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Old 03-05-2010, 12:42 AM   #1
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Something to argue about

The following post will be dedicated to an irrelevant argument between me and someone who thinks shes smart. My reasons for posting this are to display an example of worldly ignorance, and because I love arguing on forums(which is surely an inevitability for this post).

Let me start by explaining the situation. A friend of mine whom I've always been accommodating for has been, for the most part, neglecting to socialize with me, but pals around with my girl on a daily basis(no I don't have a problem with them hanging out, this friend is a girl, and even if it was a guy, I trust my girl). I proceeded to confront her about it, and the ensuing conversation erupted:

Me: Well, I don't know what sins you believe you are committing by speaking to friends who have dicks, but I am personally offended that you use that pathetic excuse as justification for not talking to me. I guess I'll just stop considering you to be a friend

Leah: I think that's ridiculous

Me: You don't say? Wanna know what's really fucking ridiculous? That you would think that talking to someone like me is inappropriate. That is indescribably absurd.

Leah: Not in person. Just texting a lot.

Me: Texting is no different. Unless you are harboring sexual feelings toward me then you have no reason to feel that way. It's absolute fucking stupidity.

Leah: Oh whatever, I'm not going to argue about it.

Me: Didn't expect you to. After all, as long as I've known you, you've never listened to reason.

Leah: Why is it important to you for me to text you anyway.

Me: Several times a week my girlfriend is either hanging out with you, or going somewhere with you. Not once have you ever even taken the initiative to contact me about anything, even for a reason as simple as to see how I'm doing. It pisses me off and I feel taken advantage of, because after everything I've done for you, I'm not even important enough to say "hi" to, much less hang out with, even without Sarah.

Leah: Every time I ask Sarah over I tell her to ask you. You always say no. That it's boring here. That's not my fault. You don't see Brendonne texting Sarah. It's not like we're all just talking to Sarah. It's just Sarah and I talking like girlfriends do.

Me: I said even without Sarah. You're missing the point, as you always do, because you generally only hear what you wanna hear. Arguing with you is counter-productive, so I'm gunna stop. You asked why I care, and so I've enlightened you. Take from it what you will.

Leah: You did not enlighten anything. You just talked about how I hang out with Sarah alone why not you. I find it inappropriate. Whether you agree with it or not I do not care. That's how I feel, texting is fine whatever not as big of a deal but definitely not hanging out alone. No reason for it. All together sure. I would not want Brendonne and Sarah hanging out alone. I'm sure you would not either. And if it does not bother you then that is your own decision.

Me: I don't care to hang out with you alone, and I never requested it. See what I mean? You hear what you wanna hear. And no I wouldn't have a problem with it. You see, I understand something that 90% of couples do not, and that is that a relationship cannot exist without trust. I trust Sarah completely, if I didn't then I wouldn't be with her. If you don't trust Brendonne to be alone with another girl, then why did you marry him? How can you love someone who would be unfaithful? But that is of course your problem, a problem which will in fact eventually cause the 2 of you heart ache in some form. I choose not to live in ignorance, whether you do or not is not my business.

Leah: I thin it is inappropriate for a married man and a woman in a relationship to be spending time alone together. I do not have a trust issue with Brendonne I trust him 100%. I'm sorry that I do not agree with your logic and theories although that is exactly what it is, your logic and theories. Which is based on your own opinions and outlooks. Anyway talking about not listening and just hearing certain things you are the same way. Also Brendonne and I are not headed towards anything but greatness.

Me: If you trust him so much, then what reason do you have to see it as inappropriate? And these are not opinions and theories, they are facts. I do not argue opinions because they prove nothing. It is a fact that if a given person is going to cheat on someone, they will regardless of whether their mate keeps tabs on them or not. Correspondingly, the best way to test someone's loyalty is to let them associate with whomever they wish. If they cheat, then you've saved yourself years of heart ache, if they do not, then you know you can trust them.This is all basic fact, something everyone knows but few realize. Make sure to answer my question.

Leah: None of what you said is fact. I do trust Brendonne and I do not stop him from hanging out with anyone. He also would not want to hang out with her alone mainly because he just wouldn't want to. But he feels the same way as me. What question are you talking about.

Me: Let me guess, 2+2=4 isn't a fact either, right? Do you know what a fact is? In case your answer is no(or you say yes but really don't), a fact is something which is true and correct, unbiased and universal. What I said is true and correct, unaffected by situation, unchanged by outside factors, therefore it is fact. And my question was: if you trust him so much, then what reason do you have to see it as inappropriate?

Leah: It's inappropriate because it is. Ask any older actual adults and see what they say. I know what a fact is Keith, Hello? I did graduate high school and I am the one attending college right now. I am not an idiot, I have my feelings and things I believe whether you understand them or agree with them does not matter to me. I do consider you a friend but one that I would hang out with when we are all together. Not only the both of us. Either you respect my feelings or you don't. That's all there is to it.

Me: It is because it is? Because old fashioned people feel that way? You seriously believe that because other people do? Wow, that is ignorance in it's purest form. Do you even know why older people feel that way? Ask them, it's because of the "possibility" that the person could be unfaithful. If you trust someone, then you don't create rules designed to prevent disloyalty. If you feel you need to stop the situation from happening, then you don't trust him, plain and simple. I find it to be sad that you don't even understand the very foundations of your own beliefs. This is 2010, people no longer have a common excuse to be idiots. The fact that so many are is irrelevant. And if you know what a fact is, then don't say a stated fact isn't a fact.

Leah: Whatever. Your opinion, my opinion. I don't do anything to stop any situation. I don't make any rules. Brendonne and I just feel the same way about there things and I think I have spent enough time trying to explain it to you when you obviously don't care about what I care about only what you care about. Which is fine because I am not eating you so your opinion on this matter does not effect me. I am going to bed now. By the way the reason why older people feel that way is because whether or not someone is going to cheat you should never put yourself in a situation to where it is conveniently possible. Even God says this in the bible. Argue all you like but there is nothing wrong with thinking the way we do.

Me: So goes the never ending struggle of the world. Everyone thinks there's nothing wrong with being ignorant. Mostly because they're too ignorant to realize that they are in fact ignorant. But I never expected you to see the light of my logic, nobody does, which is why I'll continue to live out my 6 year relationship with Sarah with 50 times less problems than any other relationship, and you along with the rest will continue fighting with your spouses about easily preventable nonsense. Sweet Dreams.

Leah: We don't fight much at all and we actually see eye to eye on a lot of things. Rather than many ultimatums saying you either let me do what I want or leave. Yeah that's great. Also stop calling me ignorant because in no way am I ignorant or unopen to change or ideas like some people. Yes good night sweet dreams.

Me: "let me do what I want or leave" goes both ways, therefore completely fair. It's a simple way of ensuring my freedom. And I'll stop calling you ignorant when you stop being ignorant. Ignorant people are like alcoholics, you can't fix your problem until you know/admit you have a problem.

Leah: Well then I guess you should start admitting some things.

Me: Oh I gotta hear this, please, do elaborate.

Leah: I do not have to elaborate on anything. You are a very ignorant self absorbed, think you know it all, everything you have is always better, and if you have not heard about something it is not true. Only reason I even engage in conversation with you is because sometimes I enjoy debating with you and it is stimulating sometimes.

Me: How convenient for you to make claims like these without factual proof, or at elast examples to support them. But I guess your superior intellect is above elaboration, right? Get over yourself.

Leah: I guess it is. too bad you just can't understand. Your poor insufficient little mind can't grasp what I am saying.

Me: Oh I grasp what you're saying, observe: "I am going to call you names so I can sound intelligent, and refuse to give evidence to prove I'm right because I know I'm full of shit."

Oh by the way, her and her husband(Brendonne) are Christians.

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Old 03-05-2010, 02:23 AM   #2
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I did not bother to read that whole thing mate, I am sorry.
But really, I don't think anyone on GNet will give you plausible advice on anything like this, they usually just flame it.
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:05 AM   #3
All Shall Be Judged
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She probably doesn't want to pal about with you because you're a rampant bore. I mean, you just spent a large amount of time painstakingly typing up a transcript for an argument that no one else really gives a shit about.

You're welcome,
The Judge
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:18 AM   #4
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I love you!
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:05 AM   #5
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I am inclined to agree with Judge G. (Can I call you that All Shall Be Judged?)
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:19 AM   #6
All Shall Be Judged
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I prefer "Master", but knock yourself out.
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:31 AM   #7
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So your girlfriend's friend doesn't text you incessantly and want to be your best buddy, and this offends you because... because what, friends are to be mutually owned by you and your partner?
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:36 AM   #8
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Shit, I'm thankful most of my girlfriend's friends don't talk to me.
You should talk you fugly, cat bashing, psychopathic urinal on two legs...

I don't hate you. Saying I hate you would be like saying I hate a dog with no legs trying to cross a busy freeway.
-Mr. Filth
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:31 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JCC View Post
So your girlfriend's friend doesn't text you incessantly and want to be your best buddy, and this offends you because... because what, friends are to be mutually owned by you and your partner?
The way I undestood the part I read was that this friend was his friend before she was his girlfriend's friend. Or something like that anyway.
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