much love to you! Now I know where some of those erotic dreams were coming from, recently

E_E...can I just package it up, and send it home with my ex? :P

I think more than a few people have been trying to send positive energy my way. I heard the Warrior's flute last night (He lives more than an hour away), and a blue jay chose to pay a visit on the tree right outside the balcony door, and stick around all day (A good friend's spirit guide is a crow, but it will show up here every now and again in the guise of any other corvid). The cats have been acting alot more lovey than usual. And the atmosphere in the apartment seems to be brighter, even with the overcast sky. And I was visited last night by a wolf (which only happens when my friend from Russia is worrying about me, or trying to comfort me).

I feel very loved. And very blessed to have such good friends.
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-31-2005, 06:54 PM   #566
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Originally Posted by edible_eye
i don't know the hellspawn's specific case but in a general sense - heart murmurs are rather common and rarely require intervention.

is there anything that stands out to indicate his heart might be stressed irregularly? anything that has made you wonder about his health - other than the current pneumonia? getting out of breath? losing color during strenuous play? him feeling like he can't breathe? anything?
Sadly, I don't think it is an 'innocent murmur'.

He gets severely out of breath very easily, especially when taking a drink.

He gets tired very easy, and is quite often listless and tired for no apparent reason.

His color is often pale, and his lips often turn a pale dusky blue lately.

He has been profusely sweating at night, Has an EXTREMELY poor appetite, even for a five year old. And has actually lost several pounds, that he didn't have to lose.

I have spent hours reading up on the net since he got back from the doctor, and he has many of the symptoms for coarctation of the aorta. A hole in his heart.

I really don't know, but even the lower extremity pain he constantly complains of that we blew off is one of the symptoms for it. He complains of sore feet and sore legs, to the point he limps when they hurt him. We just thought he was being dramatic as kids that age are apt to be.

I'm just so worried I can't hardly think straight. So many things about him, make more sense now. I could kick myself for not noticing sooner. I kept saying something was wrong with him, but we just didn't think it was all that serious..

Plus they didn't call back bout the Cardiologist appt today, so Imma crawl up their asses tommorrow.

Thanks for your thoughts..

You too Dragon..

Cross your fingers..

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Old 05-31-2005, 07:17 PM   #567
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here ya go, beautiful.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-31-2005, 09:04 PM   #568
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Yeah EPS ditto. I'm sorry to hear about all this. Have you told your folks about Hellspawn yet? I am positive they'd help with the medical, yeah I'm like 98% sure on that. And I hope it is just that, and what IS there is fixable. Poor guy. Poor mommy.

It'd sure be nice if your infected tooth havin-ass would CALL me once in awhile!

Like tonite!

Or tomorrow!

Hell you have two weeks. I went to the doctor today (not ranting) and he said "muscle relaxers and physical therapy." I said cool, then asked about the muscle relaxers.
"Soma. Why, do you have a pro-" "NO! No...this Soma you speak of sounds just fine.

Soma rocks!

I then asked when I'd be going back to work. "When do ya wanna go back?" I told him because of all the new pain I wasn't in a ruish to do it this week so he said "Two weeks, see me two Wednesdays from now. If your work wants a letter I'll write it, or they can call, but I am not releasing you yet."
I think he is like that because, and EPS is proof, my boss called my room 15 minutes after I got back from surgery asking the password to our phone server. Bitch.

I should have sucked his dick.
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Old 05-31-2005, 09:25 PM   #569
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EPS - I hope your hellspawn is okay. And you too. Toothaches are terrible, and so is being sick. Try nott o freak out too much abuot hellspawn's health (tough thing to do, I know), if you can.

*hugs* Things'll get better.

That goes for the rest of you, too. Glad they gave you meds for hte pain, Al.

I shall refrain from ranting once agian, but let it be known I am sorely vexed at my body at the moment.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
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Old 06-01-2005, 07:38 AM   #570
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Soma? :shock:

Isn't that the drug of choice in "Brave New World"?
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Old 06-01-2005, 08:41 AM   #571
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All our prayers, positive energies and best wishes will be going out.


We'll be looking for Hell Spawn updates. Keep heart, hon.

Al, if the soma doesn't work, keep trying.
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Old 06-01-2005, 11:36 AM   #572
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Wow, EPS, that's just devastating! I can't imagine how you feel, but I remember the thoughts roiling through my head after my son was born and they thouht he was havingheart problems. Hopefully things will get better. This too shall pass, no truer words were ever spoken. I hope the lil Hellspawn is alright. Sometimes holes in the heart get better with age. One of my cousins had a bad one when he was small, but he's a perfectly healthy young man now(14 I think).

It's very scary and I know how hard it is to keep your chin up, luv, but you've got Manimal and Al there to lean on. Not to mention all of us here! I'm hoping that they're able to actually fix you one day, as well. That's gotta really suck, babe. All that icky surgery. I'm sending much love and positive energy your way, love. I hope they can help the lil Hellion.

Jeez, everything seems so inadequate. All the words I can think to say aren't enough, to me. I wish life would get better, babe.

Al, if she doesn't call you: You call her. Make sure our girl's okay, alright?

Draggy, I haven't thought to comment on your rpoblem, but I've been sendingpositive thoughts your way. You haven't by chance run across either a bear or a chestnut mare have you? :wink:
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Old 06-01-2005, 07:32 PM   #573
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I hate to beak in, and I do sincerely hope for the ebst news for your hellspawn, EPS, I can't imainge how hard it must be to think he's going to be sick and not know for sure if he is, or if there's anything that can be done.

But I think I'mg ogin to fail my English class. Not because I didn't dot he work, or did hte work badly. but because my computer won't register my mouse and keyboard as being there. The only hope I have of geting a passing grade in English is by turning in a portfolio of all my work.

All my work is on my computer.

And I have NO FUCKING CLUE how to fix it.

SOw hile I appreciate that my problems aren't half so pressing and terrible as those around me, I'm going to be in the corner wailing and beating my head against the wall for letting my computer get broken.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 06-01-2005, 08:15 PM   #574
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I'm so sorry esp you really deserve some good luck right about now and I hope everything turns out well with you hellspawn

Panther computers suck like that just when you really need them something goes wrong, feel free to rant about them anytime
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Old 06-01-2005, 09:13 PM   #575
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My computer works again. Apparently the bastard was having a hissy fit because I moved it.

Stupid Prima Donna.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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