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Old 09-28-2004, 06:07 PM   #1276
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waiting.....and thinking......and dreaming......

always dreaming.....

"it shouldn't be hard for you to seek out the truths in the soul of us. they are right there in plain sight."
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 09-30-2004, 09:50 PM   #1277
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so what's with the rash of locked threads?
I read a few of them and I understand why they are locked... but why were so many of them posted at once?
You know what, I'm really sick right now... im so light headed I don't know how I'm even going to get to bed so I'm not staying up long... I just wanted to say WTF
I'm really starting to consider the idea of giving EPS a key to the dark room under my stairs.....
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 09-30-2004, 10:05 PM   #1278
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I'm starving... but there's nothing here that I like... unless my dad went to the bakery when he was getting ice. I'll have to check on that.

The cyst in my lip isn't as sore as it has been lately, which is nice. I think it might be getting smaller too. A shrinking cyst + getting off the braces soon = no more freakish lips.

I'm going to start on my screenplay soon I think. It's for my best short story yet, "Iron Chef Underworld." It won first place for the Young Writers Competition at the Maui Writers Conference (big-ass deal), and everyone there was telling me that I really need to expand it into a screenplay, because "it's the next Shrek!"

Yeah, um, whatever. Oh well. A screenplay might be fun to wirte.
k is for kate.
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Old 10-01-2004, 06:49 AM   #1279
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at the molment i'm trying to decide which guy i wanna ask out between 2, guy a is attrative and goth guy b is a skater and i know him better. then i have the problem of not knowing exactly how to ask either guy out because ive never asked someone out before they usally ask me. so any info would be greatly appericated.
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Old 10-01-2004, 01:09 PM   #1280
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Originally Posted by Daz
so what's with the rash of locked threads?
I read a few of them and I understand why they are locked... but why were so many of them posted at once?
You know what, I'm really sick right now... im so light headed I don't know how I'm even going to get to bed so I'm not staying up long... I just wanted to say WTF
I'm really starting to consider the idea of giving EPS a key to the dark room under my stairs.....
Some silly psycho masquerading as another silly psycho went on a thread ramapage last week.

She was banned once, came back with Split Personality #2 and fooled us all for awhile and has been rebanned again..

If your really bored read this for mroe info:


Make me a copy of that key when you get a chance. There are some serious fucktards that need some major quiet time in your dark little room under the stairs.


Hope your feeling better soon Sweets..
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Old 10-02-2004, 04:25 PM   #1281
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Edited for Content and Language...
You do not want to see the original...

“I’m proud to be an American…” Why? What have you done to be proud of? Have you grown any? Changed? Created something beautiful? What have you done lately to be so ‘Proud’ of? Your rights do not make you who you are… It is what you do with those rights that matters…


Make something grow…

Become that which people truly fear…

Dare to become the Individual…

“Where at least I know I’m free…” Are you? How so? Have you truly broken the barrier? “We work… to earn more money… To buy shit that we don’t need…” Are you part of the society that has brainwashed itself into being owned by the things they purchase? Where is your ‘freedom’ now?

Grow beyond….

Break the box…

Bring down the wall surrounding your reality…

Free your mind…

How unfortunate that this is the best we could come up with… What does this say about us I wonder… Are we so totally base in our need for sex war and general self destructiveness?… I think so... I also think that we need to justify ourselves to our own conscience so we commit ourselves to such shallow and facetious acts as feeding the children of foreign lands while we kill the parents of said children… When are we going to get our heads out of our proverbial arses???

The Principles of current society as fed to us by corporate world and know how are fairly simple…

You Need to be productive so that you can get money for shit you don’t need…

To be productive you need to work for the corporations to produce the shit you don’t need…

The shit that you don’t need, being made by you, can be purchased from the very corporations that you work for…

So.. In the end.. You are making shit for other people that you and they don’t need so that you can make money and buy the shit back from them that you gave to them in the first place…

All for the sake of sex… For it is a known rule (made by the corporations of course) that he who has the most shit, gets the most sex…

They derive this from the basic instinct that people have to be taken care of… That and the basic need that humans have to reproduce (actually, simply performing the act, not reproducing…)

The corporations (run by men who perpetuate their own lies, and actually believe in them) have created a society based on mans insecurities deep seated within the self… An average person in today’s society believes that it is not who you are, but what you have… which has sadly become a reality due to the human instinct to be taken care of… Which of course creates lethargy...

Contrary to popular belief… You are not what you own, you are not how much money you have, you are not your job… Before I quote Jack Keruoacs work too much let me define where my opinions differ from Tylers'… One… You are an individual… Get over it… Two, you are more than the sum of your abilities in communing with others… Three… Find your own sense of self worth beyond what you can contribute to a society that doesn’t care about the individual…

Be yourself, an individual… Go beyond the limitations society would impose as accepted norms upon you… Dare to think and grow outside the box… If you choose to follow in corporate footsteps… be aware that you do and that you do not want to be original and quit complaining about the shit you reinforce in the first place!!!…


In the end... All I ask is is that you make this sacrifice worth it... Create something beautiful in the world with the freedoms we provide you... and create out of yourself... Not of the corporations... Create a reason to be free...

It is no longer enough to simply say thank you...

It is time to make something better for yourself that we might know there is a reason for all of this pain... this suffering... this war... this hell.

End Rant...

~The Gypsy~
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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Old 10-02-2004, 04:40 PM   #1282
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For some reason,Gypsy,while reading your rant it

made me think of Jim Morrison.

"..........when the music's over,turn out the light......"
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Old 10-02-2004, 05:11 PM   #1283
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Funny you should say that Wolfmoon... I just recently aquired John Lennon and Jim Morrison posters to decorate my little box of a room...


We share similar dreams... Though somewhat different...

Ever heard Lennons' "Imagine"?

Excellent words...

~The Gypsy~
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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Old 10-02-2004, 07:52 PM   #1284
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digital cable kicks ass. i can put on the 'metal' channel, crank up the surround sound and smash my head against everything.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 10-02-2004, 07:58 PM   #1285
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Originally Posted by Gypsy2222

Ever heard Lennons' "Imagine"?

Excellent words...

~The Gypsy~
That's such a beautiful song... Last year I was in a dance using it. Man, that music was true inspiration.
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Old 10-03-2004, 10:23 PM   #1286
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Ok we all know I really friggin loathe cats..

However, I just managed to flatten one with my car and I feel lower than dogshit.

He started to run in front of my car, and I honked my horn but this only served to make him run FASTER in front of my car..

Go figure..


I tried to stop, but I hit him with my front tires AND my back tires..

Oh man..

I pulled over to see if he had a tag, and he was not quite dead yet which was a gruesome sight..

No tag, and I feel like a total asshole..

I apologized to Mr. Kitty and got back into my Death Mobile..


I agree with Gnossos, people should spay and neuter their pets so they aren't running around looking for a piece of ass all night long..

But I still feel like an axe murderer..

*Big Fat Giant Meh*
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Old 10-03-2004, 10:37 PM   #1287
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EPS, that sucks.
I, myself, am a big cat guy, but it doesn't matter.
It always sucks when you run something over.
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 10-03-2004, 10:55 PM   #1288
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It was dead, EPS. They twitch like that because their nerves are still going. I've puleld over a couple of times when I saw a kitty in the road doing that and alas they were already dead. So don't feel bad.

Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Ok we all know I really friggin loathe cats..

However, I just managed to flatten one with my car and I feel lower than dogshit.

He started to run in front of my car, and I honked my horn but this only served to make him run FASTER in front of my car..

Go figure..


I tried to stop, but I hit him with my front tires AND my back tires..

Oh man..

I pulled over to see if he had a tag, and he was not quite dead yet which was a gruesome sight..

No tag, and I feel like a total asshole..

I apologized to Mr. Kitty and got back into my Death Mobile..


I agree with Gnossos, people should spay and neuter their pets so they aren't running around looking for a piece of ass all night long..

But I still feel like an axe murderer..

*Big Fat Giant Meh*
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Old 10-03-2004, 11:26 PM   #1289
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I know how you feel EPS, every time I hit something I panic for hours and hours, but, the truth is, if I hadn't killed those squirrels, someone who doesn't care about hitting them would have. I would rather have them mourned by me than ravaged by someone who won't think twice.

On another note...outside my house, there's a road that's not a "college road", and there's *tons* of roadkill. It's interesting.

Another interesting thing, I was walking to my dining hall, and *poof* a chestnut rolled at me from a bush, and I look over and what do I see but a dead squirrel cadaver. It was odd...

But cats... hmm- think of it this way EPS- you saved a couple of field mice!
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Old 10-07-2004, 08:17 AM   #1290
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EPS, your sad tale of accidental kitty squishing made me think of my own first accidental roadkill story, and since every one is sharing, I might as well too. Mine wasn't a kitty though, it was a possum. I even stopped the car to let it cross the road but it only sat there, staring at me. So, I slowly tried to go around it, hoping it would run off the side of the road, and it dissapeared from sight. I was happy that I had stopped in time to save it and then KA-THUMP! To make the rest of the story short, the possum had run at my car, which was why it had disapeared from my sight, and I hit it going under 15 mph. Luckily for the possum, it died quickly. had sort of...exploded, i would say. All its little possum insides had squished out. I felt bad and cried. It was the first time I had ever hit anything.

My mom used to call that nerve twitching that AlKilYu was talking about "Doing the fish."
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:06 AM   #1291
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If it's any consolation,EPS,at least the gods know you didn't do it out of maliciousness.

Running over an animal and feeling sorry about it = forgivable.

Poisoning someone's pet = evil.

Gypsy~ I've heard the song.Never been a big Lennon fan,his naivete astounded me.Maybe it was all the psychedelics.
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:18 AM   #1292
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I am worried EPS is gonna think I'm a psycho.

I swear I wasn't going to approach that guy's car and beat him wise, I was mearly going to get out and signal that his brights were on.

The beating would have come if he didn't turn them off.
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Old 10-07-2004, 03:54 PM   #1293
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
I am worried EPS is gonna think I'm a psycho.

I swear I wasn't going to approach that guy's car and beat him wise, I was mearly going to get out and signal that his brights were on.

The beating would have come if he didn't turn them off.

Nah, Al yur not a psycho. You haven't seen me in full " WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT ASSHOLE??" road rage yet.

Born and raised in Houston, Texas and last I checked we had the SECOND WORST traffic in the nation. So you learn to keep the Flamethrower loaded and your middle finger cocked..

I was just enjoying the blatant display of Testoserone..



Oh and Saderstar and Wolfie, thanks for the support. I still feel like an asshole, but I know it couldn't be helped..
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Old 10-08-2004, 09:12 PM   #1294
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Originally Posted by WolfMoon
Gypsy~ I've heard the song.Never been a big Lennon fan,his naivete astounded me.Maybe it was all the psychedelics.


And it is that very naivete that attracts me... He and I have similar wishes and dreams in certain cases... but where I see them as just that wishes and dreams (and even possibly a much MUCH distant future should we not destroy ourselves first) he saw them as a present and heartfelt possibility for reality...

I thank him for helping to keep at least the dream alive...

E.P.S. : As a cat lover (ewwwww... ~Chuckle~) and feline friend I still realize that mistakes are made... Calm the heart with knowing it was a mistake... No one is flawless... And tha the cat may have been worse off if you hadn't had accidentally ended his/her life...

Now onto other matters...

If anyone has been wondering exactly what is going on where the Gypsy is on so much and typing so little... it's because he has been reading and researching the political posts... ~Chuckle~ I may have a thing or two to offer by the end of this... As it is I am on page 12 of the Presidential post.... So I ask for patience in dealing with the old (my birthday in 2 days) doddering Gypsy soldier...

That being said... In my wanderings I came across a post welcoming me back from an old friend I had missed before...

If you're reading this Mael... I am sorry I missed your welcome back note before... Your warm greeting is much appreciated and I am thankful for your continued friendship... I meant no slight at all by missing it... Open minds mean much and sharp ones are hard to come by... I value yours... So thank you...

Now... Back to the politics...


~The Gypsy~
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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Old 10-09-2004, 07:33 PM   #1295
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A conversation that soon followed my bafflement that Ice mistakingly thought was about fossils.

Me: what do you think would be about?
Me: sausages?
Ice: nope
Ice: I just clicked it
Ice: it's nothing
Me: I know
Me: it's a hypothetical address
Ice: I know
Ice: but still
Ice: that's something I do
Me: how about ?
Ice: it's nothing either
Me: this one better be something
Ice: oh
Ice: ...
Ice: Gay porn
Me: lmao
Ice: thanks BP.
Me: I didn't tell you click on it!

Me: if you saw the address;, would you think that site was about Sausages or Wallets?
Ice: Yes I would.
Me: >.<
Ice: whaaat?
Me: geeze, man
Me: this is why you end up on gay porn sites when you can quite clearly see the URLs I'm typing
Ice: I was clicking them because you were giving them to me.
Ice: is there somethin wrong with that>
Ice: ?
Me: I didn't mean for them to provide links
Me: yeah
Ice: lol
Me: you shoulda looked at them before you clicked on them
Ice: what's wrong with that?
Ice: *
Me: you ended up on a gay porn site
Me: you tell me

(Note: www's have been removed from the references so not to provide links. Also note that "Floppy Sausage Wallets" was a reference to an definition.)

Colours edited by the Ubzor Mod
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." -Herbert Spencer

"I wanna skin me some fetuses and hang 'em, then chase them with hedgeclippers!" - Ice
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Old 10-09-2004, 07:43 PM   #1296
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Oh... god...
Oh... god...

:shock: least she didn't include the part about petting my pussy :roll:
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 10-10-2004, 01:10 PM   #1297
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So............... yeah...... it's my birthday.......

And stuff........................

:: Wanders off into the desert whistling a lil' tune ::
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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Old 10-10-2004, 01:32 PM   #1298
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Originally Posted by Gypsy2222

So............... yeah...... it's my birthday.......

And stuff........................

:: Wanders off into the desert whistling a lil' tune ::


uh-huh. that was inconspicuous. :P

happy birthday, love.......and there are more than 20 left, dammit!!!
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 10-10-2004, 02:21 PM   #1299
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Whoo. Happy birthday Gypsy. You're a great guy, and I'm glad you inhabit this site :D
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 10-10-2004, 02:43 PM   #1300
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Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
However, I just managed to flatten one with my car and I feel lower than dogshit.

You should feel like shit if you didn't have the decency to eat it. Wasting perfectly good dead meat is a sin (especially when already tenderized).

Which reminds me, Alkilyu: love your Suzanne Vega in the Introduce yourself here thread. Funniest thing I read in a long time.

Although I do prefer the song Night Vision from the same album:

By day give thanks
By night beware
Half the world in sweetness
The other in fear

When the darkness takes you
With her hand across your face
Don't give in too quickly
Find the thing she's erased

Find the line, find the shape
Through the grain
Find the outline, things will
Tell you their name

The table. the guitar
The empty glass

All will blend together when
Daylight has passed

Find the line, find the shape
Through the grain
Find the outline, things will
Tell you their name

Now I watch you falling into sleep
Watch your fist curl up against the sheet
Watch your lips fall open and your eyes dim
In blind faith

I would shelter you
and keep you in light
But I can only teach you
Night vision
Night vision
Night vision


Gipsy: piss off! It is I who should apologize to you. Especially after what I posted recently in the President or Bush threads.

You know how I feel about the conflict you're in, so keep your head down and live to fight another day. Take care and keep "imagining".

Wolfmoon: maybe someday you'll join us, and the world can be as one. :P
Undead again...
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