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Old 10-15-2010, 12:56 AM   #1
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I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I felt a couple of my brain cells died upon reading this hilarious crap

Apparently breast feeding is pedophile.
Promoting tougher laws against sexual child abuse.

Promoting asexual reproduction (human cloning).

The 10 most important points:

1. What is a paedophile? (USA spelling: pedophile)
A person who is sexually attracted to children.

2. Are women who enjoy breastfeeding children paedophiles?
Yes they are, because they feel sexually aroused with breastfeeding and some even admit this has led to orgasm. But even if the female clitoris, vagina, ovaries and uterus didn't exist, breasts are sexual in nature, not only because they can provide high physical pleasure in a more sustained manner than the clitoris and the vagina, but also because the mother craves physical contact with the child, eg she wants to have her breasts sucked, and uses the child to satisfy her cravings. This is not love, this is lust. Many women become so addicted that they carry on breastfeeding their children until they are 8 or more years, most in secret. This is not acceptable and is child abuse. Moreover the children are very likely to behave like the mother when they grow up, and the spiral of paedophilia will continue.

3. What are the sexual organs in a woman?
Breasts, clitoris and vagina. They are connected and can communicate with each other and can all give high sexual physical pleasure. Breasts are sexual in nature, just like the clitoris and vagina are. They crave for physical contact and specially sucking. For example, oral sex between adults covers sucking the breasts, sucking the clitoris, sucking the penis. If a woman wants breast physical pleasure she should find another adult to have fun with, not a child.

4. Why is it that some people say that breast milk is best - is it true?
No, it is not true. In fact breast milk has many drawbacks: 1) the mother cannot accurately judge if the child is drinking enough for growth on a day to day basis. 2) cow's milk can be formulated to be just as nutritious or better than breast milk in a consistent manner, eg the mother's milk will vary in quality according to her general health (it is a known fact that diseases like for example AIDS from HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can be transmitted through breast milk and if a child is breastfed by the wrong mother (or the biological mother is known to have one or more infectious diseases), tests are undertaken to find out if the child has been infected), formula milk is always the same and since it has been ultra heat treated (the ready made type in cartons), it is more safe. Some types of formula milk have prebiotics, special nutrients that are similar to the ones found in some fruit and vegetables and can strengthen the immune system. Moreover after a brief period on formula milk (or if preferred breast milk expressed or pumped into a bottle) some mothers are able to give their babies diluted sterilised or ultra heat treated (UHT) cow's milk, and even add suitable for babies oats or rice milk to the diluted cow's milk, plus suitable for babies, eg very small doses, of extra vitamins and minerals, and the babies flourish and grow well. The main thing is to consult a pedologist regarding the water content of the milk, since babies need to drink enough water, and so on. Diluted home made fruit juices and vegetable soups well sieved and put in a bottle are all part of a baby's healthy diet. In fact, the mother and father should have been eating the right diet at least a year before conception of the baby (plenty of fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet) and if applicable should have stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and eating junk food to ensure that sperm and egg quality were at their best and more likely to produce a healthy child. 3) With breastfeeding the father cannot share in feeding the children and may feel left out. 4) The mother becomes addicted to breastfeeding and it can affect her relationship with the father. 5) The mother spends most of her time breastfeeding (some 20 times a day or every half hour), which hinders her and the children intellectually. 6) The father may begin sexually abusing the children because he feels the mother is abusing them with her addiction to breastfeeding. Mutual respect is eroded. Moreover the mother may end up having full oral sex with the children, eg involving the sucking of all sexual organs, and some convicted paedophiles and rapists have admitted that their mothers gave them and expected oral sex. It is clear that breastfeeding is the root of most sexual evil, including **** between brothers and sisters and **** by strangers.

5. Why is it that many people find breastfeeding in public disgusting?
Because they sense there is a sexual element to breastfeeding and that children are being abused.

6. But if most mammals breastfeed, isn't it what nature intended?
Nature is both good and evil. The human brain is complex and capable of making a better choice due to science and technology. The right thing to do is to choose good and not use children as sexual objects.

7. But most children seem to want and enjoy the breast?
Children are born ignorant and will adapt to what is given to them. If a child is fed from birth on formula milk (or if preferred breast milk expressed or pumped into a bottle), he/she will not want or miss the breast. He/she will end up more independent (feeding himself/herself with the bottle) and will get the benefit of being fed by both parents, not just one.

8. Is it true that breast milk helps with a higher IQ in children?
No, the opposite is true. The child (just like the mother) becomes obsessed with the breast and has less interest in his/her surroundings. Breastfeeding on demand not only impairs the intellectual progress of the mother, but also of the children. Moreover, there is biological intelligence and acquired intelligence. Biological intelligence is based on healthy eggs and sperm from parents and grandparents that have lived a healthy lifestyle with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Acquired intelligence has to do with the learning process of a baby. The more intellectual stimulation a baby gets the more connections the brain creates and the more intelligence.

9. Who wrote this page, a woman or a man?
A woman.

10. What advice would you give to women who breastfeed?
Give it up. Be addicted to love, eg helping your child with his/her learning of the world, teaching him/her right from wrong, playing with your child games that may improve his/her intellectual abilities. Research has shown that is never too early to help a child intellectually. For example, even in the womb some babies like to listen to soothing music and their brains can store memories. Lusting after children for sexual gratification is paedophilia and breastfeeding should be made illegal. Men paedophiles are taken to court if they sexually abuse children, women paedophiles should suffer the same fate. If a woman is still keen on giving a child breast milk, use breast pumps to extract the milk or express the milk and put it in a bottle. Resist temptation. Don't use children as sexual objects.

1. Please don't say: "Virgin Mary breastfed, was she a paedophile?" How could a virgin have a baby without sex in those days? IMPOSSIBLE. If she enjoyed breastfeeding, she was a paedophile, and she definitely had sex.
2. Please don't say: "God made breasts for babies." Wait a minute, did you forget that the devil also exists? Breasts were very likely to be designed by the devil, to trap you and ensnare you and get you to lust after children. THINK ABOUT THIS: There are TWO gods, one good, the other bad. BUT THEY BOTH HAVE PLENTY OF POWER. Who are you going to follow?
3. Please don't say: "Whatever next, an anti vagina campaign?" Yeah, you are quite right. How about a PRO CLONING campaign? You reproduce by dividing in two, like bacteria do. You make a copy of yourself, like identical twins do. Much better than all the mess and abuse of sex and sexual organs, and let's face it more utterly DIVINE.
4. Please don't say: "The bible this and the bible that." The bible is just full of sickening lies. Most of it a work of fiction (miracles, resurrections and so on). But then fiction is more popular than fact. I bet is the devil in you. And no, this has nothing to do with atheism since there is definitely good and evil. Is just that the truth is not in the bible. What did you say? That your mom believes in the bible? And I say to you, use your own brain lady. Use a magnifying glass. Find all the lies.
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:46 AM   #2
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Sounds like some girl who was homeschooled by two drug/sex addicted child abusing scientologists(the ones that think they can be christians and scientologists at the same time) that managed to survive into adulthood.
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Old 10-15-2010, 05:36 AM   #3
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This is hilarious!

Seriously?? I don't have anything nice to say so I'm not saying anything.

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Old 10-15-2010, 05:53 AM   #4
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that website is a big trolling attempt.

If not, someone needs to be killed.
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Old 10-15-2010, 12:23 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by viscus View Post
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that website is a big trolling attempt.

If not, someone needs to be killed.
I second this.
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Old 10-15-2010, 03:47 PM   #6
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...The child (just like the mother) becomes obsessed with the breast and has less interest in his/her surroundings...
Guilty as charged.

And I love the internet. Thank you for sharing. ^^b
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Old 10-15-2010, 08:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by korinna5555 View Post
I second this.
Motion carried.

Honestly, wtf is this shit? Breasts ARE designed as a post-natal feeding system. Men like big breasts because they can feed children more (and are associated with larger women, who are more likely to be able to feed the child in times of sparseness).

Discomfort of brestfeeding comes from discomfort of seeing breasts in public in general. Western society (and many others, as well) have deemed breasts to be a private part of the body. We used to deem ankles to be the same thing.
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Old 10-16-2010, 02:08 PM   #8
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It really pisses me off that you people are even slightly considering this might be true.
This is from the same person who wrote the manifesto against animal nudity.
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real classy
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Old 10-16-2010, 02:31 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by LaBelleDameSansMerci View Post
Motion carried.

Honestly, wtf is this shit? Breasts ARE designed as a post-natal feeding system. Men like big breasts because they can feed children more (and are associated with larger women, who are more likely to be able to feed the child in times of sparseness).

Discomfort of brestfeeding comes from discomfort of seeing breasts in public in general. Western society (and many others, as well) have deemed breasts to be a private part of the body. We used to deem ankles to be the same thing.
True that’s why they sell some shirts that covers it. Most women/girls avoid feeding and switch to formula. And also there are commercials that say that you lose weight from feeding. This article is perverted BS.
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Old 10-16-2010, 03:56 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
It really pisses me off that you people are even slightly considering this might be true.
This is from the same person who wrote the manifesto against animal nudity.
That's why I didn't respond, because I knew it was BS.

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Old 10-16-2010, 04:00 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Fruitbat View Post
That's why I didn't respond, because I knew it was BS.
but wait... you did respond earlier.

The reason why i said from the start I was not sure if this is the right place to post it was cos its not real news. Its still hilarious and I wanted to share it. Unless this forum is for serious news only then I'll apologize for causing confusion.
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Old 10-16-2010, 04:07 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by zes View Post
but wait... you did respond earlier.

The reason why i said from the start I was not sure if this is the right place to post it was cos its not real news. Its still hilarious and I wanted to share it. Unless this forum is for serious news only then I'll apologize for causing confusion.
Indeed I did respond earlier, saying I wasn't going to say anything about the actual post and I have not and will not comment on the untruths about BF.

The end.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

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Old 10-16-2010, 05:18 PM   #13
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Ah. It was always bullshit, but I suppose the anti-animal-nudity thing makes it non-serious bullshit (or bullshit from someone who's INSANE).

There are some really crazy people out there... like the time cube guy...
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Old 10-16-2010, 07:09 PM   #14
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a bit off topic, but I just googled timecube and its an amazing read ahahahahahaha
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Old 10-28-2010, 11:03 AM   #15
ape descendant
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Wow... just... wow.

Be Kind
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