I visit Gothic.net very, very rarely, and post to this blog even less.
If you want to check out my more recent meanderings, head over to [url]http://ladytam.com[/url] .
If you want to check out my more recent meanderings, head over to [url]http://ladytam.com[/url] .
Posted 03-24-2013 at 10:39 PM by Tam Li Hua
Have you ever noticed how every community site needs a place for blogs these days? DeviantART, Gothic.net, Vampirefreaks, Gaia Online, Yahoo!...
How many blogs does the Internet think I need? Silly Internetz, with all your blogeraries....
~Lady Tam~
How many blogs does the Internet think I need? Silly Internetz, with all your blogeraries....
~Lady Tam~
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