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Old 01-22-2013, 05:53 PM   #8026
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
Now I wish I had a lawn.
I don't care - you can tie me to the roof of your house/apartment, as long as I can keep my conical hat on, I'll be right.

So it looks like in 3mths we will be homeless. So be warned, we may just bring our conical hats to part of the world near you! (Ape, you know I mean Colorado, I just didn't want to obviously stalk you or anything)

Plant a lawn Ape! While I can live on a roof, I prefer grass under my toes, and a tree to sleep upside down in at night.

Finding something positive out of every shitty situation.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 01-24-2013, 05:02 AM   #8027
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Don't be my friend. it seems like I'm the curse on people losing their jobs at the moment.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

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Old 01-24-2013, 05:11 AM   #8028
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Don'tcha just love it when you can't sleep for shit the night before you have a bunch of crap to do the next day?
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Old 01-24-2013, 01:25 PM   #8029
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Slipped on the ice the other day and bashed up my leg. Doctor says it's bruised badly inside and I can expect to be limping for around the next two weeks. The busiest two weeks I have in my diary so far >.< On a side note, the doctor also informed me that not only am I allergic to asprin, I am also allergic to amytriptillne, the very drug I was prescribed two months ago by another GP at the practice. No wonder I was so bloody ill with what I thought were side effects from it.

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Old 01-24-2013, 06:19 PM   #8030
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Sheesh, do you people ever stop complaining?
Kill your idol. Come on, jump into the void!
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Old 01-25-2013, 07:55 PM   #8031
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Even when I was much younger than I am now, I couldn't really pass muster for this gothy nonsense. I couldn't even keep a boyfriend in hs because I wasn't goth enough for him. I suppose this is just some of the unsaid business from a previous conversation.

This doesn't belong here, because the fact that I couldn't give a shit less about it makes me very happy. But fuck it. I like this section.

Be Kind
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Old 01-25-2013, 09:39 PM   #8032
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Originally Posted by the-nihilist View Post
Sheesh, do you people ever stop complaining?
You might as well ask, "Why does lightning strike?" It's a law of nature. People complain because it's easier than beating the ever loving life out of the person they despise the most; not to mention complaining on occasion is a great stress reliever be it in writing, vocal or to a crowd of unknowns.
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Old 01-25-2013, 10:17 PM   #8033
Miss Absynthe
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Originally Posted by the-nihilist View Post
Sheesh, do you people ever stop complaining?
Is that a complaint?
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Old 01-26-2013, 04:46 AM   #8034
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Dearest Amanda,

I can't be with you anymore.

I listen to your earlier work and it makes me so sad. Your casual racism, transphobic tones, the slut-shaming, whorephobia and victim-blaming makes my heart weep.

I understand that you were young when you wrote those songs and said these things. I was young once too, and even now that I'm not quite young I am still clumsy and I say harmful things at times. But on the whole I try to get it right - I put effort into not hurting people.

Amanda, you don't seem to be trying.. other than to make comments a little more sneaky so that your refusal to acknowledge your own privilege isn't as noticeable to the wider public. For example, your "I'll drive this Cherokee right off this trail of tears" from The Jeep Song, became "'re a lilly-livered giver, Indie" in Want It Back. I admit that these are clever word plays, but just because something is clever it doesn't mean that it isn't racist. And these comments are racist.

I want to love you, Amanda, but I have to go.

I am breaking up with you. I won't be coming to your concerts. I can't buy your albums anymore, and I can't listen to your music.

I'd feel compelled to tell you that it's not you - it's me. But if I'm honest about it, I have to say that isn't true - it is you.

Please don't call me.

It's over.

~ Aby
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Old 01-26-2013, 02:46 PM   #8035
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Further to being given medication that I am actually allergic to, I have been informed that the doctor who prescribed said medication has now been suspended pending further investigation into the matter. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. I hate confrontation and would never want anyone to get in trouble because of me but on the other hand, I am very angry that my life was put at risk because the doctor didn't check my allergies list before writing a prescription. I seriously could have died. I mean, that's huge, massive. I COULD HAVE DIED.

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Old 01-26-2013, 06:15 PM   #8036
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Oh Miss C, that's frightening. Once Mom had to be rushed to the clinic after fainting (she has blood pressure problems and was suffering from low potassium levels as well), and she was pretty out of it, but a friend who went with her told the paramedics that she was allergic to penicillin, she's been to the clinic lots of times before, the nurses all know her, its on her file...And what does the doctor try to give her? The friend just had a feeling to ask what he was about to give her, and sure enough.

I'm not the type to swear of "western" medicine or anything, but it made me side eye doctors since, and we got Mom a nice medical alert bracelet last year.
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Old 01-26-2013, 07:09 PM   #8037
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I can't count the number of times that I pointed out to doctors that they were prescribing meds that the patient had allergies to... we do get lax about asking, especially with particular drugs because there's a feeling that no one is every allergic to [drug here]!

Rule of thumb as a patient is to ask what you're being given and then tell the person giving it to you what you're allergic to.. even if they're the same person you told 20 minutes ago.

-connects syringe to cannula-
"So, I'm just giving you this frusimide to help clear some of that fluid. It will make you wee a lot so we're going to put in a catheter to help us record the amount of fluid you're loosing, but it's going to help you to breathe easier once we get the excess fluid off board.. are you allergic to anything?"

"I'm not allergic to frusimide."

-thumb on syringe plunger, about to inject meds directly into vein-
"Is there anything that you are allergic to?"

"Hmm.. no. Well, only lasix."

-stops dead because lasix is the brand name for frusimide-
"Let me just go and have a chat to the doctor..."
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Old 01-26-2013, 08:01 PM   #8038
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Good lord, I have a study music playlist on youtube, and an ad came up about how psychiatric drugs will kill you. I have a looksy, and yup, the website it directs you to is for an organization that while claims to be non-religious, seems to have been founded by The Church Of Scientology.
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Old 01-27-2013, 07:42 PM   #8039
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Originally Posted by MissCheyenne View Post
Further to being given medication that I am actually allergic to, I have been informed that the doctor who prescribed said medication has now been suspended pending further investigation into the matter. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest. I hate confrontation and would never want anyone to get in trouble because of me but on the other hand, I am very angry that my life was put at risk because the doctor didn't check my allergies list before writing a prescription. I seriously could have died. I mean, that's huge, massive. I COULD HAVE DIED.
You have every right to be angry about this.

My dad was prescribed medication for 10 years, that he was only supposed to take for 6mths. The side effects, caused him to have an auto immune disease. Two different doctors did the prescribing - they never asked why he was on that med or did anything about it, then he had a series of other issues, all were caused by the blood pressure meds, and the doctors were at a loss to find out why. He went into hospital and was 3 weeks away from dying, when a specialist came bouncing into the ward at 2am and said "I know what it is, it's xyz drug and you've now got Lupus because of the drug." Forever grateful to the specialist, but made me realise that doctors are like everyone other profession on the planet - you get those who dedicate their lives to it, the really good ones, and then you get the slacker ones who are in it for the prestige or money or whatnot and don't give a fuck about the patients.

I'm clinging onto my last piece of resiliance at the moment. Just had our driveway washed away, can't afford to get it fixed, was going to sell the house but now have to put thousands into fixing up the slackness of the previous owners, and all I can think about is being Ape's garden gnomie.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 01-27-2013, 08:36 PM   #8040
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Originally Posted by Fruitbat View Post
...but made me realise that doctors are like everyone other profession on the planet - you get those who dedicate their lives to it, the really good ones, and then you get the slacker ones who are in it for the prestige or money or whatnot and don't give a fuck about the patients.
It's not quite that cut and dried..

If someone in IT fucks up then a piece of code doesn't work and things get delayed until they're fixed. If I fuck up at the book shop then someone doesn't get their text book on time because it's been posted to the wrong address.

If a doctor fucks up then someone gets sick, or dead.

They are humans and they make the same amount of mistakes that we do. They are also often working under ridiculous amounts of pressure and in difficult circumstances, which increase the likelihood of mistakes.

They are also working with people who are under the impression that they are gods and therefore don't ask questions or query their thought processes, because of course a doctor would be telling them the right thing.

Basically - whatever a doctor tells you, ask them why. Ask them to explain the thinking behind their decisions. Ask them to tell you what medications are, why you should take them, what they will do, what the side-effects and interactions are.. and importantly - ask them for the things you should look for that will mean there is something going wrong, and the things that you should look for that will mean the medication is working. Always ask them when you should go back for follow up.

It's also helpful to go to the doctor with a list of questions written down so that you can ensure that each of them get answered to your satisfaction.

It's your body, remind them of that.. especially when they are trying to rush you out the door or fob you off without explaining things to you - "I understand that you are in a hurry, doctor.. but this is MY body that you are treating, and I have the right to know what is happening and to know what you are doing because this is MY body. I have agency over MY body, and I am paying you to help ME the same way that I pay a mechanic to fix my car... so kindly answer my questions now."
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Old 01-27-2013, 09:10 PM   #8041
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Excellent advice MissA, I'm going to print that out and hand it to my sis. She's on so many meds right now for various things it's made her sick on occasion. I've actually contemplated typing a list of her meds up for her because she's constantly seeing the doc about one thing or another. Kinda drives me nuts to be honest.
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Old 01-28-2013, 12:34 AM   #8042
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I have a list of my meds typed up, with the dates that I started and stopped them. I also have my medical history written up - it isn't long or detailed, but it's amazing how things get misconstrued between telling it to a doctor and then someone writing it down in their notes.
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:55 PM   #8043
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Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe View Post
It's not quite that cut and dried..

If someone in IT fucks up then a piece of code doesn't work and things get delayed until they're fixed. If I fuck up at the book shop then someone doesn't get their text book on time because it's been posted to the wrong address.

If a doctor fucks up then someone gets sick, or dead.

They are humans and they make the same amount of mistakes that we do. They are also often working under ridiculous amounts of pressure and in difficult circumstances, which increase the likelihood of mistakes.

They are also working with people who are under the impression that they are gods and therefore don't ask questions or query their thought processes, because of course a doctor would be telling them the right thing.

Basically - whatever a doctor tells you, ask them why. Ask them to explain the thinking behind their decisions. Ask them to tell you what medications are, why you should take them, what they will do, what the side-effects and interactions are.. and importantly - ask them for the things you should look for that will mean there is something going wrong, and the things that you should look for that will mean the medication is working. Always ask them when you should go back for follow up.

It's also helpful to go to the doctor with a list of questions written down so that you can ensure that each of them get answered to your satisfaction.

It's your body, remind them of that.. especially when they are trying to rush you out the door or fob you off without explaining things to you - "I understand that you are in a hurry, doctor.. but this is MY body that you are treating, and I have the right to know what is happening and to know what you are doing because this is MY body. I have agency over MY body, and I am paying you to help ME the same way that I pay a mechanic to fix my car... so kindly answer my questions now."
I agree with what you said too, but I've spoken to a lot of people, seen a lot of doctors in my time, experienced the good and the not so good. yes some people see them as Gods, and take their word as the gospel truth, but there are others who just are lazy, and who have their vision coloured by their previous experiences with patients (it's the way of medicine). Because it's human nature to be lazy, and allow our previous experiences to dictate our responses to current problems.

And I've seen it in all professions, it's just the way things are, and as a patient you have to be aware of this, ask questions and get a second or twenty second opinion until you get your issue resolved.

**My rant**

I got stung by a scorpion. Little fucker. Hurt like a bee sting, but for 2 hours.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 01-29-2013, 05:45 AM   #8044
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I am stationed in Skyrim.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 01-29-2013, 12:27 PM   #8045
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My ex gay friend stole my ex boyfriend & then rubbed it in my face like I cared.
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Old 01-29-2013, 04:26 PM   #8046
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My campus is being plied with fliers looking for young girls to work at an adult massage parlour, where "wealthy older gentleman" will pay to get a massage when you're nude, or wearing lingerie, their preference, and they can also pay to massage you.

There's a lot of sex worker shaming involved in talking about it, like some of the focus is on what kind of women would respond to that ad, but honestly this is my big problem with the sex industry; exploitation of the poor and few worker rights.
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Old 01-29-2013, 05:24 PM   #8047
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And of course people focus on asking what kind of woman would work there, not what kind of man would go to such a place so the shame falls squarely on the women.

On a somewhat related note I was looking thought the local paper and found that there is a monthly size 8 and under speed dating event in the area. The size restriction is enforced at the door, they will even check clothing tags if someone looks like they may be too large but of course there is no size restriction for the men, just women. Nice double standard. Oh and the ad mentioned that it was a place where "wealthy men can meet the kind of women they're really looking for". Ick.
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Old 01-29-2013, 05:45 PM   #8048
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>.< Why do you hurt my soul?

Aaaaargh now there's racists on facebook. Defending being stupid rude and racist towards aboriginal because clearly its their fault the caribou are dying out and not ours. Sometimes I'm tempted to delete it.
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Old 01-29-2013, 06:00 PM   #8049
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Well since I already hurt your soul I may as well twist the knife. I complained about it on the community message board I recently joined and within 15 minutes I had 9 comments about how I was just upset because I was an ugly, worthless fatty and I wouldn't be allowed to go. Because obviously it is completely impossible for someone who did meet the standard or who had no need for such an event to be bothered by it. Oh and a lot of crap about how there is nothing wrong with guys wanting a healthy partner and how being overweight is unhealthy, cuz you know a size 10 can't be healthy and it is totally not a double standard for the women to have to be small but the dudes can be super morbidly obese, plus the fact that nothing in the ad mentions that the event is geared towards health and fitness (and there are plenty of speed dating and singles events for athletic people in the area).
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Old 01-29-2013, 06:09 PM   #8050
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I know right? I'm thin and it bugs the hell out of me. Last week I was going through clothes we put aside if we think they're boutique items and can price them higher than other clothes, and there's even a label of jeans called "Rich and Skinny." It is indeed one of those things I could mark up but oh god I was happier before I knew of their existence.

There's such a double, triple think that goes on with various -isms, isn't there? I read an article last night on the emergence of Strippercise and memoirs of strippers and pole dancing classes and such, and yet even though that is considered empowering and fun, there's a huge divorce from actually stripping for labour. Its fine if its in the confines of monogamous marriage and heterosexuality, and as long as you aren't getting paid. Thinness likewise is touted as this thing anyone can have and its a personal failure if you're not, and yet, we acknowledge through that label and that ad that it says something about your economic status.
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