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Old 08-02-2004, 01:52 PM   #76
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Re: Blashemy

Originally Posted by Jane13
Originally Posted by vmprbitch666
Akhira wrote:
6:30 aa.m. on a holiday... ..Blasphemy..!

It is blasphemy! Horrible horrible blashphemy! *sobs from lack of sleep*
I thought I had it bad... my mom woke me up at 11:30... before noon!
Intersting...:P i usually wake up at 7:30 am...every friggin day.
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Old 08-02-2004, 02:42 PM   #77
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when school starts, I somehow wake up around 6:00 every morning, on my own, without an alarm clock. I even wake my mom up! On weekends and summer days I can't seem to wake myself up before noon...
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
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Old 08-02-2004, 04:09 PM   #78
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Darn dustmen never getting my bins...

They never get my bins.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have to put all my garbage into other peoples bins.
It's not so bad though, I only have a bag or two...
but it still bugs me <.<
"I'm right"

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Old 08-02-2004, 04:50 PM   #79
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That sucks, eyesoftrajedy. Maybe they felt threatened :roll: I hate it when stuff like that happens. It's stupid that all the flat- chested preps can show their navels at school, but my punk friend, who happens to be a little busty (it's genetics! She can't help it) gets a detention for showing a fraction of an inch of skin while putting on her backpack.
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 08-02-2004, 09:15 PM   #80
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I remeber when i was in high school, i kicked my friends back pack. We were playing around. Okay, so his back pack happened to be on his back at the time, but still, i didn't kick him or hurt him. Anyhow, i got sent to the principals office and recieved two days of detention. What the fuck!!!! Some people are ass holes just to be ass holes.

I get my revenge on those little prep girls. i used to be a security guard For CLub Rubber. i would have to pat down all the girls and look through their purses. i was the BIGGEST Bitch to some of those girls if they even had a hint of holier then thou attitude. I would make them throw out almost everything in there purse or they couldn't come in to the club. I mean everything. It was so much fun. Then I would take forever to let then in.

ONe time this bitch who was already in the club, stumbled around and collapsed out of the back door of the club, the VIP entrance. She was obviously so fucking messed up on drugs. i pulled her out of the club and told her she couldn't go back in. She started screaming at me about what a fucking cow i was and all this shit. her freind was trying to calm her down. I had a huge fucking line of people who wanted to get in right behind me. They kept pissing me off with their whining and shit and were egging the girl on. i think they thoguht i couldn't really do anything about it....any how, i told the girl again to go home or she would end up in our squad car. she kept yelling at me and tried to take a swing. i ducked the swing and clothes lined her midsection, then flipped her over and cuffed her. My partner dragged her up and took her to the car, where we handed her over to the police. All the peolpe in line were nice to me after that...

anyhow, not really a rant, but i guess i'm just saying, there will come a time when you get to pay it all back. And it will be so sweet....
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Old 08-03-2004, 02:07 PM   #81
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That is really crappy. Sounds like they just wanted to take him in for something.

One time I was just driving over to visit my Grandmother in Salt Lake City. The police officer actually asked to see my friend's driver's lisence. He was sitting in the passenger's seat. Totally weird. Never had that happen before. I wasn't even speeding or doing anything wrong.

The officer just let us go and said something about checking something because registration was coming up. Pretty lame.
"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 08-03-2004, 03:33 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Jane13
when school starts, I somehow wake up around 6:00 every morning, on my own, without an alarm clock. I even wake my mom up! On weekends and summer days I can't seem to wake myself up before noon...
i dont know why i can never get myself to get up late...its rare for me to wake up at 10 am or more. I woke up once at 1:00pm because i went to bed at 6 in the morning. :lol: Its frustrating cus i never get enough sleep and i get tired really quick when i do things. I have to give more than 100% to finish things. Now school is gonna start and i have no rest cus everyday ive been going to bed like summer nights but waking up for school days.

Im weird...but arent we all in some way or another?
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Old 08-04-2004, 04:23 PM   #83
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I want to know where Loy went. Unless he is trying to hunt me down by traveling across country to where he thinks I might live, I am deeply saddened.
"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 08-04-2004, 05:42 PM   #84
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Hey, y'all - look on the bright side: At least you aren't me. Or kog3100.

He is relocating for work. We don't know anything about the people. We don't know when it starts, or how much it will suck. We don't know how long he's going to be gone.

Oh, and by "gone", I mean 4,000 miles away.

In a punishing climate.

In a place he knows, but does not call home.

And we have no idea when we will see one another again.

Sucks to be us.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 08-04-2004, 06:46 PM   #85
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Maimy-I'm gonna try something here that I'm supposedly not very good at.

*extends hand out in a non-threatening, non-flirtatious way*

I'm sorry that you and the boy are separating for an indefinate amount of time. I understand what it's like to be separated from a loved one. And the only consolation I can give is that this is just something that you two have to go through, and afterwards, you'll look back at this as...well, you'll just look back at it, hopefully in each others arms.

And I hope you'll notice that there's no sarcasm or snideness anywhere in there.

My rant for the day-so I was invited to be a speaker at some writers workshop thing. I don't mind doing this type of thing for free, but it all seemed detrimental for the actual WRITING process, and more for the NETWORKING benefit of people in attendance. The speaker before me was talking about the importance of "building a portfolio, and having a lawyer" and all that other stuff, which I can agree with. However, when I went up, I said "just so none of you are confused or wondering what happened to your writing career years from now, I'm going to lay it on the line for you all-you will spend years of your life writing stuff that you will never get paid for and will never get read by anybody aside from handfuls of literary dorks the world over. So give up your idea of making a living off of this. If it happens, it'll happen, but don't expect to be published by a college journal until you talent has just about crested over into mediocrity." And after a lot of blank stares, I added "the good thing about knowing this ahead of time is that you'll come to realise exactly what a writer is supposed to do, and that is to write well and honestly. Anything aside from that is not really writing, but product replication.".

So after another five minutes of explaining the many jobs that are available to writers aside from writing, I got off and got a round of applause. However, I was asked to leave the campus. I had supposedly made a mockery of the "craft of writing". Huh? I was just being honest about what it's like. Don't get pissy towards me just because the truth of the matter sucks. I mean hell, here I was invited to speak, and I have yet to make any kind of substantial pay from anything I've written (free drinks from admirers wouldn't count normally, but I do have a pretty high tolerance for alcohol, so I guess I'd have to count it as "substantial").
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 08-04-2004, 07:26 PM   #86
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Loy: I asume you feel proud even though you got kicked out. You said what you wanted to say and you said the truth even though you knew it was gonna bother some people.Its admirable.
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Old 08-04-2004, 07:57 PM   #87
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Lovely and kind words from two people I dig like flower beds.

And no quiet slapping sounds!

My thanks, gentlemen.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 08-05-2004, 03:14 AM   #88
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Maimy-I only wish I can do more than just reitterate that damned bible line "this too shall pass". But I can't afford to loan you guys the money for the boy to stick around....then again, since I'm supposed to be "bitter single guy", it'd probably screw up that image if I did so, huh?

OnMyOwn-to be honest, I'd only be proud if anything I said got through. I never really have a hard time getting my feelings across (unless it's with a girl I really like. then I become uber-geeky and fall all over the place, but that's besides the point). I only wished that I could've talked tp more people than the ones that showed up at the bar I was at afterwards.

TStone-Confession time here....if by "education" you mean "getting a degree", it wouldn't be me. See, I dropped two majors I was working on, and the third one I never completed (got married. I was going to work while she got her degree, and she was to do the same thing for me, but then this thing called "separation" happened), and I just haven't been able to go back yet. However, I was lucky enough to A-be a speed reader, B-be an insomniac (lots of time to read), and C-end up becoming friends with lots of really smart people who made me want to learn more about things in general (imagine drinking with a psyche major, and having her berate you for not understanding any of the theories and concepts she's going on imagine that happening for any subject under the sun, and you'll understand where I'm coming from). To be honest, I never thought of myself as particularly "smart" or "educated", and in many ways, I'm a fucking moron. But I know what I don't know, and that's why I like hanging out in bars around the university up here-you end up meeting alot of professors and TA's, and they get you excited enough to at least study up on whatever it is they're talking about so you have a basic understanding of the concepts to have an informed discussion about it. But as far as me, I'm quite the dipshit in comparisson to quite a few people on this board (and yes, you are one of those people). All I can do is understand and learn.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 08-05-2004, 04:11 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Maimy
Hey, y'all - look on the bright side: At least you aren't me. Or kog3100.

He is relocating for work. We don't know anything about the people. We don't know when it starts, or how much it will suck. We don't know how long he's going to be gone.

Oh, and by "gone", I mean 4,000 miles away.

In a punishing climate.

In a place he knows, but does not call home.

And we have no idea when we will see one another again.

Sucks to be us.
He is moving to Texas? When?

As for Loy, you know it's funny, if you had graduated she would have stayed with you and ran up your credit cards. Since you let her graduated you're saving tons of money. Be Happy.

The thing about going to school. Might as well check it out. Might already have all the core classes already. Then in four years after going part-time, including summers, you can get the same job you already have. Wow, it would be really worth it.

I hate going back to school. My job was kind-of dead end, but I was making money and could afford rent. Really boring and repetitive too. Had it down. This usually makes me want to leave however, everyone else was so incompetent it was a thrill getting an angry customer.

Well enough said. Hope I make a whole lot of money after this adventure to higher learning. Did I mention I already had an associate of science before going on for a graduate degree. Yep, life is not fair.
"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 08-09-2004, 08:13 PM   #90
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-:- time for my rant -:-


-:- first rant -:-

my boyfriend is totally blowing me off b/c of this new girl in his Kendo class in his dojo... it's pretty damn funny that me and him talked a while back and he told me that i was the only girl for him and that he wishes for me and him to spend the rest of our lives together...

then why the fuck is he flirting and hanging out with this fucking girl!?!?!?

this pisses me off... i've turned down many appications for colleges around where i live so that i'd be able to move in with him...

this pisses me off so much

-:- next rant -:-

my mom is being a total bitch towards my father because he's "not the man she married"

she should fucking know that sometimes when people age, they tend to change in their personalities and sometimes they get altimerz (however you spell it)

my dad can't fucking help it that he's sick

-:- another rant topic -:-

i'm tired of always being left behind in the fucking shadows because my sister-in-law is pregnant. i've always been left behind, but it's worse now... i can't even fucking say anything anymore with out either being ignored or dismissed...


i do have feelings... and i like to be heard every once in a while by someone other than my online friends


i'm so stressed... blah
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Old 08-10-2004, 01:26 AM   #91
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(Nice colour, Zeade! I am going to steal your great idea, just for now you undstand...)

So, my rant today is about how some evil creatures in my house are stealing stuff from my bathroom!! Last week I lost two irreplacable t-shirts frommy bathroom on the third floor of my fairly secluded house for Honolulu. Now t-shirts aren't THAT important, but they were special to me (one I recieved for making an "A" in Chinese from the Mandarin club on campus and the other was a Loch Ness Monster shirt that I got in Scotland at the side of Loch Ness from a great monster museum that Irecommend to all.)

I let this semi slide, only inquiring a few times to those that might have used my bathroom and the management. Next I lost a towel and today I went to shave an I found that my razor and shaving cream were missing!! What the Hell? Who would take a wet towel and a used razor?

Well the razor came back and I found the shaving cream in another bathroom in the house, but I still down a towel and two shirts. And that doesn't even start to rant about the pool of water on the floor after other people shower in there and me finding that someone else has used my soap or deodorant or hair brush. Good damn thing I keep my black fingernail polish in my bedroom!!!

Okay. I guess I will get off my soap box now. Does anyone think it is wrong of me to have posted a note telling people to stop taking and using my stuff? It seems a little childish to me, but then again so does using and taking my stuff...

Thanks for reading,
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Old 08-11-2004, 09:15 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Zeade
-:- time for my rant -:-


-:- first rant -:-

my boyfriend is totally blowing me off b/c of this new girl in his Kendo class in his dojo... it's pretty damn funny that me and him talked a while back and he told me that i was the only girl for him and that he wishes for me and him to spend the rest of our lives together...

then why the fuck is he flirting and hanging out with this fucking girl!?!?!?

this pisses me off... i've turned down many appications for colleges around where i live so that i'd be able to move in with him...

this pisses me off so much

I don't have much experience on the subject (none. zilch.), but this reminds me of something my friend said to me.

him: So what's new? Do you have a boyfriend now or anything?

me: No... all the guys I know are obnoxiouse and jeuvinile.

him: Well we are, but you cn't hold that against us.

Sorry, I know that doesn't help at all. I hope he comes to his senses, soon, and realizes how much you desearve his attention like we have
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 08-12-2004, 12:24 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Maimy
Hey, y'all - look on the bright side: At least you aren't me. Or kog3100.

He is relocating for work. We don't know anything about the people. We don't know when it starts, or how much it will suck. We don't know how long he's going to be gone.

Oh, and by "gone", I mean 4,000 miles away.

In a punishing climate.

In a place he knows, but does not call home.

And we have no idea when we will see one another again.

Sucks to be us.
Meh.. I know Maim-y...

I did the 2300 miles thing with Manimal..Sucked major donkey balls, uber glad it's over. But you and I both know that soul-bleeding pain aside, if your love has survived all of the challenges thrown at it to date, it will somehow survive this as well. You guys are too much like "Peas and Carrots" not to make it through this. You inspired me when I was suffering through the distance. I know it freakin hurts like hell, but somehow you will both muddle through. That's just what we do right? I have faith in you guys in a major way, as do alot of us here. We dig you both, and I know this won't last forever.

Big hugs girlie.. I'll be thinking of you two..

Blow O wind to where my loved one is. Touch him and come touch me soon. I'll feel his gentle touch through you and meet his beauty in the moon. These things are much for the one who loves. One can live by them alone: that he and I breathe the same air and that the Earth we tread is one.
~ Ramayana
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Old 08-12-2004, 03:38 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Jane13

I don't have much experience on the subject (none. zilch.), but this reminds me of something my friend said to me.

him: So what's new? Do you have a boyfriend now or anything?

me: No... all the guys I know are obnoxiouse and jeuvinile.

him: Well we are, but you cn't hold that against us.

Sorry, I know that doesn't help at all. I hope he comes to his senses, soon, and realizes how much you desearve his attention like we have
-:- thankies for that tip, jane... -:- it's good to know that *someone* actually notices me on this board! lol

i've forgiven him for that, b/c i found out he's having problems at home now, and *now* on top of everything else, a hurricane is going to hit where he lives in a few days... well... actually... it's supposed to hit tomorrow...

^_^ guys are immature, but sometimes it'd be nicer if they weren't....

or something along those lines... lol
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Old 08-12-2004, 03:46 PM   #95
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A hurricane, eh? That auta show him! lol
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 08-13-2004, 12:11 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Blow...Touch him and come

Oh and TStone: What's the weather like there now? :twisted:

edit: I really hope you are ok, I don't mean to make light of that.

I need to grow up or get laid, and I just don't see either happening anytime soon.
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:14 PM   #97
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What is with the grow up or get laid comments on this forum?

There could possibly be other reasons as well.

Suddenly lost interest in my own rant.
"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 08-15-2004, 04:22 AM   #98
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i have a fucking sunburn, i hate pop-ups, and my computer has shut down the mutha fuckin internet like 10 times in the past 2 minutes and i am sick as fuck of it. damn you laptop as only internet source! damn you!
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Old 08-17-2004, 03:40 AM   #99
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I just found out that someone I've had strong feelings for, and who has had strong feelings for me, is now seeing someone else. What gets me is that this person didn't even TELL ME. Didn't even say, "Oh, by the way Kate... I'm with Bitchface McGee [not really her name, but what I call her] now." But nooo... we're just acting like nothing is wrong, aren't we?

k is for kate.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:45 PM   #100
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That sucks... maybe he's one of those guys that for some reason thinks girls like jerks? I dunno...
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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