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Old 01-18-2006, 08:10 PM   #1726
mortalitas incomitatus
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E_P_S, i comming over baby.

*thanks for making me cry bitch!!!! lol
"the man who won an award for taking the most drugs ever consumed by a human has died. he was attacked by a pack of wolves....he thought he saw."

*another eliter*
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Old 01-18-2006, 08:55 PM   #1727
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Thanks for the laughs TStone. I know what you said wasn't meant to be funny, it just needed to be said.

I agree with you, it builds character for sure, and when it comes down to it, when I have my own children I have a list of Dos and Don'ts ready (although, I know, nothing can prepare you for actually having your own children). I can also clean a house like no one else...

In the end, nothing but good came out of it. I'm sure I would've gotten myself in a lot more trouble given more time to myself. It made me grow up pretty damn quick having all those people somewhat depending on me as well so I didn't spend much time being a typical angst ridden teen... *shudder*. Thank goth for that!
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:49 PM   #1728
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I was looking over the plastic surgery thread in Fashion and suddenly then I felt a surge of annoyance run right up the middle of my spine. Not due to the people who posted but the concept of being one of the beautiful. It just stemmed my thought on a part of society or culture I did not like.

I do not care about plastic surgery in all honesty. I mean some people need it, those in wrecks and with deformities. I consider its use for that a blessing. As far as beauty, we all deserve to feel beautiful. But I am neither for nor against its use cosmetically. I would not ask anyone to have it done (if I was married or in a relationship). I have seen nasty consequences, though it is rare but possible. Some are willing to risk it though, I am all for it. I just feel people should be happy with themselves, but even as I say that. I dislike a few things about myself as well. So i am in a way a hypocrite and not everyone thinks of the same wave-length. For some it is easy to say "I like myself but I wish I could do something about -insert problem here-. Oh well I will either do it myself or live with it. People can like me for who I am." Then of course there are others who are not that way, which is TOTALLY understandable.

Society is twisted but with the bad comes the good. And sure I will not completely say "I hate society and conformity", how can I when I am part of it? One of their personal problems with society is my fault and their own doings affect me so they are at fault as well. Styles change in clothing, music, architecture and many other "fads". Beauty does as well, or evolves in its own special way. That is where plastic surgery comes in, why change yourself for a society that does not like you for WHO you are. You get your face done, lips injected, boobies perked up, and buns of steel- the full Monty. It just seems to me you will attract more assholes that you never liked in the first place. Same with men, over 10,000 men had their nipples tightened or whatever it was they did to make them erect. I read that in a magazine. Of course, I am not against it more or less confused sometimes.

Now... I will say when such work is done to people in general. Yes it does sometimes make them more attractive. Movie stars need it to keep up their sexy physiques. At least today, but look at John Wayne. He would have never had it done. Ok I am going off on a tangent -regains composure-. Keep to the meaning Cannibal. Alrighty round two.

I am a realist or I would like to think I am but. One reason I hate the whole idea is because, people who already look beautiful get even prettier. Yes they do have that right but think of the overweight girl, who is scared to LIVE. One reason is due to the society of the beautiful. Now not all are that pompous and have a heart when it comes to others. But, I mean they want to be like the super models, the sexy bodies they see in swimsuits and one of the beautiful people. I mean they will consider getting things done to them and get that worried or obsessed nobody will find them attractive.

It use to be the larger and more plump the women were, the more exotic and beautiful they were. Today you have to look like Alley McBeal, without an ass, without any muscle definition and fingers of a Egyptian mummy. And some continue to rely on looks rather than simply expressing themselves and liking who they are. I mean they should take pleasure in eating an actual meal, rather than eat and starve when they could eat unlike children in third world countries. They should be able to just not have to worry about something that does not mean much down the road. Sure beauty counts, but it is not something that one SHOULD rely on. That’s trivial as what will honestly happen down the road? When your beauty fades and the collagen injections grow more numerous until it looks like you have been stung by Japanese hornets.

I am not trying to sound like a advocate of good feelings. Nor am i trying to win hearts or popularity. This is an issue I have a problem with. The one I do not like about society. I will not lie either, I think these plastic models are sexy. But you can be built like Athena and still be a twat. I just think to much is placed on beauty. But again and I can't stress this enough, though it is redundant. It was merely a thread on plastic surgery, but I just thought of something else. Now back to society..

Society, daily you hear people whine about how they hate it. Why should you hate it? The way I see it society is all of us and we contribute to it. I DO NOT like certain aspects of it, but my bitching will do little. Hopefully this will just express how I feel, everyone needs a good rant and rave. My own happens to be on this certain subject at the time. I hope it is coming through clear. The thoughts hit me like a freight train, striking me like a thunder bolt from Olympus and confusion comes quicker to me than the locusts did in Egypt.

But I mean while I was in college and throughout my years in high school. I would remember watching people and I did observe. I studied them and you knew how many felt, when they wore the baggy clothes or when the girls wore their hair down to cover that ghastly pimple. Why is this, simply because they were embarrassed or did not feel pretty, when the popular ones would walk passed them. It really wreaks hell on people’s self-esteem, but a lot of us say thing and even I am guilty. We regret them and sometimes do not. But I just think on how people view themselves when they are beautiful, in their own way.

In the end looks mean shit and they might even change. But personality remains solid and that is one foundation that can't be washed away.

God I rambled. –takes breath- Now where did that doobie go.
Confessed faults are half mended.
Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve.- Robert Burns
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Old 01-18-2006, 11:34 PM   #1729
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my turn... not that anyone gives a shit, but i feel like bitching, need to vent...

specifically bitches and their brats in fucking wal-mart. no offense to those females out there who have small kids UNLESS you're the type that doesn't know how to controll your brat in public, and more specifically lets them run as they please doing and fucking up whatever the hell they choose. In that case then yes, it's all about you.

I stock bread in 22 different grocery stores around the city, two of which happen to be supercenter wal-marts, and those two stores alone take up a good percentage of my total work week. More than half, easily. Granted its mostly an easy job - which is the 2nd highest reason I took the job in the first place, the first being that it pays out the ass. Anyway, yesterday I was stocking one of my wal-marts and was just about finished when I see this woman strolling down the isle browsing the bread, and what is following behind her? her snot-nosed brat, proly 8 to 10 years of age. Now generally I don't have anything against kids, as long as they keep quiet and do what you tell them. And keep their sticky little hands off shit they have no business touching to begin with. This particular one however was anything but behaving. Running up and down the isle punching the ends of every loaf of bread his stubby little arms could reach, knocking them off the shelves or back behind the rest of the bread, just after I'd fronted everything and was about to leave. I look at his mother and she's completely ignoring him, as tho she's oblivious to what the little fucker is doing and doesn't even jesture to get him to stop. When finally she goes on her way she calls after the kid to follow and then gives me this look and a little grin like she's daring me to say some shit to her. Unfortunately I seem to always think of the perfect response after the fact, and tho I've never been known for my customer service skills, I usually don't say anything. Of course I didn't this time either. What I should have done is stuck my foot out on my way by to trip the little bastard and let mommy dearest sop up the bloody nose and loose teeth while i went on as tho nothing had happened. Prove it. But no, I just steamed, and left the bread exactly the way it was. I'm not a wal-mart employee, tho most "customers" assume that I am, since I'm working in the store. And rarely do I have any run-ins with anybody, which is yet another reason I took the job. I've thrown a few choice words at some of the assholes that come in there, mostly southern black women with attitude just dripping from every pore, but for the most part I do my thing and leave, entitled to ignore everyone around me until provoked. My last job was in a gas station. Oh-my-fucking-gawd, my courtesy skills were quite aparent there. When I started looking on e-bay for a tazer to take to work with me in order to deal with the unending onslaught of fuck-tarded morons that poured in there daily, I knew it was time to find a different job.

Anyway, bitch and her brat will be back in there at some point. I'll be keeping an eye out for them.

I just don't understand parents and their kids today. I'm so thankful that I don't have any and most-likely never will. Unless I'm extremely drunk, and even then... I have a niece and nephew, and another niece on the way. That's PLENTY. I don't mind being the evil uncle. Actually I quite enjoy it. They still like me. But I wasn't brought up that way, nor were my brothers or sister. We feared our parents wrath, especially in public. My mom never had to worry about any of us acting out in a store. If we asked for something and she said no, that was it. No whining or pitching fits and arguing it was not even a possibility in our minds. we knew not to ask a 2nd time because the next answer we got would be the back of her hand across whatever part of our faces it met first. And my dad would not hesitate to pull off his army belt if need be. Sometimes I swear he even enjoyed it. But we were good kids, for the most part. we weren't abused, and usually got what we asked for for b-days and x-mas. plenty. as long as we kept our grades high and our rooms cleaned, my mom actually enjoyed giving us stuff. she just didn't have much money to spend on giving. and it was the same with my grandparents, only they were much more harsh. no shoes in the house, ever. no kids sitting on furniture, ever. just was not an option. floors were for kids, barns were for pets. kids didn't sit at the dinner table with the adults either. we had a seperate table. Anyway, I'm rambling. I just see other people and their kids now and I'm shocked. kids arguing with their parents, acting out in stores, and parents not only not controlling them but daring you to say shit. My god, give me a ball bat.

end rant...
~v~ ~v~ ~v~

"What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you wanted to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks?
Would you find yourself [or]
Find yourself afraid to see?..." -NIN
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Old 01-18-2006, 11:52 PM   #1730
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Well thankfully my parents beat the shit out of me when I was little if I acted like a snobby ankle-biter.


"I want a cookie"
"Maybe later sprog"
"Keep it up."
"But I want one. -insert mad fit here-"
-Whomp whomp whomp-

I shut up pretty damn quick. Oh yes I did, when my little backside was red. I learned to keep my yapper shut.

But I can understand getting mad, but I doubt it would ever come down to you hitting them. But eh, maybe play the bread isle troll and scare them with a expression or something. I am not making fun of you either just so we are clear. But I know what you mean with the little snobby turds. But they are just spoiled and their parents need to learn to take more action or teach proper behavior. Otherwise they might grow up to be lawyers and politicians who are selfish and bias. Who will then raise up even worse bairns and spawn the doomsday generation.

However the lady might have smiled simply because she thought it was cute. Unless you were making the "Alright you little shit" face. Then she might have been doing it on purpose.

But they are just kids, one day when they have to work. ONE DAY! Vengeance shall be yours! A cynical old man (or southern black lady) can fly by on a Rascal scooter and pull of the cans they are stocking or ruin their work pace! Let them have their fun.... Reality’s hammer shall hard, one day. Relish in the thought.

But hopefully the next day will be better.
Confessed faults are half mended.
Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve.- Robert Burns
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Old 01-18-2006, 11:58 PM   #1731
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shall strike hard^
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Old 01-19-2006, 09:16 AM   #1732
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Originally Posted by JuliaGaltic
There's so much more than just this to it, but if it helps any, I made it to 18, moved out and then had a long chat with my stepmother later on and she is now my best friend aside from my boyfriend. We love eachother dearly. Things will turn out. Just stick it out, if for nothing else, for your education, so you can get the hell out of there and start your own life with everything you can under your belt.

If you ever need to talk, PM me. I spent many a nights crying out of frustration in my teenage years, so really, anytime. You're not a bitch for feeling this might be a little unfair.

Thank you...I know things will get better, but it's still tough. I don't have it as bad as you (don't have to pay my tuition, watch kids, etc.) and you made it. Thank you for giving me someone to talk to if I ever need to!
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Old 01-20-2006, 04:15 PM   #1733
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Originally Posted by Santarea

Have a remarkable day, cuntweasel.
Man, every time you post I learn a new word..

I never thought I would live long enough to meet a Beautiful Woman who could out-swear me..

Marry me now!

Oh and Lawyers as a rule, suck Donkey Balls.

I have a long and unpleasant history with the filthy vermin.

And men who call Woman they aren't intimate with, cutsie names, should have their tiny little Peckers turned into Key Chains.

That is all.
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:01 AM   #1734
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What about nurses? We have a home health care nurse who shows up once in a while to check on my elderly Mom's progress. The lady who comes twice a week is okay, but this one I'm talking about is the supervisor.

My Mom is 71 years old. She calls her things like "Honey", "Baby", ect. Also, she talks down to her.

If she came more often, I'd have a word with the woman, but my Mom is one of those who hates conflict and would stress out if I did, so I let it go. I have a bad rep in my family for telling my Aunt and Uncle to fuck off, so she watches me like a hawk.

Old story. My Dad had an ng tube, and was on morphine, with terminal cancer. The doctor left it in, because it was draining. Dad, in his confusion, tried to pull it out. This would cause pain and would leave a bunch of crap in his stomach (The reason for the damned tube). I caught his hand and told him to stop. My Uncle and Aunt told me to leave him alone...
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Old 01-21-2006, 12:08 PM   #1735
Surgeon Méchant De Sang
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Anyway, yesterday I was stocking one of my wal-marts and was just about finished when I see this woman strolling down the isle browsing the bread, and what is following behind her? her snot-nosed brat, proly 8 to 10 years of age. Now generally I don't have anything against kids, as long as they keep quiet and do what you tell them. And keep their sticky little hands off shit they have no business touching to begin with. This particular one however was anything but behaving. Running up and down the isle punching the ends of every loaf of bread his stubby little arms could reach, knocking them off the shelves or back behind the rest of the bread, just after I'd fronted everything and was about to leave. I look at his mother and she's completely ignoring him, as tho she's oblivious to what the little fucker is doing and doesn't even jesture to get him to stop. When finally she goes on her way she calls after the kid to follow and then gives me this look and a little grin like she's daring me to say some shit to her.
I used to work at a Wal-Fart at one time, so I can sympathize as to how you felt seeing that little boy ruin the bags of bread.
As a cashier, I would witness all kinds of horrendous antics that these kids would pull in front of their parents. Such as pulling all the candy off of the shelves and throwing it on the floor, as well as stealing the Yu-Gi-Oh cards right off of the rack; or riding the bag carousel. Usually I was the one who ended up taking over the parents job and telling the little brats not to screw around with shit. Of course I got fired because of all the complaints, but I was happy to go. I actually thanked them profusely for letting me go, and I actually walked out of there with a spring in my step, whistling all the way.

So yeah, I can understand why you were frustrated, and in my opinion, I feel that you had every right to say something - she might have thought twice about letting that little bastard destroy a hard day's work.
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Old 01-21-2006, 10:01 PM   #1736
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I'm am so fucking tired of seeing people I completely dig walk out the proverbial door!

Deadhymn is right-fucking-on! At one time we would never have let certain people continue as members here. They would've been flamed until they refused to come back. I'd actually prefer if it were more like it was in the olden days of G.Net. We were adults (well, mostly) and talked about adlut things (not that kind, wanker!)

I really don't fancy all of the grammatical errors slipping in lately.

'Your' is possessive, "This is your last warning."

'You're' is a contraction, "You're going to obey the fucking rules!"

Also, for the morons:
Please learn the difference between 'to', 'too', and 'two'.

Learn also the differences of 'there', 'their', and 'they're'.

Deadhymn, I will miss you, my friend.

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Old 01-21-2006, 10:11 PM   #1737
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i just chatted with him last night. he didn't say anything about waltzing away the night.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 01-22-2006, 12:36 AM   #1738
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It's early. Or late, depending. All I know is I get woken from a lovely dream involving..well, never mind. The neighbors behind my apartment have no concept of SLEEP, apparently, because I am rudely rousted from slumber by screaming. Screaming, I ask you. If they could do it during the day when my vast social life keeps me from the dark bowels of my room, it would be fine. I wouldn't care. Have your stupid little Leave It To Beaver domestic disputes when I am NOT at home. You let your kids run rampant and scream all day long, then you won't even shut up at NIGHT? Jesus Mary and Joseph, I haven't committed any sin worthy of this. Until the delightful gin and vodka soaked age of twenty one hits me, and I am out getting fucked up (instead of at home) at a bar somewhere and am not present to hear your petty squabbles, feel free and kind to have the grace and decorum to KINDLY SHUT THE BLOODY FUCK UP.
Thank you.

And on a side note, as a favor to Wolfmoon, I have double checked for grammatical errors. (even though she might love me enough to forgive my punctuational trespasses.)
Truth, justice, honor...none of that's worth shit. What matters is people, and people aren't honest or just or honorable. They're petty and they're angry and they're afraid, and all anyone really wants, deep down, is to be wanted. And what's truth to that?
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Old 01-22-2006, 01:15 AM   #1739
Surgeon Méchant De Sang
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My grammar is not so hot either, but I try my best. It usually gets pretty bad when I'm bitching about something that I'm passionate about.
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Old 01-22-2006, 07:38 AM   #1740
Mr E Nigma
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Define`Life/The world-And everything

A portion of my existence recently has become undoubtedly wavered with a various assortment of questions... These thought prolonging advancements on my mind have been skewing images I've had about such aspects of our being.. One of which is the current "teenage way of life"... and how some kids want to be "unique"... I used to have dreams of "unique-ness".. but have given up these thoughts. From my perspective no one in this world is truly unique so there's no reason to try. Everyone conforms to something no matter how "different" they may be.. and to call yourself "unique" is to be in denial. Everyone is unique in the aspect of genometric make-up.. but in the way teenagers view "unique" no one will ever be able to achieve such ideal thoughts...

I've seen so many various types of teenagers I don't know why they act the way they do... most i find to be annoying asses and bitchy PMSing females... but i accept how they act.. and the way their personality is (I am in no way saying I am not one of them)... I see guys who are indeed horrible to women.. no respect at all..(For them i have no respect as well)... I've seen guys who don't care about relationships and just make out with whoever.. but still respect women.. (Cool with me, no one's gettin' hurt)....

And the girls... oh how do I pray that they won't fight. If there was ever a single day that I didn't hear about 2 females fighting. That would be a miracle in itself. Not saying guys don't, but guys don't care about such senseless careless things that females do (in no way making a sexist remark about females... there's stupid sh1t guys talk about girls don't even think of.. just merely stating through personally viewed experiences females are worse) I know this doesn't compare to how they actually feel and I'd never know.. but from what I've seen being a female teenager is one of the hardest things in life: backstabbing, gossiping, rumours, fighting about a guy, just randomly hating another girl 'cause they "look good"... Come on, don't be self centered you all look good geeze.....

General stereotypes that are completely and utterly obvious:

Anyways.. the teens of this generation are consumed by lures of dark colors, bright lights and fast paced music... but these are just goth/raver kids...

Hot topic type - Addicted with new "fashionable" movies, the same "exact," in probably the closest meaning of the word, clothes.... absurdely too much un-necessary make up, and too much need for attention by not even doing, but lying about how they "cut, get high all the time, are bisexual, or any of those recent trend based emotions"

Emo kid - ....not even gonna go there... we all know it... Too much into the emotional aspects of life... awh damn your sad... dude, everyone gets sad... but there's no reason to act like your crying for 3 hours over your old girlfriend in order to attempt to get a new girl who is trully trying to cheer you up but you make her feel bad 'cause you keep acting sad and act like you want nothing to do with any other girl...and that's just a small part of that.. like i said, i'm not even gonna go there

Punk - Now a days... long gone... what punk was supposed to be, turned out to be a bunch of angry kids who groupped themselves apart from others even though the essence of punk was to be one united group... well not united, but in essence free without worry of others... yes.. there are most definately exceptions to this as with all these categories..

These are just a few stereotypes, and there are most definately branches of each... but i don't feel like going in depth and i'm so tired right now half of the above are definately off somewhat anyhow...

I'm just annoyed at girls who hate other girls because they're bitchy, or because they get a lot of attention.. get the hell over it, your all girls, you all want attention... guys don't get pissed at another guy 'cause he gets an absurdely amount of attention.. at least I never have... but i'm not all guys...

Guys... geeze dudes, treat your women with respect, when you have a girlfriend, she is with you for a reason... not because you think she's good to have around until you find someone else to screw... don't cheat on your gf... it is the definition of bad form.

Now for relationships.

My beliefs in any relationship, is that... from beginning to end...

You found someone, you kinda like 'em..
You become friends and kinda go farther...
You decide you want to go out so someone finally gets the nerve to ask the other out.
You are together for awhile and it's going really well
You aren't sure if this is the right thing for you and your not feeling it anymore
You work on it if it works out congratulations and hopefully you'll stay together forever/ or it doesn't work out and just gets worse and so you move to the next step
You break up
You move on and don't dwell on something that didn't work out whether you were broken or you did the breaking

Yes it is hard to do, yes it is ideal, I just wish everyone could go about they're relationships like this... things would move on and be so much easier for both of you...

For the most part relationships are "supposed" to not work.. yes i said it they aren't supposed to work out.. no one realizes this... at least, they are not suppose to workout until you find that one that does work out... here's the tricky part on knowing whether it's working out or not... really it's simple... if things end up going down hill and you get to the break up stage... it wasn't suppose to workout... sucks i know yes.. but you have to move on

If it works out the entire time.. wow, go you =pats on the back=

And that my friends is the art of not getting all fucked up over someone... but then again i'm a logical thinker and I think with variables and possiblities and ratios... not everyone does.. but i'd bet if you looked at it like this you'd see what i mean...

Now i'm not saying while your in the relationship to look to see if it's working out or not.... you don't do that then, you do that at the end... let the relationship roll.. be "IN" the relationship, don't be watching it, or analyzing it...

Only realize it's not working out after you have broken up and after you've analyzed what has happened.. but then.. move on... for both parties' sakes...

I don't know why but i feel like stopping my rant right here.. i feel as though it's a good spot to stop... (Spot is an anagram of stop... hehe)

heh.. and that's just one thing that has changed my thinking of things.. and shined some light on aspects of life that I've been thinking about.. doesn't really make sense.. but then again does it matter?

(In advance please don't flame me for saying sh1t, I know it's t3h l33tx0rs, but after playing so many videogames on the PC, I got into a horrible habbit of saying sh1t so it wouldn't be censored, and I'm not even about to start correcting that habbit, 'cause I know it'll never go away. I could edit it, knowing that it's there, but I choose not to for pride of all my gaming ways. Sorry)

Obviously you don't have to read this... unless you really want to... and the genius of me saying this, is that it's at the end of the post.
Droppin' knowledge since 1986.

Last edited by Mr E Nigma; 01-22-2006 at 07:38 AM. Reason: Title...
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Old 01-22-2006, 09:59 AM   #1741
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Re: Deadhymn

Originally Posted by edible_eye

i just chatted with him last night. he didn't say anything about waltzing away the night.
Originally Posted by Deadhymn
I REALLY don't have to explain a fucking thing to you, defend my post, or even justify the reason for it. Peer pressure? I was entertaining a friend. See back before all of you newbies were parading around this site unchecked, we used to have fun here. It was a good place to be. Yes it declined towards the end of our stint, but it never reached the lows it has achieved as I look at it now. So why bother yourself about what I say? I can ASSURE you I have ZERO interst in your opinion, or this site now, as it has become a depository for the pasty mouth-breathing wankers who burden online forums with their unfathomable stupidity and are too fucking illiterate to actually contribute anything of worth or interest. So carry on your berating of my post if you must, but I PROMISE I won't humor you by looking back in on this.

He said wanker.

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Old 01-22-2006, 10:13 AM   #1742
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bah. he'll stop in from time-to-time - if, for no other reason than to duke it out with a luscious piece of ass like santarea.

i have faith.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 01-22-2006, 12:10 PM   #1743
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Go Broncos!!!!
"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 01-22-2006, 12:34 PM   #1744
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Life's been a little crazy since the new year. I find that it's a lot easier to look back on life as opposed to actually witnessing it as it's coming to pass. Meh.

Lady friend and I cooled our jets, and that came as a bit of an undesirable shock, more for timing than the actual occurence. I agreed with every reason given as to why it was necessary to cool it, but it still came as a bit of an unwanted, though not unpredictable shock. It would have been better suited to wait a couple more weeks before dropping the bomb.

School's been a bit of hell itself, and I've recently become ill (tis the season, it would seem) and I'm sure that there will be a nice quantity of illness circulating throughout campus for several weeks to come. I'm so excited I could shit gold bricks.
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.

...don't smother your kids."
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Old 01-22-2006, 01:08 PM   #1745
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Aww, feel better Dis. And if you pop out a chunky nugget o' gold, call me.

Rant: I am sick and tired of beating mysefl up. For the stupidest things and comments. I'm so insecure about everything right now, and I feel like my friends all hate me. Chalk it up to paranoia or PMS, but I was nearly in tears earlier because my friend invited me to a party. I was in hysterics because I thought the person who was having the party didn't want me to be there, because they didn't call me.
So I tell my friend I don't think I'm invited, and she makes a phone call. I get a very pissed off phone call from a boy telling me to quit being stupid because I should know very well by now I am always welcome at his house.

Why do I beat myself up and waste my thought process dragging myself down? I HATE it. I wish I could be as self confident as I act. I'm tired of double checking with people and trying to please everyone. I'm done. Finito, finis, in nomine patris and whatever. Done.
Wheh. That made me feel a lot better. Why don't we all just let out our barbaric yawps of done, everyone?
Truth, justice, honor...none of that's worth shit. What matters is people, and people aren't honest or just or honorable. They're petty and they're angry and they're afraid, and all anyone really wants, deep down, is to be wanted. And what's truth to that?
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Old 01-22-2006, 08:36 PM   #1746
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My motto: Eat some chocolate and hope you forget about it.
I miss you, I still need you.

Hear no evil
Speak no evil
See no evil
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Old 01-22-2006, 10:54 PM   #1747
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Mr E Nigma: - good that you observe the antics of your surroundings with a sense of logic and an attempt to understand them all. From the contents of your post I'm guessing you're still in your teens. My neice shows signs of the same teenage antics you're pointing out, and sometimes she vents to me about some stupid shit one of her friends has done recently. In some ways I can easily see she's a lot more mature than other kids her age, and in other ways she's extremely immature, especially when it comes to dealing with her younger brother. Anyway, what I tell her, is that these kids do these things and act this or that way because at this point in their life they're obsessed with drama and the events that are unfolding around them are the most tragic things they've ever experienced so of course they're going to over react to everything. That, and they're usually raised to be shallow. Later on they may look back in embarrassment and realize just how childish everything they're doing now really is, especially when they have real things to worry about like finances and supporting themselves. As for relationships, it's easy to be the observer and see the logical actions/reactions, until you're the one that's involved. It is quite possible and probable to be in love with the person you're not meant to be with, which makes it even harder to accept the fact that you're not meant to be with said person once faced with that fact.

And to everybody else: What the hell is an Emo kid?? I keep seeing this term but haven't completely been able to figure it out. Excuse my ignorance.
~v~ ~v~ ~v~

"What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you wanted to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks?
Would you find yourself [or]
Find yourself afraid to see?..." -NIN
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Old 01-22-2006, 11:18 PM   #1748
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It deals with emotive rock. Basically, of late, the emo genre has been the subject of the same fad-like mentality that has unfortunately plagued the gothic counter-culture. The boys of the fad are known for wearing "girl pants" and having emo hair

Seen here.

There are more details involved, but I'm lazy.
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.

...don't smother your kids."
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Old 01-23-2006, 12:39 AM   #1749
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If there is one thing I cannot stand and utterly loathe, it is everything and anything emo!

Cheer the fuck up, cut your hair and your poetry sucks!

Watch this:

If you lived there you could be sad.
"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 01-23-2006, 12:45 AM   #1750
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tenet, what you have just done is akin to what many people have done with the gothic subculture and assume that the mainstream perceptions of the group are the accurate ones.
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.

...don't smother your kids."
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