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Whining This forum is for general whining. Please post all suicide threats, complaints about significant others, and statements about how unfair school is to this board.

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Old 12-14-2005, 12:40 AM   #151
Blushing Heliophobe
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*humbly offers bottle of BBQ sauce*
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Old 12-14-2005, 12:55 AM   #152
Blushing Heliophobe
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Hey Unconscious - you are on Ignore for everybody now. Whatever it is that you try to say from now on, we are all mercifully spared of.

In gnet, no one can hear you scream.
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Old 12-14-2005, 07:47 AM   #153
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I only have internet access through work and the filter is so tight, I probably shouldn't even get access to this site. I can try to set up my own it only available through yahoo? I can't even get onto that...
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Old 12-14-2005, 08:35 AM   #154
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Originally Posted by Blushing Heliophobe

In gnet, no one can hear you scream.
That made me crack up!!!!!
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Old 12-14-2005, 05:35 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
However, may I add that I count you amongst those that I have missed terribly?

*Squeeze Hugs*
thank you, e_p_s.

i've missed you as well and i'm glad you're back. sorry i didn't answer you sooner.
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Old 12-17-2005, 01:51 PM   #156
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Suicide is for people who are weak and cant handle life, and who like to give up on things. I have always told my husband that I hate giving up on anything, I am a very stubbord person, so I couldnt kill myslef. Maybe if everyone around me died, because then there wouldnt be anyone to live for and noone left to hurt. But I also can understnad where people come from who really wanna die. People with lives and pasts so my husband. His life was terrible and he almost succeeded in suicide if it werent for a guy he knew finding him and wrapping his shirts around his wrist. But now he has something to live for.
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Old 12-17-2005, 01:59 PM   #157
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I don't think I would ever kill myself, personally. But I seriously disagree with people who dismiss all suicides as stupid and selfish. Sure, sometimes people let things get on top of them that can realistically be sorted out, and those people should be helped. But no one kills themselves just because they've had a bad week - I've never attempted it, and I, like pretty much everyone, have been through some devastating times. So if I can feel that bad and still not attempt it, then someone who can must be feeling unimaginable. And for those around them to call them selfish is ... well, okay. It IS selfish. But no more so than saying, "you should continue to suffer this life you find so unbearable, so that I don't have to experience bereavement." Both are equally selfish, in my opinion.

Of course, there are those who are simply weak attention whores. But they're generally careful to avoid any real physical danger. Ten aspirin and a paper cut on each wrist is the closest such people will come.
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Old 12-17-2005, 02:07 PM   #158
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I didn't know until recently my uncle(My father's brother) killed himself at the age of 17. I was raised to think it was a hunting accident. I'd gone my entire life going against hunting and such because I never got to know my uncle, who died nearly 30 years before my birth, only to find out it was suicide. Now I understand why my father was so heartbroken when my mother told him that I took a handful of pills...

I don't know how I feel about suicide, honestly... I just know it's a touchy subject in my family.
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Old 12-17-2005, 06:25 PM   #159
Velvet Rain Drops
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Hey Santarea, I'm sorry for your loss.
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Old 12-17-2005, 11:59 PM   #160
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"When", not "if"...remember that people..."All hale Queen Santarea!"
You shut your mouth when you're talkin to me!
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Old 12-19-2005, 05:05 PM   #161
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Well said Santarea.
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:00 AM   #162
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Well,yes.About 2 out of 10 goths are suicidal,yes.But it's nothing to fool around about.I had serious depression last year.I attempted to kill myself,but my parents took the knife.I had to stay out of school for several weeks and go to counseling for a year.It was scary,and I didn't know what to do.I'm still depressed,though.I hope that was the first and last suicide "attempt" at the least.
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:30 AM   #163
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I was suffering from depression last year. (If you’d like to know why just ask) It got so bad to start with that I forgot all about my training as a mental health worker. (I haven’t worked in mental health for a while now) what helped me out was very simple. Try eating a lot of fruit, veg, oily fish and going out for a run ever other day. You might hear that a lot but it works.

Also when you’re depressed you don’t want to do anything. That only makes you get more depressed so try and keep bizy. Work on something important to you or even try something new. Build, make, write, paint, get a new job, whatever as long as it’s something that gets the mind working.

I changed my diet, got out the house and concentrated on writing my book. After a few weeks I felt much better.

I hope that this can help any one who went through what so many others and I have. Just remember that you’re not the only one out there.
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:56 AM   #164
Tall One In Black
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Originally Posted by move_along_kid
About 2 out of 10 goths are suicidal,yes.
Where the hell did you get that "statistic"?
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 03-05-2006, 09:04 AM   #165
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Originally Posted by Shi'ark
Try eating a lot of fruit, veg, oily fish and going out for a run ever other day. You might hear that a lot but it works.
That's good advice for someone who's dealing with a mild bout of depression. Eating healthy - including cutting out mood-altering foods like processed sugar, caffeine, and alcholo - and adding omega 3s can really make a difference. And exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, is a proven anti-depressant.

However, if one is suffering more severe depression, it's going to take more than a change in diet to break free. I don't want to discount the great effects of diet and exercise, but it's important for people who are severely depressed to not be hard on themselves because they changed their diet and yet they still feel depressed.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 03-05-2006, 09:06 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Santarea
yeah, I always heard it was one out of five....
Totally. One out of five sounds right. Two out of ten... well, that's outrageous.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 03-05-2006, 10:08 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by Tall One In Black
However, if one is suffering more severe depression, it's going to take more than a change in diet to break free. I don't want to discount the great effects of diet and exercise, but it's important for people who are severely depressed to not be hard on themselves because they changed their diet and yet they still feel depressed.
You’re right in pointing this out. Thanks.

I don’t have the book with me so I can’t give any names places and dates but one example that I know of is the case of a 23-year-old man who had suffered from very bad depression from child hood. After year of being treated with drugs that didn’t help his doctor subscribe fish oil capsules.

Yes that right fish oil or more to the point omega 3 that if found in fish. It worked.

Diet changes seem to work best with those with a deficiency whit the neurotransmitter sara-toe-min (I can’t spell that right), but not necessarily with those with a history of long term abuse, bereavement or stress. Every brain is different and the way stimuli effects the brain is also different with every one. So too with the treatment of every one whit some kind of mental illness, one thing could work with Mr A but not with Mr B so well.

What helped me out might not do so well with some, but try it before you get pumped fall of drugs. That at times can make the problem so much more worse. I knew some one who killed himself because of his medication.

Depression is a complex problem and like all mental illness not completely understood because of are limited knowledge of the brain.
"Because in the end, everything we do… is just everything we’ve done." - Corey Taylor/Stone Sour
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Old 03-05-2006, 07:18 PM   #168
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The word you're looking for is serotonin.

You're quite right to suggest trying fish oil and exercise before resorting to medication. While medication can be a lifesaver for some, it has a host of side effects... some worse than the medication.

I'm currently trying fish oil myself. And I already know from experience that the more exercise I get, the better I feel.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 03-07-2006, 03:45 AM   #169
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I just spent 20 minutes wading through this cess pool of a thread. And I can never get those 20 minutes back, damn it.

My bro was a skin head, turned rev head, fitter and turner when he chose to do himself in.

Santarea, I know exactly what your going through/went through. You definately become stronger after experiencing it at such close quarters.

Everyone knows being "goth" has nothing to do with suicide.

Shi'ark: Rock on brother!

Circle V: Your comment was great, "for people in a bad enough situation to consider killing themselves, suicide is cowardly. For the rest of us who have no reason to kill ourselves, it is brave, if pointless."
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Old 05-01-2006, 06:31 AM   #170
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I have been depressed off an on sence I was about 14 or 15. I am not depressed or suicidal but I know what it feels like to be deeply depressed. I have tryed to kill myself 3 times an each time I failed. I won't lie life really isn't that great but its what u choose to do with ur life is what makes it great or good. I hate life most of the time but I try to keep moving foward. Everyone is going to die an that's life so u either keep moving or u go before ur time is up.
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Old 05-01-2006, 08:46 AM   #171
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I almost killed myself. My parents split up and I was in the middle of it. I took a .45 to my head. Pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. I looked at the bullet. A dud. That dosen't happen very often. After that I thought that I wasn't ment to die yet. It changed my life. I woundn't recommnend it though.
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Old 05-01-2006, 10:23 AM   #172
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A note on message boards and the net - having worked almost 2 years full-time as a chat administrator, I've seen my share of idiots, including people who played at being suicidal, as I call it. I had one real case, however, where the police fortunately intervened just in time, but I wonder how many other fakes are the real thing? Apparently there are people desperate and alone enough to reach out to total strangers. There is a site for that, by the way, it's called Befrienders.

I don't like the fakes either, but I like the people even less who run away when something bad happens to a friend. Or those who will not believe a friend that asks for help with serious issues. Unfortunately, human beings do not come with a sticker attached that says, 'Caution. Will only be friend while the fun lasts.' And sometimes, people can very suddenly find themselves very alone at a time when they are most vulnerable and do desperate things.
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Old 05-01-2006, 04:38 PM   #173
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Ya. All the stuff in the news has made people wonder if 'all gothics' are insane. However, having been around some, some goths are. So, whatever you want to make of it.

So people judge people based on how they look. I'm sure that after getting to know a person better their opinion would change. ya
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