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Old 09-14-2006, 09:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 11
okay this is me...

i'm gerard a.k.a. abortedlife. i used to run "Goth in Asia" which did really well and followed by my dark music webzine "Aborted Life". i now run a dark community website that's been labelled by tv show hosts as "the gothic myspace" ... so don't look at me, they said it. btw, i'm here to look for true goths... no emos as i already have enough of them on my site

we have message boards everywhere in the control panel and in the sanctums (or groups) but i am yet to add a main message forum soon. it's taking a bit because i wanted to give more powers or privileges to the upgraded members on the site. and since everything starts from scratch with my website, so naturally it's taking time.

i will be back here someday to invite you all again to post in my upcoming message forums and yes i will stop here.

Goth for goths, not goth for crybabies.
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:10 PM   #2
Godslayer Jillian
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Location: El Paso, Texas/ Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua
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Now we're on the right tracks.
There's a questionnaire almost everyone answers when join in, and I'd like to see what would you write on it:
Also, remember; good grammar is your best friend.
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 09-15-2006, 01:41 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 11
Interview with AbortedLife


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Hello Gerard, I'm Thomas. The first question I have is, why? Why did you start a site dedicated to exposing the world to the "truth?"

It's more of giving back to goth. I don't actually believe that it's ever enough for me alone to cause a major stir in the virtual underworld, the effort should collectively come from
a whole lot of people interacting with each other. It's more of a guidance too for those young people to evolve in the scene without giving goth a bad name. So, MyGothicHeart.COM was made for that very purpose.

Now you call it a "scene," isn't that more conformist than goth?

I don't really dwell a lot on what's conformist or non-conformist in terms of achieving true gothness (if there is such a thing). I base it
on some other aspects though which are far more relevant than just
being pigeonholed in that direction. Some people can be either of the two, but they couldn't be
regarded as goth nontheless.

What made you want a site to let people interact?

Interaction is very important since that's basically how you meet or know people. It's a significant part of being goth to be able to share your thoughts with likeminds and so provided with
the technological advances of today, it's pretty easy now to get that to work.

When you see people in the world who claim to be goth, what do you think of them?

There's this unmistakable feeling you get when you talk to somebody if they're really goth or not. First of all, the musical background should already be a given. I don't claim that all goths listen to the
same bands, there are always variations and this is depending on the
individual since goth as a whole is pretty much a melting pot for different types of people that are drawn together to appreciate a common ground. So, to put it simply,
there is no exact generalization of what goth should be. I was making a point earlier that no matter how different the kind of music one listens to, if it doesn't sound right then that person hasn't completely grasped goth as it is.

I've noticed a lot of bands which are labeled as Goth. Do you feel that is a mislabel?

Well, if it's dark music then it's all good. It's the same thing to me, only different mediums. I just tend to avoid listening to
commercial or mainstream stuff because everybody else is listening to them, and goth to me should be more special than that and worth pursuing.

If you had one thing you could bring to the digital world
not involving goth, what would that be?

I don't know exactly. Goth is my passion, my lifeblood. If it were anything else it would be
a Humor site or an Everything/Nothing site with a pics/video collection of all the sick/funny/weird stuff
floating around the internet since I have a great sense of humor and a knack for out of the ordinary things.

If you could tell all the want-to-be goths one thing, what would it be?

Your greatest weapon would be to invest in music, even though we all know that eventually
it wouldn't pay off that much noting how expensive records are these days. If you want to be
a DJ, you could earn money off it, but I think it's more of the pride of owning hundreds
of CDs or vinyl recs that can really elevate your level goth-wise.

So would you say, bands like "My Chemical Romance", "The Used" and other bands who are sometimes mislabeled
as goth, help influence the "want-to-be world?"

Well, what I know is that when you're still unfamiliar with gothic music, you need to first resort to what's popular, right?
Like in the record stores, you head straight to those Rock/Alternative sections where you can see bands there like
Rammstein or something and then you buy it hoping it's goth. Today, since the internet really offers all the info you could need,
I don't think there's any excuse for want-to-be individuals. They should already do their research and be devoted to it.

The one question I have to you is, do you think it's justified that people say someone who wears all black,
is always depressed, and cuts
themselves, is goth or do you think that is unfair to us real goths, myself included.

It is unfair. I mean it should always be about the music, and even though the approach can be very emotional at times
and suggests a dark and gloomy world, still people shouldn't stereotype and believe right away that their neighbor's kid
was goth just because she cut herself and wore black. I mean where's the justice in that. Everything falls into place just right
when you know about your music, and that's it. I don't even have to question you about your lifestyle, the respect is there right away.

To put my own opinion in here, people don't realize a person who is dark and retaliates
against social and conforming order is the real goth, but one who does it with no actions, just the words and feelings they have
they must realize, an action is force sometimes. Like saying "HERE LISTEN" you are saying, "This is who I am" but by not making any movement
and just saying "I have nothing to prove and my existence is not going away" Two different things, one forcing one just taking a stand and not
proving nothing because they know what needs to be done for their lives to be good; they bind to no one's will unless it's needed to survive.

Now Aborted, we have explored a lot of feelings here. And as a true goth, I must say we're still two out of a few.
It's becoming sad that people use, excuse me attempt to use our lifestyle. I hope you have enjoyed my feelings on this
subject as much as I enjoyed yours. To finish this intruiging interview, what is something you'd like to say to the want-to-be's?

I just would like to tell them to endlessly support our culture. We don't care if a lot of younger want-to-bes are ruining
it by simply mixing it up with other recent genres like Emo, which totally confuses listeners a lot more. I say to know
the beginnings of goth and start from there, just do that first and you may advance to more recent stuff. Don't be close-minded about
other genres of music, or you wouldn't know the difference. But also know that it's not as easy as it seems to be goth, it's a lifelong
journey not a fad or a phase. Thank you.
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