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Old 05-20-2006, 06:27 PM   #1
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Ghost Stories

For those of you that believe in ghosts
wanna share some storeis?
I looked to see if there was a thead already open but didn't find anything.

We used to live in a very old house when I was an infant up untill I was 7 years of age.
That house was haunted. I have 3 older sisters and we used to all share a bedroom. At night we all would see dark eyes floating in the room, or hear noises here and there or hear my mom and dad fighting in the living room, whenever we would run out to stop them from arguing, the yelling would stop and we would find them sound asleep in there bed.

I remember one time I was home alone with one of my sisters. We had a small wash room.
I was sitting on the steps of the door and right across from me was the door to the yard.
There was no knob just a hole. So I was sitting playing and staring out that lil' hole when I noticed what looked like a man, I could only see the upper half of his body and it was snow white like milk, it looked like a white silouette of a man.

I thought I was seeing things so I ignored it, then a few seconds I saw him again, then seconds later, again... and again. He was going in the same direction like if he had been circling the house. I was so terrified that I couldn't scream or move. All I could do was stare through that hole. Then out of nowhere I see this huge and I mean HUGE cat's tail, (It looked like a tiger's tail) It came in through the hole on the door and was wiggling twords me. At that moment I yelling and cried and ran inside the house. I don't remember the rest but my sister said that she was inside the house when suddenly she heard me scream out her name. She said I sounded like someone was killing me, that she could hear the horror in my voice and that my face was pale white. I kept saying there was a man with a cats tail on his but that was circling the house.
When I told her what happened she locked all the doors and windows and we just held each other crying till our parents came home.

Thats just one of a few stories I have up my sleeve. We moved from that house but spirits followed me up untill I was 21. I only had one incident maybe 2 after the age of 21.
Funny thing is ... you know how they say that if you are a virgin you are pure and more prone to the suppernatural. I was a virgin up untill the age of 21... right about the time the spirits went away.

I guess having sex free'd me lol ^.~
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Old 05-20-2006, 08:35 PM   #2
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Wrong forum I believe...
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Old 05-20-2006, 08:59 PM   #3
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I only one really crappy one, and a bland schizo story.

The schizo one is that at night, I sometimes see a man standing over my bed. That's all. Just the shape of a man.

And the crappy one, which I think was total hallucination was one time I saw a bow standing in the corner of the room from the corner of my eye. When I turned my head, no one was there. Nothing was there that could have looked like it, either.
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Old 05-20-2006, 11:21 PM   #4
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When I worked security at a hospital I used to notice all sorts of strange noises in unoccupied parts of the building. Doors occasionally closing as I walked into a room, and yet no sign of an intruder. There was one door, for which I did not have a key, and everytime I'd walk past it, it would shake and rattle. Some of the nurses who worked one particular wing often reported seeing an apparition of a man in a wheelchair in a hallway. One of the head nurses would actually call me on the radio and ask me to walk her through one hallway sometimes, but I think that may have just been a part of her nervous character.

The most frightening moment of my life had to be the time I walked through a door and closed and locked it behind me. As I walked down the hall, I shut the light off, as per my instructions (most lights in unoccupied parts of the building were to be shut off) and behind me I heard the door through which I just came, shut and locked - slam shut.
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Old 05-21-2006, 12:14 AM   #5
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Posts: 411 mistake. When I read ghost stories, I thought you meant the kind you read at campfires, which is why I thought it should be in the Literature forum. I didn't know you meant actual encounters.
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Old 05-21-2006, 12:23 AM   #6
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Ok, I haven't had too many encounters in my life, but one in particular sticks in my head.

I was staying at my grandmother's for the weekend, and I went downstairs to retrieve something. Everyone was upstairs at the grandma, my uncle, and my cousin. So as I walked past the hall, I heard the toilet make that loud noise toilets make after they're flushed and I saw a shadow of a person walk into the bedroom next to the bathroom...the door closed behind them. I went into the bedroom to see who it was and there was no one there. I went upstairs to ask who was downstairs, and my uncle said that we were the only ones in the house and that he would go down in a bit to check things out.

About a month later, my family and I were chatting and having a good time while my grandma was asleep. She came stumbling down the hall in her nightgown and said that she awoke from a slap on her thigh. She said she felt the slap, and heard it. Pretty creepy...
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Old 05-21-2006, 04:36 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by bjork_freak
About a month later, my family and I were chatting and having a good time while my grandma was asleep. She came stumbling down the hall in her nightgown and said that she awoke from a slap on her thigh. She said she felt the slap, and heard it. Pretty creepy...

That was one thing that used to freak me out so much. Actually feeling the spirit. One time I felt someone yank on my hair from behind me, my head actually went back. When I turned around there was no one there.
I have heard that if a spirit is strong enough to touch you, It's strong eough to posses you.
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Old 05-21-2006, 04:39 AM   #8
Virulent Dryad
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Do you ever think that maybe you just imagined it? Not saying you did, just wondering if that's the first thing that comes to mind.
"Like that old tale, the girl who wanted to become the best dancer in the world. "Yes," said the sorceress, "but each time you set your foot on earth will be like knives slashing." "If you can stand the pain, you will be granted your desire."
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Old 05-21-2006, 06:44 AM   #9
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I've had a few encounters:

When I was young, maybe 9, my mom and I lived with my grandparents. There was a small space between the house and the garage, but wide enough to walk between. One night my mom and I were pulling into the driveway and I saw a man in that space and he was walking away from us. I told my mom and when we got inside I told my grandpa. He went out to check and he said he didn't see anyone. It's quite possible that it was just a prowler since we lived next door to some seedy people whose children were known for such things and we'd been robbed before, so I'm not saying it was a ghost, but who knows?

Then when I was about 15, I lived with my mom and her boyfriend. My room was in the basement, which didn't normally creep me out, but one night I was in bed and it was late, maybe around 2 am or so and I saw gray orbs floating around above my bed, then I heard footsteps upstairs. I crept up the stairs and peeked under the door and I saw a pair of bare feet walk past. I went back down the stairs and sat in a chair scared to death. When the noises went away, I went upstairs, turned on all the lights, and checked the house. All the doors and windows were closed and locked and nothing was stolen or moved. I sat up for the rest of the night in the living room with a butcher knife. The next day my mom said that no one else was up during the night.

Now in the house I live in, especially here in the computer room, you often get that feeling like someone is watching you. Whenever I'm alone, I can hear footsteps somewhere by the front door and doors creaking. Oddly enough, it seems to happen around noon most of the time. Also, I can sometimes see things moving in my peripheral vision. I know that it can be explained as your blind spot or whatever, but it happens a lot, and I mean a lot. It doesn't really scare me, just startles me sometimes.
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Old 05-21-2006, 11:18 AM   #10
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I saw one of my friends standing in the doorway to my house.

At the time he'd been dead for at least five years. Blew his brains out. Poor guy.

I also saw a man that I never met sitting in the living room of that same house. When he saw me he jumped up like I had startled him and ran towards the back of the house. But there was no sound to his running. You'd think a man, well over six feet tall, would make some kind of some. Any sound.

I felt one of my friends flatline in another state. I loved him like a brother, still do though it's been years since I've seen him. I didn't know that he was dead or dying at the time. I just had a very strong feeling that he was going away, forever, and I would never see him smile again. Never feel him hug me. Never hear about how his life is going lately.

I cried and begged him not to go. I don't recall how long I cried or pleaded for it not to be true, that he would be gone. But eventually, a sense of calm settled over me. He was going to stay. I fell asleep.

A few months later I heard about him flatlining that night in the hospital. I'm glad he decided to stay. He's living near me right now. I've never told him about that night.

*pours shot*

That's about it when it comes to ghosts. I think there are one or two more that are buried in the vault somewhere and they can sit and gather dust for all I care!

Ghosts, apparitions, 'intuition', I'd rather it didn't come to me. I wish, sometimes that the gods had bestowed their 'gifts' on someone else.

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Old 05-21-2006, 11:25 AM   #11
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Wishcat, maybe I haven't been having enough sex?

All of my encounters happened well after I lost my virginity.

edit: Nachty, I often have that feeling as well. The feeling that someone is there.

I try to ignore it by listening to music or humming or fidgetting. If I see things like 'orbs' I just close my eyes, then it's gone.

Ignorance is bliss.
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Old 05-21-2006, 11:26 AM   #12
Virulent Dryad
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Well I had a dream where I woke up and the back door to my house was opened. There was a tombstone in my back garden for some reason and it belonged to this little girl. Make a long story short in the dream she tried to strangle me and I woke up and the same feeling was there of someone strangling me. And I could feel hands around my neck.
Thing is, when it happens like that it makes one wonder if it really happened or not.
"Like that old tale, the girl who wanted to become the best dancer in the world. "Yes," said the sorceress, "but each time you set your foot on earth will be like knives slashing." "If you can stand the pain, you will be granted your desire."
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Old 05-21-2006, 02:15 PM   #13
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Sometimes I, too, sense things. Being alive or dead, I know not.
I think both.
I do sense people and other things. I can tell when someone enters my area, even if no sound is made (and I have terrible hearing as it is.)
Sometimes I feel something in the area, staring at me.

In fact, a recent time was a few nights ago. It was pitch black outside, and I got a strong feeling that somethng was really close to me, on my left side. There's a window right next to me on my left side, and one behind me. Anyways, it was a very strong feeling. It's really wierd and creepy when it happens, sometimes. I think that those might be spirits, or something not of this world. An extradimensional being that accidentily crossed over for a second, maybe? I think ghosts may be that, and our brains give them form. But sometimes I just sense it, and it's a living thing. Just a story and a theory.

Sorry for the bad formatting there

V. Dryad, you should dig where the grave was in your dream. That should be utter and explicit proof.
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Old 05-21-2006, 02:31 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Virulent Dryad
Do you ever think that maybe you just imagined it? Not saying you did, just wondering if that's the first thing that comes to mind.

Well ok...

One time me and my 3 sisters along with my mom and our uncle all left the house one evening to go down the street to the store. When we came back, at the gate to our house we noticed a shape on the door to our house. It looked like the shape of an ironing board with 2 big black eyes on it. We all saw the same thing very clearly. So my 2 older sisters and my uncle all walked up slowly to the door to get a better look. It wasn't a shadow of anything cuz there was nothing else around. Anyways.... as they got to the steps of the house it slowly disappered. by the time they reached the door they said it was gone. I just think it's funny that we all saw the exact same thing.
My dad was home alone that night, sick in bed. When we told him what we saw and said "Isn't that scary?" He said, "nope, It was prolly my guarding angel."

I always wonder if what I see is just my imagination. But my entire family even some freinds have encounterd situations in our homes.

Me and my sis used to share one room and my 2 older sisters shared another room next to ours. We had a bunk bed in our room and I always slept on the bottom with the door open. One time I went to bed and I was almost asleep when someone turned on the light, I heard footsteps and things moving around so I thought my sis was finally coming to bed. After a short while I was wondering what the hell is taking her so long to get ready, the light is anoying me. So finally I rolled over and yelled "SHU....." as I opened my eyes, I saw that there was no one there and all the noice stoped. So I couln't even yell "shut the light!!" I was so scared that I had my hands in fists and my nails were digging into my palms. All I could do was stare at the lamp cuz it was still on, then seconds later, the knob on the lamp turned and the lights went off. I completly froze, couldn't move or yell. Then seconds later I see my other sis come outta her room and I instantly got up with tears and yelling.
I know what I saw and heard and I know it wasn't my imagination. This happened sometime after my cousing had past away. One of my sisters told me that I shouldn't be scared cuz it was prolly him trying to see how I was doing. I dunno about that but that shit was scary.
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Old 05-21-2006, 02:37 PM   #15
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Holy crap, thats odd.

In theory, due to how I tend to be calm under pressure, I'd probably say "Thanks, that was fucking annoying." In reality, I'd probably do the same thing as you, sans tears.
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Old 05-22-2006, 04:21 AM   #16
Virulent Dryad
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Originally Posted by maggot
V. Dryad, you should dig where the grave was in your dream. That should be utter and explicit proof.

Ah fuck, I should have thought of that earlier. We moved houses.
"Like that old tale, the girl who wanted to become the best dancer in the world. "Yes," said the sorceress, "but each time you set your foot on earth will be like knives slashing." "If you can stand the pain, you will be granted your desire."
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Old 05-23-2006, 01:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Virulent Dryad
Ah fuck, I should have thought of that earlier. We moved houses.
That's a shame. It would have been fun and interesting.
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Old 05-23-2006, 05:18 PM   #18
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wishcat, maybe the turning on and off of lights is someone you loved who has passed letting you know that they're there.

I hate to tell a story within a story, but here goes: My family is fucked up and complicated. My great grandparents had a lot of children. Their daughter, Garnet, was my mother's mother and therefore, my grandmother. However, just after my mom was born, she was adopted by the man and woman I know as my grandparents, Dave and another of their daughters, Peg. Neither I nor my mother knew this until several years ago, so to her and I, Dave and Peg are her parents and my grandparents, and Garnet is her aunt and my great aunt. Anyway, this revelation made my mother feel much closer to Aunt Garnet and three years ago, she died. Several strange occurances happened that day: my Great Aunt Betty had a message from Garnet on her answering machine, and a nearby church was playing a song (I can't remember what it was, something about angels) that had some sort of connection to Garnet. Anyhow, my mom said that the television in her room would constantly turn on and off, and she knew it was Garnet. So don't be too scared. Most often, poltergeists are just tricksters. They think they're funny. Unless they feel that you're on their property or something, they won't try to hurt you, and if it did want to hurt you, you'd have known it. Poltergiests don't fuck around.

WolfMoon: I try not to be afraid of presences. As I said, if something wants to hurt you, it doesn't fuck around. If it wants to hurt you, you'll know it. So if it's just there or doing minor harmless things, I just try to shrug it off. Sometimes they may not even be ghosts, just thoughtforms that have taken shape. Thoughtforms are generally harmless, but they, and even ghosts sometimes, can be simply commanded to go away. But it's pretty unnecessary to do that unless it's something threatening or if it's a human spirit that can't move on.
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Old 05-23-2006, 05:32 PM   #19
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Well that may be true for physical hurt but what about mental? How do you know the poltergeist isn't trying to cause mental pain?
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Old 05-25-2006, 10:20 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by NachtSorcier
wishcat, maybe the turning on and off of lights is someone you loved who has passed letting you know that they're there.
Well that is what my sister would tell me. In some cases I have encountered I might believe that is true. But in other cases I doubt it was a family member.
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Old 05-25-2006, 10:47 AM   #21
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I don't know if it counts as a ghost story or not but the night that my father died I had a dream about him, he said something and then I woke up with this huge wave of saddness. I wish with all my heart that I could remember what he said. Oh and this all happened about four hours before I got the call from my mom but only a few min after he actually died.

I also have some other stories, the weirdest of which was this one time I was sitting down on the couch and reading a book and I suddenly felt this warm fuzzyness on the back of my neck. I just figured that it was my cat cuz sometimes she likes to lay against my back and she is very covert about it and most of the time I don't notice her until she is actually right against my neck. About 10 min later, while the fuzzy thing was still there, my actual cat came over and started to meow at me. I jumped up and looked at the couch and I saw this really weird dark smoke or mist thingy that quickly dissapated. I think the weirdest part was that as soon as I saw the thing I felt kind of calm like I knew that it didn't mean to harm me or scare me. I really wish I knew what it was and what it was doing there
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Old 05-25-2006, 11:13 AM   #22
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Wow that is creepy. Wonder what that was. A cat ghost? Ponders wishcat.

Well my mom says at night when she is in bed, she will wake up to go to the bathroom and she will see my dad standing at end of her bed reaching out to her.
She says she covers her head with the blankets cuz she doen't want him to take her with him.

My sister says that when she is home alone she feels my dads presence. She feels him sitting next to her and strokes her hair. Then she says that the door to his room will open.
I wanna believe that my dad is resting in peace and not stuck here so I don't know what to think of that. And if it is true that she feels him, It angers me cuz I wanna see him or feel him near me too!
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Old 05-25-2006, 11:19 AM   #23
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maybe she feels him because she needs to, I know that that sounds kind of sucky that he doesn't come to you but this kind of thing helps some people but for other people it prevents them from moving on with their lives
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:53 PM   #24
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Lets see what one to start with. oh okay my love is in the Denver county jail in colorado for those who dont know he is in cell 217 he says in cell 214 it is unoccupied, but this man they call the capital hill killer always goes and stands there talking to something. oh and one time they had a new inmate and a guard had to go in there to get a matress and the door closed on him traping him in there and then he called for back up so bunch of guards with riot gear come running. but then he was standing there at the door eyes wide open crying and praying with a bible in his hands.
Well thats more funny then scary but yeah
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:54 PM   #25
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okay i got another one i lived in this old victorian home real crappy but oh well. anyway there was this fire place and next to the fire place was an inmprint of a little boys face they painted over it remodled it and everything but it came back
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