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Old 03-17-2004, 06:34 PM   #576
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Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell

as interesting as that all sounds.....

now is probably not the best time.

unless, of course, you are particualrly interested in someone who has lost all life in her eyes and whose spirit is only a shadow of what it once was.

oh, and you would have to exhume me from this bottle that i am currently referring to as "friend".

if you'd rather wait....

give me about an eternity.

that should be all the time i need.

As your bottle washes upon our shore, and offered to me by dear Stars...


Will you rub ~otfw~ the right way to release her ?
You know the way she likes.


And TStone. Yeh, It would take one to know one, my delicious donkey.
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Old 03-17-2004, 08:55 PM   #577
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Originally Posted by psyche
Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell

as interesting as that all sounds.....

now is probably not the best time.

unless, of course, you are particualrly interested in someone who has lost all life in her eyes and whose spirit is only a shadow of what it once was.

oh, and you would have to exhume me from this bottle that i am currently referring to as "friend".

if you'd rather wait....

give me about an eternity.

that should be all the time i need.

As your bottle washes upon our shore, and offered to me by dear Stars...


Will you rub ~otfw~ the right way to release her ?
You know the way she likes.


And TStone. Yeh, It would take one to know one, my delicious donkey.

ummm... dude, don't go thinking you're god's gift to women or run around with an overinflated ego... that MrMaelstrom's job around here... Don't think he'd like people treading on his territory...

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-18-2004, 12:29 AM   #578
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I have English tomorrow ... my lord, that class is eeexcellent. I'm planning on writing a short story as the piece we are to give our fellow classmates to critique ... I've been thinking for days about the storyline. Every other time I think about it, the yellow ribbon tale comes to mind. You know the one ...

Mysterious girl who always wears a yellow ribbon around her neck ... one day, her friend, out of curiosity, unties/cuts it ...

and the girl's head falls off.

Love it, love it ... I'd love to produce a collection of Grimm-kinda stories ... I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but I've yet to come up with one which really grabs me. I've laid down a few prerequisites, or criteria for the story, though - it must have a twist in the end. And while it isn't essential, all I can think of are mildly morbid plots ... so more than likely, my story will be of the horror genre.

I thought of an idea last night, and it left an unsettling feeling in my stomach, which I wanted to get rid of. It's a paradox, almost, kind of like how I am towards horror films. I love them, horror movies, but my reluctance to become scared prevents me from renting many out and pushing them into the vcr to watch. In short; I enjoy being frightened ... yet I'm also afraid of it.

"What the?!"

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Old 03-18-2004, 01:26 AM   #579
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Oh that's right my pretties!

Continue drinking of my intoxicating essence.
Your tolerances are low and you are already deeply drunk under my spell.
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Old 03-18-2004, 05:34 AM   #580
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Typically nonconformist, I answer to no spell but kog3100's. MrM and psyche have no effect upon me ...
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 03-18-2004, 02:38 PM   #581
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Originally Posted by psyche

Oh that's right my pretties!

Continue drinking of my intoxicating essence.
Your tolerances are low and you are already deeply drunk under my spell.
ummmm.... dude..... read what I posted above....

and you might wanna lay off the ecstasy

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-18-2004, 04:13 PM   #582
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hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 03-18-2004, 05:07 PM   #583
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Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
and exactly what are you laughing at?

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-18-2004, 05:10 PM   #584
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Originally Posted by Spraeg
Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
and exactly what are you laughing at?



hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 03-18-2004, 05:55 PM   #585
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all i can smell tonight is formalin and blood. for the last four days most of my day has been taken up by doing necropsies on ducks. we broke it up into ten/day but that still takes a few hours and then there is the quick clean up afterwards of all the blood. i think i could do this with my eyes closed at this point. open duck... take out liver, splean, kidneys, pancreas, duodeum, lungs, heart... put sample of each into cassette, put cassette into formalin... put second sample of each tissue into separate formalin jar... take two samples of skin and muscle... put in cassette and formalin... rince and repeat. i can see myself developing quite the sensitivity to the formalin especially since there is one more day, ten more ducks and then next week is reo-virus mice. makes me wonder how long it would take to necropsy and preserve some of the trolls on this board and if i would get sick from the fumes. :twisted:
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 03-18-2004, 06:42 PM   #586
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so... just as a compliment to the little room, this is the hole in the ground that nicki lives in
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 03-18-2004, 06:52 PM   #587
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Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
Originally Posted by Spraeg
Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
and exactly what are you laughing at?



heeeeey...... what'd I do?

I would like to take this opportunity to offer praise and thanks to the wonderfully amazing person who invented the great creation known as the slurpee, also called the slush cup, icee, or slushee... truly one of the greatest creations known to mankind... I would also like to offer praise to whoever invented the snow cone, because thats what my slurpee turned into after I left it in the freezer and forgot about it, and it is still quite good...

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-19-2004, 04:58 PM   #588
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Originally Posted by Spraeg
Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
Originally Posted by Spraeg
Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
and exactly what are you laughing at?



heeeeey...... what'd I do?

I would like to take this opportunity to offer praise and thanks to the wonderfully amazing person who invented the great creation known as the slurpee, also called the slush cup, icee, or slushee... truly one of the greatest creations known to mankind... I would also like to offer praise to whoever invented the snow cone, because thats what my slurpee turned into after I left it in the freezer and forgot about it, and it is still quite good...

just being your spraegiesh self.

would like to clarify that while a slurpee &amp; an icee are the same thing, a slushee is not. (can't comment on a "slush cup" because, to the best of my recollection, i've never seen/had one.)

i am fucking tired. didn't crawl into bed until a little after 5am.

then i got to clean out cages at the animal shelter, which really wasn't so bad except i was so tired.

and has that paypal donation button ALWAYS been over there???

fuck if i know.

my 5 year old is sitting in front of the tv watching duck dogers while working the controller for the ps2. *sigh* he's a goober.

i really need to teach him how to work the thing properly. he's figured out part of it &amp; does pretty well with it, actually. but he doesn't know how to work all the bells &amp; whistles yet, so to speak.

funny thing is.....

i need to figure out how to work the damned thing myself first.

yes....i am lacking in the area of game console finesse. i haven't played on one since n64. or was it supernintendo?? whichever came do i know, huh? *shrugs*

last one i played successfully was atari. ayep. i said ATARI. give me one joystick &amp; one button and i can kick some major ass! anything more than that and i go into sensory overload or something. i'm not coordinated enough. how fucking sad is that?? a grown woman not coordinated enough to play video games? i didn't grow up with them. we didn't own one. not since the atari, anyway.

i take that back. i have owned one, or at least shared ownership of one...well, 2....with fucker. i never touched the thing. i didn't know how to play &amp; was embarrassed to tell him. then i came to resent it because he would sit on his ass in front of it for hours on end like a zombie instead of actively participating in...well.....LIFE.

i really would like to go pick up a nice bottle of wine or something. but i'm kinda trying to conserve my cash for other things right now.

i need a fucking j-o-b.

holding out until summer time. maybe my old friend/boss will need me to come back to work while her kids &amp; husband are out of school. that's only a couple of months away.

hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 03-20-2004, 09:57 AM   #589
Empty_Purple_Stars's Avatar
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Randomn Bits of Beauty and Creepiness from mah friends:P :shock:

OTFW: oh...and if someone ever offers you something called: "carribean twist" to drink...
OTFW: they are NOT your friend
empty_purple_stars: LOL
empty_purple_stars: uh o
empty_purple_stars: why
OTFW: i think i'd rather lick the sweat from a donkey's ass
before i drink any more of that!!
empty_purple_stars: ooo lemme take a moment to savor that visual
empty_purple_stars: man now THAT would be a kodak moment

edited for content: One year for vday
i paid a singing telegram guy to rent me out his bear suit
so i could deliver a message personally with cue cards
and all to a girlfriend.Turns out she was already with someone else.
I spent the day in downtown Portland walking in a bear suit handing
flowers out and playing w/kids.people thought it was weird i got flipped off a few times. but the ones who recieved flowers were people like myself
w/no valentines to share..

edited for content (10:52:48 PM): especially not other people's
edited for content (11:05:55 PM): I once more rest my case that you are not one of the people on that site to piss off
empty_purple_stars (11:06:04 PM): why is that
edited for content (11:07:09 PM): reading some of your posts proves that you can insult just about anyone to the point of tears if they piss you off
empty_purple_stars (11:07:42 PM): am i really that bad
empty_purple_stars (11:07:56 PM): years of practice being verbally abused I guess
edited for content (11:09:14 PM): I don't know what it is, but yes, you are that bad
empty_purple_stars (11:09:26 PM): dunno if that is good or bad.
edited for content (11:13:45 PM): well... my cat just invented a new piercing.... IN MY ARM!!!!!!!!
empty_purple_stars (11:15:05 PM): nice
edited for content (11:15:41 PM): not really

edited for content : happy saturday
empty_purple_stars: eat shit
empty_purple_stars: hi
edited for content : Are you getting pieces of this?
edited for content : We're going to regret this, my friend said.
empty_purple_stars: bz drinkin bleach
edited for content : Suddenly, he disappeared.
empty_purple_stars: leave a mess
edited for content : He extended his hand by way of introduction.
edited for content : Sounds good to me, I said.
edited for content : I'd walk down to the stream, look around, and take a deep
edited for content : You can't go up to the unit.
edited for content : Nobody's allowed up there.
edited for content : I was just thinking.
edited for content : My job was to apply the formula.
edited for content : Hi, I said to all the animals. I'm evil.
edited for content : I wished so deeply for the change to come about.
edited for content : (I'd seen something really weird.)
edited for content : That could well be the answer.
edited for content : Can you tell me the answer? she asked.
edited for content : This was a place without the internet, without email,
without the rush of business meetings and untapped desires.
edited for content : Why do guys like you and me know what a duvet is?
edited for content : The same thing we do every night, he replied.
edited for content : I was just thinking.
edited for content : There's something I should tell you.
edited for content : I am a single serving friend.
edited for content : A house full of condiments and no food.
edited for content : It was time... What is the answer?
edited for content : Love what you do and do what you love I'll tell you what happened next.
edited for content : (Things were looking worse.)
edited for content : But this was a long road, and should I walk down it, I might never come back.
edited for content : brain's dry
empty_purple_stars: did you write that?
edited for content: my microwave did
empty_purple_stars: May I Kiss Your Soul?
edited for content : my george forman grill wants me to **** the pope
edited for content : no, you may not

OTFW: he's a useless piece of afterbirth as far as i'm concerned right
empty_purple_stars: dont insult afterbirth
OTFW: hmmmm good point
OTFW: someone needs to take his foreskin and pull it over the rest of
his body so he can suffocate
OTFW: i'm pretty sure there's enough of it
OTFW: if nothing else, he'll choke on all the smegma caught in there
empty_purple_stars: LMFAO
empty_purple_stars: U ROCK
empty_purple_stars: omg so funny
OTFW: *beams*
empty_purple_stars: smegma
OTFW: yup
OTFW: lmao
OTFW: mmmmmmmmmm nothin' says lovin' like a lil dick cheese
OTFW: icyhot + cooter = NOT GOOD

The_Last_Angel (6:52:53 PM): what do you want me to say? That I think you're a piece O crap and I hope vultures come and sit a spell on your lap? Well, fuckit, I can't say that because I don't think that. I can't say what I don't feel...I could, but you would know instanlty I was speaking a lie, and why beat around parrying lies? If you have a problem with me holding you in the highest regards, if I cause you to cringe for simply speaking the truth...I can't lie to you, and I don't know what else I can do short of not chatting to you.
The_Last_Angel (6:54:38 PM): which is not something, truly, that I want to do. But if I cause you that much pain, if our memory is that much torment to you...then I will, in sadness, depart.
empty_purple_stars (6:54:57 PM): havent
empty_purple_stars (6:54:59 PM): u already
empty_purple_stars (6:55:01 PM): right?

Close the world, txEn eht nepO. says:
Forests are fun!
Fallen and Falling says:
but then again so is a body cavity search
Close the world, txEn eht nepO. says:
Never had one of those...
Fallen and Falling says:
me neither
Fallen and Falling says:
but it sound slike fun
Fallen and Falling says:
woo hoo
Close the world, txEn eht nepO. says:
Thank you, I'd rather keep my anus as virgin as it currently is.
Fallen and Falling says:
well if u insist

edited for content (12:43:41 AM): you still alive over there?
empty_purple_stars (12:44:02 AM): no
empty_purple_stars (12:44:05 AM): i dunno
empty_purple_stars (12:44:07 AM): u?>
edited for content (12:44:15 AM): eh... somewhat
edited for content (12:45:42 AM): well... ya know, I'm not one to argue with cracking open a cold one in the traditional meaning, but the whole necrophilia thing doesn't really appeal to me..... so you being not alive might be a probelm
empty_purple_stars (12:47:23 AM): some days I wonder

Green_Faerie_Smiles : do you see the images of ones who project?
empty_purple_stars : I see. I feel, I see colors from people, and hmm like circuit noise, everyone projects differently to me
empty_purple_stars : I see things I shouldnt
empty_purple_stars : kno things i shouldnt
empty_purple_stars : everyone flashes differently tho
empty_purple_stars : some brighter and hotter than others
Green_Faerie_Smiles : shades of light and heat
empty_purple_stars : Yes
Green_Faerie_Smiles: i know certain someones who can walk in to the room
Green_Faerie_Smiles: and blaze it up like a furnace
Green_Faerie_Smiles : where others can freeze it up
empty_purple_stars : Yes
Green_Faerie_Smiles: everyone has a little of the touch
Green_Faerie_Smiles: while some have more than they know what to do with, yknow
empty_purple_stars: oh yes sadly I do

Elessars_Majick: haahahaha
Elessars_Majick_Laugh): id have to say that youre amazing
empty_purple_stars (2:25:37 AM): hmm well maybe it doesnt go without saying,,nothing should really..but you..well amazing doesnt really shape around you like the word I want does.but you take my breath away and amaze me with your light..
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: *breathless*
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: the truth and the light
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: the depth of emotions
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: and the way that you're able to manifest for me
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: aint like a candle
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: no missy
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: you're like a FLAMETHROWER
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: that burns me to a little pile ash
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: would you drink my ashes like tea?
Elessars_Majick_Laugh: i might become you

The_Last_Angel says:
loitering is hanging about without any purpose
I have plenty O purposes
Imajica_Burns says:
give me 5
Imajica_Burns says:
The_Last_Angel says:
breaking the meh
The_Last_Angel says:
making you smile
The_Last_Angel says:
making you forget, anything, for just a little while
reminding you that you are beautiful
The_Last_Angel says:
reminding you that you are witty
The_Last_Angel says:
reminding you that you are desireable
reminding you that dildos and strap on's do not make for equal play
The_Last_Angel says:
reminding you that it's ok to be you
The_Last_Angel says:
it's ok to feel
The_Last_Angel says:
and to not feel
The_Last_Angel says:
that it's just ok to be, how ever you want to be
The_Last_Angel says:
The_Last_Angel ~ Done in by a blow pop
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Old 03-20-2004, 11:40 AM   #590
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me (1:04:04 AM): "save me jebus!"
him (1:04:53 AM): from what?
me (1:04:59 AM): lol
me (1:05:01 AM): whatever
him (1:05:05 AM): ok
him (1:05:29 AM): can i save you from whatever
me (1:05:44 AM): i dunno.....can you?
him (1:05:48 AM): can't save you from a tictac
me (1:05:52 AM): lol
him (1:05:55 AM): but alot of other stuff i can
me (1:05:59 AM): such as?
him (1:06:12 AM): ummm....that jar you can't open
me (1:06:19 AM): lol
him (1:06:31 AM): a squad of terrorists hell bent on killing you
me (1:06:42 AM): wow....i rate a whole squad?
me (1:06:45 AM): yay me!!!!
him (1:06:47 AM): dunno
him (1:06:52 AM): but if they do
him (1:06:57 AM): i can stop em
me (1:07:04 AM): good to know
him (1:07:12 AM): well...i need a little forknowledge
me (1:07:16 AM): lol
him (1:07:23 AM): so i can prepare a proper ambush
me (1:07:29 AM): ahhhhh
him (1:07:33 AM): and foxholes take a bit to dig
me (1:07:41 AM): that they do
me (1:07:59 AM): altho, foxhole digging might violate my lease
him (1:08:07 AM): ahhh
me (1:08:11 AM): haaa
him (1:08:17 AM): but terrorists don't?
me (1:08:28 AM): only if thay make a big mess
him (1:08:33 AM): yeah
him (1:08:38 AM): i hate when the make a mess
me (1:08:47 AM): tidy terrorists are permitted, i think

him (1:10:32 AM): best (and worst) time i had in the army
him (1:10:35 AM): was in columbia
me (1:10:44 AM): hmmmmm
him (1:10:58 AM): burning cocoa fields
me (1:11:01 AM): wow
him (1:11:05 AM): but they would booby trap them
him (1:11:16 AM): so you gotta watch out
me (1:11:20 AM): well, yeah
me (1:11:27 AM): boobies can be scary :wink:
me (1:11:59 AM): oh, wait.....maybe it's just mine

him (1:13:26 AM): or have you had spoken insults about your boobies before?
me (1:13:37 AM): well....only by dumbfuck
me (1:14:05 AM): when he was trying to push buttons a lil while back
him (1:14:14 AM): really?
him (1:14:25 AM): what did you say to him?
him (1:14:34 AM): to get him to talk shit about boobies
him (1:14:48 AM): becuase guys have to be pissed..or they gotta be hella ugly to talk shit about them
me (1:14:54 AM): lol
me (1:14:59 AM): oh, i don't remember
me (1:15:07 AM): we were going back &amp; forth
him (1:16:10 AM): ahhh
him (1:16:20 AM): what did he say bout yo milk bubbles?
me (1:16:39 AM): lmao@milk bubbles
me (1:17:02 AM): he said they sag *shrugs*

him (1:17:55 AM): but they all sag
him (1:18:00 AM): unless your a A
him (1:18:04 AM): then they normally wont
me (1:18:32 AM): lol

me (1:19:32 AM): no...not 4" above my navel
him (1:20:05 AM): damn
him (1:20:13 AM): can you toss em over your shoulder
me (1:20:27 AM): ack!!
me (1:20:29 AM): lol
me (1:20:30 AM): NO
him (1:20:52 AM): damn

him (1:21:29 AM): can you hold a pencil under them?
me (1:21:30 AM): he was, once again, talking out his ass
him (1:21:35 AM): or a full beer can?
me (1:21:40 AM): lmao@full beer
him (1:22:23 AM): pony keg perhaps?
him (1:22:41 AM): ok
him (1:22:51 AM): enuf about your saggy milk bubbles
me (1:23:00 AM): lmao
him (1:23:59 AM): damn
me (1:24:01 AM): ??
him (1:24:08 AM): that's the only thing i can think of to talk about
him (1:24:12 AM): say something
me (1:24:14 AM): lol
me (1:24:18 AM): "something"
me (1:24:20 AM):
him (1:24:31 AM): lmao
him (1:24:38 AM): just scrolled up
him (1:24:53 AM): that had to be the strangest seqway ever
me (1:24:57 AM): lol
him (1:25:15 AM): killer cocoa fields to ugly boobies
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 03-20-2004, 02:30 PM   #591
ice's Avatar
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Woke up this morning to a loud stomping noise from the roof.
I go to the fire-escape, and climb up to the roof to see what in the hell is making that dastardly sound so early in the morning.

It was a drunken naked man.
Well, after watching Deliverance last night, I got a little freaked out.
I run back, and grab my little paintball gun and persuaded him to get off the roof.
I don't think he's gonna come back.

"Squeel like a pig!"
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 03-20-2004, 02:56 PM   #592
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Posts: 245
Originally Posted by ice
Woke up this morning to a loud stomping noise from the roof.
I go to the fire-escape, and climb up to the roof to see what in the hell is making that dastardly sound so early in the morning.

It was a drunken naked man.
Well, after watching Deliverance last night, I got a little freaked out.
I run back, and grab my little paintball gun and persuaded him to get off the roof.
I don't think he's gonna come back.

"Squeel like a pig!"
*starts humming "Dueling Banjos"*

[start="redneck voice"]Betcha I kin make ya squeal like a piggy[/redneck voice]

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
Spraeg is offline  
Old 03-20-2004, 04:16 PM   #593
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Originally Posted by Spraeg
Originally Posted by ice
Woke up this morning to a loud stomping noise from the roof.
I go to the fire-escape, and climb up to the roof to see what in the hell is making that dastardly sound so early in the morning.

It was a drunken naked man.
Well, after watching Deliverance last night, I got a little freaked out.
I run back, and grab my little paintball gun and persuaded him to get off the roof.
I don't think he's gonna come back.

"Squeel like a pig!"
*starts humming "Dueling Banjos"*

[start="redneck voice"]Betcha I kin make ya squeal like a piggy[/redneck voice]
jonnyredneck:You a city boy,aintcha?
jonnyredneck:Now let's just see you drop them pants!
jonnyredneck:Just take 'em right off.
jonnyredneck:Now sqeal,EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Old 03-20-2004, 04:46 PM   #594
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Gawd, Wolfie and Spraeg... you both are sick, sick sick.

"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 03-20-2004, 04:50 PM   #595
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ya... backwards rednecks ass ****** city boys... not really what i wanted to be reading right now *shrugs* suppose it's what i get for coming in here though :twisted:
so i dont get a day off work for another week or so. worked all week last week (cutting up ducks and huffing formalin so it wasnt all bad :twisted: ) work full days this weekend... im too damn nice to these people... and i work all week next week (cutting up mice with deadly diseases ooo fun :twisted: ) you'd think all i wanted to do with my time off is sleep... and for the most part you'd be right except this happens to be a weekend full of birthdays and promises so out till 1 am last night, up at 6 am this morning, most likely out till 3 am tonight and up again at 7 am tomorrow then get to bed around 2 am sunday night cuz i'll be talking to my favorite person in the world and up at 5 am monday...... and on and on it goes heh. As tired as i should be right now the first thing i thought when i looked in the mirror after i got home was "damn my eyebrows have gotten way out of control" so am i going to sleep before i go out tonight... probably not... am i going to be able to function any more effectively than a zombie tomorrow at work... probably not... am i going to regret anything i do this weekend... not a chance in hell :twisted:
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Old 03-20-2004, 05:54 PM   #596
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I feel compelled to say that Icees are way better than Slurpies, Slush Puppies, Sno-Cones, etc. They're a more finely pureed concoction, with an indisputably piquant aftertaste. Love them. Wish I had one right now. Mmmm. Good old Icees.

I'm pissed that the only place you can get an Icee in northern VT is at the damn Wal-Mart. I just can't go there, it creeps me out. Every time I've been in that hellhole, I feel like I'm in that movie Jacob's Ladder. -Gnossos
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Old 03-20-2004, 06:55 PM   #597
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Originally Posted by ice
Gawd, Wolfie and Spraeg... you both are sick, sick sick.

why thank you, I take that as a compliment...

now even more disturbing is that I actually DO come from a redneck town out in the middle of nowhere...

thankfully, I got out of that place, but unluckily for you ice, I now live about a half an hour away from you......


be afraid, be very afraid.......

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-20-2004, 07:25 PM   #598
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San Jose? Redding? Marin? Point Reyes?

What? :P
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 03-20-2004, 07:46 PM   #599
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Pleasant Hill/Concord area..... I strike from the East..... muahahahahahaha

(assuming I don't get mugged and carjacked coming through Oakland)

EDIT: did you say Redding? Redding's like, 3 hours away, dude.....

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 03-20-2004, 07:52 PM   #600
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Originally Posted by Daz
ya... backwards rednecks ass ****** city boys... not really what i wanted to be reading right now *shrugs* suppose it's what i get for coming in here though :twisted:
Hey,I was listening to the Revolting Cocks earlier.
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