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Old 06-09-2010, 01:29 AM   #1
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Mexico anger high as US Border Patrol kills teen


CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – Mexicans are seething over the second death of a countryman at the hands of U.S. Border Patrol agents in two weeks, an incident near downtown El Paso that is threatening to escalate tensions over migrant issues.

U.S. authorities said Tuesday a Border Patrol agent was defending himself and colleagues when he fatally shot the 15-year-old as officers came under a barrage of big stones while trying to detain illegal immigrants on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande.

About 30 relatives and friends gathered late Tuesday to mourn Sergio Adrian Hernandez Huereka, whose shooting Monday evening came along the border with Texas. He died on the Mexican side of the river.

"Damn them! Damn them!" sobbed Rosario Hernandez, sister of the dead teenager, at a wake in the family's two-room adobe house on the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez.

Preliminary reports on the incident indicated that U.S. officers on bicycle patrol "were assaulted with rocks by an unknown number of people," Border Patrol Special Operations Supervisor Ramiro Cordero said Tuesday.

"During the assault at least one agent discharged his firearm," he said. "The agent is currently on administrative leave. A thorough, multi-agency investigation is currently ongoing."

The shooting happened beneath a railroad bridge linking the two nations, and late Tuesday night a banner appeared on the bridge that said in English: "U.S. Border Patrol we worry about the violence in Mex and murders and now you. Viva Mexico!"

Less than two weeks ago, Mexican migrant Anastasio Hernandez, 32, died after a Customs and Border Protection officer shocked him with a stun gun at the San Ysidro border crossing that separates San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. The San Diego medical examiner's office ruled that death a homicide.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon said Tuesday that his government "will use all resources available to protect the rights of Mexican migrants."

The government "reiterates its rejection to the disproportionate use of force on the part on U.S. authorities on the border with Mexico," the president added in a statement.

On an unpaved street, gathered around Hernandez's gray metal casket, the teen's family called for justice.

"There is a God, so why would I want vengeance if no one will return him to me. They killed my little boy and the only thing I ask is for the law" to be applied, said the boy's father, Jesus Hernandez.

His mother was less hopeful. "May God forgive them because I know nothing will happen" to them, Maria Guadalupe Huereka said.

Above the casket was a photo of the youth wearing his soccer uniform and his junior high school grade cards, which showed A's and B's.

His mother said he was a good student who never got in trouble. He was the youngest of five children, played on two soccer teams and had just finished junior high school, she said.

The case took a testy turn when U.S. and Mexican officials traded suggestions of misconduct in the incident.

Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state Attorney General's office, said a spent .40-caliber shell casing was found near the body — raising the question of whether the fatal shot was fired inside Mexico, although he did not explicitly make that allegation. That would violate the rules for Border Patrol agents, who are supposed to stay on the U.S. side of the border.

A U.S. official, meanwhile, said video shows the Border Patrol agent did not enter Mexico.

The official, who agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name, said the video also shows what seem to be four Mexican law enforcement officers driving to the edge of the dry but muddy bed of the Rio Grande, walking across to the U.S. side, picking up an undetermined object and returning to Mexico near the area where the boy's body was. Like their U.S. counterparts, Mexican law officers are not authorized to cross the border without permission.

According to the FBI, Border Patrol agents were responding to a group of suspected illegal immigrants being smuggled into the U.S. near the Paso Del Norte bridge, across from Ciudad Juarez around 6:30 p.m. Monday.

One suspected illegal immigrant was detained on the levee on the U.S. side, the FBI said in a statement. Another Border Patrol agent arrived on the concrete bank where the now-dry, 33-foot (10-meter) wide Rio Grande is, and detained a second person. Other suspects ran back into Mexico and began throwing rocks, the FBI said.

At least one rock came from behind the agent, who was kneeling beside a suspected illegal immigrant whom he had prone on the ground, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said.

The agent told the rock throwers to stop and back off, but they continued. The agent fired his weapon several times, hitting one who later died, said the FBI, which is leading the investigation because it involved an assault on a federal officer. The agent was not injured, Simmons said.

Chihuahua state officials released a statement demanding a full investigation into the death.

The boy was shot once near the eye, Sandoval said. Authorities were still investigating the bullet's trajectory, he said.

Sandoval said he couldn't comment on the video reported by the U.S. official because he didn't know anything about it. "I am unaware about those hypotheses," he said.

Sandoval said Mexican investigators were questioning three teenagers who were with the victim at the time of the shooting.

The boy's sister, Rosario, told Associated Press Television News that her brother was playing with several friends and did not plan to cross the border.

"They say that they started firing from over there and suddenly hit him in the head," she said.

The boy's mother said he had gone to eat with his brother, who handles luggage at a border customs office. While there, he met up with a group of friends and they decided to hang out by the river, she said.

"That was his mistake, to have gone to the river," she said in an interview with Mexico's Milenio TV. "That's why they killed him."

Mexico's Foreign Relations Department said its records indicate the number of Mexicans killed or wounded by U.S. immigration authorities rose from five in 2008 to 12 in 2009 to 17 so far this year, which is not half over.

T.J. Bonner, president of the union representing Border Patrol agents, said rock throwing aimed at Border Patrol agents is common and capable of causing serious injury.

"It is a deadly force encounter, one that justifies the use of deadly force," Bonner said.
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Old 06-09-2010, 01:32 AM   #2
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If you look at the link there and the thousand of comments posted, one has to wonder about these people. I mean, the majority of people there support this murder.

I guess the question one has to ask - if this were a child in school living in middle America, would the views on this be different?
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Old 06-09-2010, 01:51 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
If you look at the link there and the thousand of comments posted, one has to wonder about these people. I mean, the majority of people there support this murder.

I guess the question one has to ask - if this were a child in school living in middle America, would the views on this be different?
What about Mexico's Border Patrol killing,r@ping,robbing,and then maybe Imprisoning or Deporting School aged or Teenage Illegal Immigrants?

Or do they get a pass for doing the same thing?
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Old 06-09-2010, 02:04 AM   #4
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Besides a rock upside the head today is still as dangerous as it was in caveman times.
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Old 06-09-2010, 07:05 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking_05 View Post
What about Mexico's Border Patrol killing,r@ping,robbing,and then maybe Imprisoning or Deporting School aged or Teenage Illegal Immigrants?

Or do they get a pass for doing the same thing?

>.> thats the reason that 15 year old was "escaping" from his own goverment.
just to be be shot dead.

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Old 06-09-2010, 07:43 PM   #6
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On the one hand shooting someone for no reason is wrong, on the other if you are throwing rocks at people that you know are carrying and you are told to stop then you stop (or just don't do something that fucking stupid to begin with). Whether the boarder patrolman was in the right or wrong really depends on what actually happened and it seems like there are very different stories based on who you talk to so anyone who make a judgment without any investigation is either an idiot or just using this event as an excuse to try and push their own sociopolitical ideology.
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Old 06-09-2010, 07:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by d0p3y View Post
>.> thats the reason that 15 year old was "escaping" from his own goverment.
just to be be shot dead.

Hunger knows no color, Pain Knows no color, Death knows no color.
Ever stop and think if the little dumb ass had guts enough to throw rocks at our guys on OUR side of the border...he and his pals could have surely cold cocked one of the members of the oppressive groups in Mexico,and started arming up with battlefield pick ups?

No I guess that thought never crossed your mind once did it?!?
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Old 06-09-2010, 07:52 PM   #8
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If they can do this shit to our Border Patrol Agents...they can to the same fucking thing to the Drug Cartel Members.
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:40 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
On the one hand shooting someone for no reason is wrong, on the other if you are throwing rocks at people that you know are carrying and you are told to stop then you stop (or just don't do something that fucking stupid to begin with). Whether the boarder patrolman was in the right or wrong really depends on what actually happened and it seems like there are very different stories based on who you talk to so anyone who make a judgment without any investigation is either an idiot or just using this event as an excuse to try and push their own sociopolitical ideology.
The kid died on the Mexican side of the river. The autopsy today said that he must have been shot from less than twenty feet (or meters? I don't remember but the river is wider than that). This means that not only did the cop pursue the kid, but he also illegally crossed the border to the Mexican side and shot a running child.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
The kid died on the Mexican side of the river. The autopsy today said that he must have been shot from less than twenty feet (or meters? I don't remember but the river is wider than that). This means that not only did the cop pursue the kid, but he also illegally crossed the border to the Mexican side and shot a running child.
And The Mexican Officers mentioned weren't tampering with evidence from the U.S. Side of the border,and the casing mysteriously appeared on the Mexican side with the body...Hmmm and aren't Mexico's Officers known to be corrupt as all hell?

I wonder who is telling the truth on this one?
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:35 PM   #11
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Again, people seem to be missing the big picture.

If this were Iowa, and the kids were throwing stones over a river at cops, and a cop guns down a high school student (soccer player, good grades, etc.), do you think as many people supporting it?

Shooting a kid for throwing stones and calling it justified is wrong. This is even more emphasized when you cannot support the same action by police in your own community. In fact, if you cannot support police in your own community acting in this manner, then it also smacks of racism.

Next time you read 'police kill high school student who was seen holding a stone' in your neighborhood and you don't respond the same way as you do to this incident, then you have to ask yerself, why?
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
Again, people seem to be missing the big picture.

If this were Iowa, and the kids were throwing stones over a river at cops, and a cop guns down a high school student (soccer player, good grades, etc.), do you think as many people supporting it?

Shooting a kid for throwing stones and calling it justified is wrong. This is even more emphasized when you cannot support the same action by police in your own community. In fact, if you cannot support police in your own community acting in this manner, then it also smacks of racism.

Next time you read 'police kill high school student who was seen holding a stone' in your neighborhood and you don't respond the same way as you do to this incident, then you have to ask yerself, why?
I would react the same way if an American born kid was throwing rocks at Mexican Border Patrol (Again though Mexican B.P. Is known for being very fucking corrupt).

Getting busted upside the head with a rock can still be pretty fucking lethal.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:51 PM   #13
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I didn't say anything about Mexico. We are talking about law enforcement here, so nationalities do no come into play.

Either you support police shooting kids for throwing stones, or you do not. The fact you have avoided the question directly and attempted to throw in race and nationality as a factor seems a bit telling.
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Old 06-09-2010, 11:57 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
I didn't say anything about Mexico. We are talking about law enforcement here, so nationalities do no come into play.

Either you support police shooting kids for throwing stones, or you do not. The fact you have avoided the question directly and attempted to throw in race and nationality as a factor seems a bit telling.
You're really desperate at this point aren't you?

Where did I mention Race?

Looks like Darwin wins again is what I'm saying.

What are you trying to say?


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Old 06-10-2010, 12:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
I didn't say anything about Mexico. We are talking about law enforcement here, so nationalities do no come into play.

Either you support police shooting kids for throwing stones, or you do not. The fact you have avoided the question directly and attempted to throw in race and nationality as a factor seems a bit telling.
You said,
Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
I guess the question one has to ask - if this were a child in school living in middle America, would the views on this be different?
You also suggested that having different reactions to such a scenario "smacks of racism."


To answer your question, yes, I do support law enforcement agents defending themselves when assaulted. You want to avoid the idea that a thrown rock (more correctly, a number of thrown rocks) can prove lethal. But this does not change the fact law enforcement agents, when assaulted (and it doesn't matter what is used to assault them), have the right to protect themselves.

It also doesn't change the fact that if the situations were reversed, if it was American kids entering Mexico, assaulting Mexican officers, and being killed for it, that you'd be singing a different tune.
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Old 06-10-2010, 12:14 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
The kid died on the Mexican side of the river. The autopsy today said that he must have been shot from less than twenty feet (or meters? I don't remember but the river is wider than that). This means that not only did the cop pursue the kid, but he also illegally crossed the border to the Mexican side and shot a running child.
There is also supposedly video footage of the event that shows the cop not crossing the border. Clearly there is contradicting evidence and some of it is bullshit but there is no telling which side (if not both) is twisting the truth.
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Old 06-10-2010, 06:22 PM   #17
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Here's a video of what hapened.

The cop shot the kid from his side of the border, but only after illegally crossing to our side to detain them.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
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Old 06-10-2010, 06:30 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Here's a video of what hapened.

The cop shot the kid from his side of the border, but only after illegally crossing to our side to detain them.
After The Kid in the video was throwing rocks at the Officer(s) and did so repeatedly when given a verbal command to stop throwing the rocks.
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Old 06-10-2010, 06:58 PM   #19
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The video does not show a Border Patrol agent crossing the border. The video showed where the deepest part of the river is (it's still wet), and the agent didn't get that far. (The international border lies at the mid-point of the deepest part of the river from the Gulf of Mexico to a bit west of El Paso/Ciudad Juarez.) It also showed the agent holding his gun up for a considerable amount of time before firing, which indicates either that he was debating for some time whether or not to shoot, or was being provoked. The video does not show anyone throwing rocks, but it is focused on the agents, and doesn't pan over to where the Mexican civilians were until after the shot was fired.
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Old 06-10-2010, 07:03 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Beneath the Shadows View Post
The video does not show a Border Patrol agent crossing the border. The video showed where the deepest part of the river is (it's still wet), and the agent didn't get that far. (The international border lies at the mid-point of the deepest part of the river from the Gulf of Mexico to a bit west of El Paso/Ciudad Juarez.) It also showed the agent holding his gun up for a considerable amount of time before firing, which indicates either that he was debating for some time whether or not to shoot, or was being provoked. The video does not show anyone throwing rocks, but it is focused on the agents, and doesn't pan over to where the Mexican civilians were until after the shot was fired.
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Old 06-10-2010, 08:08 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Beneath the Shadows View Post
The video does not show a Border Patrol agent crossing the border. The video showed where the deepest part of the river is (it's still wet), and the agent didn't get that far. (The international border lies at the mid-point of the deepest part of the river from the Gulf of Mexico to a bit west of El Paso/Ciudad Juarez.) It also showed the agent holding his gun up for a considerable amount of time before firing, which indicates either that he was debating for some time whether or not to shoot, or was being provoked. The video does not show anyone throwing rocks, but it is focused on the agents, and doesn't pan over to where the Mexican civilians were until after the shot was fired.
Dude, what video did you see? He wasn't "debating for some time whether or not to shoot." He was dragging a kid on the ground while telling the others to fuck off. When the kid he had detained escaped he fired two shots in the air and one aimed at them.
Also, you are right in that the video doesn't show the cop on the Mexican side; the kid was apprehended on the American side after all - el diario reported it as such ("La escena permite ver cómo el elemento apunta con algo a dos personas y atrapa a una de ellas en territorio de Estados Unidos, mientras que los otros corren y salen de la imagen."), but there's more to this in a minute. What I want to point out is why the fuck are you trying to rationalize in defense of a cop who so clearly had no legitimate right of self defense out of this one point you're right?

Now, back to the issue of the cops crossing the border; shortly after the kid was shot, the Mexican Feds came to the scene, and drew their guns at the American cops when they saw the cops trying to cross the river
A relative of the dead boy who had been playing with him told the AP that the Mexicans — who he described as federal police, not soldiers — pointed their guns only when the Americans waded into the mud in an apparent attempt to cross into Mexico.

The Mexican authorities accused the Americans of trying to recover evidence from Mexican soil and threatened to kill them if they crossed the border, prompting both sides to draw their guns, said the 16-year-old boy who asked not to be further identified for fear of reprisal.

You are also seemingly ignoring the context of the situation, with another Mexican having been shot two weeks ago, and seventeen deaths from Mexicans escaping this year already.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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Old 06-10-2010, 09:21 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Dude, what video did you see? He wasn't "debating for some time whether or not to shoot." He was dragging a kid on the ground while telling the others to fuck off. When the kid he had detained escaped he fired two shots in the air and one aimed at them.
Also, you are right in that the video doesn't show the cop on the Mexican side; the kid was apprehended on the American side after all - el diario reported it as such ("La escena permite ver cómo el elemento apunta con algo a dos personas y atrapa a una de ellas en territorio de Estados Unidos, mientras que los otros corren y salen de la imagen."), but there's more to this in a minute. What I want to point out is why the fuck are you trying to rationalize in defense of a cop who so clearly had no legitimate right of self defense out of this one point you're right?

Now, back to the issue of the cops crossing the border; shortly after the kid was shot, the Mexican Feds came to the scene, and drew their guns at the American cops when they saw the cops trying to cross the river

You are also seemingly ignoring the context of the situation, with another Mexican having been shot two weeks ago, and seventeen deaths from Mexicans escaping this year already.
How many Border Patrol Agents on the U.S. Side have been shot at,or had rocks thrown at them by illegal immigrants and Drug Cartel Members,never mind the times the Mexican Military has flown over and put guns in the faces of U.S. Cops on the American side of the border after a drug catch over the past few years alone?

What about the Illegals from Mexico's Southern Border being killed by Mexico's B.P.?

What about that?



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Old 06-10-2010, 09:32 PM   #23
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What About Mexico's President coming up here and trying to tell us WHAT to do in OUR COUNTRY?



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Old 06-10-2010, 09:32 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Dude, what video did you see?
The one in the article you linked to.

He wasn't "debating for some time whether or not to shoot."
I didn't say that that's what he was doing. I was pointing out that the video doesn't make it clear why he had his gun raised for the period of time. He could have been debating. He could have been issuing warnings.

He was dragging a kid on the ground
He was restraining an individual who was trying to escape.

while telling the others to fuck off.
The officer was too far away to know what he said. Or are you mixing what was said in news reports with what we saw in the video?

When the kid he had detained escaped
That one never got away. The two he tried to cut off at the beginning did.

he fired two shots in the air and one aimed at them.
I didn't hear three shots. Only one. I also didn't see him at any time with his gun pointed straight up into the air.

What I want to point out is why the fuck are you trying to rationalize in defense of a cop who so clearly had no legitimate right of self defense out of this one point you're right?
What rationalization are you referring to? Because I've made none.

Now, back to the issue of the cops crossing the border; shortly after the kid was shot, the Mexican Feds came to the scene, and drew their guns at the American cops when they saw the cops trying to cross the river
One kid, who was a relative of the boy who was killed, who has also been harassing American agents, claims that Americans tried crossing the border, and you don't think that there's any way that he's a biased witness?

Has the Mexican authorities released a statement yet?

Additionally, how is it that the American agents had to wade through the mud, but the Mexican nationals were able to run across it?

You are also seemingly ignoring the context of the situation, with another Mexican having been shot two weeks ago, and seventeen deaths from Mexicans escaping this year already.
All that article says is that deaths of Mexicans at the hands of Border Patrol agents is on the rise. It doesn't even speculate as to why. So if you're going to suggest that the "context" is that Border Patrol agents are getting rougher, I can easily say that the context is that Mexican nationals are developing an even greater disregard for American laws.
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Old 06-11-2010, 04:45 AM   #25
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So the U.S. Border patrol still employs cunts. Meh.
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