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Surgeon Time!

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Posted 03-26-2009 at 06:57 AM by Tam Li Hua

I get to go talk to the surgeon today about getting this thing out of me.

I have to admit, I'm a little scared. I've never had surgery before, and the idea of being put to sleep while someone messes around with my innards is a little bit unnerving. When I had my wisdom teeth out, I wasn't completely knocked out. [I think I had the gas..? I dunno. That was an entire lifetime ago.]

It also doesn't help that hospitals in general creep me out. Don't get me wrong; I'm well aware of their necessity, and am VERY grateful for modern medicine! I'm doubly glad that I live in an age where something -can- be done about gall stones. But I can't help but feel a little weirded out regardless.

Still, it's worth going through all that in order not to be in pain any longer and to be able to eat like a normal person without a mysterious organ in my side clinching up and throwing bile up my throat. Ick!

I'm glad that my Beloved's going to try and come with me today; I hate hate HATE doing these things alone! *clings to hubby*

~Lady Tam~
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