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Old 12-11-2005, 09:55 AM   #76
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My aunt used to be the black sheep because she would hang out with people from the Church Of Satan(La Vey's daughter),was the first in her area to wear minis and go go boots and was generally 'out there'. I became the black sheep sometime around high school. However, my mother never really gave me a hard time. In fact she was with me the first time I ever got the underside of my hair shaved in high school.
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Old 12-11-2005, 10:02 AM   #77
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Well, Xng. They may be pretty, but they're not half the person you are. They're just basically pretty manicans (sorry if I misspelled that), nothing more. You've still got your humanity.

Besides, cool is in the eye of the beholder. I assure you there are a lot more people that dislike them than you. I dislike those types myself, and besides, your whole internet family says your the coolest. I'm sure there are more of us than them.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 12-11-2005, 10:13 AM   #78
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I sort of know what you mean. The only difference is that there is a gender difference between me and my cousin who's my best friend as far as family is concerned. Still, I got judged by quite a few the first time we saw each other when we became who we are. But we've since accepted each other. We're both good people, so we overlooked the difference.
TwistedKitsune: I like broccoli too! Just not when it's thrown out a window at my back by an ornery 5 year old...
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Old 12-19-2005, 07:15 PM   #79
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I am simply because they all cant stand my choice in music.And in a family gathering i am the one who would most likely be in my room on the internet while they are laughing and having old talk as they call it.

Same thing gonna happen for christmas and thats like 5 days away
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Old 12-19-2005, 07:19 PM   #80
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Wow, Fallenfromgrace. The second sentence sounds familiar!

I don't know about black sheep... More like the rainbow one. I easily fit in with almost anyone in my family, and that makes me stand out. They can't seem to get along with each other.
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Old 12-19-2005, 11:57 PM   #81
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I am a black sheep as far as appearance is concerned...and choice of other things. I'm the artsy fartsy one in the family...thank goodness for my great uncle Herman, he's 80 and ever more far out than I am.
I am the better sibling tho. I think I'm the favorite.
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Old 12-20-2005, 04:54 AM   #82
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I am the black sheep cause I don't let my step brother and step sister walk aall over me (sorry, but I don't think my step brother's some kind of god). My nan liked me. The rest of my family thing I fell off of some bizzare planet. My mum kind of left me to have her own little family with her SO and his two kids. But my fiance's family like me.
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Old 12-23-2005, 05:50 PM   #83
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Well there is a simple small fact... I'm a goth... with that I'm consider the black sheep of the family... don't know why they think in that way. There is no thing bad about a goth!
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Old 01-06-2006, 01:29 AM   #84
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I am the"good girl" and the "black sheep" at the same time. Talk about a dichotomy. I am the "good girl" because I provide financially for my mother and brother. I am the "black sheep" because I do not follow my mother's every order. Go figure.
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Old 01-06-2006, 01:33 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by katsumy
Well there is a simple small fact... I'm a goth... with that I'm consider the black sheep of the family... don't know why they think in that way. There is no thing bad about a goth!
It's simple, black sheep, black clothing.. you see where I'm going with this no?
I'm kidding, I know what you mean.. my dad asked me for pictures of myself recently so I sent him 5 or so. In his reply he asked if I could please not send him any more "goth" pictures as he had plenty of those already.... hahaha, like I have any "non-goth" pictures of me or something.
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:27 AM   #86
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I used tothink I was a black sheep in a black flock. I taught my sister to be weird (unwittingly, since our rooms are joined without a door between us), and my brothers are both odd.

However, now that I've stepped backa nd outof it, I see that, despite everything, I really am the odd one out. My sister might become like me, but she's not going her own way as much as I did when I was her age. She's still mom's child, instead of what happens to mom's child after the illusion of mutual understanding gets blitzkreiged.

Though I suppose that's better for her, in some ways.

However, I'm also very much like my mom, in that I became very bonded with ym first boyfriend, who was latein my life. She married hten divorced him in short order (he's my dad, and I have no memories of a time when I was living in the smae house as him), so I'm being more cautious about that. Better to break up a couple than a family, no?
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
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Old 01-06-2006, 09:37 AM   #87
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When I became a Satanist at the age of 11, my mother tried to put me up for adoption. She's dead now, but the majority of her family were on her side (they're all Catholics). My Dad's family refuse to acknowledge me as a relation. So I guess that qualifies me as a black sheep in their minds at least.
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Old 01-08-2006, 05:14 AM   #88
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Ouch. Xng's right, that was harsh, but almost understandable. Emphasis on almost.

Would it be too forward to ask why you chose Satanism over the religion you had presumably been brought up in?
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:07 PM   #89
Wise Child
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I'm probably what most of my family would consider the black sheep. I was the first kid in the family to get caught getting drunk underage, smoking weed, bunking off school and having an older boyfriend. (Note: I said the first to get caught. Either it's my legendary bad luck, or I just wasn't as stealthy about it as I thought.) I'm also the only one who's not a Christian - but they don't hold it against me. In fact, my mother tells me often that I "probably" won't go to hell, as I'm "not really a bad kid other than that". She's a "liberal" Christian though, who believes that being gay "doesn't necessarily make you a bad person". I try to give her a break most of the time as I know she really is trying to be enlightened and respect others - but it's frustrating when she does it with this superior attitude that tells me she thinks she's doing me (and the gay population of the world) some kind of favour, instead of affording us what I see as a basic human right. Almost no one in England seems to be religious anymore, but as I mentioned, my luck is legendary - I'm one of those people for whom, if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. I have a friend who finds this hilarious, and when he calls, asks "what's the damage?" instead of "how are you?" And you can pretty much guarantee that if there was only one such family in the country, I'd have been born into it.

I'm also the only "thinker" - the others are "feelers", who think it's fine to be completely nasty and unreasonable if it's what you're feeling. I believe that if you're out of order to someone due to the fact that you've had a bad day, an apology doesn't hurt. They're also sulkers, and I just don't see the point - so you've had a row. You've ignored the other person for an hour or two. Why make it a fortnight?

Having said that, I'm trying to grow up and realise that in a lot of ways I'm incredibly lucky. The ones I still choose to have in my life have never beaten me, starved me, or done any of the heartbreaking things people go through every day that're a damn sight worse than occasionallly being patronised and annoyed. They try to love me even when it's hard for them, which is that's all you can ever ask from anyone. And it's a lot more than some people get from their families, so all things considered I think I did pretty well overall.

Oh, and I'm the only goth in my family too. Dagnabbit.
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Old 02-01-2006, 12:53 PM   #90
Haunted House
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I dont consider myself to be the black sheep of the family. I get along well with my parents and am usually the only one doing what Im told. My parents don't see me as "The one you have to worry about". I guess they feel differently about my brother though. He's one of those "Always gives the parents a hard time about every little thing" kinda guys.
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Old 02-02-2006, 10:05 AM   #91
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My family thinks I'm rather normal, but that could have something to do with my brother having a mohawk and wearing kilts and my cousin being a skinhead.

Isn't family a wonderful thing?
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Old 02-02-2006, 10:49 AM   #92
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Skinhead, eh? I guess that is quite the black sheep in your family. Or Aryan sheep?

I was always the oddball in the family. When I was little I thought I was adopted, I thought I was really a princess. I dunno why I thought that one, but everyone was calling me Princess Mimi for a while. Then one day Mom told me the fairies left me on the doorstep. So I thought I was a changeling for a while.

I'm the only goth in the family, and Mom isn't comfortable with it, so I don't dress up when I'm home. My sister is really bad with it, but I think they're coming around. I guess they were afraid I was going to kill somebody or it was an angsty teen phase.
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Old 02-02-2006, 01:21 PM   #93
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I took the last piece of food after each meal and blamed things I did on others. I was good at it as well.
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Old 02-02-2006, 03:47 PM   #94
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I'm off the hook on this one, I've got an uncle who's in a cult. I'm more of the one no one really pays attention to. They don't aviod me, and they don't deniy my existance, they just don't seem to notice I'm there untill they sit on me or tripp over me.
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Old 02-16-2006, 02:04 PM   #95
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I don't know I think we don't have any black sheeps, my mom was a goth and I'm a goth (and my mom likes that, but my father well that's a different story )
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Old 02-16-2006, 04:14 PM   #96
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I was the black sheep, until I grew up.

Now I'm the eccentric auntie.

The black sheep award has passed to my youngest cousin, a delightful pre-teen who has just dyed her hair black and started to write melancholy poetry.

<Sniff> I'm so proud!
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Old 02-16-2006, 04:21 PM   #97
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However did you guess Xnguela?

Yes, she's my special little cousin.

I also have a favourite niece - not that I'd tell the others, of course (shhh.) Favourite Niece is only six but she's already devouring books at speed. Right now she's onto Roald Dahl, and she's made her first foray into CS Lewis. Whenever she sees me she asks for a ghost story. I have great hopes.

Who is yours then? Go on - boast (not to hjack this lovely thread, of course...)
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Old 02-16-2006, 04:27 PM   #98
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Ahhhh, how lovely. I wish I'd had a cousin like you when I was eight.

Sadly, I bonded with my special cousin after her older sister committed suicide. She was very little at the time and it didn't really seem to sink in. I guess it's sinking in now. Poor little black sheep...
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Old 02-16-2006, 10:46 PM   #99
Vasilius Konstantinos
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My wife and I are the blacksheep of our families. Not to be the typical, "I am the 'goth' so that makes me the blacksheep" type, we are actually outcasts due to our religious affiliation. We were both raised in the Protestant Churches abroad and we both fled for our lives from them. My wife and I went towards Judaism for quite a few years and now we are in the Greek Orthodox Church. Our families both have expressed their dislike for our Faith and consider us in error. So, needless to say we are not accepted in some of our families homes and we are never asked to pray at family gatherings(which I dont mind).

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Old 02-17-2006, 12:53 AM   #100
wild spider
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im knida the black sheep, but because im not a crazy self surficiant hippy that lives with the sheep (my dad and fake step mum) or an ex raver art obsevive (my mum) or a skinhead (step dad)

they wanted me to rebel and become an accountant but it kinda didnt work. I've got a realy small family, no brothers or sisters, only one aunt and two cousins but they're all "normal" and get on with us fine.
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