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Old 01-09-2004, 02:34 PM   #126
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I love you guys. :cry:
I got a death threat in my locker today, and someone wrote 'Satanist' in marker across it, but it was a dry-erase marker, the dumbass, and wiped right off.
I knew better than to wear fishnet to school today (no one else wears it), but I did, and one guy grabbed me in the hall during class( I was using the restroom) and stuck his hand up my shirt, telling me he would solve my little 'problem' himself before the cheerleaders could get to me. Bastard. But he heard someone around the corner and ran for it. A security guard found me on the floor, pipes leaky and everything. He let me clean up and took me back to class, though I refused to tell him anything. If I let this out, I'll have to leave this school, and I don't want to leave my environmental studies magnet program, or the few friends I have, all of them teachers, but still. And if I go to my neighborhood school, which is literaly a couple of blocks away from my current one, so many people from my school know people over there, I'd get it anyways. And Ribault( me neighborhood school) is still 88% black, even though Raines (my current one) is 99%, but all the blacks in this area are VERYreligous and intolerant of bis and homos. I know that sounds racist, but I'm not, and it's the truth. Damn inner-city schools...
Wait.. Asurai, u play futbol? Hmmm, I swim, and for some reason that's considered a lesbian sport here.
Yes, there were investigations, people went to jail, but that's it. I'm gonna stop now, SecretBoy and Mr. Maelstrom are right, this is getting to be a personal thread. Maybe I'll take Weaselboy's advice and get a dead or live journal, or I'll use the random whining or homophobics threads.
Ooooh, I'm scared, but I'll make it...
It's late, but congrats on the 300 posts, Asurai. And thanx all of you, I've never met you to the face and you care more than people I've known for a couple of years.

Fuck the Homophobes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-09-2004, 04:45 PM   #127
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Ah, a studies program that you like is the reason that you're staying? I was wondering why you were so worried about just telling someone and, if worse came to worse, leaving, but that explains it. It also complicates things a great deal... it's sad that one should have to choose between two such things.

For the record, since you asked: yes, I played football for three years, up until my Junior year, which I'm currently in.

I'm not racist at all, either, but what you've said seems to be the truth wherever I've come across a similar situation. Eighty-eight and ninety-nine percent black? I couldn't stand that. I've only been in a minority once, and that was at a private school -- damned racial quotas and fucking affirmative action suits -- where 45% of each class was white, no more, and 55% was non-white.

And of course we -- or most of us, that is -- care.
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Old 01-09-2004, 08:04 PM   #128
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Hmmm, Ravena, I don't have much of a say in whether you can or cannot continue to post about your dilemmas in here... but I hope things work out for you.

And yes, we care about you, honey.


On with Randoms.

My horoscope; The Weekend Australian Magazine, January 10-11, 2004


O luscious Libra, so complicit with harmony so long as no-one threatens the Whim Of Steel. Yes, you lot are the magic pipers of romance and gracious living. But with Mars in your relationship sector until early February, you could be experiencing more heat and tumult than usual. January's inspirational Libby genius is Friedrich Nietzsche: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster."


Anyone else read horoscopes to find out what lies ahead for you, or just for enjoyment?
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Old 01-09-2004, 08:55 PM   #129
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Ive tried to find a magazine or a phsycic i can trust.
I find that the horoscopes in the 'west magazine' here in perth are pretty genuine. so il read what is says for me..

Gemini: *** Unless you have every intention of seeing a project right through to the end, it may be best that you do not undertake it. With ambitious stars in your eyes you will have a tendancy to bite off more than you can chew.

and for you Perfectly_Flawed:
Libra: ***** Venus helps improve close, personal relationships, while social activity takes up a great deal of your time. An emotional healing, an unexpected reunion or a spontaneous invitation could cap off a fantastic and fullfilling weekend.

If anyone else wants theres read, give us a scream.
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Old 01-09-2004, 09:26 PM   #130
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Lol... at first I thought you made mine up. It's too close to reality. Now I have the West Mag open... and I see that you didn't. :P

I've never quite trusted this thing, actually...


Jerry Maguire was on last night! I hadn't seen it before. I found it quite humbling... it's too bad I didn't catch the end. Have to rent it sometime.

The techs here (who have been best friends for years) are going out to see Honey tonight. They invited me along... I'm a fan of Jessica Alba, but from the reviews I've read, and the synopsis, it sounds like a cheesefest. Not my thing at all. So I probably won't go to see it.
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Old 01-09-2004, 09:55 PM   #131
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I've never quite trusted this thing, actually...
The west one seems to give less raw data, but the phsycic has a talent for wording it in a broad way, with a real life sense to the words she/he chooses.
Ive read some that are just "the sun is here, venus is there, could mean love, could mean death" and.. pfft.. apart from being completely encrypted its not entertaining either. I like how the pshycic rates the horoscope with the stars.
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Old 01-10-2004, 05:43 AM   #132
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Hey, I'd like a horoscope reading, please.
Prey, tell me about TAURUS!

PS. I liked Perth the last time I visited.
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Old 01-10-2004, 06:47 AM   #133
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Taurus: ** Someone with a sharp wit or a smart mouth will either entertain you or grate on your nerves. Your reaction to them depends on your state of mind at the time and whether or not you take yourself seriously.
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Old 01-10-2004, 08:43 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Klixin
I've never quite trusted this thing, actually...
The west one seems to give less raw data, but the phsycic has a talent for wording it in a broad way, with a real life sense to the words she/he chooses.
Ive read some that are just "the sun is here, venus is there, could mean love, could mean death" and.. pfft.. apart from being completely encrypted its not entertaining either. I like how the pshycic rates the horoscope with the stars.

I read it a few times, but it never seemed to predict accurately for me...

Klixin ... "the forum psychic/ plagerizer".

ShyVenus - Funny... Perth's not exactly a top holiday destination. But glad you liked this place nonetheless.. hm.
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Old 01-10-2004, 08:44 AM   #135
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I read the horoscope when i'm bored, (i read it often...), and i like to read it for enjoyment, i feel curiosity to know what say about me....

i'm capricorn, and my horoscope says that i'm.... ambitious, patient, persevering, pessimitic, melancholic, proud, cool and distrustful.... :? (i'm all the opposite of this........)

ShyVenus, you are: possessive, persevering, strong, instinctive, preserving, avaricious and monotonous..

this horoscope isn't very optimistic, i hope you aren't so much sensitive... :roll:
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Old 01-10-2004, 06:17 PM   #136
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did you know that declawing a cat doesnt have anything to do with removing the claw. they actually cut off the end of the digit and then drop glue into the wound before squeezing it shut. its bascially the equivalent of cutting off your fingers at the first bend and then glueing the wound closed.

just a little random fact from one of your resident animal techs :twisted:
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 01-10-2004, 08:31 PM   #137
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... Aiiee ... I'm never going to declaw my cat. If I ever got one. Which I probably won't because I'm more partial to dogs, but y'know. If I did.

black_fairy - what does mine say about me?


I couldn't tell a loinskin from a furry g-string thing. I bet they're gonna revoke my membership to the Dirty Minds Club.
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Old 01-11-2004, 11:13 AM   #138
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horoscope for Perfectly_Flawed:

you are fond, sensible, honest, spontaneous, tolerant, kind, pacific and undecided

you're lucky, this is good enough, mine was a little depressing.... :?
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Old 01-11-2004, 01:56 PM   #139
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Hey, Klixin, I'ma Taurus... Wait a minite, I know who that big mouth is... me mum! You're right on the money, as usual...
I would also like to mention that I got a pm from a certain someone who believed they were pronouncing my name wrong. They were. And since I'm paranoid of such things, 'tis pronounced 'Ra-veen-uh'.


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Lord, make me an instrumet of your Discord.
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Old 01-11-2004, 02:22 PM   #140
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Places to go in the UK

A warning about London: It gets pretty lonely if you go by yourself. The Bristish aren't exactly known for their friendliness. Having been there myself, I can attest to that. If you go, take someone with you and don't forget to visit the British Museum. They have one of the best Egyptian collections in the world next to Cairo (if you're into that sort of thing) or so I'm told. I forgot to go when I was there. Too miserable and hungover. A much better and more friendlier place to go is Edinburgh, Scotland. Lots of friendly people, interesting places to visit, and a pub on every corner. Heh Heh.
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Old 01-11-2004, 05:47 PM   #141
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Welcome Livia!
The Scottish kick ass again! My people are Scottish, doncha know... Clan McCreary, at your service... We're a buncha whores, swindlers, and drunks... Good times!


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Lord, make me an instrument of your Discord.
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Old 01-11-2004, 06:17 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by eyesofatragedy
I am an Aquarius, I think my best matches are Gemini, Aries, and Libras. But don't quote me on that. I am happy because I turn 21 on Feb. 2 , about 22 days away. Oh the chaos it will come...... :shock:
Oh, gosh, she'll be able ta drink... Watch out, San Antonio.


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Lord, make me an instrument of your Discord.
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Old 01-11-2004, 06:17 PM   #143
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I'm a retro kitty! I am Leo .... hear me roar! *RoaR* I'm known for being decisive, orderly, forceful, over-bearing and in your face. Also for procrastinating, change resistant and self unaware but hey you've got to take the good and bad. I'm supposed to get along well with Scorpios, capricorns and other leos, which is 1/3 bollucks because I can't seem to mesh with scorpios at all, no matter how much I try.
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Old 01-11-2004, 06:20 PM   #144
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Wow arent you guys able to drink legally until your 21!?!?!?!? Thats a bit much! :o
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Old 01-11-2004, 07:02 PM   #145
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Re: Places to go in the UK

Originally Posted by black_fairy
horoscope for Perfectly_Flawed:

you are fond, sensible, honest, spontaneous, tolerant, kind, pacific and undecided

you're lucky, this is good enough, mine was a little depressing.... :?
Thankya. Hehe, and yeah, that's me alright. I wasn't sure what "pacific" meant, haven't heard of it used as an adjective. So I looked it up and got:

(Here are the relevants)
1. Tending to diminish or put an end to conflict; appeasing.
2. Of a peaceful nature; tranquil.

So there ya go, if you hadn't heard of that use for "pacific" either.

And yes, that has me written all over it. ... The first one, at least. =/

Originally Posted by Livia
A warning about London: It gets pretty lonely if you go by yourself. The Bristish aren't exactly known for their friendliness. Having been there myself, I can attest to that. If you go, take someone with you and don't forget to visit the British Museum. They have one of the best Egyptian collections in the world next to Cairo (if you're into that sort of thing) or so I'm told.
I'm sorry that you didn't have a great time there... never been there, myself. But I intend to stay away from the UK. At least until I'm old enough to be able to travel there 'unnoticed'; i.e. without my aunt knowing that I'm within her region. Can't stand her. She lives in England with my uncle. England ... somewhere. Don't really care to know the specifics.

I do love museums though. Admittedly, I haven't been to many at all, only the West Australian Museum a few times. It's not that big and they don't feature new exhibitions very often (if ever), so I get bored of it.

I'm hoping to go to some museums when I hit the East Coast... QLD and NSW. Never been to any of them there, though I've visited Brissie three times, and used to live in Sydney.

I've never seen any real Egyptian artifacts, so the British museum would be interesting.

.... on another note, I'm 9 months from being able to legally drink. However I already have a 'supplier', so it hardly matters. I don't drink much anyway. I just want to go nightclubbing and to raves. :twisted:
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Old 01-11-2004, 07:57 PM   #146
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Tired. Weary. Hating work right now. Don't want sleep ... but a coma would be nice about now :twisted:
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Old 01-11-2004, 09:31 PM   #147
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Still depressed since October. Havnt found a new job yet, but got a new lead on an opening at an office supply store.
Missing my friend in Las Vegas.
My father got a new laser pointer, that our dog Biscuit is having fun with chasing the little red dot around the living room. :lol:
And Im on my unteenth cup of coffee for the day. :shock:
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Old 01-11-2004, 09:37 PM   #148
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my dog is a sucker for the laser pointer too :P
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Old 01-11-2004, 09:48 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by Priest
Tired. Weary. Hating work right now. Don't want sleep ... but a coma would be nice about now :twisted:
... Shouldn't that be in the Random Whining Thread?

Juss playing. Feel free to post here whenever

Originally Posted by Icegoblin
Still depressed since October. Havnt found a new job yet, but got a new lead on an opening at an office supply store.
Missing my friend in Las Vegas.
Hope the office supply store job works out for ya.

And awww about your friend in LV... I know what it's like to miss someone too. Many someone's, actually. I made a few Exchange student friends, but when the inevitable came, we had to say goodbye.

Hope you see them again soon.
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Old 01-11-2004, 09:51 PM   #150
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Oh, and the laser pointers? They're not just good to amuse/confuse the dog.

Try it in a 4 hour seminar on a really boring subject. After a while, the speaker begins to notice a crowd of heads and eyes moving simultaneously to watch *something* on the wall behind him.
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