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Whining This forum is for general whining. Please post all suicide threats, complaints about significant others, and statements about how unfair school is to this board.

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Old 11-18-2007, 01:05 PM   #1
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The Parents Ranting Thread

I know that EVERY human being in this universe has some sort of problem with their parents so go ahead and rant about them all you want over here.

I'll start.

I know I don't wear every single piece of clothing, but honestly you don't have to make it such a goddamned big deal!!!!! There is so much that I can take when it comes down to attacking every single thing that I do!!!!

Honestly, I know I respect them, that's why I stand quietly when they say things like "go kill yourself", or "You have failed us", etc etc, but honestly it's time that they show me some respect. That's not an unfair thing to ask for.

I know many many people that say things to their parents, whether its just to stand up for themselves, but I keep quiet. Well that's the whole point to my rant. I need to be respected more.
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Old 11-27-2007, 06:55 AM   #2
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A parental figure rant thread, fun. I guess its my turn.

I know I cant be like my brother so you don't need to tell me every chance you get. "Hey, Chris look what Stan did, he got a Best Student award from the mayor, remember when you were his age, we almost had to put you in rehab. Hes so great". I get compared to both of my YOUNGER brothers all the time. I'm not as smart as Stan or as athletic as Clay, but ask Stan if it weren't for me he wouldn't be who he is today. And Clays IQ was registered at just over 80, mines 140 and Stan's is 150. Just because I didn't want to sit and be told by a bunch of rednecks what to do, doesn't mean I'm stupid. You met some of them, half the High School looks like that kid from Deliverance as an adult, and probably as smart as a opossum. When one of those idiots told me to do my homework, I wanted to kill them with a corn thresher "'cause Jim-Bob aint werth ma time". Also complimenting me by saying I was a cute baby is offset by the "but he grew up a screw up". If I want to sleep until its time for me to go to class get off my back mom. You were a drop out, at least I graduated and am doing something which is more than anyone can say for you. If it wasn't for dad you would be living in a one room trailer eating Hot Pockets while working 12 hours a day for minimum wage. Also bitching that no one does anything, maybe if you did something besides bitch we would.

Hey dad, FUCK YOU. At my age you were stealing cigarettes and going around being a thug. I know that you did well for yourself but at least I have more motivation than you did at my age. I saw your report card, I'm surprised that you got into college, A D F F F F isn't really appealing. And maybe you've, just maybe if you treated me like you did Stan when I was younger instead of my bringing home all A's and you ignoring me while telling everyone how proud you were that you had a good looking son, and whispering that I was the ugliest kid you ever saw, I might actually have wanted to try.

Well I'm all angered out. And Rose, parents are people, nothing more. You shouldn't respect them unless they deserve it. They might have raised you but once you get to an age where you can be independent you should alter you view so that they need to earn your respect instead of just getting it.
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Old 11-27-2007, 09:08 AM   #3
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My parents are extremely overprotective. Since I'm an only child the think I can't go out cuz some weird stranger will shoot me or even kidnap me.... that sucks like hell!
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Old 11-27-2007, 09:34 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ††BlackRose††
Honestly, I know I respect them, that's why I stand quietly when they say things like "go kill yourself", or "You have failed us", etc etc, but honestly it's time that they show me some respect.
You should inform them that your personal beliefs dictate that every suicide should be accompanied by at least one, preferably two, incidents of aggravated homicide.


(I'll rant later. ^_^)
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Old 11-27-2007, 12:22 PM   #5
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My dad and I had a screaming match last night about me hating my step mother. Which made me really upset because my dad haven't screamed at each other like that since a really long time ago and I hate arguing with him.

But yeah I hate my step mom.
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Old 11-27-2007, 12:57 PM   #6
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I have moved out and I'm living on another landmass from my parents. God, that makes dealing with Mum a lot easier.
By the end of the last year I lived there, I was having frequent yelling sessions and spending a lot of my time away from home. Be it in the city, with my boyfriend, or taking a trip to England, anywhere but home was my destination of choice. She had, and to some extent still has, a horrible habit of trying to run things for me and telling me things over and over. Example-
"I am aware that I need to do X. You told me this yesterday, the day before, and three times prior to now so far. You also tried to fill out the forms for X instead of me, and told me that I was doing it wrong when I was the one of the two of us who'd actually read the guidelines. Please. Go away and let me do *my* stuff *myself*. I am legally an adult, you keep reminding me of this, so treat me as such." This would then, with astonishing rapidity, descend into an argument and screaming match. Mediation was... difficult.
So... yes. No longer sharing the landmass with her. Go me.
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Old 11-28-2007, 06:44 AM   #7
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Well.. where to start?!

Mom- just because I don't want to go to college doesn't mean I am going to live in a cardboard box. I don't understand why you think that a "better education", a "good" job, and money is what is going to make me happy. I hate how you expect me to be things I am not. I hate how you try to get me to see someone besides Justin, to "make sure I really want to marry him".. what does that accomplish? I love him so much I CAN'T see other people, and that's the way it SHOULD be when you are engaged. I hate how you criticize my choices because your life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. But it's MY life, not yours. If I want to get married at 18, have a child at 20, and be a stay at home mom and writer, that is MY choice. That's what I want, so why can't you accept that? Why do I feel like if I don't do what YOU want, I will be a failure in your eyes?

Dad- You never wanted me in the first place. You were cheating on my mother when I was concieved. From day one, you have done nothing but control me, harass me, and put me down. I have no self esteem, thanks to you. You never respect me, and you treat me like a child.. yet you act more immature than I do. No matter what I do or say, it's never good enough. For some reason, I fear men because of you.. only the gods know what you did to me, because I can't remember. You made it hard for me to let Justin touch me at first.. the man I love and trust more than anything in the world. I swear that the day I turn 18, I am leaving for good and I will never come back to you or your house. For all I care, you can die alone and unloved. You have fucked up my life enough. I am through with you.

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Old 11-28-2007, 07:11 PM   #8
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My daughter is bitchy tonight.



Oh. I thought this was the Parents Ranting thread, but it appears to be ranting about parents.

:slowly steps back smiling, then runs away:
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Old 11-28-2007, 07:34 PM   #9
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Sorry about that, HP. I'm afraid it's a hazard one risks when visiting forums populated largely by people born in the eighties or after.
Um. You could rant about your parents, if you wish, or perhaps about your in-laws? Perhaps the rules of the rant could be extended to allow your rants from a parental perspective?
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:34 AM   #10
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My mom keeps yelling at me to stop spending so much time on the computer... I know its unhealthy and its turning me into a computer geek but hey, thats not so bad
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:57 AM   #11
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I told my dad I wanted him out of my life, and I don't have to see him for MONTHS.

I am happy.
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