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Old 07-08-2004, 12:18 AM   #1126
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Oh, joy.

My favourite quote is "when life gives you poop, make poop juice"


I feel sick


Yep, I'm lovin' it.
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 07-08-2004, 01:24 AM   #1127
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This ones for OTFW. Just for appreciating the result of my idle hands
The future is a nasty creature that needs the shit kicked out of it, Before settling into an acceptable pattern.
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Old 07-10-2004, 09:47 PM   #1128
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So anyway, Cabaret is going beautifully. We tried on our costumes today and i have to say i like mine for the most part. when i get some good pics, i'll post more. My friend looked so incrediably hot in this trench and fedora he had to wear! Made me feel things i should really save for the R rated thread.

Not much else considering my life is pretty much on hold until this show is over....
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Old 07-15-2004, 08:33 AM   #1129
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I have returned.

Oh, I'm sure you were glad to read that.
As the provider of random sex
I'm getting skeptical.
Since you've joined my parade I can laugh
I've had you my way.
Orgy~The Spectrum
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Old 07-18-2004, 05:08 PM   #1130
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... Is it just me, or does Lemon Vodka make expired A&W Root Beer taste better???

"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 07-18-2004, 11:20 PM   #1131
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only a week and one half left of rehearsals! Then it's showtime! I hope everything is going to go okay. I'm having a bit of trouble with my character. It's like, i know all the words, i understand what I'm saying, but i don't really have the mindframe to being saying it. How can I explain this? i haven't yet discovered Why I am saying the lines i am. what the TRUE emotion is behind those lines and what i feel about the entire situation. Obviously, my character is a Nazi supporter. the solo i have is the damn Nazi national anthem....but, i just don't know if I'm blindly folowing them, or if I fully support the party. It's complicated. i'm going to have to sit down and do some serious soul searching about my character.

on another note, I've found several differnt avatars. As much as i loved my pupled haired Demonika (my nickname for my av), there are just too many other nice ones i found to let her hog the spotlight. So my avatar will be changing periodically, probably settling on Demonika again for good....or at least until something better comes along.

all of my family and friends are going on vacations. My mom and Dad just got back from Florida. My Dad and Penny just got back from Vancouver. My Best friend is going to Philidelphia and surounding areas. my Bro is going to Washington, my other friend is going to lake powell. It totally sucks! I don't have the money to go anywhere! I work at a a krummy department store that refuses to promote me because i do TOO good at the postion I'm in. Jobs hunting is a joke! all my money goes topaying back the debt I owe family.

I'm the only one of my siblings going to college to get a degree. I want to either be an english tracher or an interior designer. Because of my class schedule, i can't be openly available for the nicer jobs. So i suffer with part time. then when i need money for my car, i don't have it. So i have to turn to my father time and again for financial help. He gets so pissed of. i owe him over $5,000! he tells me I have to pay for my own shit. then when i tell him i'm going to drop classes to get a better job, he tells me not to! What the hell am i supposed to do. i can't recieve financial aid because even though i've been claiming myself for 4 years, they still consider me dependent on my parents.....what a peice of shit system...

Anyhow, that's all for now. i have to get to bed so i can get up early tomorrow and work at my shit job. Don't you ever feel like there is no way it can ever get any better? I'm reching the point where my optimism is running thin.....if something doesn't give soon, i'll be living in my car, and that will be the last you hear of me.....
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Old 07-21-2004, 08:33 PM   #1132
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Originally Posted by TStone
.And welcome back Ravena. Hope the trip was good?
Thank you TStone, I had a great time in Oregon. I missed all of you, and I'm sorry about your work. I know what it's like to lose work due to computer problems, though mine have never been as bad as yours...
Unfortunately, you have to redo it all. This world needs more TStone literature. I hope your year gets better.

I saw Asurai the other day, for the first time... O my God, how does one describe that feeling...? I know I'm talking like a sap, but it was so incredible. It has been the best two days of my life so far. I may be a loser for having a long-distance relationship, but I must not be that much of one, because we all know a few others on this board that I respect that have them as well.
We are comming up on dating five months, friendship for six, reading each other for eight.

I cried so hard when he left my mother thought I was suffocating. And I was in a way.
And as for ms. babe, I wish better for you.
As the provider of random sex
I'm getting skeptical.
Since you've joined my parade I can laugh
I've had you my way.
Orgy~The Spectrum
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Old 07-22-2004, 08:09 AM   #1133
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I did the goth meet thing and it didn't appear to be anyone there at the time and place from the goth meet site. So I'm starting my own for the goths of the san diego county area. Check it out if you are in the area. I think it will be worth while.
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Old 07-22-2004, 03:45 PM   #1134
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today, i made spaghettios (spelling?) and then i made a fruit smoothie thing. well, its a bunch of different fruits in blender, but it tastes alright.
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Old 07-22-2004, 11:16 PM   #1135
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Originally Posted by Ravena
And as for ms. babe, I wish better for you.[/color]
I'm going to assume you meant me. That's a cool nick name if you are! But anyhow, thanks for your kind words. Sometime things get to overwhelming that if you don't say someting your head will explode. Crisis averted...
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Old 07-23-2004, 03:10 AM   #1136
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welcome back ravena darling =)
belated i know, but heartfelt the same
If you have already abandoned hope, please disregard this notice...
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Old 07-25-2004, 04:45 AM   #1137
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Moderator's note: post edited of all porn.
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Old 07-26-2004, 08:24 AM   #1138
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Interesting note… There are several ways to find ones self and it seems that they generally all have the same last step… To hit “rock bottom”… And no matter how many people you tell or how many different ways you tell them this they never listen… They view hitting “rock bottom” as an undesirable state because it means stripping away all of the crap and proving to yourself that you are more than the things you surround yourself with… Most look at it undesirably out of fear, some out of simple misunderstanding, some even because they have convinced themselves or allowed themselves to be convinced that they are not more than these things… And the tenacity with which people cling to these soul-choking items never ceases to amaze me… They simple do not grasp the concept that to truly be an individual you have to know who you are in the first place… Kind of sad in a way really… Then there are those who are constantly search for themselves (indeed, some seem obsessed with it) and go about it in a way that is not necessarily the best (not to mention forgetting to simply have fun and Be young, gods forbid!)… For instance, those who attempt to define themselves by other peoples standards (an ever growing epidemic among Americans)… These people who try to find themselves by trying to “fit in” to a group of people not truly understanding what it’s about… Only knowing this need to belong to something (for some of the more desperate ones, anything)… These people do not understand that one is not created by the group he/she joins (at least not unless he/she is easily brainwashed… and even then there becomes a deep seated lacking in the persons being)… No, one joins a group because he/she realizes who he/she is and sees that the group is similar minded or has similar goals…

And No matter how many times you tell them… They still continue… It’s amazing… It’s just something that they’ll have to figure out themselves…

Just a little tangent after doing a reading for someone...

~The Gypsy~
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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Old 07-26-2004, 08:16 PM   #1139
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Yes, Bodnoir, I was addressing you, and thank you, everyone, for the welcome back posts and letters.

This is a fun one-
As the provider of random sex
I'm getting skeptical.
Since you've joined my parade I can laugh
I've had you my way.
Orgy~The Spectrum
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Old 07-28-2004, 04:17 PM   #1140
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Okay I seriously think I sprung something after watching these..

OMFG..Soooooooo Funny....Credit is given to Trey Parker and Matt Stone but I really can't tell if its their work or not..Either way I am going to go get a needle and thread now to sew my ovaries back into their rightful places..


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Old 07-28-2004, 09:11 PM   #1141
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Belatedly..welcom back Ravena....

Where do these stupid exams come from?

Not only ddi our techers take a single class in the subject. But the y have the nerve to set us questions in our papers that were never in the syllabus at all.

Well glad thats over..
The future is a nasty creature that needs the shit kicked out of it, Before settling into an acceptable pattern.
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:06 PM   #1142
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OKay, so last night was opening night for my show (all of a sudden it's my show! I rule) Anyhow, things went extremly well. We got a standing ovation. As far as my solo went...there was a smatering of applause, hardly any at all.....which is exactly the reaction that i was hoping for. you see, as We are singing the last verse of the song, a huge Nazi falg comes down behind us. then on the last note, we all Nazi Salute. The audience was shocked :shock: . Just like that. you could hear a mouse piss on cotton! Then light applause started, as if they weren'y quite sure they should be applauding what just happened. It was FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!!

Anyhow, that's how that goes. i have a pictutre of me and the cast in front of that flag. maybe I'll post it sometime. It's a gorgeous pic. very Evil.

La de da!
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:11 PM   #1143
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Randomness ehh ok then random thought I h8 everyone and no one
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:51 PM   #1144
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Why do my farts always smell different after I've had coffee? I think this is quite a mystery.
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Old 07-30-2004, 12:38 AM   #1145
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Hmmm *wonders if anyone noticed she was gone for another two months*. I told myself not to come back because I really did nothing on the site but I change my mind,I am going to post once in awhile.Anyways how have everyone been doing. Anything new that I should know about? Will bye for now.
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Old 07-30-2004, 06:26 PM   #1146
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TStone: I am enslaved by ElimiDate. I shall, in all likelihood, watch it tonight - kog3100 is not here, I do not have cable, and I did not go out to get blotto. It is ... almost inevitable ...

""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 07-30-2004, 10:50 PM   #1147
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Originally Posted by eyesofatragedy
So here I am with out the man bored as hell drinking grenache and sprite getting ready to bust into the vodka soon. Oh the things boredom will make you do........lucky I'm not driving. :roll:
Heyyyyy there...-puts arm around shoulder- what's up! Y'know I've always looked up to you -starts leaning towards booze- ;D
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Old 07-31-2004, 12:30 AM   #1148
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black and red are the best combination of colors ever!!
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Old 07-31-2004, 04:55 AM   #1149
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Re: manson

Originally Posted by marilyn_manson_fan312
black and red are the best combination of colors ever!!
In my opinion, it's black and purple. :wink:
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Old 07-31-2004, 11:26 AM   #1150
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Re: manson

Originally Posted by AuroraBorealis
Originally Posted by marilyn_manson_fan312
black and red are the best combination of colors ever!!
In my opinion, it's black and purple. :wink:
No no my friend the best combination -ever- is black and ceurlean ;D
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