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Old 12-14-2003, 08:30 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2003
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.: Randomness :.

Post your random thoughts and other tidbits here.

This is a popular feature in another forum I frequent. So yes, this 'Random thread' idea is copied/stolen. It's quite purposeful, and I'm hoping that it'll attract many posters here ...

So, post away!


I'm eating grapes at the moment and listening to Armin Van Buuren & John Gielen ~ Amnesia 2003 (Club Ibiza). I'm waiting for my damned friend to come online ... msn, specifically. The time difference might mean that he's eating dinner right now, which could explain why he's not on. Doesn't make it any more convenient for me since I'll have to sleep soon. Beh.

The friend who I'm waiting for has his birthday next week ... and I have his almost-finished card to my left, on the desk. I drew a sleeping kitten on the cover of it - he likes cats. I'd post a photo of it, but Adobe is screwed for some reason, and I can't size the image down. Maybe later.

*has a grape*

.... Damnit, he better get his ass online soon.
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Old 12-14-2003, 09:46 AM   #2
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It's sunday evening for me, I'm bored.
I'm supposed to ask a boy out tomorrow morning and I feel nervous, even though i know he won't say no to one of the prettiest girl in the school, even if I am sort of wierd.
He's a nice english bloke, and nice english boys like mystery so I don't see why it wouldn't work out.
Agh. Haven't been out with a nice and strong bloke in ages...If ever I have.
Well well, good luck to me...
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Old 12-14-2003, 09:54 AM   #3
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Re: Blah.

Originally Posted by Feydreiva_Oxymore
It's sunday evening for me, I'm bored.
I'm supposed to ask a boy out tomorrow morning and I feel nervous, even though i know he won't say no to one of the prettiest girl in the school, even if I am sort of wierd.
He's a nice english bloke, and nice english boys like mystery so I don't see why it wouldn't work out.
Agh. Haven't been out with a nice and strong bloke in ages...If ever I have.
Well well, good luck to me...
Good luck.

I'm a weird feature in the school too ... by my own standards, and I also feel different from everyone else. Even my friends.

I miss having a "nice strong bloke". The last one I had wasn't a boyfriend though ... I swear, he was in denial! Hehe. I met an amiable guy at a party yesterday ... however he has a girlfriend. Typical.
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Old 12-14-2003, 06:12 PM   #4
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im sitting here, bored as shit watching my big cat stalk my little cat. listening to them fight just cuz sabbeth wants outside and thinks i'll kick him out if he terrorizes princess. music is off, room mate is stoping around the house. maybe i'll call in sick for work tomorrow. its been a rather odd weekend. its sunday today, i didnt get dressed till 6pm, yesterday i think it was later. now mark is complaining that aliase isnt on yet, the guy really needs a life lol. anyways D just fell over on my desk again so i'll have to prop him back up again, if he wasnt so unstable i'd have him in the display case behind me. princess is a little insane, i think she's going crazy, and she tried to dig her way in cuz she thinks there are lots of fun things to play with in there.
ok i can tell you're bored as i am now
mwahahahaha my plan worked
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Old 12-16-2003, 07:06 PM   #5
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The gods are creating chaos upstairs
Soon the air will chill
And heaven's tears will fall ...
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:41 PM   #6
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i really miss a good storm. one day i'm going to head down to florida and sit through a hurricane. i just find the facinating. all the power of naute unleashed just to let us know who's really in charge :twisted:
we only had a few storms up here this past summer. it's one of the reasons i miss living on vancouve island, all the summer storms. you could stand outside, since it was always so warm, and get drenched while watching lightning strike ten feet away from you.
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:43 PM   #7
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Just sitting here watching "In The Mouth Of Madness", wondering why. The film could of been done better and without so many cheesy lines. Also wondering about my month long travel budget for next year, trying to figure out where to go. Germany(Oktoberfest ) looks good, so does the U.K. , Austrailia, and Canada. Can't find anyone who wants to go with me, it sucks. None of my friends seems to have an interest even when I offer to pay thier expenses :? . Im frusterated and tired at the moment.
Cant sleep well of late, have to finish the book Im reading even with the overabundance of new age philosophy put into a simple story. And my dog Biscuit just fell asleep on my foot.
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:53 PM   #8
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CANADA?? no one comes to canada for a vacation. there really isnt anything to do here. well there are some kewl bars to go to, and its always fun to hang out in vancouver and play spot the hooker or heroin addict which ever tickles your fancy. but other than that... go to the U.K. that place is awsome, i wanna go to ireland next.
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 12-16-2003, 11:04 PM   #9
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wow, this is a nice idea for a topic.... well, I was just thinking of a sisters of mercy song "more" and how it says "i don't understand why you've got to be so undemanding" and I was thining that that really explains my problems with where I live. Everyone complains how bad things are but, never think how good things could be...I think this sums up most of soceity though; everyones is always saying capitalism is the root of all evil yet, they critize everything not capitalist as evil, much less to try and change capitalism. this brings me to a realization. a person can change. People cannot, they will always be afraid of change in any degree. heh, I don't own a tv and over the past few years, everytime I've watched one it is always the same. and absolutly nothing has effected me, yeah that sniper shot that person at michels crafts when I was at the mall, and later at exxon when I was in school I was less than a mile away both times, but he didn't kill anyone I knew. a british reporter came up to me in mcdonalds and asked me if I was afraid, I was like are you stupid? what are the chances of anything in particular effecting me, there were plenty of people in VA, and maryland and wherever why would I have anything to be afraid of, if I was like that i'd waste my money on the lottery. but, the chances are actully worse, winning the lottery is harded than being sniped randomly. somthing to think about, I suppose. and that brings me back to the point. people got afraid and everyone wanted to ban guns. This is another classic example of giving up freedom for saftey, this is not an example of change in a good way. what is important freedom, or safety, well, call me crazy but an unfree life isn't worth living. people are so undemanding, they just wait for a problem to appear and try to deal with it in the most apparent way possible. they never demand that their life be safe and free that means less laws but, more police to enfore those lessened laws, that means taxs to make the police actually do their job; and people cannot be made to pay, no not pay $ that is the ultimate bad thing having to pay taxes, whatever.... I dunno why I am complaing so much but, I will do somthing about it....
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Old 12-17-2003, 01:22 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Daz
i really miss a good storm. one day i'm going to head down to florida and sit through a hurricane. i just find the facinating. all the power of naute unleashed just to let us know who's really in charge :twisted:
we only had a few storms up here this past summer. it's one of the reasons i miss living on vancouve island, all the summer storms. you could stand outside, since it was always so warm, and get drenched while watching lightning strike ten feet away from you.
I love thunderstorms. And lightning. Two weeks ago there was a thunderstorm, but far from where I was. It was past midnight, and I went onto the porch to film the lightning. There were thick bands of clouds, and every few minutes an area of it would give off a golden glow. Absolutely beauuutiful.

I want to experience a tornado. I want to be there when the sky turns an ill green/grey, and to see tunnels of wind whiz across the ground. Unfortunately I'll never witness that in Australia. I'm definitely going to travel somewhere where there are major tornados. Isn't it odd, chasing natural disasters instead of running from it. Reminds me of a photographer or journalist. Seeking danger and disaster.

... Vancouver Island sounds nice. =)

Originally Posted by sdlm
wow, this is a nice idea for a topic....
Thanks. I can't really take the credit though.

Originally Posted by sdlm
people got afraid and everyone wanted to ban guns. This is another classic example of giving up freedom for saftey, this is not an example of change in a good way. what is important freedom, or safety, well, call me crazy but an unfree life isn't worth living.
Guns are banned in Australia. I suppose it has reduced armed casualties, but there are still those occasional finds where police seize a holder of a healthy stash of arms. But I do agree with being able to buy one legally. It's for protection. And the people who don't use it for that can always obain one illegally anyway.

Though banning them does eliminate juveniles having shootouts and robbing stores ... Guess there are pros and cons.

And you sound very ... much like a freedom fighter. Go democracy!

Juss playing.
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Old 12-17-2003, 06:17 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Daz
CANADA?? no one comes to canada for a vacation. there really isnt anything to do here. well there are some kewl bars to go to, and its always fun to hang out in vancouver and play spot the hooker or heroin addict which ever tickles your fancy. but other than that... go to the U.K. that place is awsome, i wanna go to ireland next.
I put Canada down because it would be easy on my budget and its an easy drive from Alaska. But the U.K. is high on my list, I just dont know where to start with that place. I was thinking London but I dont know.
Any suggestions on where to go and whats to do in the U.K. would be greatly apprieciated. Any Ideas?
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Old 12-17-2003, 06:27 PM   #12
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Bath was really nice but you have to try to hit it in the off season or you'll be swimming through mobs of stinky tourists. try to stay in the little towns, explore the country side. but dont forget to also explore the night life in london :twisted: , glasgow was fun too
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Old 12-17-2003, 06:42 PM   #13
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so on another note entirely, my day today was a blast. as im sure more than a few of you know i work in an animal research facility. today we were doing tissue collection for a pharmasutical (ya im pretty sure thats not spelt right) company. basically that means i spent five hours on my feet , wearing rubber boots, in a cold room, under really bright lights slicing open rats and dicing them up. there were eight-teen all together and even though there were four of us working on them i did at least half. i dont think i'll be able to get the smell of rat innards out of my nose for a few days now :twisted:
i dont really know what it is about my work that i love so much, my boss desided to put me in charge of necropsy because im goth. apparently this means i love blood guts and gore. truthfully i actually do love blood guts and gore but im not so sure this is because i am goth, i think its a side effect of being warped :twisted: in any case since she placed me in there a little over a month ago i've gotten the chance to see the inner workings of a variety of animals including ducks and dogs. as gross as im sure a lot of you think this may be its actually really neat.
anyways thats how my day went, tonight im sure to have some pretty messed up dreams which i'll try to remember and post for you all, in the mean time im gonna go snag a smoke from my room mate.
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 12-17-2003, 06:48 PM   #14
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I'm not put off by blood and guts. However, when they use a mallet on a nose in surgery ... somehow that makes me a little ... uneasy.
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Old 12-17-2003, 06:56 PM   #15
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I am sitting in my messy room (painstakingly)
having to smell the odor of my feet. Nasty, I wore toe-socks (NO THEY ARE NOT MINE) today for Holiday Cheer day. South Park comes on in 5 minutes, so I will then be watching that.

I am pissed because I want to go see LOTR ROTK. NOW. THIS INSTANT
But, I have to wait until Saturday or Friday because, well long story.

Gross, my feet stink. Off to take off my toe socks.
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Old 12-17-2003, 08:14 PM   #16
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I'm sitting here listening to music (Cradle of Filth-The Promise of Fever), waiting from a phone call from a girl I'm trying to get together with, and worrying about how I'm gonna get to work tomorrow, and how I'm gonna pay for the massive damage to my car that was incurred this morning

this is not so random, but everyone else seems to be posting what they're doing at the time of posting, so I figured I'd do the same

MONKEY FARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......................... ok, now that was random
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Old 12-18-2003, 07:41 PM   #17
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tonight my cat is sitting behind me on my chair trying to crawl onto my lap. i sit here listening to thrice and wondering what it is going to be like to spend two weeks with my family for christmas. this is probably going to be the last year we are all together so my mom is going to get family pictures taken. last time they had these taken my older brother and sister were not there. i had really long hair and half of it had been bleached and dyed blue while the other half was black. since the blue was under the back my mom spent a long time trying to hide it for the camera. that was at least 12 years ago. im not really sure how she is going to react to me this year. i really dont see her very often and when i do she tries to "reform" me. its actually kinda funny when i think about it since i thought that was the point of sending me to boarding school. anyways i know my appearance is going to cause a huge fight at home, it's basically going to be me and my sister ( who will stick up for me till the end of time) against my mom and older brother (who will oppose anything i want till the end of time) with my two little brothers and my dad watching from the side lines. but then again whats christmas with out a little screaming and yelling?? :lol:
actually the thing that is mostly occupying my thoughts is that im not even close to finishing the presents so i'll have to wrap them when i get there. i just havent had the energy to do anything this year. it's really odd, by the time i get home from work all i want to do is sleep. i sleep all day on the weekends (providing i dont have to work) so i'm really not awake all that much. ya i know im online and physically awake but my brain has been shutting off the second i hit the locker room at the end of the day. i dont even answer the phone at home anymore.
ah fuck it, im gonna go get a smoke from my room mate and then watch some tv
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 12-18-2003, 07:46 PM   #18
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Right now, I'm listening to music, 'Temple of Love' by the Sisters, and talking with a few people online. Winter vacation from school starts tomorrow . And I just got off of the phone with a dear friend, whom I hope is doing better now -- or will be soon -- than when she had to get off for certain reasons.
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Old 12-19-2003, 05:06 PM   #19
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today............. today my grandmother died
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Old 12-19-2003, 05:11 PM   #20
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Yikes, Daz. That's terrible! My condolences. I hope at the very least it wasn't too unexpected.
A thousand cups of wine do not suffice when true friends meet, but half a sentence is too much when there is no meeting of minds.
--Chinese proverb
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Old 12-19-2003, 05:45 PM   #21
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Old 12-19-2003, 06:04 PM   #22
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goth...a style...a feeling......US

People are slow and stupid...some of them anyway...
Okay so anyways....i think that goth is a feeling, a way you feel i mean yes its away you dress too but I mean if u think about it anyone can dress in all black its more than just,clothes anyways
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Old 12-19-2003, 06:57 PM   #23
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Well, yeah. Anyone can just go into their older brothers room and steal a black t-shirt and baggy pants and take it upon themselves to say what is or is not goth. Anyone can put on black eyeliner and buy some black hair dye and stand in the corner looking rejected. But at the end of the day, its what you really are that matters, not what people who dont really know you see you as.
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Old 12-19-2003, 07:34 PM   #24
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Re: goth

Originally Posted by ForbiddenSoul
i think that goth is a feeling, a way you feel i mean yes its away you dress too but I mean if u think about it anyone can dress in all black its more than just,clothes anyways
Jesus fucking Christ! You're still going on about this? Why didn't you post it on your own thread bitching about Gothic Miss Manners? Oh, I remember: Because you got your arse flamed for saying pretty much the same thing.
Wear whatever the fuck you want, get over it and get a life, damn it!
Undead again...
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Old 12-19-2003, 08:11 PM   #25
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Shall I bore everyone with my randomness? I suppose I will.
Well then, today I feel very self pitying. Mostly because I’m sick and am currently suffering coughing fits in which I occasionally cough up blood. (Raistlin style) I’m kind of amused that my boyfriend has found a way to get mad at me for being sick. My best friend’s emotionally unstable ex boyfriend is venting on me about what a horrible person my friend is and why he loves her and cannot live without her. And so goes the typical life of a sixteen year old.
My grandfather e-mailed me assuming that since he has a present for me (in regards to a holiday which I do not really celebrate, but gifts are gifts, and I’m selfish like that) I will forgive him and my grandmother for all of the horrible things they’ve done to my mother in the past few months not to mention her whole life. Unless this gift is a house to live in (we’re currently living in a small house with my aunt and her two children plus another one of my cousins) then the selfish, rich bastard can go to hell for all I care. People’s stupidity eludes me, really.
And, I’m done.
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