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Old 04-05-2010, 04:14 PM   #1
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Christopher Neefus
April 5, 2010

The Transportation Safety Administration has started installing full-body scanners purchased with stimulus funds in airports around the country, but the Government Accountability Office says those scanners might not have detected the underwear bomb that made it onto a flight to Detroit on Christmas Day 2009.

“While officials said AITs (Advanced Imaging Technology devices) performed as well as physical pat down in operational tests, it remains unclear whether the AIT would have detected the weapon used in the December 2009 incident based on the preliminary information GAO has received,” theGAO said in a recent report.

That assessment from GAO’s March 17 report on the scanners seems to directly contradict one made by TSA Acting Administrator Gale Rossides last week. She suggested in comments made to CNN that the technology could thwart others like 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted to detonate a bomb sewn into his underpants on board Northwest Flight 253 in Detroit...
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:15 PM   #2
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“I think what was so telling about the Christmas Day attack was that it exploited our cultural norms, that we don’t frequently pat down persons in that part of the body. This technology will give us the image of the entire body,” Rossides told CNN.

Rossides made a similar statement to the House Homeland Security Subcommittee during testimony on March 4:

“Without going into the specifics of that because of the on-going criminal investigation, I will tell you that the experience we have had both in the labs and in our pilots, our officers are identifying objects on the body that are comparable to what that (Christmas Day bomb) threat was,” she said.

However, Stephen Lord, director of the homeland security & justice division of the GAO, confirmed to on Friday that the advanced scanners have not proved to be consistently able to detect objects “comparable” to Abdulmutallab’s bomb -- and that the assessment was based on classified information.

"We reviewed the testing results, which are classified, and it was just based upon our review of the testing results,” he said.

Rossides, meanwhile, also hedged before the congressional committee when pressed on the consistency of the results from the scanners. Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.), the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, asked the acting administrator whether they detected the comparable threats “every time.”

Without directly answering, Rossides began to say, “Our officers are doing a very good job and the --”

Interrupting, Rogers quickly pressed her again, asking, “Every time?”

“I’d have to get back to you,” Rossides told him, “but, you know, we don’t -- we have very, very good measures in place for evaluating our officers.”

The deployment of the scanners, which are being introduced at major airports including Los Angeles International and Chicago’s O’Hare, was specifically stepped up in response to the Christmas Day attack.

The devices use two methods to create an image of the traveler’s whole body: the first, backscatter technology, uses x-rays; the other, millimeter wave technology, “bounces harmless electromagnetic waves off the body to create a black-and-white three-dimensional image,” according to TSA.

Photos posted on the TSA Web site show that the scanners are capable of creating detailed images of passengers’ bodies, including genitals. However, concerns about modesty and invasion of privacy have led to TSA assurances that passengers' privacy will be protected.

The millimeter wave technology “blurs all facial features,” the TSA says on its Web site, while the backscatter technology “has an algorithm applied to the entire image.”

Despite questions about the efficacy of the devices, TSA plans to install 450 of them in airports by the end of 2010. The machines were purchased with $1 billion from the economic stimulus bill that was dedicated to aviation security projects. According to the GAO, TSA ultimately plans to procure 1,800 of the machines.

Each machine costs about $170,000, excluding maintenance and salaries for the new employees who would run them.

In the fiscal 2011 budget request sent to Congress last month, TSA requested about half a billion dollars in increases, including $218.9 million to staff the machines installed in 2011 with 3,550 employees.

The GAO calculates that staffing the scanners could cost about $2.4 billion over the life of the equipment. The high price tag is due in part to needing three staffers for each device, including one who would be located in a separate room examining the images. TSA assures the traveling public that the officer who screens the body scan images will not see the passengers in person.

In light of the new costs, the GAO has suggested that TSA do a cost-benefit analysis comparing greater use of the new body scan machines against the current security screening, which includes pat-downs. The administration has not yet done such a cost-benefit comparison.

The TSA however, insists that the scanners are worthwhile. Asked to respond to the GAO’s critique, spokesman Greg Soule admitted in a statement that the machines are not a “silver bullet” but maintained that they “routinely” detect objects like the one Abdulmutallab carried.

“While there’s no silver bullet, this technology is very effective at detecting items passengers are intentionally concealing on their body,” he said. “We routinely find prohibited and illegal items on passengers, which illustrates our ability to detect items concealed under clothing – such as explosives.

“Advanced imaging technology safely screens passengers for metallic and nonmetallic threats including weapons, explosives and other objects concealed under layers of clothing without physical contact to help TSA keep the traveling public safe,” Soule said.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the source of the funding for the original wave of body scanners, was signed into law by President Obama in February 2009. Rossides has told Congress she will make sure TSA’s entire share of the $787 billion will be committed by the deadline at the end of 2010.
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:18 PM   #3
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Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred. Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on

The Video should speak plenty on it's own.
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Old 04-05-2010, 05:22 PM   #4
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‘Easter Bunny’ targets photo radar camera in Tempe
Tim Vetscher
April 5, 2010

TEMPE, AZ — The Easter bunny put in a lot of hard work here in the Valley over the past 24 hours.

In addition to his usual duties, he targeted photo radar cameras in Tempe.

The person behind the bunny costume managed to shut one of the cameras down for hours.

“I think it’s funny, the cameras are annoying,” said John Leonard of Tempe.

Jay Shelton of Bonner Springs, Kansas videotaped the prank and then uploaded it to YouTube
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Old 04-05-2010, 05:40 PM   #5
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I must say I'm glad you finally decided to keep everything in one thread.
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:10 AM   #6
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This is a good thing.
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:06 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Renatus View Post
I must say I'm glad you finally decided to keep everything in one thread.
Well to be honest this helps me avoid double posts of the same articles.
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Old 04-06-2010, 05:53 PM   #8
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Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality

Declan McCullagh
C Net News
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Federal Communications Commission does not have the legal authority to impose strict Net neutrality regulations on Internet providers, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

A three-judge panel in Washington, D.C. unanimously tossed out the FCC’s August 2008 cease and desist order against Comcast, which had taken measures to slow BitTorrent transfers and had voluntarily ended them earlier in the year.

Because the FCC “has failed to tie its assertion” of regulatory authority to any actual law enacted by Congress, the agency does not have the authority to regulate an Internet provider’s network management practices, wrote Judge David Tatel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Tuesday’s decision could doom one of the signature initiatives of current FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, a Democrat. Last October, Genachowski announced plans to begin drafting a formal set of Net neutrality rules — even though Congress has not given the agency permission to begin. (Verizon Communications CEO Ivan Seidenberg, for instance, has said that new regulations would stifle innovative technologies like telemedicine.)

Even though liberal advocacy groups had urged the FCC to take action against Comcast, the agency’s vote to proceed was a narrow 3-2, with the dissenting commissioners predicting at the time that it would not hold up in court. FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell, a Republican, said at the time that the FCC’s ruling was unlawful and the lack of legal authority “is sure to doom this order on appeal.”

The ruling also is likely to shift the debate to whether Congress will choose to explicitly grant the FCC the authority to regulate companies’ network management practices, and revive lobbying coalitions that have been defunct for the last few years.

Full story here...
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Old 04-07-2010, 04:20 AM   #9
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Dallas-based Narc Technologies Inc. Pays People to Rat Out Their Neighbors

April 6, 2010
Can you make money just by writing down the license plate numbers of cars in your neighborhood? It might sound like a game your older brother made up to keep you busy — but two aggressive start-up firms are telling consumers to do just that, and both are spreading the word quickly online. But how does it work?

One of the two, Dallas-based Narc Technologies Inc., offers a simple explanation. They want you to rat on your neighbors. The firm’s Web site,, is designed to collect license plate numbers and locations so lenders can more easily repossess cars when the owners default.

In other words, the firm wants consumers to become the repo man’s informant.

Its chief competitor, Data Network Affiliates, says it has no intention of getting into the business of repossession. It says it plans to use its database of license plate numbers to help find missing children through Amber Alerts. It also hopes to sell the data to other information-hungry marketing firms, and to turn its user base into a kind of buyer’s club....

Read entire article
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Old 04-08-2010, 01:50 PM   #10
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Old 04-10-2010, 02:50 PM   #11
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Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can’t do any more

Rich Trenholm
April 2010

The Digital Economy Bill has a number of clauses that, if taken to their logical extremes, could see some pretty horrible outcomes. It’s completed its whistle-stop tour of the legislative process, sprinting from Commons to Lords with barely a pause for breath before getting the nod from Her Maj. MPs decided to get the bill into law first and worry about the details later.

Until Ofcom hammers out the mechanics of the processes outlined in the bill, it’s impossible to say how we’ll be affected. We take a look at some of the worst-case scenarios.
Watch copyrighted content

No shizzle, Sherlock. Accessing copyrighted movies and music is illegal already, but with just a minimal amount of know-how it’s easier than falling off a slippery log in the rainy season. The bill aims to make it more difficult to access copyrighted content, by blocking Web sites built around sharing such material. From the other side, the bill creates sanctions that can be applied to you, the user, should you be caught with your fingers in the copyright cookie jar.
Download from us is part of the big happy CNET family. Among the available software are peer-to-peer file-sharing tools. The bill specifically states that Web sites such as can be blocked if they’re providing tools that infringe copyright.
Use Napster

In the same clause, the bill targets sites that have infringed copyright in the past. That theoretically includes sites such as Napster, which have cleaned up their act since their early days under the Jolly Roger of copyright piracy. This may overturn the recently set legal precedent in which a high court judge ruled against a blanket ban of Usenet-indexing Web site Newzbin.
Use WikiLeaks

But most worrying is that the same clause also specifically allows for blocking sites deemed ‘likely to’ infringe copyright. We don’t yet know how the government will divine whether a site is ‘likely to’ do anything, unless Ofcom is going to start employing soothsayers. There’s also a clause relating to national security, which could see legal restrictions on material ‘they’ don’t want us to see. This may even extend to gagging sites that currently do a bang-up job of making a mockery of ’super-injunctions’.

Full article here...

(For some reason I couldn't go to the original article for this...the site is

Anyone from around that way care to comment on what's going down across the pond?
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Old 04-12-2010, 11:34 AM   #12
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Afghan fury after Nato troops open fire on bus full of civilians, killing four people

Mail Online
April 12, 2010

International troops opened fire on a bus carrying Afghan civilians today, killing four people and setting off anti-American protests by furious locals.

Witnesses said the bus, which was travelling in Kandahar province’s Zhari district, had pulled over to allow an American convoy to pass when gunfire broke out.

The shooting left another 18 people wounded, 12 of whom were taken to a military hospital.

Nato said it was investigating the incident and would not reveal the nationality of the troops involved...

Read the full story here.
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:01 PM   #13
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:09 PM   #14
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Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

Will establishment media take the bait as anarchists pose as racists and extremist right wingers?

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 12, 2010

With the establishment desperate to engender and exploit violence which will be used to demonize the Tea Party movement as an extremist mob, so-called anarchists are now openly declaring their intentions to pose as Tea Party members and stage violence in order to discredit populist grass roots organizations.

As we warned last week, leading anarchist groups have announced that they plan to “crash” the nationwide Tea Party protests on April 15, a promise that should not be taken lightly given the proven history of such organizations being infiltrated and steered by authorities to provocateur pointless mayhem and violence that serves as a justification for oppressing peaceful protest groups.

Now a new website called has appeared to act as a forum through which such activity can be planned. The website openly states its mission is to have people infiltrate and pose as Tea Party members and then carry out shameful acts in order to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party. The website is registered to a man named Josh Levin.

“Whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them. We will also use the inside information that we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans,” states the website.

“In other words, some on the Left in American politics are running a KGB-like “false flag” operation to discredit the Tea Party,” writes the Washington Examiner’s Josh Tapscott. “They couldn’t sell the transparently nonsensical idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Crash the Party agents on the Left are infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons.”

“It’s among the most illustrative expressions ever of the thirst on the Left to suppress dissent by whatever means are necessary,” he adds.

Given the virulent hatred for free speech such groups embrace, it’s unsurprising that merely staging a counter-demonstration is not good enough for them – they have to impersonate and undermine their political opposition in a completely underhanded and immature fashion...
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:10 PM   #15
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Despite the fact that the website preaches non-violence, several of the posts appear to be from anarchists posing as Tea Party members and threatening violence. One such post entitled, “Tea Party Members, Step Aside Or Be Violently Put Aside,” written by “The Invisible Tea Party,” advocates violent overthrow of the government and plays precisely into the hands of the establishment’s recent drive to characterize any opposition whatsoever to the federal government as potentially violent.

“If the facade of the Tea Party Movement does not step aside…well…they will have to be forced aside at their rallies and on their websites and if they are forced…it will not be peaceful,” states the post.

Respondents to the post call out the originator as an anarchist posing as a Tea Party member, advocating violence as a means of discrediting the Tea Party.

“I think your full of crap Febbs, before the swarm of tea party patriots you were collaborating with the web-master “The mad hatter,” writes one.

Other anarchists posing as Tea Party members openly spout racism in an attempt to fulfil the need to portray the Tea Party movement as “racists, homophobes and morons”.

“We need to bring some colored nigeros to the next tea party so we don’t appear to be racists. We have to bring some tame ones, not the wild street apes with gold teeth and saggy pants,” writes one poster.

The rest of the forum appears to have been completely overrun by real Tea Party members who have taken delight in turning the whole thing into a farce by challenging the provocateurs to real debates, something which anarchists tend to shy away from when they’re not pointlessly shattering windows at the local downtown McDonalds.

The Washington Examiner’s Josh Tapscott labels the whole effort, “Saul Alinsky on steroids”.

As Tapscott rightly points out, the success of the “crash the Tea Party” scam will depend upon whether the mainstream media takes the bait, which is almost a certainty considering how the press wholesale manufactured the alleged Emmanuel Cleaver “racist spitting” farce, which as videos of the incident later proved, amounted to nothing more than an old man yelling.

“It’s a classic KGB-style disinformation campaign. Will mainstream media editors and reporters be fooled? Will they know it when they are being scammed by Crash the Party? Will they expose Crash the Party operatives or cooperate with them in their effort to misrepresent millions of Americans?” concludes Tapscott.
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:15 PM   #16
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Old 04-12-2010, 06:21 PM   #17
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Ron Paul On The State Of The GOP (Video Link)

April 12, 2010

Rep. Ron Paul talks to CNN about the Republican Party, the Tea Party movement and his philosophies.
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Old 04-13-2010, 08:45 AM   #18
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Old 04-13-2010, 01:28 PM   #19
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Nazi Police KILL 9/11 TRUTH Free Speech (Video Link)

We Are Change San Antonio
April 13, 2010

Alamo Park Police encounter, Alamo Park Police literally make up laws and rules to stop us from handing out “FREE DVDS” on our 9/11 Truth, 11th of the month, street action.
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Old 04-13-2010, 04:08 PM   #20
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Unprovoked Cops Viciously Beat Student Then Charge Him With Assault (Video Link)

Video exonerates innocent victim and initiates criminal charges against police

Steve Watson
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Charges against a Maryland student were dropped yesterday after video was released showing three unprovoked police officers violently beating him to the ground with batons following a basketball game last month.

As the video reveals, John McKenna, 21, was celebrating a Maryland basketball victory on the evening of March 3rd.

As the student walks down the street close to the university’s College Park campus, he is seen waving his arms and dancing jovially. He then slows, stops and backs away upon seeing several horse mounted police ahead of him
McKenna is then set upon and viciously slammed against a brick wall by dismounted officers in riot gear, who pummel him with batons, knocking him unconsciousaccording to his lawyer.

As a hefty officer takes a run up and delivers a forceful blow to the legs, McKenna, somehow still standing, is hacked to the ground.

The cops then continue to beat McKenna in the head and body around a dozen times in total as he lays crumpled and motionless, neither resisting nor able to defend himself.

Watch the video: .....
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Old 04-13-2010, 07:57 PM   #21
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The Income Tax and American Servitude

Jacob Hornberger
Campaign For Liberty
April 13, 2010

With April 15 almost upon us, this would be a good time to remind ourselves of how the income tax contributed to the destruction of American liberty.

We should first keep in mind that with the exception of the Civil War, the American people lived without an income tax from the beginning of the United States until 1913, when the 16th Amendment was adopted.

This was not an accident. Americans living during that period of time understood that freedom and an income tax were contradictory notions. If people wanted to live in a free society, it would have to be a society in which government was prohibited from levying taxes on income. Conversely, if people wanted to live in a society in which government is taxing income, then the price they pay is the loss of freedom.

In an income-tax free society, everyone is free to keep the fruits of his earnings. He keeps everything he earns. He is free to accumulate unlimited amounts of wealth. He is free to do whatever he wants with his own money.

And there is nothing the government can do about it because the government is prohibited from taking any portion of a person’s income from him.

There is no IRS. There are no income-tax returns. There are no deductions to keep track of. There is no need to keep records.

There is no withholding tax.

Again, everyone simply keeps everything he earns and decides for himself how to spend it, invest it, donate it, or otherwise dispose of it.

This is what Americans once believed was an absolute prerequisite to a free society. That’s why Americans lived without an income tax for more than 100 years.

Everything changed in 1913, when socialist ideas were being imported from Europe into the United States. That was the watershed year, the year that brought into existence what would become the twin jugular veins for the welfare state and warfare state — the income tax and the Federal Reserve System.

From that date forward and continuing through today, Americans would be coerced, on pain of fine and imprisonment, into sending some governmentally imposed percentage of their income to the IRS.

The magnitude of that change cannot be overstated, for it actually inverted the historical relationship between the American people and the federal government.

Prior to the enactment of the income tax, the relationship between the citizen and the government was one of master and servant. The citizen, who was free to accumulate unlimited amounts of wealth, was sovereign because there was nothing the government could do to interfere with that process. The government was the servant.

The nature of that relationship fundamentally changed in 1913. With the enactment of the income tax, the citizen became the servant and the federal government becoming his master.

How was this so? The income tax effectively nationalized people’s income, in that it placed everyone’s income at the disposal of the government. While before, government lacked the power to take any portion of people’s income, now it wielded the power to take any or all of their income. It all depended on the specific percentage that the government required people to send to the IRS.

Sometimes the government is nice and sets a lower percentage. Sometimes it’s not so nice and sets a higher percentage. But what matters with respect to freedom is not the particular percentage that is set but rather the fact that the government has the power to set the percentage. By having that power, the amount of income that the government permits people to keep effectively becomes akin to an allowance that a parent permits his children to have.

As April 15 rolls around once again, let us remind ourselves what Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence: that everyone has been endowed with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property. For more than 100 years, Americans understood that such natural, God-given rights encompassed the right to accumulate unlimited amounts of wealth and the right to decide what to do with that wealth.

Too bad 20th-century Americans consigned themselves and their successors to a life of subservience and servitude by abandoning the income-tax-free heritage of their ancestors and making the income tax a permanent feature of American life.
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Old 04-13-2010, 08:09 PM   #22
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Did The Fed Just (Surreptitiously) Bail Out Europe?

No, not just Greece – all of Europe. Without Congressional authorization or notice, of course.

Hattip to a nice emailer….

Did The Fed Just (Surreptitiously) Bail Out Europe? TOTLL Max 630 378.serendipityThumb

Or if you prefer it on a one-year time scale…

Did The Fed Just (Surreptitiously) Bail Out Europe? totll 1 year.serendipityThumb

That nice little vertical line is a gain of $421.8 billion dollars of outstanding loans and leases in one week’s time.


You won’t find anything like that in the records – because it’s never happened before. That’s beyond unprecedented, it’s ridiculous, and assuming it’s also accurate, someone has some ’splaining to do on what clearly appears to be some sort of back-door game being run.

Update: It has been suggested that this may be related to the FASB changes and securitized loans coming back on the balance sheet. If so, where’s the alleged memorandum items on the other side and the footnote on FRED? The latter is missing, but the necessary data on FRED to confirm that is not yet updated.

Nonetheless, if this is the case, it’s still bad (just not catastrophic) as this will directly hit capital ratios. Or, put another way, where’s the additional capital that “should” be there to support what is now on balance sheet and was previously off (never mind that it was crooked as hell to have it off in the first place!)
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:08 AM   #23
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We blundered over swine flu, admit health chiefs

Mail Online
April 12, 2010

Global health chiefs have finally admitted that they may have overreacted to the swine flu ‘pandemic’ – landing governments with millions of unused vaccines.

The World Health Organisation has conceded that it may have been guilty of failing to communicate ‘uncertainties’ about how virulent the new virus was.

Critics say the UN agency was too quick to designate the influenza a pandemic in June after it spread from Mexico.

Keiji Fukuda, its top influenza expert, yesterday admitted a six-phase system for declaring this was confusing and the bug was not actually as deadly as bird flu...

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Old 04-14-2010, 04:42 PM   #24
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CFR, Trilateral Commission Member to Replace Poland’s Kaczynski?

Kurt Nimmo
April 14, 2010

BusinessWeek reported yesterday that Andrzej Olechowski will enter a presidential race in Poland to replace Lech Kaczynski.

“The Polish Peasants’ Party, the junior partner in the governing coalition, will probably nominate its leader, Economy Minister Waldemar Pawlak, and Andrzej Olechowski, a former foreign minister and finance minister, will run as an independent,” it is reported.

Odds on Andrzej Olechowski. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. He was also an economist for the World Bank.

He also appears to work closely with the banksters: Olechowski sat on the supervisory boards of a number of European banks and corporations. Most notably he was on the advisory board of Goldman Sachs (see this biography on Olechowski’s personal home page; in Polish).

I am not saying Lech Kaczynski was killed in order for a one-worlder to take his place. I am saying that it is an opportunity for another bankster minion to rule a country that seemed to be at odds with the European Union and the one-world project.
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Old 04-14-2010, 04:46 PM   #25
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