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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 06-15-2006, 10:12 AM   #1
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Open borders in 3.5 years

Bush went ahead secretly and merged us with Canada and Mexico:

The CFR task force report called for establishment of a common security border perimeter around North America by 2010, along with free movement of people, commerce and capital within North America, facilitated by the development of a North American Border Pass that would replace a U.S. passport for travel between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

For those that want open borders they will get their wish to some degree in just a few years. Too bad none of us has a choice in the matter and when asked why they did it secretly they said they didnt want their people getting bugged by the public.

Yeah who cares what we think anyway.
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Old 06-15-2006, 12:50 PM   #2
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Very good. OPEN THE BORDERS!!!

Let's make the world one big community! No more wars over land. It will be awesome!
click here to be fooled
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:33 PM   #3
Godslayer Jillian
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Trust me, it's not gonna happen.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 06-15-2006, 09:09 PM   #4
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I hope it doesn't.
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~William Shakespeare
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Old 06-15-2006, 11:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Niels
Very good. OPEN THE BORDERS!!!

Let's make the world one big community! No more wars over land. It will be awesome!
If there were no borders anywhere conflict would increase not the other way around.
If no-one has a clear idea of what is who's people will be taking resources that someone else rightfully belongs to them.

That is exactly why there are borders, to seperate people. People don't like people.
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Old 06-16-2006, 06:20 AM   #6
Crom Crauch
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Remember that old saying? Good fences make good neighbors? Well, as far as that goes... it's true. And it looks like Bush and the rest of his administration has forgotten that.
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Old 06-18-2006, 09:41 PM   #7
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The people doing this could care less whether you or I care or not. They know already they can do it one way or another and so they will. In just over 3 years this will happen. We will now get to know first hand how well the rich elite plan is going to work out because we are going to live it in just a few years. You can say whatever about you like it or you dont like it now but you WILL LIVE IT IN A FEW YEARS.

We'll all know if its good or not but it wont matter what we think in the end just like now cuz no one ever asked us and our Masters dont care anyways they want what they want and they will do it. They now have a population that will shrug off anything.
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Old 06-18-2006, 11:40 PM   #8
Godslayer Jillian
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So, you're saying that, after two hundred years of freedom and centuries of history, Mexico, a country whose history was shaped by liberals and radicals, is going to merge with a country that, despite its wealth, is almost virtually conservative in its entirety?
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 06-19-2006, 12:10 AM   #9
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Yeah, it's amazing what people will forget in the name of profit.
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Old 06-21-2006, 02:11 PM   #10
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A little off topic, but guess what I saw yesterday? So I was driving around, and I come up to a 4-way stop. The stop sign was in spanish. I shit you not. It said "Alto."

The open borders thing makes me mad. Around where I grew up, a lot of Mexicans are holding walk outs because they believe the gov't owes them something for all their hardships. They weren't even citizens, but the county still granted them money.

Rewind a couple years ago, when my older brother went to college. Being accepted to Cal Poly, it costed more than usual. When it was my turn to go to college, my family scraped up a lot, and eventually got me into a good college, after spending 2 years in a community one, first. Then my little sister came. She could not get into a good one, since my family could no longer fund it. We couldn't qualify for financial aid because of my parents' salaries, when in reality, they were living paycheck to paycheck and had to sell many valuables like their car and some family heirlooms to try and get us into good schools, despite all of us getting over 4.0s.

Now I think back to when my mom was telling me stories of people in her work. One lady, who only worked part time, decided not to tell the gov't that she was married and pretended she had 3 instead of 2 kids, so they get more welfare. These 2 kids (less than 2.0 averages) got a full ride to CSUs from the government. Another lady, drives a mercedes, wears only designer clothes, gets botox every week, and uses food stamps and is on welfare. Both of these people aren't even citizens.

i say give everyone equal oppurtunity. it's unfair that better qualified students get screwed for some ill-conceived notion of equality that only further perpetuates the rift between races.
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Old 06-23-2006, 04:12 PM   #11
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Little Miss-just to clarify a few points you tried to make

1.The sign said "alto". so, you can't figure out by the color and the shape of the sign that it means "stop"? Now, I know plenty of people who are illiterate, but unable to figure out basic road signs? Wow, maybe you should keep your xenophobia in check, if it's having this effect on you. Your fear of 'furin' languages is making you unable to function as a person.

2.You know, the whole "mexicans are here taking our money" argument is something I find utterly hilarious by its sheer ignorance. First of all, you're assuming that because they've got brown skin, they're here illegally. This kind of attitude is what's called "racist", and it's enough to kill off any reason for anybody to take anything you say with anything other than some beer to kick back with whilst laughing at you.

Second of all, you're saying these damned 'furiners' are here sucking money from our tax base (and by default, away from 'real' americans). Are you aware of which group takes the most out of our welfare system? Corporations, which take out about $150 billion annually in direct payments from the government (for such things as making commercials in foreign countries to hawk their wares, or if their profit margin drops by 1%, but they've still gotta pay off those bonuses). This figure doesn't include the numerous tax breaks corporations get from the states.

Now, with all this money and breaks coming to corporations, I guess it can be justified, since they create all these jobs, make the economy buzz, and thus end up apying a hole lot in taxes, right? Wrong on all three counts. A-Most of the jobs being created in country are the white collar ones. And with white collar jobs, not very many of them get created at any moment. the great majority of manufacturing jobs are being sent overseas or farmed out to prisons (where the businesses don't have to worry about such things as minimum wage, worker safety, and other labor laws). B-repeat after me-"we're still in a recession". No matter what the spin is, it's the state our economy is in right now. And C-Actually, from 1995-200, sinesses barely outside of the Fortune 500 paid their taxes (not paid fully, I meant actually paid ANY). The higher up the list, the more the percentage drops, to the point that out of the the top 20, about 2% paid any taxes at all (the numbers are old, I know, but there's a new study being done, since the numbers are pre-Bush and his corporate bitch-boying). What's this do? Well, it raises the taxes on everybody else.

Which reminds complain about how much illegals take our money. How about how much they put back into the system? Let's see, about $1.5 billion in medicaid taxes, along with around $7 billion in social security taxes. Now, if you're really about being fair, I'd say "they paid for it. Why shouldn't get any of the services?" I could also point how much the government makes off unclaimed tax returns (whilst illegals are paying taxes for a dummy social security number, only about .08% will actually collect the returns for fear of being caugh and deported), but I'm sure you'd ignor me, since, you know, logic and facts seem to be your weak points.

3.Couldn't qualify for fianncial aid? What a load of horseshit. You know what? EVERYBODY qualifies for financial aid. Dude, how many fucking scholarships (FREE money to go to college, as long as you don't get so wasted that you start failing your classes) and student loans are there? Did you speak with the financial aid counselor? Have you looked online? Yes, I know pell grants are getting killed off, but there are options. No, whenever I hear "i can't get financial aid", what I actually hear 90% of the time is "oh, I have to actually work to find and apply for financial aid? Oh, that's OK. I'd rather complain about how unfair the system is to (insert personal group here)".

4.Reading over "your mom told you"....either you or your mom is full of shit. I'm not sure which one. Sorry, but people with a 2.0 average can't get into CSU without personal money. If the governement steps up with financial aid, then the person recieving it has a RESPONSIBILITY to keep their grades up, or lose the aid altogether (and even pay a portion of it back). This also makes me doubt your 'financial aid' story more, since this part of the deal is explained quite explicitly in the applications....or, it makes you fall into the 90% I spoke about.

As for the citizen thing...the lady might not be a citizen, but if her kids were born here, then they actually ARE citizens. However, applying for financial aid? Maybe California's slacked off in the background checks since I lived there (which I doubt, considering how much more xenophobic the white minority down there gets everytime I visit), but if I remember correctly, no illegal would be dumb enough to apply for financial aid. Why? BECAUSE THE BACKGROUND CHECKS! Remember the thing about why they don't claim tax returns? Yeah.

However, nice move in the class warfare game. "Welfare mothers getting botoxed and driving mercedes".....shit, if that were the case, why the fuck don't YOU apply for welfare? I'll tell you why...because secretly, you know how full of shit you are. You're tossing out verbiage designed to provoke simplified reactions, your tracts lack any logic or backup, and you have yet to say one thing that hasn't been repeated by the echo chamber of right-wing idealogues.

I have a saying that I like to use. "Truth will out", and I'm outing you as the racist moron that you are, dipshit. Now, shut the fuck up, and go back to other side of the evolutionary bell curve. Don't come back until you're knuckles aren't dragging anymore.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 06-23-2006, 09:41 PM   #12
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I find it amusing that there are still people in the United States who believe that "this land is our land, as long as you aren't from another country". The only reason we have anything west of the original 13 colonies is the fact that Native Americans were driven out of their homes by foreigners from Europe on the basis that "savages" could not own land.

Oh, and then there was that Monroe Doctrine thing that made it all okay for us to grab what we could, by purchasing what France, in reality, did not legitimately own... then finding a flimsy pretext to start a war with Mexico so we could have a country from "sea to shining sea".

Yes, if you want to believe that we should keep all the foreigners out, let's make it retro-active, hmm?

Last edited by Falken; 06-23-2006 at 09:42 PM. Reason: clarity
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Old 06-23-2006, 10:43 PM   #13
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Rack one up for the new world order.
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