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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 05-11-2006, 04:37 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
6 reasones (facts) why bush sucks

1. Despite Bush’s endless assurances that "Americans are safer," he’s done astonishingly little to protect the continental U.S. from terrorist attacks. His administration spends more in Iraq in four days than they’ve spent protecting our ports in four years, and Bush has blocked mandatory safety and security requirements at nuclear/chemical facilities (such requirements are unpopular with his corporate buds), leaving these facilities perilously vulnerable.

2. While there’s no established connection between Saddam Hussein and Sept. 11, there are established connections between Sept. 11 and Saudi-government officials, who not only provided funds to the hijackers (15 out of 19 of which were Saudis), but also supported front groups that funneled millions in aid to al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Say what you will about Michael Moore sometimes getting screwy with the facts, but his documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 does raise serious questions that the major media should have at least asked about the special treatment given numerous Saudis—including Bush’s longtime family friends the bin Ladens—to fly out of the U.S. in the days after Sept. 11.

3. Bush often reminds us we should be grateful to our soldiers, but in 2003, he proposed closing seven veterans hospitals, cutting combat bonus pay 33 percent, cutting assistance to soldiers’ families by 60 percent and cutting $1.3 billion in veterans’ health care. So far, Bush has not attended the funeral of a single soldier killed in Iraq.

4. Native Alaskan villages are being destroyed as sea ice melts and huge waves pound the coastline. El Niño caused China’s Yangtze River to overflow, killing more than 3,000 people and leaving 230 million homeless. Despite this and substantial evidence that global warming is real and man-made, for four years, Bush has misrepresented science in order to avoid passing measures that could annoy his campaign supporters in the fossil-fuel and auto industries. Bush has allowed companies to set their own targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and surprise, they set themselves very unchallenging goals.

5. Bush has his sights set on eliminating Social Security and is pushing for a system in which individuals’ contributions go into private accounts. This is a fine way to prepare for your dotage . . . as long as you’re not, y’know, one of those yucky poor people.

6. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have elevated conflict of interest to an art form. Before he joined the administration, Cheney was CEO of the giant energy company Halliburton, and he still receives deferred payments from the company. Halliburton’s a major contributor to the Bush administration, and Bush has paid them back in many sweet, sexy ways. In January, he announced we’re going to Mars, and an industry official told the Washington Post, "Halliburton would benefit considerably." Bush allowed hydraulic fracturing--an oil-and-gas-exploration technique pioneered and primarily used by Halliburton--even though studies showed the technique could leave toxic chemicals in drinking water. And then there’s Iraq. The Energy Task Force Cheney headed to develop a long-range plan to meet U.S. energy requirements naturally ignored ideas for reducing oil consumption and in March 2001 submitted a report containing a map of Iraqi oilfields, refineries, pipelines and terminals, along with two charts outlining Iraqi oil and gas projects. In 2003, without competitive bidding, the Pentagon hired Halliburton to rebuild Iraq and restore the Iraqi oil industry. After the company overcharged the government $61 million, the White House removed a provision from the $87 billion Iraq spending bill that would’ve held Halliburton accountable.
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Old 05-11-2006, 04:53 PM   #2
Wise Child
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What's a reasone? Sounds like a dessert.

Mmm... dessert... Damn, I could go some jam roly poly.

That would be cool. *wanders off*
The meek shall inherit the earth. Just as soon as the rest of us have finished with it.

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Old 05-11-2006, 05:17 PM   #3
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there's no way in fuckin' hell you wrote that yourself. you couldn't even spell your own screen-name right.

cite your sources, angle - that means identify them. don't use other peoples' hard work as your own.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-11-2006, 06:40 PM   #4
An Eccentric Cellist
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Please cite where you got that article or where you got the information and some description of how you know it to be totally and completely true.

So you know, nobody's (politicians) going to do anything about global warming because it'll tell the voters something they don't want to hear, and it will take longer than the time they could be in office. The people are going to have to be educated about what's happening and then push for change.

One good thing about Bush: he's predictable and he tells you what he thinks and doesn't flip-flop with people's opinion *coughKerrycough*
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Old 05-11-2006, 09:53 PM   #5
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Okay Angle you whiney angsty teen piece of shit, since your post post on Bush-Bashing failed and Xnguela told you to do some research, you just come back to this website with copy/paste information in an attempt to look smart and educated.

Guess what? We don't fucking believe you!

The political world doesn't give a shit about the youth's opinion.

See that part in bold? That's right! No one cares about our opinion, we can't do anything to gain power because we are all a bunch of meaningless shits that sit back and whine about something but not do anything about it .

If you're that desperate to get your voice heard, then posting it in a teen forum isn't going to do anything because GEORGE BUSH IS NO LONGER YOUNG Neither is anyone in the cold hard government!

Shit, if youth did have a voice, Marilyn Manson and KoRn would cease to exist!

If you think whining about how shit the president is will bring you a saviour, it doesn't.
The president does all he can to please you guys using tactics that he finds correct

I know we can all disagree but live with it

He's the most hated guy on earth and he still bothers being a president when he has the option of suicide.
That guy is a hell of a tough patriot, and he'll be gone in a few years!

Don't fear!

Your adulthood isn't doomed! Soon you guys will be bitching about some other guy, you will be wearing badges and Tshirts with negative images of him on it.

Let's do something useful, like, getting together and co-operating in his dictatorship, just enjoy the experience of history in the making.

Hier sind doch irgendwo kinder versteckt
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Old 05-11-2006, 11:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by angledust

I am a waste of Oxygen.

You too.

No Breeding.

Say it with me;

" I will not attempt to reproduce in any way."

Now doesn't that feel better?
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Old 05-12-2006, 09:12 AM   #7
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6 reasons why you suck:

1: your name is angledust
2: you can't spell
3: you steal other peoples work and claim it to be your own
4: you are trying to change something you can't
5: you keep coming back even though we don't want you here
6: you made TWO threads about how Bush sucks.

My suggestion: kill Bush yourself and make sure you get the death penalty. Then we are both happy ^__^
click here to be fooled
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Old 05-12-2006, 09:17 AM   #8
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What is this shit?

Are they giving monkeys keyboards now?
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