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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 11-26-2006, 08:47 PM   #26
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Bah! Switch out "paranoid" with "skeptical." :P
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Old 11-26-2006, 08:50 PM   #27
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I was surprised it was censored. And I feel strongly enough about it to have wanted to edit it.
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Old 11-26-2006, 10:34 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by LostAndCrazy
Imo again, but I refuse to accept that democracy is working except for the elite few who get richer and richer while the poor dont have a fucking dime.
Well, like I said. Democracy works... sorta.
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Old 11-27-2006, 02:31 AM   #29
Mick Ignis
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Honestly, I think Communism would be somewhat dominated by main stream society, screwing over subculture types like ourselves. People are too different from one another to form a utopian society.

Give me democracy any day. I love this country, although I hate the people running it. I hope to be a rich man one day by working hard and contributing to this country.
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Old 01-22-2007, 06:46 PM   #30
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Well, I think the left in our country is trying to push socialism on us.

I'm tired of hearing "equal rights" and all the crap they are pushing in the schools,the no testing to move to the next grades and crap. These kids when they graduate are going to fail miserably. Anyone in our country has a chance to get ahead in life.

If you make the right decisions and not f up your finances like buying fancy rims for your honda instead of saving the $ to spend on a down payment for a house or job training. But the media and the left keep spewing "it's the rights fault... it's the whites fault... it's the riches fault... it's veryones fault but your own for not making good decisions and thinking ahead.

My parents were definately not rich when they were young. I got myself into bad $ problems too. But it was all my fault. I took a step back and fixed my problems withoutblaming anyone or talking "entitlements".

And F those other forms of govt. Democracy isn't all perfect or all bad. I think the media needs to revisit some of these "failed states" to remind everyone where that road leads too.

And I don't like everything Bush does or anyone for that matter but when I'm overseas I sure stand up for our contry and even our president. I was brought up to respect people even if you don't like them and even if you don't like the home team.. You stand up for them when away from home. Case in point is cptstern...I don't like allot of things in the US or even most of the things Bush does. But I don't like some asshole like stern to be bad mouthing my country.

Ok I'm done with my rant for now!!! lol
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Old 01-23-2007, 08:20 AM   #31
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Let me get this straight: The liberals are all commies?

Um, didn't this whole prejudiced stereotype thing happen already, like 20 years ago?

Ok, so I want equality. That's bad? That doesn't mean I want everyone to be the SAME. I want everyone, regardless of race, religion, or creed, to have the same opportunities. I don't think it's fair that kids that are born poor and black in the ghetto (or poor and white, for that matter, but statistics are against being born poor and black) have less opportunity than rich kids. That's chance. Neither infant has done anything to deserve where they were born. And that kid that was born poor and black in the ghetto? Maybe, if he works hard enough, MAYBE he will be able to attain the lifestyle the rich kid gets by relying on his trust fund.

You and I both know that's not fair. We also know it's not fair that, statistically, those born black and poor are more likely to be involved in gangs, violence, and end up dying young or in prison for life. We know it's not fair that two consenting adults who love each other can be denied fundamental rights as a couple, just because they happen to be of the same gender. We know it's not fair that, no matter how qualified I am, statistically women make $0.75 for every $1 a man makes. That's not women IN GENERAL, that's women who are as qualified as men in the same jobs as men.

So I want equality. I want people who are obviously equal to have the same opportunities. That doesn't mean I'm a goddamn commie. I don't want everyone to be the same. If one man works harder than another, he should be rewarded accordingly.

I'm as liberal as they come without being an extremist, but I'll have to agree with you on the whole CptSternn thing. I don't know who he thinks he is, but he's been proven wrong on many counts, and he's been proven a hypocrite on others.
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Old 01-23-2007, 01:59 PM   #32
Godslayer Jillian
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Liberals are not commies, but they do have a lot of socialist ideas. An example is the implementation of the welfare system.
I am a capitalistic anarchist, and while I would be a democrat in people's rights, I'm quite the republican when it comes to economics.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 01-23-2007, 02:01 PM   #33
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Yeah, my boyfriend is the same way, Jilli. I can absolutely understand the mentality.
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Old 01-24-2007, 04:40 AM   #34
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I'm tired of hearing "equal rights" and all the crap they are pushing in the schools,the no testing to move to the next grades and crap. These kids when they graduate are going to fail miserably. Anyone in our country has a chance to get ahead in life.
Yeah, who needs rights for those blasted minorities, eh? Seriously, you must be twelve living in an all white neighborhood to even produce a post like this.

If you make the right decisions and not f up your finances like buying fancy rims for your honda instead of saving the $ to spend on a down payment for a house or job training. But the media and the left keep spewing "it's the rights fault... it's the whites fault... it's the riches fault... it's veryones fault but your own for not making good decisions and thinking ahead.
I stand by my previous statement. Inferring that the plight of the black man is somehow linked to the fact black persons tend to have fancy rims on their cars is not racist at all.

My parents were definately not rich when they were young. I got myself into bad $ problems too. But it was all my fault. I took a step back and fixed my problems withoutblaming anyone or talking "entitlements".
Really? What? Get caught stealing gum at the local shop?

And F those other forms of govt. Democracy isn't all perfect or all bad. I think the media needs to revisit some of these "failed states" to remind everyone where that road leads too.
Spoken like a true, ignorant american. Ever though that most of those governments in the Middle east, across Asia, and most of Europe existed THOUSANDS of years before america was even DISCOVERED? To claim Democracy is somehow superior is to discount most other forms of government have been here longer, done more for their people, and still are in place.

And I don't like everything Bush does or anyone for that matter but when I'm overseas I sure stand up for our contry and even our president.
So when was the last time you were 'overseas'? I'm betting you have never left the states.

I was brought up to respect people even if you don't like them and even if you don't like the home team.. Case in point is cptstern...I don't like allot of things in the US or even most of the things Bush does. But I don't like some asshole like stern to be bad mouthing my country.
So you were brought up to respect everyone, and you do...with the exception blacks, minorities, foreigners, 'euro-trash', all other forms of government, and myself. Your parents must be proud.
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Old 01-24-2007, 07:24 AM   #35
Drake Dun
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I think Heinlein said it best. Democracy is a horrible form of government. The only good thing that can possibly be said about it is that it is preferable to any other form of government invented thus far.

State communism has no redeeming features in my eyes. It is not about eliminating artificial inequality, as it claims. It is about manufacturing equality that issues from the barrel of a gun. An equality of powerlessness, curtailed liberty, and offering a best guess based on history, destitution. Except in practice, of course, where it turns out to be little more than a change in the roster of the elite.

There are only two political philosophies - power, and freedom. Communism is a flavor of the former, which will always prevail where people fail to distinguish between coercive organization and cooperation.

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Old 01-24-2007, 07:32 AM   #36
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Seriously cpt.. what make you a cpt anyways.. you probably could never serve in the military.. maybe you worked at Cpt D's?
I don't need to justify myself to ignorant statements like "you've probably never been overseas"... Thats a typical euro left view of americans.
I just can't say it any better. Get a life......
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Old 01-24-2007, 11:41 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ArtificialOne
Seriously cpt.. what make you a cpt anyways.. you probably could never serve in the military.. maybe you worked at Cpt D's?
I don't need to justify myself to ignorant statements like "you've probably never been overseas"... Thats a typical euro left view of americans.
I just can't say it any better. Get a life......
I hate to say it, but I actually agree with Sternn on this one. Firstly, insulting his screen name doesn't make sense. It's the internet, for fuck's sake. And if you don't like him making assumptions about you, why would you spew bullshit generalizations like "Thats a typical euro left view of americans"?

Have you been overseas? Are you aware that a large percent of our men overseas are minorities fighting for YOUR rights? They're fighting for your rights and they're fighting for equality. Obviously, they're fighting to get over a fuckup, too, but they're fighting for America. America is about equal rights. If you don't like that, feel free to move to Saudi Arabia, where their are strict barriers around the social classes. Don't either of you fucking DARE make generalizations about our troops, by the way.
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Old 01-24-2007, 09:26 PM   #38
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first off I did serve you dipshit. I was a Specialist and my mos was 63. Look it up stupid.
And yes I have been overseas... the better part of 5 yrs. Want to see my payslips?
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Old 01-24-2007, 09:27 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Capt Sternn
Spoken like a true, ignorant american. Ever though that most of those governments in the Middle east, across Asia, and most of Europe existed THOUSANDS of years before america was even DISCOVERED? To claim Democracy is somehow superior is to discount most other forms of government have been here longer, done more for their people, and still are in place.
Come on, Sternn. I can't believe you missed this one and echoed ignorance in repeating the mistake. The US is a Republic based on democratic methods; but is absolutely not a Democracy. The best forms of government existing or having existed are merely a hodge podge of several forms of governments meshed together in a workable body for a duration of time. Though I think many are confusing form of government with countries.

Originally Posted by DhD
Firstly, insulting his screen name doesn't make sense.
While I agree with you, Xng, Art is just responding to one of Stern's insults.

Really? What? Get caught stealing gum at the local shop?
Not that it is necessarily the appropriate response.
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Old 01-24-2007, 10:22 PM   #40
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I'm not sure what I'd think of Communism, if it ever was actually, fully applied, and had a good deal of success.

I mean, ideologically, it's a nice thought. I'm not an expert on Communism, but my understand is that it's a society without class, where people basically control the economy. I can't imagine, that that working ideally, wouldn't be a good thing. I mean, I would like to think that everyone being equal would be a nice thing. We're all holding hands, and walking under rainbows, high off of life, ect, everything's all honkey dory.

But the problem I don't think it could be achieved in the foreseeable future. Without competition, what immediate reason do you have to work? I know some people would work to better other people, but, will the masses? Also, how do you plan to completely eliminate Capitalism? It just seems incredibly improbable.
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Old 01-24-2007, 10:28 PM   #41
Godslayer Jillian
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That's why when speaking of ideals, Anarchy is t3h r0xz0rz.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 01-24-2007, 10:45 PM   #42
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Anarchy doesn't seem like it would benefit progress in any way. You'd just be functioning on survival. It'd be, "Well. I need food. You need food. Let's farm." Then you hope something bigger emerges out of that. Yet, the problem is, if something does, it can't have any type of governmental basis. Otherwise, it wouldn't be anarchy.

Although, that would be cool.

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Old 01-25-2007, 04:04 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by nuksaa
Come on, Sternn. I can't believe you missed this one and echoed ignorance in repeating the mistake. The US is a Republic based on democratic methods; but is absolutely not a Democracy. The best forms of government existing or having existed are merely a hodge podge of several forms of governments meshed together in a workable body for a duration of time. Though I think many are confusing form of government with countries.
Technically you are correct, yes. However, the form of government in america is touted as a democracy, almost on a daily basis by the bush admin. In fact, they also speak of the new 'democracy' in Iraq also just as often.

It's not a text book democracy. Much like britian claiming to be a 'consitutional monarchy', even though they have no constitution.

It his however regarded widely as such due to the fact the government there claims thats what it is. It's also written about as such in text books given to children there.

And in this case, is relevant as people comparing communism to democracy are actually comparing the way of life in a communist country to america, not to a text book democracy, therefore would make it ok to use america and democracy interchangeably, especially since many people wouldn't really know there is a difference.

But you are right. Good call.
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Old 01-26-2007, 05:54 AM   #44
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Technically you are correct, yes.
And part of what I believe this forum is designed to do is to educate. (I was making the "Come on, Stern" comment in jest, btw.) You are correct in the fact many Americans, incorrectly, believe that the US is a democracy and this is an item which I routinely beat them over the head.

I do disagree with
therefore would make it ok to use america and democracy interchangeably
comment. Let's not perpetuate ignorance by accepting it. Isn't that the whole basis for much of your political activities?
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Old 01-26-2007, 07:37 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by ArtificialOne
first off I did serve you dipshit. I was a Specialist and my mos was 63. Look it up stupid.
And yes I have been overseas... the better part of 5 yrs. Want to see my payslips?
Eat shit and die
Pardon me?

I asked you a simple fucking question, you fuckwit. You got all upset because Sternn assumed you hadn't served overseas, and I asked you if you had. Fuckwit.

If you fucking fought for our country, you would know that we're all equal, jackass. You would know that you're not the only one that fought your way up from the bottom. If that's true, good for you, but YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE.

Just because you did something doesn't mean you get to look down on everyone assuming they haven't.

How can you fight for a cause you don't believe in?
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Old 01-26-2007, 01:58 PM   #46
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Never said I was unique.

Just responding to your stupid accusation.

There's lots of examples of people making their own way without help from the govt. Thats the point I'm making. I'm also saying there are lots and I mean lots of people who are not taught to properly run their expenses and prioritize spending. But why is the govt and business blamed for their problems. Last I heard a business man wasn't outside anyones house with and AK yelling at them to keep being poor (or the govt).

And how can I fight? Easy, It's called honor and beliefs. I don't agree with govt all the time but I do agree with my counrty and it's beliefs. The difference is who's willing to pay and whos willing to bitch about everything.

Face it. Your just a criticist. Put me down to lift you up.

Go ahead and keep whining about the evil empire and all that BS. Life still goes on after you shut up and don't do anything.
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Old 01-26-2007, 02:05 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by ArtificialOne
Never said I was unique.

Just responding to your stupid accusation.

There's lots of examples of people making their own way without help from the govt. Thats the point I'm making. I'm also saying there are lots and I mean lots of people who are not taught to properly run their expenses and prioritize spending. But why is the govt and business blamed for their problems. Last I heard a business man wasn't outside anyones house with and AK yelling at them to keep being poor (or the govt).

And how can I fight? Easy, It's called honor and beliefs. I don't agree with govt all the time but I do agree with my counrty and it's beliefs. The difference is who's willing to pay and whos willing to bitch about everything.

Face it. Your just a criticist. Put me down to lift you up.

Go ahead and keep whining about the evil empire and all that BS. Life still goes on after you shut up and don't do anything.
For the last time, dollface, THERE WAS NO ACCUSATION. It was a question, plain and simple.

I didn't ask you how you could fight. I have people very close to me in the military. I would never criticize someone for joining our troops. I will willingly criticize people for stupid attitudes, stupid decisions, and general stupidity, but joining our troops is not stupid.

There is no such thing as a "criticist", and you meant "you're".

People who are born with disadvantages aren't being pussies for getting the government funding they need to go to school. They're not being pussies for pushing for equal rights. So some people need help overcoming certain obstacles. Who are you to look down on them for that?
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Old 01-26-2007, 02:23 PM   #48
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I only look down on people who know better and still don't help themselves. I didn't say people who get help are "pussies" for it. I'm against a growing attitude to have the govt run lives. I am for equal rights, which we have.

And it was an "accusation" in the form of a question.

Although I wasn't able to find it in the new dictionary. I have heard it used many times throughout the last couple of years. English is a beautiful langauge aint it!
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Old 01-26-2007, 02:28 PM   #49
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I like English. I don't like when ignoramuses like yourself butcher it.

I still maintain that it wasn't an accusation.

Sternn said "you've probably never been overseas".

You said "I don't need to justify myself to ignorant statements like
'you've probably never been overseas'."

I asked, "HAVE you ever been overseas?"

Where was the accusation?

You said "
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Old 01-26-2007, 02:33 PM   #50
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Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah...

English is an ever evolving language. Get used to it.
Aint used not to be a word then a couple of years ago Websters put it in.
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