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A Staple in Time Saves Nine Fish.

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Posted 04-09-2009 at 08:27 AM by Tam Li Hua
Updated 04-09-2009 at 06:44 PM by Tam Li Hua (added to personal category.)

I'm having the staples taken out today. Woo!!

The hubby and I have endeavored to keep them clean, and the wounds themselves no longer bother me, except for the one right below and a little inside of the belly button. It makes it a little awkward in trying to figure out what to wear, because anything too itchy or too tight irritates the bloody hell out of the area.

That being said, I will still have 3 weeks after today before I can eat red meat or dairy again. :/ It sucks a little because I enjoy having cereal in the morning before work, and like having some beef or pork now and again.

Plus, I'm not a big fan of frozen fish. Chicken is okay, but it gets [i]intensely[/i] boring after a while. If I lived at the Coast, then this wouldn't be a problem; I could just go out and catch my own fish!

*drools* Dudes and dudettes, there's -nothing- like fresh fish straight out of the river/gulf/ocean/etc.!!! Ooooooh, [i]so[/i] tasty!!!

Perhaps I'll grab some "fresh" fish from the grocery store later, and cook it up. I just wish it wasn't so dang-blasted expensive. -_-;;;

~Lady Tam~
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  1. Old Comment
    First of all, what staples? Then, I'll comment on the rest.
    Posted 04-09-2009 at 10:43 AM by Mir Mir is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Tam Li Hua's Avatar
    Mir: *This is a little graphic, [and perhaps TMI], but it's the only way I can explain it. Just thought I'd warn you before you started reading.*


    The surgeon used staples instead of stitches to close up the holes they made to get the gall bladder out. There were four holes in all, and I'm not sure how many staples in all.

    The surgeon said that they also stitched up some of my muscles internally with regular stitches, and that I have to take it easy so that the muscles can heal back together and...stuff.

    ~Lady Tam~
    Posted 04-09-2009 at 06:42 PM by Tam Li Hua Tam Li Hua is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Man In Room 5's Avatar
    Wow. I guess I'm not keeping up on the whole Gnet blogosphere because I didn't even know you had the surgery already. Staples have pretty much replaced stitches tho. My ex wife had her appendix removed in the late 90s and they used staples then. I always thought staples were a cheap, lazy way for the doctor to avoid sewing stitches but I guess they work well enough.
    Posted 04-10-2009 at 04:19 AM by Man In Room 5 Man In Room 5 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Tam Li Hua's Avatar
    I've had stitches before, but honestly, I think that the staples work better to keep the skin together while it heals. =)

    Btw, that's a snazzy new icon! Skeleton men FTW!!
    Posted 04-13-2009 at 12:44 PM by Tam Li Hua Tam Li Hua is offline

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